Selling!! #1 Real Estate Agent Marketing, Leads, Coaching, Advice, Training, Tom Ferry, Brian Buffini, Gary Vaynerchuck, Gra

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 367:26:13
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The #1 podcast for agents. We talk with Real Estate Agents who sell more than 50Million dollars a year in volume and find out how they do it. We uncover their stories, secrets and tips & tricks.


  • How to Persuade Your Instagram and Prospects Effectively - Paul Ross

    09/12/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    Todays guest is steven ross an expert in persuasion.  Persuasion is one of my favorite topics because everyday in multiple ways we play persuasion games.  According to game theory everything we do is an act of persuasion---we do this at work, at home, with our kids and with our partners.  For most of us---trying to get another to see the world as we see it is the most important thing and that is never truer than in business.  Whether its on our instagram or on facebook we are trying to persuade others to see the world as we see it or the way we want them to see it.  I would make the argument that persuasion is the single most effective thing we can learn to master in order to shape our lives in a way that we are ultimately happy. Persuasion starts with our body---our facial expressions extends to our tonality and pace of speech and ends with the content we are delivering.  Often we get into sales pitches and deliver our pitch perfectly only to walk away with a blank contract-------why?  Effective persuasion i

  • How To Get Exposure and Win More Deals --Million Dollar Listing Agent Tyler Whitman

    22/11/2021 Duration: 56min

    Today on the show we bring on Tyler Whitman of the hit show Million Dollar Listing.  We discuss why you need to be a hyper local expert in your market.  We dig into the type of expertise you must develop to differentiate yourself and why differentiation is the difference between winning and going hungry.  

  • A Billion Dollars in Sales by 18 - Shaahin Cheyene of Thrill Pill Cult

    05/11/2021 Duration: 59min

    Getting rich is rarely about being the smartest person in the room nor, is it always about taking gigantic risks and betting it all on black.  More often than not, its about being in the right place at the right time and recognizing that the world is shifting beneath your feet.  That's why the "luckiest" entrepreneurs often have a very diverse group of friends and  interests.  Today's guest recognized there was gold laying in plain sight.  

  • DOJ Against the Nations Realtors and What That Could Mean For You - Grant Clayton

    29/10/2021 Duration: 59min

    Whether its from government intervention or tech innovation the way realtors have typically made a living are about to change.   Some of the changes that have been proposed are small and relatively unimportant.  A rule that was enacted across the board was that buyers agents could no longer advertise that there services were "free" and that agents could no longer "not" show a property due to the low co-op fee.  Those seem pretty reasonable and were enacted by most MLS's across the nation. At the heart of the REX initiated DOJ antitrust lawsuit that seems to be most confusing is that they are arguing that buyers should pay for their own agents services and the seller should pay for their agent.  This may benefit a company like REX but, it seems like it would create a larger barrier to first time homebuyers and stifle the overall market.  Today we discuss. Please visit our sponsor  We all have creative ideas but, how do you take your idea and turn it into a digital asset?  Issuu helps creators, market

  • How To Reach Your Potential - Dr Hank Seitz

    22/10/2021 Duration: 59min

    When you are stuck how do you breakout?  What separates the average performer from the super successful?  Dr. Hank Seitz and I discuss these issues along with various other topics including mental mapping and how we all may be cut from the same cloth but, just haven't yet realized it. Our sponsor is Issuu helps creators, marketers, designers, and really anyone who wants to make content that stands out.  Make it once and distribute on all of your platforms.  Go to and use the promo code super agents to get 50% off

