Change A Law

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 2:25:36
  • More information



Founder, CEO iLobby. Author How to Change a Law.


  • #018 Chet Campanella Interview

    30/05/2017 Duration: 26min

    Chet Campanella talks about H.R. 1706 and H.R. 1707, (Mistreatment of Italian Americans during WWII) These are bills in the 115th Congress; To authorize the Secretary of Education to provide grants for education programs on the history of the treatment of Italian Americans during World War II and to apologize for the treatment of Italian Americans during World War II.

  • #017 - The Party Is A Party

    02/10/2016 Duration: 06min

    iLobby Mission We help voters figure out their stories so that they can change laws because your present policy decisions shape your political and economic future. We want to empower you to change laws so that you can improve your community, influence your country and impact the world. This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. You can learn how to vote, argue, debate, pledge and share a campaign at the iLobby free video proving ground. -- Transcript (partial) -- The Party Is Not Much of A Party The party is a brand. But all brands need to evolve. As brands, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party do not adapt and change quickly enough to meet the needs of their audience. Also, because we only have two brands we flip back-and-forth between (R) and (D). Since neither one satisfies effectively, we have a lot of independents. I saw today on CNN where someone started a party called the “Party Party

  • #016 - How Laws Are Made

    22/07/2016 Duration: 05min

    Have you ever noticed that there is no real instruction for people on how laws are made? When you search on the Internet for how laws are made, you will usually find diagrams. These diagrams show where the laws start.... We help voters figure out their stories so that they can change laws because your present policy decisions shape your political and economic future. We want to empower you to change laws so that you can improve your community, influence your country and impact the world. This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. -- Transcript (Partial) -- Have you ever noticed that there is no real instruction for people on how laws are made? When you search on the Internet for how laws are made, you will usually find diagrams. These diagrams show where the laws start, usually in one chamber of a legislative body, and then how they go from committee to sponsor to legal counsel for review and a vote etc. However, nowhere

  • #015 - Navigate Your Issue - 7 Day Challenge - Day 2

    18/07/2016 Duration: 07min

    This is Day 2 of the video series, Navigate Your Issue. This is a seven day challenge where you figure out your most important policy issue and create your story. We help voters figure out their stories so that they can change laws because your present policy decisions shape your political and economic future. We want to empower you to change laws so that you can improve your community, influence your country and impact the world. This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. You can learn how to vote, argue, debate, pledge and share --- Take our free 7-day policy + challenge

  • #014 - Navigate Your Issue - 7 Day Challenge - Day 1

    18/07/2016 Duration: 07min

    This is Day 1 of the video series, Navigate Your Issue. This is a seven day challenge where you figure out your most important policy issue and create your story. We help voters figure out their stories so that they can change laws because your present policy decisions shape your political and economic future. We want to empower you to change laws so that you can improve your community, influence your country and impact the world. This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. You can learn how to vote, argue, debate, pledge and share a campaign at the iLobby free video proving ground.

  • #013 - Navigate Your Issue - 7 Day Challenge - Intro.

    18/07/2016 Duration: 07min

    This is the introduction to the video series, Navigate Your Issue. This is a seven day challenge where you figure out your most important policy issue and create your story. We help voters figure out their stories so that they can change laws because your present policy decisions shape your political and economic future. We want to empower you to change laws so that you can improve your community, influence your country and impact the world. This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. You can learn how to vote, argue, debate, pledge and share a campaign at the iLobby free video proving ground.

  • #012 - When Did Lobby Become a Four Letter Word?

