Selling!! #1 Real Estate Agent Marketing, Leads, Coaching, Advice, Training, Tom Ferry, Brian Buffini, Gary Vaynerchuck, Gra



The #1 podcast for agents. We talk with Real Estate Agents who sell more than 50Million dollars a year in volume and find out how they do it. We uncover their stories, secrets and tips & tricks.


  • The Real Scoop On Cracking Luxury - Jamie Safier

    29/12/2020 Duration: 53min

    Today on the show I brought on a guy with a team of 3 did 100M in production last year. Obviously, the only way to do that level of production is when your selling luxury.  Selling luxury is not only ridiculously lucrative it's sexy---for a lot of people this is why they get into real estate. That's why so many shows like selling sunset are so popular.  The biggest barrier to entry is the lack of access to the actual people that can buy a 10+ million-dollar house.   Today's guest shares a lot of nuggets when it comes to building a luxury brand, meeting the right kind of people, and the type of skillset needed to pull down 8 figure deals.  I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I  did when I recorded it.   Whether you want to move into luxury or just want to sell more houses you need to look at  Let me share with you a few things.  One--in almost every metro market in the US radio has a much bigger reach than something like Facebook.  Two-- this pandemic has radically shifted consumer liste

  • 7 Things That Will Transform Your Business in 2021- Toby Salgado

    17/12/2020 Duration: 26min

    Hey everybody--I hope you are doing well wherever you ---- last week I shared a little of what my end of year planning outline looks like.  If you havent heard that episode----that is something that you might want to consider.  Today---I was thinking of covering some of the areas that you should consider adding to your plan right now.  One thing I wanted to cover is something I am watching closely is the eviction moratoriums---right now the eviction moratorium is scheduled to sunset on december 31, 2020 according to the wall street journal in January there are between 2.4 and 5 million households at risk and more in the following months.  While this is a very sad and I wish that no one ever has to be forcefully removed from their home----the fact is there are going to be a lot of rentals hit the market I think this poses an extraordinary opportunity for a lot of people.   In my preparation for how to best position oneself to capture this opportunity I thought it would be most helpful to the audience to talk w

  • Year End Strategy Planning Do's and Do NOT's! Jake Dixon

    13/12/2020 Duration: 45min

    Whenever December rolls around I am always obsessing with future casting of what I want to accomplish for next year and this year is no different---typically  I will look back at my last 12 months and take note of what worked well for me and what things didn't go so well and then course correct.  Hopefully, I can see what I need to double down on and what I need to let go. Sometimes I double down on losses----If I had bad year trading stocks I will double up my positions and dig in to not only reverse my losses but, turn them into blockbuster returns---I always end up losing more because I start making bad bets. Sometimes I find something that has worked well and think that I am so good at that nowadays that I don't have to focus on it any more-----I always end up replacing a good habit with a bad habit, I can do an hour on goal setting but, I'm not-however I do want to take a few minutes and talk with you about the framework that I have found to be most effective to not only set goals but, to actually achiev

  • Creating a Referral Machine With Zero Spend - Toby Salado

    03/12/2020 Duration: 26min

    More listings, more money, better life   We are closing in on a new year and hopefully all of you are planning out your goals for next year.  I dont usually get into end of year planning but, this is such a weird year that I felt like I should address this topic.     One of the reasons I felt like this was important is that unlike in other years is that everything has been changing so fast.  I know thats how it feels---everything is so different than it was last november.  When I say things are so different now Im not necessarily talking about politically or even economically even though areas are massively different than a year ago.  Im talking about the differences in how we live--how we work --fundamentally how we spend our time and attention.  And all this matters to a very large degree as we think about how we will attempt to reach more people and convert those people into listing their houses with you.   Let me ask the question - what are you going to do this year that will propel you forward?  When i m

  • LinkedIn Marketing Anthony Blatner

    20/11/2020 Duration: 52min

    mastering marketing and the power of radio advertising in real estate and doubling your income with your sphere of influence (SOI)

  • Doubling your income next year-- Richard Wilson

    10/11/2020 Duration: 33min

    If you want to sell 5M dollar houses--you need to know the kind of person that can afford a 5 or 10M dollar house.  If your rolodex doesnt have at least a few 10Million dollar people your gonna have a difficult time listing big dollar properties. Todays guest shares what he knows about centimillionaires; people that are worth at least 100 million dollars. If you want to double your income next year this is the episode you need to listen at least a few times.

