Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau



Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews ministry guests and influential ministry leaders from around the United States. Discussions will range from items of interest in that individual's ministry to current events and prophesy.This is a daily podcast


  • Victorious Spiritual Warfare So Simple Grandma Can Do It – Maureen Broderson pt 2

    24/05/2024 Duration: 24min

    Victorious Spiritual Warfare So Simple Grandma Can Do It – Maureen Broderson pt 2 How many grandmothers out there are interceding for their children and grandchildren?  Let’s not just leave it grandma’s – how many grandfathers are out there interceding, too?  Praise God!  I’m a grandpa to 7 grandkids – and I pray for them every single day, often multiple times a day! Amen! The reason I ask this question is simple… out guest today is the author of a magnificent book titled, “Victorious Spiritual Warfare – So Simple, Grandma Can Do It!”  Amen! I’m telling you folks, I read this book through and, don’t tell anyone, but there’s stuff in there that will preach…amen!  Praise God! Maureen Broderson is the author of this great book and is an ordained minister in the Foursquare Church and serves on the pastoral ministry team at “The Church on the Way” in Van Nuys, California. She is also a Certified John Maxwell Team Coach, speaker, trainer and a Certified Human Behavior Consultant with Personality Insights, Inc. To

  • Victorious Spiritual Warfare So Simple Grandma Can Do It – Maureen Broderson pt 1

    23/05/2024 Duration: 25min

    Victorious Spiritual Warfare So Simple Grandma Can Do It – Maureen Broderson pt 1 How many grandmothers out there are interceding for their children and grandchildren?  Let’s not just leave it grandma’s – how many grandfathers are out there interceding, too?  Praise God!  I’m a grandpa to 7 grandkids – and I pray for them every single day, often multiple times a day! Amen! The reason I ask this question is simple… out guest today is the author of a magnificent book titled, “Victorious Spiritual Warfare – So Simple, Grandma Can Do It!”  Amen! I’m telling you folks, I read this book through and, don’t tell anyone, but there’s stuff in there that will preach…amen!  Praise God! Maureen Broderson is the author of this great book and is an ordained minister in the Foursquare Church and serves on the pastoral ministry team at “The Church on the Way” in Van Nuys, California. She is also a Certified John Maxwell Team Coach, speaker, trainer and a Certified Human Behavior Consultant with Personality Insights, Inc. I’v

  • Secrets Beneath Scars – Cyndi Brec

    22/05/2024 Duration: 27min

    Secrets Beneath Scars Cyndi Brec As a child, Cyndi Brec is a Christian who grew up struggling through school. She was diagnosed with learning disabilities and dyslexia and had to attend the “learning disabilities class.” But she never let that hold her back. She became a “Recreational Therapy Technician” that helped the mentally challenged elderly folks – and she has incorporated some of those experiences into her stories as well. Fast forward and she met and married the man of her dreams, and they purchased a 200 year old mill and built their home out of a “blacksmith shop.”  That’s not something you see everyday. Amen! Cyndi enjoys her writing and sets a struggling, affection and tension building pace in her writings. Full of conspiracies, intrigues and little twists on historical facts mixed in. All of this involves the mysterious ancient world in her “Theran’s Series.”  Her first book in the series is titled, “The Secrets Beneath Scars.” Although not released as of today, as we do this interview, I’m sure

  • True Grace of God – Pastor Chad Wagner

    21/05/2024 Duration: 24min

    True Grace of God Pastor Chad Wagner There are many voices in the world and most of them are of deceiving spirits. The Bible is clear on that. In fact, there is only ONE VOICE we need to listen to and that is voice of Jesus as we hear by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen! When we learn to discern the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we are able to minister to others and pray effectively with others. We are able to discern between “good and evil” and when things being presented are not Biblically grounded in the Word of God or when things are actually proclaiming the Truth from the Word of God. One man who has taken this to the next level is Pastor Chad Wagner. Chad is the pastor of the “Excelsior Springs Church” which is an Independent Baptist Church located in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Chad is also the author of a great book titled, “The True Grace of God.” This book uses scripture to expound upon the “True Grace of God” while refuting the errors of both Arminianism and Calvinism. Amen! To open this great

  • The Anointing of Jesus – Scott Wright

    20/05/2024 Duration: 35min

    The Anointing of Jesus Scott Wright In the Old Testament, the High Priest was “anointed with oil” as he took his office. This anointing oil was a mixture of several, very expensive oils and fragrant spices. Before we get into this, I want you to imagine something here… Now, just imagine, if someone poured just one the little squirt bottles of perfume on you in a store (by accident, I hope)… but the entire bottle. Imagine how strong that fragrance would be… Now, imagine you had a BIG important meeting you had to attend, no backing out, no excuses, in 10 minutes. And the meeting would last a few hours. What would people say as you were entering the conference room?  Imagine if you were one of the attendees in the conference room – and someone else had the perfume poured on them? Back to the High Priest… this oil was literally, poured over his head – not just a little dab… but the equivalent of about 3 gallons. His hair and beard was totally soaked. His raiment and clothing was totally saturated. It was so soak

