Tribe Byron Bay



Tribe Byron Bay is a community of passionate lovers of Jesus.We have intentionally built a community based on all that Christ taught His disciples to do.Our passion is to live in His presence and walk in His love.


  • Episode 172: Maria Mason - Intimacy with God Series: Taking Responsibility for Time Well Spent - 23 June 2024

    28/06/2024 Duration: 41min

    In Luke 10, we read about Martha and Mary, two sisters who offered hospitality to Jesus and the people traveling with Him. They had a brother, Lazarus. The three young people were friends of Jesus. When Jesus came to eat at their home, Mary sat at the Lord's feet and was consumed by His teachings, heart, and ministry. On the other hand, Martha was consumed with serving and preparing the dinner, but as we dive into this portion of scripture, Maria Mason opens an even deeper reality of what was happening. Martha represents our orphan heart, which often manifests a victim mindset and uses victim language to distract us from love. Mary represents the transformative power of the secret place, a place of intimate communion with the Lord. She chose the ‘better thing’ because she had already decided to be a person of the heart. Mary had predetermined to take responsibility for her inner life, which is the most important choice.Maria shares some wisdom about our needs when we come to God. We need time to process our p

  • Episode 171: Chris Miller - Intimacy with God Series: Choosing the Good Portion - 9 June 2024

    18/06/2024 Duration: 58min

    The Good News is God loves you with an unconditional love and He chooses to love you in that way every single day. God wants to be in relationship with us, and He values every moment we will give Him. So what kind of relationship does God want to have with us? All of Scripture is full of rich wisdom and insight on this. In this message, we take a look at the relationship between Mary of Bethany and Jesus. Mary went on to participate in the Messianic mission of Jesus because of the special insight she had received from her time with Him. Many who were serving Jesus completely misunderstood and ultimately missed out on partnering and supporting Jesus through the greatest act of love the world has ever seen. Why is it that not all who served Jesus knew what their Master was doing?In Luke 10:42, Jesus says of Mary of Bethany that she had chosen the good portion and that it was a good thing to do and would remain with her always. What did Jesus mean by choosing the good portion? We explore the Psalms to uncover wh

  • Episode 170: David Balestri - Image Bearers - 30 May 2024

    03/06/2024 Duration: 56min

    David Balestri takes us on a tour of the concept of the Imago Dei, the image of God. Human beings are image bearers, meaning we carry and express the very image and likeness of God. In Genesis 1:26, we read, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.” Through the fall, certain aspects of the image and likeness of God were lost, such as His holiness and His glory. However, through redemption, the glory of God has been restored to the sons and daughters of God. Paul now declares, “Christi in you, the hope of glory!” (Colossians 1:27) David encourages us to step into the glory God has ordained for each of us to walk in. We can now shine with the glory of God. Jesus said, “Let your light so shine…” (Matthew 5:16). May this message inspire you to put on Christ and live large in your witness of Christ in this world.

  • Episode 169: Jade Miller – Good News Series: Jesus, Our Reconciling Peace – 12 May 2024

    19/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    In Matthew 5:9, Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God”. What is this ‘peace’ that Jesus is encouraging us to ‘make’? And in particular, what does it look like to cultivate this kind of peace within a Christian community? Join us in Ephesians to hear how Paul encouraged the Jew and Gentile Christians in Ephesus to unify and foster this harmonious peace, despite their cultural differences.

  • Episode 168: Wayne Benn - Good News Series: Towards Pentecost - 28 April 2024

    05/05/2024 Duration: 51min

    This week our message is from Wayne Benn, our local Crosslink Network leader for Southern QLD. He shares on the power of the outpouring of the Spirit. The ancient custodians of Judaism loved an argument.…and they  had plenty to argue about around the time of Pentecost.However, their arguments became tired and weak against Jesus disciples.Those disciples (fishermen and rascals) were academically inferior and theologically lacklustre. They should have been no match for the theological prowess of the rulers in the synagogue.But Pentecost changed all that.Gods power and authority was given to ordinary people. Its amazing how religious arguments always lose out to Gods power/ miracles/ signs and wonders.Pentecost still happens because God is continuing to pour out His Spirit in the last days. Australia needs to see a church ablaze with the fire of God. Lets keep praying like the Bride for that which has been promised.

