First Baptist Church Los Alamos

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 86349:00:00
  • More information



First Baptist Church Los Alamos (FBCLA) is church that loves to see Jesus transform people's lives. We are located in Los Alamos, New Mexico.


  • The Journey Continues - Audio

    25/09/2016 Duration: 2295h00s

    Guest speaker, Keith WIlliams, speaks on the facing journey ahead in our lives.

  • Facing the Giants in Your Life - Audio

    18/09/2016 Duration: 2590h00s

    Guest speaker, Lamar Moring from the Baptist Convention of New Mexico, speaks on facing the giants in our lives.

  • Earth to God and Back - Surrender - Audio

    05/06/2016 Duration: 1509h00s

    It's important to prayer to God in order to know what God's will is for your life. But it's even more important to have a heart of surrender in order to follow God's will for you life. Join us as Brian Sedlacek examines Jesus' prayer in the Garden during the final hours leading up to his crucifixion in which he prays to follow God's ultimate purpose for his life.

  • FourTwelve - Reaching the Next Generation - Audio

    29/05/2016 Duration: 2763h00s

    We've discussed the need to reach the next generation and we've looked at where we need to make investments, now, in the series finale of FourTwelve its time to discover how we can most effectively reach them.

  • FourTwelve - Investing in Next Generation Leaders - Audio

    15/05/2016 Duration: 1726h00s

    Investing in the next generation by coaching and training them in leadership.

  • FourTwelve - Investing in Families - Audio

    09/05/2016 Duration: 2733h00s

    Investing in the next generation by investing in families.

  • FourTwelve - Investing in the Next Generation - Audio

    02/05/2016 Duration: 2662h00s

    At FBCLA we love to invest in the next generation! We believe our youth are not just the church of the future, but rather the youth can be leaders in the church today! This series is about casting a vision on how collectively we can come together as a church family to 1) reach the youth and young families in Los Alamos for Jesus AND 2) strengthen your own relationship with Jesus in the process.

  • Hello My Name Is...Loved By God - Audio

    28/03/2016 Duration: 2450h00s

    It’s difficult for us to understand how much we matter unless we go back to the beginning of creation when God set all of this in motion. God said it was good. He saw Himself in what He had made in humanity. God could call us lots of things. But He chooses to call us His children. It means you matter.

  • Setting the Table - Week 2 - Marriage - Audio

    12/01/2016 Duration: 3079h00s

    Setting the Table is a deliberate and detailed process that makes any meal special. In our personal lives if we Set the Table properly, we can expect a special 2016. Join us as we explore how to Set the Table for a healthy family, marriage and financial life.

  • DNOW - Wired for a Purpose - Audio

    26/10/2015 Duration: 2433h00s

    We are wired to love others.

  • DNOW - Wired for Truth - Audio

    26/10/2015 Duration: 3623h00s

    Truth cannot be defined in terms of relativity…There must be an absolute. By claiming there are no absolutes, you have (yourself) made an absolute statement (there are absolutely no absolutes). It is very difficult in today’s world to come to an understanding of what Truth is. So as we are confronted with TRUTH with a capital T….what are we to do with the person called Jesus? Secular claims of who Christ is/was: A good teacher, A good philosopher, A nice man. Christ does not give us those option. He is either: a Liar, Lunatic, Lord. Which is he to you?

  • DNOW - Wired to Worship - Audio

    25/10/2015 Duration: 1753h00s

    We are wired to love and worship God.

  • DNOW - Wired in God's Image - Audio

    17/10/2015 Duration: 2828h00s

    It’s difficult for us to understand how much we matter unless we go back to the beginning when God set all of this in motion. God said it was good. He saw Himself in what He had made. Loving God seems like something God would ask us to do. But you probably don’t expect Him to say it’s as big of a deal as loving yourself. Loving ourselves has nothing to do with elevating ourselves over other people. Loving ourselves means that we believe we matter. God could call us lots of things. But He chooses to call us His children. It means you matter.

  • What's Your Next Step - Week 3 - Enjoy God - Audio

    19/07/2015 Duration: 2154h00s

    The third step to discerning God's will for your life is Enjoying God. When you seek God wholeheartedly and obey when He speaks, God will transform your heart to take joy in everything he has to offer. This type of joy can only come from through a relationship with Jesus and he offers it freely to anyone who believes in him.

  • What's Your Next Step - Trust God - Audio

    12/07/2015 Duration: 2345h00s

    The second step to discerning God's will for your life is Trusting God. The more you trust and obey God as He speaks to you the more you will grow in your faith. But you can't just trust Him in some areas of your life, you must Him in ALL your

  • What's Your Next Step - Seek God - Audio

    05/07/2015 Duration: 2637h00s

    The first step to discerning God's will for your life is Seeking God. As you seek God humbly, wholeheartedly, and by removing your agenda, God will start to speak, lead you and do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine!

  • True Greatness - Audio

    28/06/2015 Duration: 2875h00s

    Man's greatness is limited. God's greatness is limitless.

  • Eliminating Poverty in Los Alamos - Audio

    18/05/2015 Duration: 2840h00s

    Sometimes we see poverty as only a money thing, but in reality poverty is so much more. With a median household income of $106,00+ Los Alamos is extremely blessed financially, but could we still be experiencing poverty other areas of our lives? And if so, how can we work together to eliminate it?

  • Grace - Audio

    28/01/2014 Duration: 2346h00s

    Experiencing the grace of God in our own lives compels us to help others experience the grace of God in their own lives.

  • 5 Reasons to Have Hope in 2014 - Audio

    29/12/2013 Duration: 2371h00s

    As we look back at 2013 and are thankful to God for all of His blessings (through the good and the bad) there is definitely reason to have hope has we move forward in 2014.

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