


Interviews with Members of the European Parliament for the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament.


  • The Future is Green Podcast

    23/06/2021 Duration: 49min

    The EU should be leading the world in climate protection ahead of the most crucial climate summit of the decade: the COP26 in Glasgow. In this podcast, scientists, politicians and activists tell us more about the new European Climate Law. Is Europe’s climate action enough to avoid climate catastrophe?

  • Put citizens at the centre of the energy debate in Europe!

    10/01/2018 Duration: 11min

    What do the Greens in the European Parliament negotiate to make citizens at the centre of the energy debate in Europe - a discussion with Claude Turmes, Member of the EU Parliament and co-rapporteur on the 'Governance file'

  • Les citoyens doivent être au centre du débat énergétique en Europe

    15/12/2017 Duration: 11min

    Une entrevue avec Michèle Rivasi et Claude Turmes, eurodéputés verts

  • What is at stake at the new UN Climate Negotiations? A green view on COP23.

    26/10/2017 Duration: 11min

    What is at stake at the new UN Climate Negotiations? A green view on COP23. by The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament

  • How could Europe help us make our home a better place?

    09/10/2017 Duration: 10min

    How could Europe help us make our home a better place? by The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament

  • After Trump, will the EU show real leadership on Paris climate agreement?

    08/06/2017 Duration: 11min

    Following President Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement, we sat down with Bas Eickhout, Green spokesperson on climate change, to discuss what this decision will mean for the fight against climate change. European leaders have rightly condemned Trump’s decision, but are they doing enough to deliver against their own Paris promises? We also take a look ahead to the next big UN climate conference, COP 23, which will be help in Bonn in November.

  • Bas Eickhout on ETS

    08/02/2017 Duration: 11min

    On 14th February the European Parliament will take a position on the revision of the European emissions trading system (so-called EU ETS). This vote is crucial as it will be the first real test to see whether the EU Parliament is committed to honour the Paris agreement made at the COP21 in December 2015. In this podcast we ask Green Member Bas Eickhout what exactly is at stake and what the Greens in the Parliament are asking for.

  • Banning F-gases: the environmental success story you've never heard of

    12/10/2016 Duration: 11min

    In 2013, Green Member of the European Parliament Bas Eickhout was co-author of European legislation to reduce the use of F-gases, extremely powerful greenhouse gases. Recent research shows that the legislation has a positive effect on the green economy in Europe in contradiction to warnings by lobbyists and now the legislation is copied across the world.

  • Pascal Durand et Cyril Dion à propos du film DEMAIN

    17/06/2016 Duration: 06min

    Et si montrer des solutions, raconter une histoire qui fait du bien, était la meilleure façon de résoudre les crises écologiques, économiques et sociales, que traversent nos pays ? En mettant bout à bout ces initiatives positives et concrètes qui fonctionnent déjà, les réalisateurs du film commencent à voir émerger ce que pourrait être le monde de demain…

  • Linnéa Engström and Cyril Dion about the film 'DEMAIN'

    16/06/2016 Duration: 13min

    The film takes a positive approach to talk about the challenges that we are facing today. Its main focus is put on the actors of change and the solutions that are already under way everywhere on the planet. The film shows that a different world is possible but most importantly that it’s already happening.

  • MEP Molly Scott Cato on Brexit's impact on the climate

    02/06/2016 Duration: 06min

    Molly Scott Cato, British Member of the European Parliament in the Greens/EFA group, discusses about the EU's influence in the fight against climate change in the UK and the effect of EU targets on motivating European governments to improve their policies. EU funding, EU's help to attract investments on renewables and energy efficiency and Brexiteers' climate credentials are also relevant reasons in support of keeping Britain in the EU.

  • Rebecca Harms – a interview on the reasons behind her fight against nuclear energy

    14/04/2016 Duration: 12min

    Rebecca Harms – a short but deeply personal interview on the reasons behind her fight against nuclear energy. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe, one of the worst accidents of modern history. On 26th April 1986, technicians conducting a test inadvertently caused reactor number four to explode. Hundreds of staff and firefighters then tried to stop a fire that burned for 10 days and sent a cloud of radiation around the world. Many people lost their lives. Authorities evacuated 120,000 people from the area, but the effects - both on local inhabitants and people all across Europe - have been disastrous. And despite all the years that have passed, the problems are still a long way from being solved... It was this horrible accident that changed the career path that Rebecca Harms, now Co-president of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, decided to embrace. In this personal podcast, she discusses how she became an anti-nuclear activist and her decision to enter the

  • MEP Bas Eickhout on climate change and aviation industry

    07/03/2016 Duration: 11min

    Bas Eickhout, Member of the European Parliament for The Greens/EFA, discusses climate change and the position of the aviation industry. Eickhout tells about his attempts to attend the meetings of the ICAO, the UN-organisation for aviation.