  • Episode 167: Phil Mason - Good News Series: The Gospel of Love - 14 April 2024

    23/04/2024 Duration: 01h07min

    In this message in our Good News series, Phil Mason explores our reception of the gospel message. The gospel is not a subject to be mastered by the mind. It is a feast of God’s love for the heart. But the Western world has sold us a lie that the mind is the primary organ of perception. That’s how most people think in Western education. The truth is, according to the Scriptures, that our heart is the primary organ of perception and that we are to see with the eyes of our heart and have our minds subsequently informed by the revelation light that streams into a soft, open heart. Jesus said, “The eyes of your spirit allow revelation-light to enter into your being. If your heart is unclouded, the light floods in!” (Luke 6:22 TPT) Our goal in receiving the good news is to pursue an ‘unclouded heart’ so God can fill us with His love and His light. Jesus said the pure in heart shall see God. (Matthew 5:8) We hope you enjoy this message!

  • Episode 166: Prue Flipo - Good News Series - Gospel of Grace - 31 March 2024

    03/04/2024 Duration: 48min

    In this message we unpack Ephesians 1:5-6 where we see that the goal of God’s grace is His glory. The avenue for which this glory is poured out is through His “tremendous love cascading over us”. Specifically, the cascading adoptive love of the Father. This love as it says in Ephesians is what will “glorify His grace”!We journey through the unpacking of what is grace, why we need it and what it leads to. We learn that God’s grace is full of His empowering presence, that grace has dominion and how we can carry that as beloved sons and daughters into a hurting world.We finish with the verse from Matthew 5:14-16 with the stunning revelation that God wants His house, the church, to be the radiant light on the hill where His glory dwells. From here we are sent out as glory carriers to bring the lost and broken back home into these high-level radiant places of his glory. Evangelism is meant to be the overflow of the glorious love that is radiating in the House of God! We are coming into the hour where the church is

  • Episode 165: Rosie Moulton - Good News Series: The God of All Comfort - 24 March 2024

    28/03/2024 Duration: 42min

    In the opening chapter of 2 Corinthians Paul strongly exhorted the early church with the good news that our God is a “Father of compassion and and the God of all comfort” ( See 2Cor 1:3)Paul wasn’t just making a “nice” statement. He and Timothy were writing to the Corinthians from circumstances of great hardship, pain and persecution. However in the midst of their trials and weakness, they were experiencing a supernatural encouragement and comfort of God, which enabled them, intern to release this comfort to other believers. Jesus also gave this same message to the apostles before he went to the cross. He said I will not leave you alone, as orphans. I will send you a helper, who will be a comforter, he is called the Holy Spirit (see John 14).In a world full of many false comforts Rosie reminds us that the only true and lasting comfort comes from the Lord. He is calling us to draw near today. However, we always have a choice how we will walk this out. As secure sons and daughters of God we will choose to come

  • Episode 164: Maria Mason - Good News Series: You're Invited to the Banquet to Feast - 25 February 2024

    04/03/2024 Duration: 36min

    Lent is a time to traditionally fast and seek God before the Easter celebration of resurrection. Our community will begin a corporate fast on March 10 – Easter Sunday! Watch our social media for ways you can partner with us in this season!Today, however, Maria Mason teaches from Matthew 22 – the Parable of the Banquet. Traditionally, this parable teaches us about the two main groups in history- those who want in on Christ’s salvation from sin and those who reject His Lordship. But there’s another metaphor as well - those who were once willing to go out of their way to get filled up and those not interested in feasting on the invisible banquet of encounters with God! Jesus said: “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”This feast is His Kingdom and His love! Encountering God is our birthright and not a deluxe form of Christianity. We must learn to encounter God, and it takes some practice. Being “known by God” is the key. Spend time with Him and let Him know you! It's not all about

  • Episode 163: Phil Mason - Good New Series: Know and Preach the Gospel - 11 February 2024

    20/02/2024 Duration: 58min

    The gospel is the greatest news ever to hit the planet. Whether we are called to the ministry of evangelism or not, we are all called to “do the work of an evangelist.” (2 Timothy 4:5). We all have people in our lives who don't know Jesus and because we know the truth we have a responsibility to share the gospel with others. It is vital that all followers of Jesus know and understand the gospel. It is called “the gospel of grace’ because salvation is a free gift for all who believe and repent. We need to prioritize our own personal understanding of the gospel message so we are ready in season and out of season to preach the good news the way Jesus and the Apostles presented it. Salvation is a free gift, but discipleship costs us everything. When we see what Jesus sacrificed so we could be saved, it moves us to sacrifice everything as our act of worship and devotion to Him. We hope this message from Phil Mason blesses you to carry the good news everywhere you go.