  • Gane Wisdom By Chrysalis – Guy Gane pt 2

    17/05/2024 Duration: 30min

    Gane Wisdom By Chrysalis   Guy Gane pt 2 Each one of us, everyone listening to my voice right now, has a calling by God for their life. Whether you listen to and obey that calling is your choice. Whether you align your life with God’s plans and everything works out for our good – or you run the other way and experience the consequences – we are always growing. Amen! Our guest today had it all. He was a successful businessman. He had a good income, great family and was living the lifestyle most wanted to aspire to. But then… I’ll leave it there and allow him to share the “but then” story. During the “but then” aspect of his life, he dove deeper into this relationship with God. And soon found this time of his life was a time of change. A time of transformation. A time to become what God wanted him to be all along. Amen! Guy Gane is our guest today and his story will, I believe, “transform” someone listening to us today. He is the author of a great book titled, “Chrysalis: Awakening to God's Path, Protection and

  • Gane Wisdom By Chrysalis – Guy Gane pt 1

    16/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    Gane Wisdom By Chrysalis   Guy Gane pt 1 Each one of us, everyone listening to my voice right now, has a calling by God for their life. Whether you listen to and obey that calling is your choice. Whether you align your life with God’s plans and everything works out for our good – or you run the other way and experience the consequences – we are always growing. Amen! Our guest today had it all. He was a successful businessman. He had a good income, great family and was living the lifestyle most wanted to aspire to. But then… I’ll leave it there and allow him to share the “but then” story. During the “but then” aspect of his life, he dove deeper into this relationship with God. And soon found this time of his life was a time of change. A time of transformation. A time to become what God wanted him to be all along. Amen! Guy Gane is our guest today and his story will, I believe, “transform” someone listening to us today. He is the author of a great book titled, “Chrysalis: Awakening to God's Path, Protection and

  • Space to Breath - Tommy Thompson pt 2

    14/05/2024 Duration: 31min

    Space to Breath Tommy Thompson pt 2 In this busy world – that seems to get busier almost every single day – sometimes we need to just take a step back, pause and just take a deep breath. Often, just that one thing can give us the clarity we seek. Sometimes, it can also save us from doing something that could have adverse consequences. Amen! It seems like everyone we talk to is feeling overwhelmed by life, Pastor Bob included. Amen!  Yet, we just keep on pushing. Often taking on more and more – all with the intent of achieving what we dream of as “success.” But it seems that “the faster we go, the behinder we get.” Amen! There are just too many balls we are juggling and trying to keep them all up in the air at the same time.  And if you ever noticed a juggler that drops one ball, it seems it causes almost ALL OF THE BALLS to drop! Amen! Our guest today has learned how to just, step back and take a breath (so to speak) and is now helping others to find that guiding peace as well. Tommy Thompson is our guest to

  • Space to Breath – Tommy Thompson pt 1

    13/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    Space to Breath Tommy Thompson pt 1 In this busy world – that seems to get busier almost every single day – sometimes we need to just take a step back, pause and just take a deep breath. Often, just that one thing can give us the clarity we seek. Sometimes, it can also save us from doing something that could have adverse consequences. Amen! It seems like everyone we talk to is feeling overwhelmed by life, Pastor Bob included. Amen!  Yet, we just keep on pushing. Often taking on more and more – all with the intent of achieving what we dream of as “success.” But it seems that “the faster we go, the behinder we get.” Amen! There are just too many balls we are juggling and trying to keep them all up in the air at the same time.  And if you ever noticed a juggler that drops one ball, it seems it causes almost ALL OF THE BALLS to drop! Amen! Our guest today has learned how to just, step back and take a breath (so to speak) and is now helping others to find that guiding peace as well. Tommy Thompson is our guest to

