From Kolob To Calvary's Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 16:58:40
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From Kolob to Calvary was created to help listeners who are transitioning out of Mormonism, have already left, or are non-Mormons trying to understand their LDS friends and neighbors better. It speaks to the heart and soul of those leaving Mormonism for a Biblically-based faith. Host Tracy Tennant shares her personal insights and experiences gained from her time as a faithful Latter-day Saint of 26 years and now as a former Mormon on a journey to discover the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Sometimes light-hearted, sometimes serious, but always real and personal.


  • K2C 50 - Challenges Facing Christians Today

    10/03/2024 Duration: 30min

    As a free (or formerly free) society, we’re being attacked on multiple fronts. The assaults are coming from the sectors of politics, education, finance, environment, health, and culture. Deception and media propaganda is now the norm. And to add insult to injury, apostate churches teaching doctrines of demons lead many astray, like lambs to the slaughter.  Our enemy—the kingdom of darkness—uses people to carry out its plans through as many agents of change as possible, and this has happened since Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden. What are these agents of change that Satan infiltrates and uses? Find out in this episode!

  • K2C 49 - Deception Part 3

    17/02/2024 Duration: 25min

    Bankers are not taught to recognize every possible counterfeit bill out there. They are taught to know the genuine bill so well that they can spot a fake. We have the best spiritual Counterfeit Detector of all; the Holy Spirit. There is only one truth that matters from an eternal perspective—Jesus is the way, the Truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Him. We must devote ourselves to being truth seekers. Put on the armor of God and take up the shield of faith. Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Only then can we have victory in our lives and be able to endure to the end.

  • K2C 48 - Deception Part 2

    06/02/2024 Duration: 18min

    Authentic Christianity is not an institution—it’s placing one’s faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Messiah and redeemer, and through Jesus being reconciled to  God. In this episode, Tracy uses her experience in Mormonism to illustrate that the Enemy—Satan—uses the same deceptive tactics in every false religious system outside and inside of the umbrella of Christianity. Religious deception and spiritual abuse exists within some Christian churches. When honest questions or a desire for transparency with church finances or practices are discouraged or forbidden, it’s a sign that something is wrong.

  • K2C 47 - Deception Part 1

    29/01/2024 Duration: 17min

    It’s obvious we live in a world and a time of great deception. We may not be able to completely avoid being deceived, but there are ways to overcome deception so we can walk in truth and victory. This episode takes a look at different types of deception.

  • K2C 46 - Unceasing Prayer

    11/01/2024 Duration: 18min

    What does it mean to pray without ceasing? It’s truly amazing how we have a direct connection with God in that He not only hears us when we pray aloud, but also hears and knows our very thoughts and the things we are praying in our minds.

  • K2C 45 - Authority of the Believer

    03/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    It is important that we know who we are in Jesus and that we have a solid unshakable faith in the authority He gives each of us. We have to know that our identity is firmly established in Christ and Christ alone. Jesus modeled what He wanted His disciples to do. He modeled what He wants us to do as his disciples. We have access to the same power and authority that Jesus had.

  • K2C 44 - Armor of God: All Prayer and Supplication

    27/12/2023 Duration: 25min

    " you pray at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people." (Ephesians 6:18) There’s one more key to successfully putting on the armor. The apostle Paul concludes his instruction concerning the various pieces of armor by adding that we should "pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit." In all the teaching and training we do in spiritual warfare, don’t underestimate the power of prayer—particularly intercessory prayer. Intercessors are the backbone of the community of faith.

  • K2C 43 - Armor of God: The Cloak of Zeal

    21/12/2023 Duration: 22min

    "For He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on His head; He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak." (Isaiah 59:17) God Himself is zealous and fervently passionate about His people and His plan. In simplest terms, zeal is fuel. It is anything that drives people: their passion, their purpose, what they live for. For Christians, zeal is a burning desire to do God's will and to live according to His purpose.

  • K2C 42 - Armor of God: The Sword of the Spirit

    13/12/2023 Duration: 26min

    Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:17) In Ephesians 6, Paul lists as the sixth piece of armor, "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." It’s important to understand how the imagery of a soldier's sword helps us know how to use Scripture to win our spiritual battles. The battle is real and immediate, with the specter of sudden destruction looming. In the midst of Babylon, we must heed the call to come out. Our future in God's Kingdom hinges on our commitment to this effort.

  • K2C 41 - Armor of God: The Helmet of Salvation

    06/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    Be be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes...Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:10–11, 17) Most people wish life would be a picnic, but every person on earth will face sorrow, hardship, and suffering at some point in their lives. Yet despite this truth, many—even believers with an understanding of the devil and his devices—mentally and spiritually dress as if they are taking excursions to the zoo. Instead of suiting up in the armor of God, they don tank-tops, shorts, and flip-flops without giving their spiritual apparel a second thought. Rather than being alert and battle ready, they stroll along from day to day, spiritually underdressed with no regard to the warning given in 1 Peter 5:8 (CJB): Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

  • K2C 40 - Armor of God: The Shield of Faith

    01/12/2023 Duration: 19min

    " addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." (Ephesians 6:15) It’s imperative that we understand and know what are we are placing our faith in. Faith requires a large dose of trust. As with anything of importance, examining the evidence is a must. In terms of our belief and reliance on God of the Bible, we can see from Scripture that God is faithful and unchangeable, and that we can trust Him to fulfill all His promises to us.