  • Episode 162: Chris Miller - The Light that Leads to Life - 28 January 2024

    29/01/2024 Duration: 54min

    The physical laws of light reveal much about the nature of its Author, Jesus. In this message, you’ll hear how God wrote His name in light and sent it right across the physical universe! It was the first creative act in Genesis! It was Yahweh’s first song…”let there be light...” and it was a glorious display of His power and authority over all creation, “…and there was light.” Jesus is the Light of the world, the Light that leads to life. As the revelation of God’s true nature lights up our hearts, and we syncopate our lives with the gracious breath of Yahweh, we can come to understand what it is we have been given by grace through faith. This is a message to challenge the believer! Do you know what it is you’ve been given? The disciple Peter knew and we take a look at his life in Acts 3 and study the characteristics of his faith to learn from someone who walked in the light of all that had been given to him from Jesus.

  • Episode 161: Book Launch - January 2024 - "The Heart Prophet: A Manual For Feelers, Seers and Heart Restorers" by Maria Mason

    23/01/2024 Duration: 52min

    This podcast is a recording from an online Book Launch of Maria Mason’s latest book. In this podcast, Phil interviews her about this publication. Here is the back cover of her book: God is looking for prophets to unveil His heart of love!When nations need healing, God raises up sons and daughters who carry His heart. Many believe that prophets have one primary assignment: to guide the church toward revival, but God also wants to bring profound transformation to nations, starting in people’s hearts. Enter, the heart prophet! Heart prophets are feelers, seers and restorers of hearts. They engage with the Spirit via their senses and can uniquely minister His heart of restoration through the five-fold ministry. They carry the message of repentance, restoration, and revival. Heart Prophets receive heaven’s divine intel to communicate God’s feelings and heart. They are wired to feel and release the Father’s love to heal and restore. This book is a unique manual for an emerging generation of prophets, and it will po

  • Episode 160: Maria Mason - Prophetic Word for Tribe Church - “Bees are Community Creatures who Prosper the Hive, For the Honey!” - 14 January 2024

    22/01/2024 Duration: 25min

    Honey bees are super-important pollinators for flowers, fruits and vegetables. This means that they help other plants grow! All honey bees are social insects and live together in nests or hives. The honeybee is remarkable for its movements in the hive to communicate information to its fellow bees about the location, distance, size, and quality of a particular food source in the surrounding area!Bees all have roles to play, and they do their part within the community! Lots could be said here, but Maria then shared from the acronym of BEES - 4 key areas that God is getting us to build as a community this year and that we are going after! 

B for Business - we are actively growing business in 2024 to create Kingdom wealth and blessings. We are reigniting the business breakfast and will host speakers this year to help us grow Kingdom business mindsets!E for Evangelism - we are also reigniting the evangelism push into the region with a team who are working on several fronts to promote the healing and salvation we

  • Episode 159: Phil Mason - The Very First Words of Jesus - 14 January 2024

    20/01/2024 Duration: 42min

    The first recorded utterance from the lips of Jesus was “I must be about My Father’s business!” (Luke 2:49). As adopted sons and daughters we are called to a new identity as the immediate family of Jesus: His brothers and sisters. Even at the age of 12, Jesus was already consumed by His Father and the advancement of His kingdom on earth. He laid His life down completely to please His Father and to do His will. Jesus lived by the principle of losing His life in order to find it in the Father. If we are willing to lose our lives we will find real life: eternal life in Jesus. Phil Mason’s first message for 2024 is a fresh call to lose our lives in order to truly find the purpose of our existence: to live for the Father’s business.