  • Will May 19th Be A Dark Day for the World? – Richard Ruhling pt 2

    10/05/2024 Duration: 24min

    Will May 19th Be A Dark Day for the World?  Richard Ruhling As we continue to watch, literally, the world going to hell in a handbasket right now, many people are wondering if this is actually the days leading up to the return of Jesus. If so – how close are we? Our guest today has been on several times before as we look at subjects which the Bible tells us to be aware of – but is anybody listening? Dr. Richard Ruhling is back today to share with us somethings we need to be aware of that may occur in the very, very near future. About a month or so ago, Dr. Ruhling was on where, during the course of the interview, we focused on the “2ndPassover” mentioned in the Bible. With that time now approaching, I wanted Dr. Ruhling to come back on the program and explain this for us again and discuss just how important it is for believers everywhere to recognize the importance of what shared. This is part two of a great two part interview with Dr. Richard Ruhling... At the end of the “10 Virgins Parable” – Jesus said you

  • Will May 19th Be A Dark Day for the World? – Richard Ruhling pt 1

    08/05/2024 Duration: 31min

    Will May 19th Be A Dark Day for the World?  Richard Ruhling pt 1 As we continue to watch, literally, the world going to hell in a handbasket right now, many people are wondering if this is actually the days leading up to the return of Jesus. If so – how close are we? Our guest today has been on several times before as we look at subjects which the Bible tells us to be aware of – but is anybody listening? Dr. Richard Ruhling is back today to share with us somethings we need to be aware of that may occur in the very, very near future. About a month or so ago, Dr. Ruhling was on where, during the course of the interview, we focused on the “2ndPassover” mentioned in the Bible. With that time now approaching, I wanted Dr. Ruhling to come back on the program and explain this for us again and discuss just how important it is for believers everywhere to recognize the importance of what shared. Help me welcome back to the program, Dr. Richard Ruhling!  Dr. Ruhling it’s great to have you back on the program as we conti

  • Can We Make God Jealous? - TS Wright

    06/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    Can We Make God Jealous?  TS Wright Scott Wright is back with us today. Scott has been teaching us about the different ages of the Church and significant things the Bible and history has to say about them. Amen. Today, we will be answering the question, “Can We Make God Jealous?” To do that, help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Scott Wright!  Scott, good to talk to you again, buddy! Alright, let’s jump into this… So, let’s start with this question… “What is Jealousy?”  The dictionary defines “Jealousy” as, “…a feeling of resentment, bitterness or hostility toward someone who has something that you don’t.” That sounds like a “sin” – kind of like “coveting” – wanting something you cannot have. Since God cannot sin – is God Jealous?  If so, why? We see throughout Exodus 20:5 where the Bible says, “You shall not bow down to them or serve them (false idols), for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those

  • The King’s Council – Rylee Meek pt 2

    03/05/2024 Duration: 28min

     The King’s Council Rylee Meek pt 2 Many churches and ministries are struggling to survive since the pandemic – when EVERYTHING was shutdown… but the expenses continued. Amen. Many business owners experienced the same thing and have struggled to adapt and survive as well. It is not unusual for ministries, churches and entrepreneurs to look for ways to save money AND still be a blessing as much as possible as we go about doing Kingdom business. Amen? If you are a Christian entrepreneur seeking to grow your business without compromising your faith; or you strive to keep your Sunday spirit alive from Monday to Saturday, in boardrooms and business meetings or you have a dream to build something meaningful, create a legacy, and you dream of making a difference in the world… If that sounds like you or thoughts you may have had, you will want to pay attention to the episode today. Our guest is going to shine a light that will be a blessing to everyone listening right now. Amen! Rylee Meek is the founder of “T

  • The King’s Council – Rylee Meek pt 1

    02/05/2024 Duration: 24min

     The King’s Council Rylee Meek pt 1 Many churches and ministries are struggling to survive since the pandemic – when EVERYTHING was shutdown… but the expenses continued. Amen. Many business owners experienced the same thing and have struggled to adapt and survive as well. It is not unusual for ministries, churches and entrepreneurs to look for ways to save money AND still be a blessing as much as possible as we go about doing Kingdom business. Amen? If you are a Christian entrepreneur seeking to grow your business without compromising your faith; or you strive to keep your Sunday spirit alive from Monday to Saturday, in boardrooms and business meetings or you have a dream to build something meaningful, create a legacy, and you dream of making a difference in the world… If that sounds like you or thoughts you may have had, you will want to pay attention to the episode today. Our guest is going to shine a light that will be a blessing to everyone listening right now. Amen! Rylee Meek is the founder of “T

  • Signs of the Times – TS Wright

    01/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    Signs of the Times TS Wright Scott Wright is back with us today. Scott has been teaching us about the different ages of the Church and significant things the Bible and history has to say about them. Amen.  We have seen recently, some pretty spectacular signs in nature.  We’ve seen a terrible earthquake in Taiwan and, just a few days ago (at the time of this recording) an earthquake in NEW JERSEY – of all places.  Then, just a few days after the earthquake in New Jersey, we had the solar eclipse. I guess the question I have for you todays is, “How does it all relate to us as Christians?”  Or is it just something that is a coincidence in this day and time in which we live?  I believe the Bible is very clear that God will use spectacular events in nature to try and “get our attention” as we approach the end times, correct? I’ve seen reports that animals were “freaking out” (for lack of a better term), during the eclipse. But, if you look at this – so were people