  • K2C 39 - Armor of God: The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

    22/11/2023 Duration: 15min

    "...and having strapped on your feet the preparation of the gospel of peace" (Ephesins 6:15). What do these shoes represent and how are they to be worn? We must have the right shoes for the right occasion. We wouldn’t wear flip flops to a formal dinner or to hike in the woods. Roman infantrymen wore tough sandals that were studded with thick, sharp nails on the bottoms to increase their traction. The bottom of our shoes are fitted with the nails that pierced our Savior’s hands and feet. The time is now when we have to dig in our heels and resist spiritual enemy forces.

  • K2C 38 - Armor of God: The Breastplate of Righteousness

    15/11/2023 Duration: 20min

    "Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood...Stand firm therefore, having belted your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness..." (Ephesians 6:11–12, 14) The account of David and Goliath offers insight into donning the armor of God. King Saul tries to discourage David by saying he was but a boy and Goliath a seasoned warrior from his youth. That’s like us being discouraged when the enemy taunts us; “You’re just a weak human; demons and fallen angels are powerful and have been causing destruction for thousands of years! You cannot prevail against us!” David recounts being rescued from the lion and bear and states with confidence that God will rescue him from the giant Philistine. Likewise, we can say, “Adonai, who rescued me from sin and death, will rescue me from the hand of Satan.” We will prevail because Jesus already won the victory at Calvary.

  • K2C 37 Armor of God: The Belt of Truth

    09/11/2023 Duration: 22min

    "Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:11–17) When we secure the belt of truth around our waists, there are six areas of truth that we must know and understand: Truth about the Godhead Truth about Scripture and doctrine Truth about who we are Truth about who the enemy is Truth as pertains to reality Truth in the Inward Parts

  • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly About Church Today

    27/07/2022 Duration: 21min

    What happened to the modern Christian Church? Things have changed in the last couple decades going from genuine worship and focus on Jesus to concert-style music and feel-good messages. Are we being led down a primrose path to destruction? We were saved to do good works that God prepared in advance for us to do. A gospel that requires nothing of its followers is not good news!

  • Church After Mormonism

    19/07/2022 Duration: 16min

    Finding a church can be difficult for those leaving Mormonism. Fear and uncertainty are the biggest roadblocks. It's helpful to have an understanding of what "church" is and what it isn't. It's time to move away from pablum and pious platitudes. We need pastors who study and can "rightly divide the word of truth."

  • Dealing with Toxic People

    07/06/2018 Duration: 15min

    If you're able to walk away from the LDS Church with the support of family and friends, count yourself among the lucky ones. Most individuals leaving the Church get pushback of some kind from Mormon relatives and acquaintances. While you can expect resistance, negative reactions, heated arguments, awkward conversations, and strained relationships, what should you do if things turn toxic? How do you set boundaries to protect yourself and your family?

  • Throwing Baby Jesus Out with the Bathwater | Leaving Mormonism, Regaining Faith

    13/12/2017 Duration: 25min

    Leaving Mormonism doesn't have to mean losing faith. It isn't necessary to throw Baby Jesus out with the Mormon bathwater. Coming to grips with whether or not God is real and relevant is a challenge facing ex-Mormons. They exit a false paradigm and consequently are fearful of being deceived again. It seems less painful to choose unbelief rather than take the chance of being hurt by religion again. But what if God (not the god of Mormonism; but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) really exists and you could have a joyful, authentic relationship with him? And what if the evidence isn't based on subjective feelings?

  • Chapter 26 Tying Up Loose Ends - Mormonism, the Matrix, and Me audiobook

    14/10/2015 Duration: 23min

    In the concluding chapter to "Mormonism, the Matrix, and Me," Tracy explains what it's like for Mormons who find out the foundation they've built their lives upon is shifting sand, and offers a heart-felt apology to LDS friends and loved ones who were hurt by her insensitive words and actions when she left the Church. She dispels rumors about why she left Mormonism, and details what happened to her marriage, family, and spiritual walk. Mormonism, the Matrix, and Me by Tracy Tennant is available in paperback and eBook formats online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other booksellers.

  • Chapter 25 Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud - Mormonism, the Matrix, and Me audiobook

    11/10/2015 Duration: 17min

    Tracy and four of her sons take a five-week long cross-country trip, staying at the homes of ex-Mormons along the way. Scott and the rest of the kids rendezvous with them in Utah for the Crookston family reunion. By the end of their extraordinary adventure, three of Tracy's teenagers reject Mormonism. Of her remaining LDS adult sons, one leaves on a mission for the Church and the other comes to faith in the Biblical Jesus while in rehab. Yet, with all the miracles taking place, Tracy and Scott take a surprising step.

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