  • Episode 158: Charlotte Fenby - Faith, Hope, Love and Emmanuel - 17 December 2023

    23/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    Jesus is the God-with-us, our Emmanuel. He gave up everything to be born a baby. He lived among us and so truly does understand humanity. The beginning as well as the end of Jesus' life are the source of our hope and faith. The promise to which we latch our faith is the hope of the experience of the endless love of God cascading into our hearts. Every struggle we go through must be met by love. Our hope is in a Saviour, who is willing to be with us in every situation and will supply every lack that we have. Let this Christmas be the time that you truly encounter the perfect love of Jesus, He is with us!

  • Episode 157: Rosie Moulton - Summer Survival Guide - 10 December 2023

    14/12/2023 Duration: 46min

    In this timely message, Rosie shares her thoughts on how we can finish the year strong and set ourselves up to step into 2024 with hope, courage, vision and authority. This message is a call for the church to be intentional this summer as we guard our hearts, practise intentional sonship, “buy” the oil of intimacy with the Holy Spirit and hold fast to our Kingdom vision.As we draw near to the Lord and take time to let go of any cares and burdens we may be still carrying from 2023, we are positioning ourselves to receive a fresh infilling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Father’s blessing this Christmas, and His radical grace, joy and breakthrough in the coming year.

  • Episode 156: Phil Mason - Intentional Sonship - 23 November 2023

    04/12/2023 Duration: 53min

    In this message, Phil gave a keynote address to a company of regional leaders at our recent Heart Revolution Leaders’ Refreshing Day. He explored the work of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Adoption, the work of the Father, and the work of the Son as they intentionally collaborate together to take us deeper in our sonship journey. The Three-in-One desire to birth a similar intentionality in our hearts as we learn to cooperate with them in embracing what Phil calls ‘Deep Sonship.’  This message had a significant impact on our region’s leaders, and we pray it has a similar impact on you as you listen.

  • Episode 155: Fini de Gersigny - Missional Community: Celebrating 25 Years of Tribe Community - 12 November 2023

    15/11/2023 Duration: 45min

    As Tribe moves into its silver jubilee celebrations, we were joined by Pastor Fini and so blessed to receive a great word of encouragement about the key values that Tribe has fought for. With great vulnerability, joy and courage, Fini shared six key themes that define Tribe Church:1. The presence of God is a stand-out value!2. Praying for the sick is a passion of this church.3. Ministering to the New Age people at national festivals and in our region has been a constant for many years!4. David’s Tent worship with harp and bowl model of prayer and intercession.5. A passion for theology, including the books that have been written on healing, heart revolution, the glory, community and now sensitive prophetic people. Lastly,6. Tribe Church is a community of love. We live it to the best of our ability. We are not perfect, but we are authentic in our pursuit growing in His ability to love.We pray these values will be blessed and grown in the lives of all who visit, attend and participate in this community of faith.

  • Episode 154: Rosie Moulton - Missional Community: The Journey to the Other Side - 15 October 2023

    22/10/2023 Duration: 59min

    When He was on earth Jesus went about modeling what it looks like to be on God’s mission. He told the people of His day that he would “only do what he saw His Father doing”. And the Father’s mission was a mission that was compelled by great love!As God’s children we now get to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. God is sending us out on a mission to release His love and freedom into the world around us. However, just because He sends us doesn’t mean that we won’t have to contend as we go.In this message Rosie looks at a day in the life of Jesus and the disciples from the story in Mark 4, where Jesus crosses over to the other side of the lake, but has to calm a storm on the way.Rosie unpacks a number of myths that we can sometimes buy into as we follow in Jesus footsteps and looks at the ways God seeks to strengthen and grow us as we walk with Him.

  • Episode 153: Missional Community: Celebrating the 40 year Journey - An Interview with Phil and Maria Mason - 1 October 2023

    06/10/2023 Duration: 50min

    This November we will be celebrating Tribe’s 25th Birthday! Amazingly this milestone coincides with another significant date in early October, as Phil and Maria Mason celebrate 40 years of marriage, of life in the kingdom and of building and leading missional community together.Phil and Maria got saved and met each other in the Byron Shire during a revival outpouring in the early 80’s. Needless to say the Lord has led them on a wild kingdom ride over the past 40 years, full of ups and downs and loads of glory.In this informal interview Phil and Ree talk about the different ways God has led and sustained them over the years. As a Tribe, this is a season to celebrate and honour all that the Lord has done, as we also look to the days ahead full of anticipation for all He is yet to do.

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