  • Getting Unstuck and Breaking Through The Next Level - Matthew Ferry

    15/09/2021 Duration: 01h16min

    Today I talk with Matthew Ferry.  Matthew is a long time and prominent coach to Wall Street folks, Fortune 500 CEOs and he even coaches someone in the royal family but, he doesnt divulge names which I can so very much appreciate.   I bring Matthew on to talk about his brand of goal setting which he calls enlightened goal setting.  Its a term which he has probably coined and I suggest you drop any preconceived notions about what it is and whether it will work for you.   The reason why Matthew coaches people at such a high level is that successful people gain mastery in the basics, time management, goal setting, delegation, etc. but, often its when we reach all or most of our goals in life we become stagnant not knowing how to break through to the next level.  Sometimes we cant even envision a next level and we can feel stuck, stagnant and sometimes having the outward appearance of massive success but, on the inside feel like frauds--I certainly have felt like that at many points in my life and career.  Most of

  • Using Predictive Analytics to Find Sellers - Brad McDaneil

    18/08/2021 Duration: 01h01min

     One thing that has really improved in this industry is technology--technology used to be your CRM now its the ability to send targeted ads to age groups, specific geography or category.   One thing that is going to get better and better is predictive analytics.  All kinds of companies are developing new predictive models.  If companies better predict buying or selling behavior we can get in front of the seller sooner.    Its going to be a while before these things really get sorted out so Im not worried about this in the short term.  I do see a few threats on the horizon and some of these you probably should be aware of.   First--are you familiar with the lawsuit between redfin and the DOJ?  Redfin was suing for more transparency around buyer broker commissions.  Redfin wants to fundamentally remove the ability for buyers agents to work for a buyer and get paid by the seller.  They want buyers to pay their agents directly.  That means that when you take on a new buyer you will have to negotiate your own buye

  • Selling 100 Plus Houses a year. Krista Mashore reveals her secrets

    03/08/2021 Duration: 49min

    Krista has been a top agent for a very long time.  I ask her what she has learned from coaching top agents as well as, what agents are getting wrong.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

  • Getting unstuck in your business - Gregg Sugerman

    13/07/2021 Duration: 57min

    Hey everybody--I hope you are crushing it.  Todays I bring on Gregg Sugerman.  Gregg is a coach that focuses on mindset.  We discuss how to identify your unique competitive advantage.  Where people get stuck in their businesses and lives and how to break out of those barriers.  WE discuss why you should develop your own personal board of directors. And we talk about the things that hold people back from achieving the life of their dreams and why sometimes we are our own worst enemy.   A quick word from our sponsors: If you want to turbo charge your business you absolutely must call myradioexpert.  They are the premiere media company for realtors.  They are experts at identifying and isolating the perfect demographic and theres nobody better at writing copy that moves the needle.  Radio is the one thing that is necessary if you want to dominate your market in listings.  Go to and fill out the getting started sheet---they will give you a free 30 minute strategy call and find out if radio is ri

  • Differentiate Your Business or Drown In The Sea of Sameness - BrandFace

    16/06/2021 Duration: 01h09min

    I hope you are killing it at the game of life.  Every week I bring on someone that i think can add something to your business and life.  Its a strange market out there and the people who are winning are the ones that are adding the most perceived value to the market.  Heres a fact---most realtors look and sound the same and because most  realtors look and sound the same consumers see them as a commodity.  Whats the difference between shell gas and arco gas?  Isnt gas just gas?  Or is there something special about the Shell gas---oh yeah---its shell with techron.  I dont buy arco gas----I pay a little more the the Vpower techron gas.   At the end of the day-----maybe gas is just gas---I dont know if Techron is even real but, that hook has hooked me on the Shell brand for years.    Does your business have its own version of Techron?   let me take a step back.  Right now----almost every realtor in America is facing the same issues of inventory----which is really astounding that right now the country as a whole h

  • Lead Generation, Landing Pages and What To Do With Listings Coming Back- Greg Mcdaniel

