This Is Life With Pejman Ghadimi

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 13:52:19
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Modern day conversations about life, and its true meaning. Based on the best selling book Third Circle Theory and its principles of living a great life filled with purpose and passion. Presented by Pejman Ghadimi, serial entrepreneur and Author of Third Circle Theory.


  • Ep 30: Leveraging Resources, Anticipate Change & Industry Competition

    18/04/2017 Duration: 28min

    Change takes time, but adapting can happen instantaneously. Anticipate change and obstacles so you are prepared to handle them without hesitation. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, is joined by Joe who is involved in a growing company specializing in vapor products. No matter what industry your are in, product sales come with hundreds of obstacles, but there are always solutions. As a bonus, Pejman provides some insight into his unique strategy for starting a business by utilizing the ability to recycle customers or resources, which he outlines in his upcoming new book, RADIUS. Buy Third Circle Theory: Check out RADIUS:  

  • Ep 29: Selling TRUST; Not your Business

    16/03/2017 Duration: 25min

    It's very easy to pitch someone, but can you close the deal every time? An IT professional who opened his own company and soon to be author, Paulo, joins your host, Pejman Ghadimi, to discuss what networking REALLY is about when conducted properly. Getting your name out there based on your trustworthiness, reliability, and your ability to build a relationship with people and consumers will ultimately get you to the top faster than trying to sell your product or business at every possible opportunity when you don't take the time to UNDERSTAND your consumer. As a bonus, Pejman shares some of his knowledge and experience with being a successful author. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 28: The Psyche of a Successful Entrepreneur

    10/02/2017 Duration: 25min

    It takes a different mindset to be successful in anything, you must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses overcoming anxiety and fear, how to successfully network and the most important characteristic a successful entrepreneur should possess. Interviewing him today is Arnold who just landed his first client, and wants to know how he can maintain control of the business relationships. As a bonus, Pejman also shares a strategy building a solid reputation when you're just starting out without offering your services for free. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 27: The Journey So Far

    03/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    How does success come to fruition? Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, tells the story about how the Secret community has come to hold over 30,000 members world wide and how he came up with Third Circle Theory. Interviewing him today is John who is curious about the path to PJ's success and mindset. As a bonus, Pejman also shares what his end goal is for Secret Academy and what he looks for in potential employees. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 26: Planning Your Business

    28/01/2017 Duration: 14min

    So, you've gone ahead and created an awesome product. You can't wait to share it with the world and rake in that cold hard cash. But wait, how exactly do you get people to pay for your product? Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses baiting your customer base, using feedback to help your marketing hit its mark, and when to offer your product free. Interviewing him today is Jiran, who just launched an app and wants to know how he can monetize it. As a bonus, Pejman also shares a strategy for turning downloads into a solid customer base. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 25: A Day in the Life of a Serial Entrepreneur

    24/01/2017 Duration: 32min

    What do the day-to-day activities look like in the life of a successful entrepreneur? Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, talks about his morning routine, the structure of his average day and how he deals with business problems when they inevitably arise. Interviewing him today is Louis-Pierre who is curious about the path to Pejman's accomplishments and mentality. As a bonus, Pejman also shares what he would do if his circumstances were different as a 20 year old just starting out in the world of business. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 24: Be the Reflection of your Vision

    22/12/2016 Duration: 28min

    Who couldn’t use a few more hours in the day or week? One of the biggest challenges to starting a company is determining out how to harmoniously integrate your professional and personal life together. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses how to find work-life balance, remain productive and efficient. Interviewing him today is Vaclav, who is having difficulty balancing his work and personal life, and wants to learn how to stay motivated to ensure the time spent working really counts. As a bonus, Pejman also shares his perspective on taking a break from work to refresh. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 23: Why College Won't Teach You to Be Successful

    09/12/2016 Duration: 26min

    The university system has sold us an illusion of self-application. Students have been hold the magic ticket to a good life is “go to college and you’ll get a good job”. No need for leadership. No need for maturity. No need for people skills. No need for honing your passion and drive. No need to learn negotiation. No need for personal application. Just follow the yellow brick road and you’ll get there. Wrong. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses how to know if it's time to quit school, how to know when a passion is a viable career move and how to find success without a diploma. Interviewing him today is Hugo, a 16 year old exchange student from Sweden who is wondering whether he should quit school or pursue entrepreneurship. As a bonus, Pejman also shares his secret to success in business without incurring student loan debt. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 22: Third Circle Mindset - Leading by Example

    07/12/2016 Duration: 28min

    It's been almost 4 years since Pejman Ghadimi shared with the world his concepts in Third Circle Theory. It has impacted thousands of young entrepreneurs as they launch their new businesses and helped others achieve better awareness of the world around them. However, does Pejman really practice what he preaches? Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses how the concepts in his book came about and the impact the book has had on his own life. Interviewing him today is Payam, who wants to understand how to truly implement the Third Circle Theory concepts into his own life, how to prioritize his business and how to manage his finances. As a bonus, Pejman also shares his view on launching a business and ensuring the ultimate goal includes an end plan.  Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 21: Researching and Validating Your Business Idea

    05/12/2016 Duration: 27min

    Starting a business is a little like buying a car: You need to do some research before taking the plunge. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses how doing your due diligence can mean the difference between success and failure. Interviewing him today is Noah, who wants to learn how to get his foot in the door in a niche market and how to validate that his product idea is worth investing his time into. As a bonus, Pejman also shares his strategy for running the numbers on business ideas before you open your doors.  Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 20: The Six Degrees of Networking