  • What Does it Mean to Choose Christ? – Scott Wright

    30/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    What Does it Mean to Choose Christ? Scott WrightScott Wright is back with us today as we continue to study details about the nation of Israel that, for some, may have never heard before. Scott is the author of the “God Centered Concept Journal” and has a unique insight into prophecy and the end times. He is also a podcaster, conducting teachings on these subject and the podcast has the same name, the “God Centered Concept Podcast.” AmenThe last time Scott was on, we discussed the “Fall of a Nation,” using Biblical examples of what has happened here, in the United States, when a nation turns from serving God. We left off with there being absolutely no doubt we have turned our backs on God and given him the infamous middle finger saluteIs there any wonder WHY things are going the way they are in this country right now?Many people, some in very influential ministry positions, claim “God will never forget the United States of America… He will preserve this nation… He will protect this nation…, etc.”WHY?If H

  • The “gods” are Here – Tom Donnan

    29/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    The “gods” are Here Tom Donnan How important is it that God’s people be armed with the knowledge of the spiritual battle that we are already in the middle of? Even non-believers are beginning to recognize the evil that is going on… Jonathan Cahn put out a video where he went into detail on how the ancient world was exploited by various gods. He explained as how they worshipped these gods, they were actually worshipping demonic forces. Did you see that video? Jonathan Cahn Video:  The Return of the gods | Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | LW ( We can see the signs of this pagan culture even today, in our society. The evil we are seeing, almost every night on the news, is evidence of demonic influences and even demonic possession. Don’t you agree? In Jesus day, He and His followers took on these evil forces head-on and demonstrated the “authority of the believer.”  That’s why his followers were persecuted to the extent they were because they refused to worship the pagan gods.

  • Raising Other People’s Children – Debbie Ausburn

    25/04/2024 Duration: 29min

    Raising Other People’s Children Debbie Ausburn Today, there are more than 400K children in foster care in the United States. The reason for this varies from child abuse and neglect. Whether physical abuse, psychological abuse or sexual abuse – these are all significant reasons children are removed from homes. They can also cause long lasting mental health issues and authority issues as well.  Neglect can run the gamut from failing to fulfill a child’s needs for food, hygiene, education, etc. Even withholding medical care.  Sometimes there is the situation where a child is abandoned. Whether financial pressures, emotional pressure or other reasons, the parent drops the child off somewhere and never returns. Then, there is the totally tragic case of when a parent dies, leaving nobody to raise the child.  All of these situations are tragic. All of these situations can scar a child for life. All of these situations require someone to step up and help.  That is where our guest t

  • A Journey to Life – Marina Carrier pt 2

    24/04/2024 Duration: 24min

    A Journey to Life Marina Carrier pt 2Heulwen Marina Carrier is our guest today, hailing from Edinburgh, Scotland.  Marina’s life has not been one of sunshine and roses. She was born as an illegitimate, unwanted child… suffered sexual abuse by her step-father up to age nine, when she was left for dead. But God. Amen. But God… Despite her suffering, she continued to excel through school and through God’s provision, was able to pass her classes well enough to train for and become a teacher. Amen! All her life, she continued to ask questions and gain wisdom through seeking the answers. This has enabled her to help those who have been diagnosed with learning disabilities to learn and grow as well.  She lived in denial of what she went through for many years, including her own husband’s betrayal.  One night, while praying she heard her name called and since then, now more than 30 years I believe, God called her back to the Church to minister to others who have also felt betr

  • Summit in a Box – Krista Miller

    23/04/2024 Duration: 27min

    Summit in a Box Krista MillerVirtual Summits are now the most popular way to grow your online business. You can be in ministry and hold revivals online. I know. I did that when the COVID shutdowns first happened. Our ministry was one of the first in the nation to hold an online ministry summit after the shutdown.We had 40 some pastors and ministers from around the nation come on the program over three days. We had over 700 visitors during the summit as we discussed the situation in light of Biblical prophecy and the need for repentance, etc.But, I pieced that summit together using about four different platforms! It took three of us to run it when we went live… plus the emails and promotions… It was a success… but it was the LAST ONE I did for over two years…Then, a month or two ago, the Lord put on my heart it was time for another summit of pastors to discuss prophecy in light of current events – again! I’m being honest, I was not thrilled He had put that in my heart and mind… amen!But, a week or s

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