  • Chris Heller on Success and the Future of RE

    30/10/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Hey everybody--I hope that everything is going well for you right now---ok--todays guest is a guy that started out as a regular old real estate agent and leveraged the skills he learned as an agent and ended up being tapped to lead keller williams as ceo--my guest is none other than chris heller   I wanted to know how he engineers opportunity in his career and life and we get into a very honest conversation about the traits of success as well as, what he see for real estate in the future --in this conversation we get into how AI will impact the way we search for homes in the near future. Theres no question that real estate is one of the only bright lights during these very difficult times and if you want to grow your business into something that is predictable and repeatable you need to be advertising on the radio--not on google or facebook---good oldfashioned radio--it worked for chris heller and it will work for you.  The leader in radio for real estate agents is myradioexpert.  They will find the right sta

  • How a 26 Year Old Built a 20M Dollar Business - Ben Mizes

    23/10/2020 Duration: 49min

    Today's guest is a tech entrepreneur that is trying to grow a discount brokerage marketplace---T---the reason I brought him on and grilled him about what he's doing to grow his brand is that I wanted to show regular agents that don't have a clear methodology about how to grow sales or how to market the stark differences between what they are doing and what someone with a very clear vision is doing. More importantly than the tactics being deployed is the clear reasoning and thought process that goes into building a company.  During this interview, I asked this guest all sorts of questions about all sorts of topics and he always had a clear and concise answer at least to how he attempts to approach a subject-- One thing that became very clear to me during this interview is that one of the reasons his company is succeeding is because most agents are failing.  They are failing to market themselves and their unique skills to the market.  In reality this is why zillow can charge so much money for the leads they pro

  • Get more listings with YouTube Ads - Aaron Martinez

    15/10/2020 Duration: 01h03min

      In this fast moving environment none of us really know who is ready to sell or buy a house--I cant tell you how many times agents will email me with a story about how one of their close friends used another agent or how the person you see everyday at the gym used someone else.   If youve been around long enough this has happened to you--the reason I think its important is that too often people assume that 1) other people know what you do and trust you to do the job and 2) everyone is one interaction away from signing a contract.  I often hear people say “that neighborhood is dominated by X” or I cant break into that group because everyone in that group knows susan and will use her.  I say that is a false notion -- a limiting belief that is holding you back.   I hope that today you will learn why you might want to start incorporating youtube ads in your quiver.  We talk about how to buy ads, when you actually get charged for an ad and how to target your ideal type of person or demographic.   I just realized

  • Understanding personality profiles and becoming a persuader-- Angel Tucker

    05/10/2020 Duration: 51min

    persuasion and understanding personality profiles sales in real estate

  • Overcoming limiting beliefs that keep you ....Rohan attravanam

    02/10/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Needless to say this is a crazy market--- the stock market is back into the 29000 territory---millions of people out of work--record low rates and there are almost no houses out there to sell---inventory is super low---------for a lot of people listening they would like to take advantage of market dynamics and many of us will but, for the vast majority of people---they will not take advantage of either the market or their skills for one reason.  The reason people will not take advantage of the opportunities in front of them is that we all have limiting beliefs--for one person it might take the form of “I dont have money”, I dont have the right experience or connections or it might sound like “im too old” or “Im not good with technology” or whatever-----This “reason” will take many forms but, as I coach entrepreneurs of all stripes, ages, income and ability----we all have some sort of limiting beliefs that hold us back.

  • Finding Opportunity in This market - Tenny Tolofari

    23/09/2020 Duration: 01h58s

    just a quick note---lately I have been kind of moving away from trying to uncover tactics or strategies to grow or just start in some of cases---lately Ive been more interested in where people are seeing opportunity and what they are doing to try and exploit that area of opportunity. Todays guest is someone that used his grit  dug in and did the work and is now reaping the rewards.. Once you start listening to this person you will realize that he didnt come from a money background and he started with literally nothing--I think thats important because for many of you that is exactly where you find yourself and for those others that maybe have found success I hope you hearing this guy will give you a little more motivation to make those extra calls or put in that extra hour in the evening--in any case I hope you enjoy it and if you do I hope that you will leave a rating and review on itunes or wherever you get your podcasts

  • How To Buy FaceBook Ads --- Chris Smith

    09/09/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Hey everybody--I hope you are crushing it wherever you are in the world.  Today on the show I bring on one of the premiere marketers in this industry--chris smith of curaytor.   where the low hanging fruit is in the market right now---how his clients are getting more listings and his whole thought process around digital advertising vs traditional media.  I really enjoyed hearing what he has learned after deploying millions in client capital buying digital ads primarily facebook ads.  Hes a very smart guy and a very humble and transparent fellow--I hope you enjoy this episode as much as Ive enjoyed it.   One thing that became very apparent in this interview is the absolute need to migrate toward a virtual business.  If you are going to succeed in the 2020’s you must be able to disentangle your business from a brick and mortar location and the absolute best way to do that is to join exp realty with me.     EXP offers the best splits in the industry--offers the most training and the most comprehensive toolset of