    08/06/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    Hey everyone--- today on the show I have Greg McDaniel.  Greg has run large teams in the bay area and he has a podcast named real estate uncensored.     Ive spent a fair amount of time talking with Greg and I enjoy listening to his ideas on how to build a business.  He has a unique and straight forward approach to listing and selling houses and wanted to have greg on as this economy opens up.     Theres no question that real estate is on the minds of most people in business as its a very direct indicator of a healthy market.  For the last year there has been a large push upward on prices and equity.  By all measures the upward thrust in price appreciation has been largely artificial.  Artificial in the sense that halting foreclosures and evictions has put a stranglehold on inventory.  This stranglehold is set to release very soon and it will be interesting to see what happens.  It may break loose all of the sudden or it may come on gradually.  It really doesnt matter----all that matters is that A)  Its going

  • How to Exert Your Influence and Vision Using Investigative Persuasion Techniques -- Michael Reddington

    17/05/2021 Duration: 01h09min

    Hey everybody--today I bring on Michael Reddington.  Michael is the founder of inquisitive and is a forensic interviewer.  If you dont know what that is----I didnt either.  Michael teaches CEOs how to apply investigative interviewing techniques in their roles as leaders in order to reach their vision and exert  influence. Michael says the cognitive processes that drive interrogation suspects to say “I did it”, is the same process that drive customers to say “I’ll buy it” and employees to say “I’ll do it” are all nearly identical. Ive had the chris voss the head of the fbi hostage negotiation unit on this show covering similar topics.  I want to know what strategies or tactics I can use to uncover a prospects hidden needs or desires and I want to know how to get them to say yes.  How do you get them to the edge and then over the edge and into yes.   Before we get to the show I want to tell you about myradioexpert.  Theres one marketing method that all top top producers have in common and that is that they are

  • Small Differences That Pay Huge Dividends; Ignore Video At Your Peril - Darin Dawson

    26/04/2021 Duration: 59min

    This is a wobbly market and our way ahead is still uncertain from an economic perspective.  Wall street is getting a little more nervous  as inflation heats up and the biden administration today has proposed increasing capital gains which will be a forcing function to encourage wealthy people to move cash into tax deferred investment vehicles and there are agencies like the consumer finance bureau that are calling for a continued moratorium on rent and mortgages----all of this points to continued pressure on inventory. If that's the case there will be more qualified agents competing for the same amount of inventory.  How do you get ahead or differentiate yourself?  I brought on the CEO of BombBomb to talk about how what he thinks is the most compelling way to do this. A quick note---I say it all the time---the best way to get listings is to reach them at the point where they intend to sell and the best way to do this is radio advertising.  I love the new stuff you can do with fb advertising and funnel buildin

  • How To Find Hidden Inventory - Brad Van De Walle

    13/04/2021 Duration: 53min

    Let me share a few thoughts before we get to the episode.  one of the things to note about the current climate is the lack of inventory in every metro market in the united states.  I just read that there are now two licensed realtors for each home listed.  Those are unreal numbers and we need to consider the implications of the data.  The average shelf life of an agent is 18 months-----career start to finish a year and a half---those agents that do make it will only sell an average of 8 to 12 sides a year most of them on the buy side.   With super constricted inventory will we see that drop-----maybe the average agent will do 4-6 sides.  If that happens we will most likely see the shelf life shrink to less than a year ----maybe?  Will this give rise to larger teams or more teams in general?  One thing is for certain the middle is shrinking----there will be a divide of those crushing it and the rest just scraping by.     That story is just taking shape.  Will you be one of the crushers or will you get crushed?

