This comedy podcast has intricate storylines based upon many different characters in a round table type discussion. Hashing everything out from the paranormal to conspiracy theories to music and much more. Join your host Joey herbz and his co hosts an intern for full on enlightning conversations that will shatter your paradigm and make you literally laugh out loud.
Ep. 11: "Fuck Charities"
03/07/2014SEASON 2 PREMIERE. Phil got new gear, Ashley shows up late, and some brothers of Italian descent make a ruckus. Plus, Ashley and Dean perform their new collaboration.
Ep. 10: "The Season Finale Pt. 1"
30/08/2013We at Hoaxerz Must Die headquarterz have been very busy as of late. We apologize for the extreme lateness of the season finale.... This episode is full of wacky surprises.... its a normal length show but only in two segments.. Pt. 2 will be three segments. But as always this show will top the last one. ENJOY!!! -herbz
Ep. 9: "Thtick Out Like A Thor Thumb"
26/06/2013In this episode of Hoaxerz Must Die we welcome back MC Puffsip who wants to tell you about his new pug exclusive clothing line... Pugnatical International! We hear from Ashley's parents, who don't seem at all bothered by Ashley's death. Then Vikki "The Chin" Venturer stops by to shed light on Ashley's possible whereabouts. Plus, a musical number by Yavinfive and all new commercials from the Carlsbad Commission who want to remind you of Carlsbad Con on July 6th at 95 Empire Street in Providence, RI!
Ep. 8: "Dragon Picklez"
06/06/2013In this episode of Hoaxerz Must Die we are joined by time traveler and apparent clairvoyant medium, Sal Bielek. He tells us about his time in the military and the things he saw that became what is known as "The Philadelphia Experiment." Sal also tries to channel the spirit of Ashley, who may or may not be dead as Vikki "The Chin" Venturer calls in to explain. As always The Carlsbad Commission unleashes some new products on an unsuspecting public to mixed results. Plus, if you make it to the end of the episode, you'll be treating your ears to an entire EP from dance sensation ¿QUE?*.* ¿QUE? may or may not be an actual dance sensation.
Ep. 7: "Back From The De-he-he-head"
26/05/2013In this episode of Hoaxerz Must Die... we have a special fill in co-host by the name of Adam Theroux since Kenski was suffering from nipple irritation. Sam Shawn stops by to pick up Ashley's stuff and becomes interested in BTK's "stuff." Joanne Rockenburg returns from the dead to premiere her rockin' new single "BACK FROM THE DEAD!" Plus, Paul Blimey makes a drunken appearance and does some damage with his skullring. We end the episode with a track from HERBZ's new album "Purple Death" titled "The Decline of Civilization." Don't forget about CarlsbadCon July 6th at 95 Empire in Providence, RI!
Ep. 5: "Close Encounterz Of The 3rd Segment Pt.2"
26/05/2013In this episode of H.M.D we find out the final conclusion to the abduction dictated by the Zeta Reticuli's. We learn about King Klarknor's actual intent of our abduction and Dean Smythe makes the decision of a lifetime (or two) and we experience Episode 33 of Those Wacky Earthlingz!! Meanwhile, Ashley the Intern's eyebrows and head have grown back as stubble due to the the bagless vaccuum of space and absence of earth time. Sam Shawn pops in to bitch at us about everything and we receive a phone call from a very special person reppin' cosmic love. We end this episode with a musical track from Ashley the Intern, with his gay ass song he wrote for his cunty girlfriend. It's called something gay about high dives... or breast stroke of love or something.
Ep. 3: "Forearm Crutchez"
26/05/2013In today's episode of H.M.D. we have Carlsbad spokesman Juan Miguel Rojas in studio for the first segment to talk about his new Shoelace, Mango, and Coconut Licuadora Shoppe. During the 2nd and 3rd segments we have HIP HOP artist MC PUFF SIP to talk about his sophomore record and premiere his brand new single live on air! THUMPIN!!! We have 2 very special hypemen who make an appearance and cause a bit of a ruckus... BRIAN DA BOMBdotCOM and DOPE DAN... THUMPIN!!! We end this episode with a track from OTHER LIFEFORMZ entitled "Fiending for Blow." ENJOY!!!
Ep. 2: "A Twinkle In The Cosmos"
26/05/2013We have a jam packed edition of H.M.D. today! We have a brand new member to add to the staff here... the new intern ASHLEY!!! And also today's in studio guest is globally respected astrophysicist Dr. Patrick Plaadge MD who's here to talk about his 1000+ page book "A Twinkle In The Cosmos" with the epilogue written by Dr. Jannks. Later in the show we discuss the recent triangular UFO sightings in Massachusetts... Ashley borrows the B.T.K.'s car and consequently we meet graphic design enthusiast and police officer Harry Johnson. We end this episode with a musical track from Glenn Robinson entitled "The Worst" off his EP "Total Fiasco"...dotcom
Ep. 1: "So You Sell Daggerz?"
26/05/2013In this episode of Hoaxerz Must Die we have knife enthusiast and aspiring musician Chef Ted as our in studio guest. For the first time we have open phone lines for listenerz to call in with questions or comments. We review some articles including extraterrestrial rape and top armageddons of all time. Plus, a FREESTYLE BATTLE!!! This week's music track is from Joey Herbz [tha] PukeBox entitled "Miserable & Thirsty" off his new upcoming full length record "Purple Death!" Enjoy!!!