Gospel Points

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 8:29:48
  • More information



The Gospel Points Podcast seeks to explore the width and breadth of the Christian life through examining the Scriptures and pointing believers back to the gracious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Join us as we feature interesting guests to chat with us about the church, theology, the family, politics, books, culture and so much more.


  • The Gospel According to Star Trek - Part 1

    16/06/2017 Duration: 20min

    Calling all nerds, it’s time to geek out! This week on the podcast we’re talking about Star Trek. Joining us is Kevin C. Neece, author of the book the Gospel According to Star Trek - the Original Crew. Don’t worry, we’re not finding hidden meanings to uncover the true Christian meaning behind the show and films but rather looking at the series from behind the lens of a Christian worldview. In this first segment, after a quick geek-out (including a comparison between the original storyline and the one found in the most recent theater releases), we discuss Gene Roddenberry’s faith and the impact upon his work. Be sure to share this with all your trekkie friends!

  • Can A Christian Smoke Pot, Part 2

    09/06/2017 Duration: 19min

    Welcome back! It’s been quite a long time since I’ve been able to post a podcast, but I am back! After a few weeks of closing out the school year and moving back to Wisconsin, I’m glad to be back in the podcasting chair cranking out some new episodes. This week we pick up right where we left off with author Mark Ward and his book Can I Smoke Pot? In this final segment we compare marijuana with alcohol and also discuss possible medicinal benefits. We wrap things up with a quick discussion of how to answer issues like this that are not directly addressed in Scripture.

  • Can A Christian Smoke Pot?

    20/04/2017 Duration: 19min

    Today is April 20 or 420 a time that has become associated with Marijuana smoking. As several states have legalized pot, Christians have begun to discuss the morality of its recreational use. Authors Tom Breeden and Mark L. Ward ask this question in the title of their book - Can I Smoke Pot? To tackle this question, Mark L. Ward joins us on the podcast. This week we discuss the larger question of how to apply a Biblical theology to this topic and look at how we can see this in light of the Word of God.

  • The Importance of the Resurrection - Pastor Jeremy Scott

    15/04/2017 Duration: 24min

    This week we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, so on this episode of the Gospel Points podcast we focus on the importance of the resurrection. Many would agree that Jesus was a great moral teacher who inspired millions of people for thousands of years. Does it really matter if he actually rose from the dead? His teaching and his reputation will live on forever regardless. I ask this question and several others to Pastor Jeremy Scott of the Memorial Baptist Church in Verona, WI.

  • The Grieving Christian, Part 2

    30/03/2017 Duration: 25min

    This week on the Gospel Points podcast we are again joined by Pastor Aaron White of the River Hills Community Church in Janesville, WI. We’re discussing Pastor White’s book, When Shadows Fall: The Grieving Saint and the Granite Promises of Romans 8. In this final segment we walk through the promises found in Romans chapter 8 or the "Great 38."

  • The Grieving Christian, Part 1

    04/03/2017 Duration: 22min

    This week on the Gospel Points podcast we are joined by Pastor Aaron White of the River Hills Community Church in Janesville, WI. We’re discussing Pastor White’s book, When Shadows Fall: The Grieving Saint and the Granite Promises of Romans 8. Listen in as we talk about how believers in Christ grapple with the loss of their loved ones in light of the precious promises of the Word of God. You can purchase the book here - http://amzn.to/2mCaiKy

  • The Ordinary Pastor, Part 2

    23/02/2017 Duration: 25min

    This week on Gospel Points we welcome back Pastor Cody Almanzar of the Grace Family Church in Canon City, CO. In this final segment with Cody, we chat about the challenges of bi-vocational ministry, ways congregations can help their bi-vocational pastor and then we wrap things up by talking about his Ordinary Pastor Podcast (that is well worth your time to download, AFTER you're all caught up with Gospel Points episodes).

  • The Ordinary Pastor, Part 1

    11/02/2017 Duration: 22min

    This week on Gospel Points we welcome Pastor Cody Almanzar of the Grace Family Church in Canon City, CO. In addition to pastoring, Cody is the host of he Ordinary Pastor Podcast that features interviews with pastors, pastor's wives, missionaries and church members. Check it out here - http://ordinarypastors.com In this first segment, Cody and chat about the challenges of being an "ordinary" pastor in world (and even a church) that is obsessed with celebrity and notoriety.

  • The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, Part 2

    03/02/2017 Duration: 24min

    This week's Gospel Points Podcast features part 2 of our interview with Pastor Matt Trewella of Mercy Seat Christian Church in Milwaukee. We're talking about his book, the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates. In this final segment we chat about Romans 13 and then spend the remainder of our time we get a history lesson as we travel back in time to discuss the Magdeburg Confession. You can purchase the book here - http://amzn.to/2l2z95r

  • My Inauguration Message for Donald Trump

    20/01/2017 Duration: 39min

    This afternoon, Donald J. Trump will place his hand on a Bible, take an oath to uphold the Constitution and then officially become the 45th President of the United States. As we recognize this formal transition of power, religious leaders such as Paula White and Franklin Graham will stand before the Capitol Building and speak a few words. For some reason, I was not invited to speak at this event. If I wrote a message anyway. This past week I delivered this message, based from the advice given to King Lemuel in Proverbs 31, at a chapel service at Rock County Christian School. I think it's worth your time to listen to my charge to the new President.