    02/12/2016 Duration: 26min

    Developing your business network is essential in growing your company. However, 21st Century technology has changed the way we all network. Instead of cold calling or sending out unsolicited email, we’re seeking out connections on social media and referrals to help build our networks – and ultimately business. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses how networking is more than just throwing your name out there like in days’ past; it’s about creating meaningful relationships in your industry and proving that you’re a trusted resource. Interviewing him today is Mauricio, who wants to learn how to build up his network, how to use social media to advertise and how to explain the value of his services to his clients. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 19: Business Ideas - Preparation, Validation & TIMING

    28/11/2016 Duration: 24min

    If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or have a business venture, you’ve already thought long and hard about it. You’ve been thinking about the big day. The day when you can finally quit making someone else rich and start focusing on working for yourself. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses how to know if it's time to quit your day job and determine exactly which of your ideas is worth pursuing. Interviewing him today is Joe who is looking for guidance as he decides whether to quit his day job and leap into one of his business ideas full force. As a bonus, Pejman also shares the number one thing that has contributed to his success as a serial entrepreneur...   Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 18: Managing Employees & Brand Ambassadors

    21/11/2016 Duration: 28min

    Leading a team isn’t easy, and it requires specific skills that not everybody has. Even if you have these skills in spades, at some point, you’ll find yourself faced with the challenge of dealing with an unhappy employee. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses how to build the right brand culture from day one to prevent bad employee habits, keeping your team motivated and figuring out how to pay them. Interviewing him today is Matt, who owns a clothing startup and needs help dealing with his employees who may not share his vision of success. As a bonus, Pejman also shares an analogy to help you deal with opposing employee views and their criticisms. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 17: Turning Your Words into Revenue

    14/11/2016 Duration: 15min

    More and more entrepreneurs are providing their clientele with self published eBooks - but is it always successful? Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses the growing world of online publishing. Interviewing him today is Ben, a personal trainer who recently created an eBook and isn't sure about how to get it in the hands of his clients. Pejman provides Ben with advice to get his book noticed; ranging from whether to offer the content for free, getting testimonials from known experts in the field, and how to gain customer trust with your online content. As a bonus, Pejman also shares a proven strategy to get testimonials from national experts in your field! Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 16: How to Inspire the Uninspired

    11/11/2016 Duration: 21min

    To be inspired is great, but to inspire others is incredible. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses how to drive inspiration to others, when to share your personal struggles, overcoming fear and being authentic in your approach. Interviewing him today is Nikki who inquires how Pejman became such the inspirational figure he is today and how she can inspire those in need in her community. As a bonus, Pejman also shares the story of why he was inspired to start the Secret Entourage Academy. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 15: Enter the Entrepreneurial Mind - Discovering Business Ideas

    07/11/2016 Duration: 31min

    Anyone can come up with a business idea, but the hard part is executing that idea into reality... and doing it successfully. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses how to know which of your business ideas to pursue, what skills you need to ensure success and where ideas even come from.  Interviewing him today is Karan, a Secret Entourage Academy member who is inquiring about what skills are best if you're not sure where you're going yet and how to come up with the perfect business idea to ensure success. As a bonus, Pejman also shares the story of his path from poor immigrant to wealthy entrepreneur living the American dream - ANYONE CAN DO IT. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 14: So You Want to be an Entrepreneur?

    31/10/2016 Duration: 28min

    They say that to be successful, you need to take that first step. But what exactly is that first step? Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses the value of a business plan, formal entrepreneurial educations, and what causes some people to have the fearlessness to take that leap of faith into their business venture when others hesitate and allow their dreams to fade away Interviewing him today is Joel, a member of the Secret Entourage Academy, who is inquiring about cultural and generational differences, how they affect the drive to succeed and how important is to have a success driven business plan before you get started. As a bonus, Pejman shares the THREE SECRET INGREDIENTS that make up every SUCCESSFUL Business idea. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 13: Success and Nothing Less

    24/10/2016 Duration: 27min

    We are the result of our actions. Success is not an action, but a habit. Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, discusses which habits to nurture and which ones to avoid to help you become habitually successful in your next business venture. Interviewing him today is Ruben from Ohio who is inquiring about whether the skills required to become a success are inborn or if they can be learned, how to learn those skills and get on the right track, what to do if you can't afford formal education and what to do when life inevitably gets in the way.  As a bonus, Pejman also shares a routine that you can implement today that will help you build the right habits and stamina to ensure that you are successful in your next venture.  Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 12: Building a Business From the Ground Up

    21/10/2016 Duration: 31min

    If you wouldn’t build a home on a cracked foundation, why would you build a business on one? Today, your host, Pejman Ghadimi, covers the many different ways that a solid foundation can propel your business into the rewarding business of your dreams. Interviewing him today is Amado who is asking some of the most essential questions covering forming solid business partnerships, how to prevent social media overload, assessing which “gurus” to learn from and what YOU will need to bring to the table. As a bonus, Pejman also provides some more insight into his own family background in the business world and dealing with cultural differences. Buy Third Circle Theory:

  • Ep 11: Success Requires Sacrifice

    07/10/2016 Duration: 30min

    Whether it's friends, family, hobbies or relationships, you will eventually find yourself in the position of having to make some hard decisions. However, it doesn't have to be painful. Joining our host, Pejman Ghadimi, is a physical therapy practice owner, Samir. Samir asks Pejman his advice on dividing personal life vs. business life at the beginning stages. Pejman's advice? There is no separation. Pejman also provides some insight on what is truly the difference between being a business owner and an entrepreneur, how our survival instincts can jump-start our momentum into motivation, and how Third Circle Theory teaches people how to lead purposeful lives. As a bonus, Pejman Ghadimi lets you in on his way of hiring and choosing the best employees based on character and what his strategy is on deciding who will be the best fit. Buy Third Circle Theory:

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