Reach Church



A family scattered across the Seattle area, meeting weekly in Kirkland. Sunday gathering times: 9:30am + 11:00am at Lake Washington High School and 6:00pm at Life Community Church. Visit to learn more!


  • The Advocate

    26/05/2024 Duration: 45min

    The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is heavy. It can be hard to comprehend the depths of the disease of sin. It can be hard to grapple with God’s righteous judgement of sin. And even still, we can see the compassion and mercy of God. Lot had an advocate. And so do we.

  • Too Wonderful?

    19/05/2024 Duration: 44min

    In this powerful text, Yahweh appears to Abraham to hand deliver yet another promise of a son. Abraham gets to look into God’s eyes, in some wildly mysterious way, and see the commitment and purpose held in His gaze. We also gain wonderful insight into Abraham’s dynamic relationship with God through an awkwardly beautiful give and take.

  • An Invitation to Trust

    12/05/2024 Duration: 48min

    Thus far, God has made unconditional promises to Abram through covenant. Now, he invites him and all future offspring to trust in the Lord. Trusting, we will find, may not be as easy as one assumes.

  • Waiting on God

    05/05/2024 Duration: 46min

    Waiting on the Lord is challenging. Sometimes when we are waiting on Him, we choose to take things into our own hands. This is certainly the case in the account of Abram, Sarai and Hagar. There is a cost to doing it our way. Even still, the Lord is faithful and near. 

  • The Covenant Ratified

    28/04/2024 Duration: 44min

    God's covenant promise to Abram is now repeated and ratified in a dramatic ceremony that reveals a powerful glory in God's character. What God reveals to Abram has a direct line to your faith, today. How Abram responds to God is a centerpiece for the Apostle Paul's explanation of the gospel of grace. 

  • The Magnificent Melchizedek

    21/04/2024 Duration: 42min

    Slowing down dramatically, we take a beat to examine Abram's encounter with the magnificent and mysterious Melchizedek, priest and king. A major psalm and a good portion of the book of Hebrews helps us connect this brief encounter to the person of Jesus. Even more, it equips us with powerful tools for relationship and ministry. 

  • Disordered + Orderly Love

    14/04/2024 Duration: 38min

    As both grow in wealth, Abram and Lot separate from one another, revealing what they both love most. Lot proves the fickle nature of putting money over God; Abram shows the freedom and blessing that come from loving God first.

  • Not So Fast, Idolatry

    17/03/2024 Duration: 44min

    As the nations begin to spread out after the Flood, we arrive at a minor hiccup in the story of humanity. But the story of Babel will reveal the ghastly potential for idolatry, which warrants God’s gracious intervention. As we conclude the first part of Genesis, we are left with a dire need for covenant — God revealing himself to humans who do not know him.

  • Our Covenant God

    10/03/2024 Duration: 50min

    After the Ark, Noah encounters a Covenant-making and Covenant-keeping God. In this Creation-rich interaction we see a wealth of relevant, faith-building truth that lives as well today as it did millennia ago.

  • Hemmed In

    03/03/2024 Duration: 48min

    In the account of Noah and the flood, we must see that our God takes sin and rebellion seriously. And, we see His grace to preserve a remnant; ones who will recreate a community of worshippers from the wreckage.

  • Genealogy, Giants, & the Glory of God

    25/02/2024 Duration: 47min

    A destructive cycle of rebellion and chaos follows Adam’s descendents. God continues to invite humanity to walk with Him and bring blessing into the world, but they continue to choose their own way, bringing us to the prelude to the flood. Yet God promises, even in rebellion, that a wounded victor will come to defeat Satan, sin, and death once and for all.

  • The Righteous & The Rebellious

    18/02/2024 Duration: 45min

    In Cain and Abel, we see two different heart postures in a setting of worship. As the disease of sin spreads — even in the midst of the most calloused and heartbreaking disobedience — God shows up as a shepherding father.

  • The Birth of Death

    11/02/2024 Duration: 45min

    The rebellion of Eden is the most universally consequential event of human history. Yet, within God's gracious response, is the seed of His Solution - a Man that would conquer the Serpent and return us to the presence of God. 

  • A Time to Build: Introducing Deacons

    04/02/2024 Duration: 37min

    In a season that is a time to build, we’re introducing Deacons to Reach as servants called to meet tangible needs, organize and mobilize acts of service, and help preserve the unity of our church family.

  • The Crown of Creation

    28/01/2024 Duration: 43min

    After describing six glorious days of creation, Moses rewinds the tape and zooms in on the Creator’s most prized creation in the universe — humanity. You — yes, you reading this — possess infinite value, worth, dignity, honor and glory, far greater than the most magnificent nebula.

  • History's First Breath

    21/01/2024 Duration: 52min

    God rested after six days of indescribable activity. We will attempt a beautiful look at all seven of these days as described by Moses in the first chapter of Genesis. It promises to be an inspiring and humbling view. 

  • A New Look at the Old

    14/01/2024 Duration: 40min

    We begin the new year with a look back at the old — the beginning of the Old Testament. Before we start our study of Genesis, we take a beat and set our hearts to awe and appreciate the whole story of God from the very first words to the last.

  • Follow Me

    07/01/2024 Duration: 30min

    How are you going to follow Jesus in 2024? In a year where many voices will fight for your heart's focus — for your dollars, for your votes, for your attention on a screen — Jesus is saying to us, “Follow me.” A “yes” to him will be more than worth the cost.

  • 5 Types of Prayer & Reflection

    31/12/2023 Duration: 35min

    Many of us have only learned one way to pray—petitioning God to do things for us. Join us on this Worship Sunday as we work through 5 different prayers & reflections of Examen, Lament, Gratitude, Repentance, & Rest.

  • The Closest Girl

    24/12/2023 Duration: 38min

    Mary unfortunately has been a divisive figure in the church. Often too exalted or too dismissed, the young woman God chose was the closest anyone had ever gotten to God. She carried him. She nursed and cared for him. But before all of that she had to say Yes. 

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