  • Cracking 100 Million Your First Year - Rick Tyberg

    03/09/2020 Duration: 54min

    OK--today on the show---I have guy that sent me an email a year ago and told me he that I was going to feature him in the future---I responded that's great thinking I get a lot of people telling me that but, this guy has kept in touch and in his first year he did 120M in production.  That is certainly noteworthy but, this goes to show that anyone listening right now can do the same thing---I brought him on to talk about how he did it

  • BulletProof your business and Capture market share - John Truman Wolfe

    19/08/2020 Duration: 53min

    Theres so much going on that many of us dont know which way we should be going or what we should be doing. If your just starting to build a business you might be wondering if its ok for you to go out and knock on some doors and let your neighbors know you can help them ---let me assure you it is completely OK----this pandemic coupled with a very uncertain economic outlook has bolstered one to one, face to face interactions and right now might be the best time to capture market share.

  • Getting Rich During a Downturn-- Michael Hellickson

    12/08/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    Todays episode I brought on a guy that has been through the last 3 economic/real estate downturns and took some hits but, came back huge.  I wanted to know what he thought we should all be doing through this pandemic and economically uncertain times. We talk about where to find opportunities and how to best position yourself to win once this market actually opens up and starts bleeding. This guy gets pretty excited so it was a really fun episode.

  • Boomers and the Pandemic: Mining for Gold

    04/08/2020 Duration: 22min

    Todays episode might be just me  .Im not sure how long this will take me.  I feel the need to share this with everyone listening because it could be just the thing you needed to hear before you launch that new strategy.   I want to talk about where we all might start looking for opportunity in the market.  Today is August 3 2020 and the state of the world is in flux---last week cnbc reported that the coronavirus induced shutdowns have left 47.2% of adult americans jobless although; due to the large scope of the care act we have not seen massive shifts (read foreclosures) The real estate market has so far been relatively unharmed and with record low mortgage rates, a federal eviction moratorium and a lack of supply of houses.  Since I am going to try and make a case here let me take a minute and set the table at least in terms of how Im thinking about this. The administration acted early by passing a relatively generous unemployment package.  During the initial 3 month lockdown everybody that filed for Unemplo

  • 5 Things To Build A Database of The Wealthy .......; Tracy McLaughen

    20/07/2020 Duration: 47min

    Todays guest works alone--no team and is doing 176Million a year in production by herself.  I dig in and find out exactly how she transitioned from being an action sports journalist to selling real estate.  We talk about the exact steps she did from how she guerrilla marketed her way into the top echelon of the bay area.  The thing I love about this---is the steps she took are things we all can start right now

  • 3 questions that will get you back on track - Carla Reeves

    03/07/2020 Duration: 48min

    Hey everybody--I hope everything is going great for you wherever you are.  I get a lot of emails and I read them all------ive gotten a lot of emails asking  “what should I do right now?” Theres a lot of fear in the market whether thats due to the pandemic-0--the economic fallout from this pandemic and this massive cultural shift.  Theres no wonder theres a lot of fear out there---and fear is infectious--its catchy   Todays guest is a best selling author, coach and national speaker on how to break your old models of thinking and harness your ultimate self.  Im always up for learning how get to my ultimate self.     I have a quick ask-----itunes took down our show on accident a few months ago and we lost all our ratings and reviews----if you like the show--could you please subscribe and leave a rating and review--that would really help the show   Before we get there------We are sponsored by myradioexpert--if you want come list me leads the best way --hands down is radio.  Myradio expert chooses the right statio

  • Where To Find Opportunity in this Pandemic Protest Environment

    11/06/2020 Duration: 54min

    It is exactly these types cataclysmic events that are not just disruptive but, potentially apocalyptic for how some industries conduct business and what types of information becomes transparent.  These sorts of changes that are immediate and require a 180 degree shift in outlook are both phenomenally destructive to legacy infrastructure and ways of conducting business.  Let me give you my rundown for this pandemic protest economic timeline---in the future ill refer to this as PPE moving forward.     OK---let me try and briefly summarize the events and then get into how you can look at these changes to make a bunch of money.   Here in San diego we have been fully quarantined since  February 14.  This first started as a virus and we as a nation reacted to this as a serious threat to human life.  One by one large metro markets started to shut down business operations to curtail unnecessary human death.  I cant help but, think that the stance on whether to shut down or not to shut down had more to do with politic

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