  • This Is a Business of Attraction - Suzanne Tulien

    19/03/2021 Duration: 56min

    Today on the show I bring on a speaker, trainer and author.  We talk about her new book brand clarity.  we talk about what it really means to build a brand.  I get frustrated many times when people speak of branding.  Typically when people speak about branding they are talking about their logo or maybe they are talking about a particular ad campaign.  I particularly hear this when I see someone spend money on some useless form of advertising-----when it doesnt work meaning generate actual calls they will say its for branding.   Todays guest talks about branding as something more fundamental.  She explains how a brand is an authentic representation of your values and concepts.  She explains how to create your brand as well as, how once fully formed will inform all of your messaging---from the way one approaches a market to the type of people one works with.  I particularly resonated with idea that if my brand is authentic to my way of interacting with the world I will attract the type of people I want to work

  • Rebuilding and Retooling a Listing Side Business - Toby Salgado

    06/03/2021 Duration: 17min

    Before we get to the episode I want to share with you some of the thoughts Ive had on this market.  We spend a lot of time over here thinking about how this market is trending.  We of course want to help our clients skate to where the puck is going rather than doing what it feels like most people are doing which is skating to where the puck is.   Last year was impossible to ever get any sort of handle on the market longer than maybe a 3 month view and thats why the people that ran their business---- just kept on chugging along did really well in their and those that tried to time the market lost a bunch of time and money.  Ill give you an example--there are people changed their business model mid year because they thought or were told to begin prepping for short sales and foreclosures but, in reality we saw just the opposite.  We saw a steady and sharp increase of home equity.     I dont want to get lost on historical analysis but, I do want to briefly share my thoughts on the rest of this year.  In terms of

  • The Future is Coming Faster Than You Think - Charles Myslinsky

    16/02/2021 Duration: 58min

    Hey everybody---My guest today is charles mylinsky--- charles was part of the original team that started and later sold to walmart for 3.3billion.  He is now  the chief product officer at OJO Labs.    I recently talked with Chris heller and found out that he joined ojolabs. Why would top talent like these two guys join a chatbot company?    I am always compelled to look deeper when I see something that looks interesting OJO labs started in 2015 and to date has raised 134M in venture capital.  How does a chatbot raise 134M dollars and capture top tier talent?  The simple answer is ---it doesnt---- not unless you have much bigger plans.    with the recent news that zillow recently announced they were buying showingtime for 500M dollars.  Zillow has made it very apparent that they are trying to be the bridge between an agent and a consumer. Looking a little deeper i found that OJO has a strategic partnership with wolfnet technologies which has 100Million property profiles similar to the size of zillow pr

  • The Coach Megaproducers Call - Bob Corcoran

    01/02/2021 Duration: 59min

    Hey everybody whats happening-=--I hope you are crushing it as this new year begins.   The last few weeks I brought on some coaches---Im always interested in hearing what different coaches are advocating.  The last person  in this lineup was Bob Corcoran--If you dont know bob he is the guy behind the guy.  At the next conference you go to---- If you see a person on stage getting an award for doing 100M or 200M in production there is a good chance they are either coaching with bob or have been in the past.   I am releasing a conversation I recently had with bob------it was just him and I talking. This is not really an interview its just two guys talking about life and business and because of that we both get personal---I edited out some of them and stopped the recording at other times--heads up you might hear some of the editing.   I hope you can take something away from this.

  • Coffee is for Closers -- Aaron Rian

    20/01/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Last week we heard from a coach that focuses on helping people break down small barriers that have large scale effects.  Today we are going to hear from a team owner--his name is aaron rian   Aaron has a very successful sales focused business.  I wanted to find out from him how he coaches his agents and how he gets his agents to become top producers.  I wont give anything away here except to share that he focuses on an agents built in talents and already developed sense of direction and discipline.  As you listen to this I would encourage you to ask yourself how you would perform in a very sales focused environment.     If I ask 100 agents what their biggest challenge is 90 of them would say that if they just had enough good leads they would be making a million dollars.  That may be true from some of us but, the reality is that most people just havent developed the sales skills necessary to be an actual closer.  Im talking alec baldwin “coffee is for closers” level.  I hope you enjoy my conversation with aaro

  • This IS Holding You Back - Jess Leneouvel

    12/01/2021 Duration: 55min

    Sometimes you can't see the one thing that is holding you back or sabotaging your dreams. Today's guest shares how she helps people find a path to reach their goals in a way that is most authentic to themselves.

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