  • End Abortion Now, Part 2 with Jeff Durbin

    13/01/2017 Duration: 24min

    This week we wrap up our interview with Pastor Jeff Durbin, pastor of the Apologia Church and host of the Apologia Radio Podcast. We're talking about Jeff's new initiative to End Abortion Now. This week we chat about his ministry at local abortion clinics and some of the objections people have about such an outreach. Don’t forget to check out www.endabortionnow.com for more details and to show your support.

  • #EndAbortionNow Part 1 with Jeff Durbin

    06/01/2017 Duration: 21min

    This week Gospel Points returns for season five! To get things started right, this week’s podcast feature’s the one and only Pastor Jeff Durbin from the Apologia Church in Tempe, AZ. Pastor Jeff is launching a new ministry called End Abortion Now and is raising quite a bit of money to get this off the ground. Listen in to this week’s segment to hear about how the Apologia Church got involved in the fight against abortion and how they plan to help your church get involved as well. Don’t forget to check out www.endabortionnow.com for more details and to show your support.

  • The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, Part 1

    21/10/2016 Duration: 25min

    This week on Gospel Points we will be talking about civil disobedience. When is it ok to disobey the civil authority God has placed in your life? Our guest is Pastor Matt Trewella of Mercy Seat Christian Church in Milwaukee. He is also the founder of Missionaries to the Pre-Born and the author of the book, the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, the book at the center of our discussion. Check out the website at https://lessermagistrate.com

  • The Struggles of Depression, Part 2

    14/10/2016 Duration: 24min

    On this week’s episode of Gospel Points we finish up our look at Christians and depression with our final segment with Pastor Jim Oakley. Last week Jim walked through his personal journey and in this segment he takes us through the Scriptures for encouragement and strength. Be sure to check out his blog at www.pastorjimsblog.weebly.com

  • Struggling with Depression, Part 1

    07/10/2016 Duration: 27min

    On this week’s edition of Gospel Points we continue our look at depression from a Christian perspective. Listen in as Pastor Jim Oakley describes his own personal journal and the struggles he has experienced. In our conversation we encourage Christians to strip away the mask of fake happiness and be real about our issues. We also discuss when to consider seeking medical attention and wrestle through the question of medication. Check out Pastor Jim's blog at http://pastorjimsblog.weebly.com

  • The Reformed Pubcast

    14/07/2016 Duration: 19min

    With the theology of Calvin and the thirst of Luther, this week we’re talking about the Reformed Pubcast (www.reformedpubcast.com), the wildly popular podcast hosted by Les Lanphere and Tanner Barfield. The podcast seeks to discuss reformed theology while also talking up their love for craft beers. Les Lanphere joins us once again to chat about how the podcast was started and how the Pub Facebook group (www.facebook.com/groups/reformedpub) grew into huge discussion group that takes up much of my newsfeed each day. Also, don’t forget about the documentary Les old us about last week. There’s still time to give your support! Check it out here – www.calvinistmovie.com.

  • Calvinism

    06/07/2016 Duration: 23min

    Though many have found the doctrines of grace to be highly offensive, Charles Spurgeon suggested that Calvinism was only a mere nickname for the gospel. This week we’ll be talking about Calvinism with Les Lanphere of the Reformed Pubcast. Les will chat with us about wide range of topics regarding this issue, including his personal journey and will fill us in on his exciting new project, a documentary about Calvinism featuring such names as James R. White, Michael Horton, Tim Challies, and Joe Thorn. Learn more at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1832273783/calvinist-documentary-film

  • Biblical Authority, Part 2

    07/06/2016 Duration: 18min

    Welcome back to the Gospel Point Podcast! After over a month’s hiatus we are finally back in action. We begin picking up right where we left off with part two of our interview with Caleb Kolstad of the First Baptist Church of Freeport, IL. In this final segment we talk about how the Bible can be authoritative if the text of Scripture is subject to so many different interpretations. We then conclude with a discussion of what Biblical authority looks like practically within our local churches.

  • Biblical Authority, Part 1

    28/04/2016 Duration: 28min

    This week on the Gospel Points Podcast we are chatting with Pastor Caleb Kolstad of the First Baptist Church of Freeport, IL. The issue at hand is the importance of Biblical authority. In an age where every authority is questioned, the authority and priority of God’s Word is especially under attack. In this first segment, Pastor Caleb defines for us just what Biblical authority is and how even some within the church may be tempted to abandon it in favor of something else. We also discuss the difference between a Reformed and Catholic understanding of this doctrine. Read Pastor Kolstad's blog here - http://preacherboy316pt2.blogspot.com

  • Overcoming Legalism

    06/04/2016 Duration: 25min

    If there is one thing that kills any sort of gospel emphasis or progress in true sanctification, it is legalism. Of course no one would even identify themselves as a legalist, it is always that person to the right of me, the one whose standards are stricter than mine that has that issue. Yet the problem is everywhere, especially in my own heart. We all struggle with the temptation to think that my standing with God is based upon my own striving and effort. In this podcast, I’ve asked my old college friend Brian McLaughlin (Pastor of the Fairview Baptist Church in Decatur, AL) to talk about identifying legalism and then overcoming those legalistic tendencies that sometimes tempt us to take pride in ourselves.

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