    09/07/2016 Duration: 11min

    iLobby Mission We help voters figure out their stories so that they can change laws because your present policy decisions shape your political and economic future. We want to empower you to change laws so that you can improve your community, influence your country and impact the world. This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the #1 International Best Seller "How to Change a Law." You can learn how to vote, argue, debate, pledge and share a campaign at the iLobby free video proving ground and gain some political relief. -- Transcript (Partial) -- Lobbying is a dirty word. Ask anyone. Read the paper. Watch TV. Listen to talk radio. For the past few years every time I heard about political influence and lobbying there was a prevailing view that if we just got rid of the Washington lobbyists everything would be fine. But is this possible or even desirable? Is it what we really want? I don't think so. According to the First Amendm

  • #011 - Three Ways for Getting What You Want

    23/06/2016 Duration: 05min

    iLobby Mission We help voters figure out their stories so that they can change laws because your present policy decisions shape your political and economic future. We want to empower you to change laws so that you can improve your community, influence your country and impact the world. This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. You can learn how to vote, argue, debate, pledge and share a campaign at the iLobby free video proving ground. -- Transcript (Partial) -- There are three ways of getting what you want in almost every area of life. You can petition, you can protest or you can persuade. Can it really be that simple? Sure. Take a look. 3 Ways 1. Petition 2. Protest 3. Persuade Petition Ask nicely. To get what you want you have to ask for it. Most of us know what we don't want and have a vague idea of what we do want. But we never really ask. Or we are afraid to. Why? Because when we

  • #010 - Get Money Out of Politics Now

    19/06/2016 Duration: 06min

    This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world. -- Transcript (Partial) -- We should get money out of politics. Everyone says it is corrosive and corrupts. But ask any candidate who lost his last campaign if he could have used more money and I think he'll say yes. The problem is not too much money. The problem is narrowly focused sources of money. Narrow money doesn't work. In plain English, narrowly focused funding sources empower special interests. In one sense, we don't like special interests because we are not part of the group. But if we were, we would ignore our own hypocrisy and cheer for our 1st Amendment rights. There's probably an algorithm for the correct balance of financial breadth and depth and its political influence. You want more of the former (breadth) and less of the latter (depth)

  • #009 - How To Debate

    09/06/2016 Duration: 07min

    This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world. -- Transcript (Partial) -- Introduction Structurally speaking, debate has five main parts: 1. Summary 2. Position 3. Arguments 4. Rebuttals 5. Conclusion Most debates also have rules about its resources. These serve to act as constraints. They are: • Time • Votes The purpose of debate is to come to a decision about a complex issue or topic. This is important because once you reach a decision you're free to take action. So debate is really a decision process tool. Let me break down the five main parts. Summary The summary is like an opening statement or thesis. It is best if it is open-ended and posed as a question. In the summary you pose a question often starting with the word "Should... " i.e. should the US be energy independent? Should Congress audit the Federa

  • #008 - How You Can Debate

    03/06/2016 Duration: 07min

    This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world.

  • #007 - Congress Deserves a D

    28/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world. -- Transcript (Partial) -- According to a recent poll [1] the job performance rating of Congress continues to reflect a very low 7% positive job approval score. Why is that? Why do we accept such poor performance? Do we think if they did more, worked harder, longer, smarter, they'd get a better result? Do we want Congress to be more productive and pass more laws with more pages? Even now we learn that Dodd-Frank has 5,320 pages covering 400 new regulations [2]. ObamaCare was a 2,700-page bill and so far has 13,000 pages of new regulations [3]. Or do we want Congress to undo some of the old laws that we no longer like? Would we prefer Congress respond to issues that we think are important? Or did we elect our member to vote the way he or she wants? If the polls ar

  • #006 - Why Small Businesses Should Lobby

    21/05/2016 Duration: 06min

    This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world. -- Transcript (Partial) -- When persuading lawmakers to simplify regulations or adopt legislation you are fighting for, as a small business you face three choices. 1. You can sit on the sidelines 2. You can petition 3. You can lobby Most small businesses choose #1. You do nothing. You grumble and complain because you feel like you can't do anything. The second option; you join an organization or trade association focused on a single industry or issue. You pay dues, sign petitions and promote your cause through the organization, whether you agree with them or not. You could also try the third choice. If you are lucky enough to grow to a sufficient size and have adequate resources, you can put a toe in the water and hire a PR firm, public affairs staff or a lobb

  • #005 - Zika Virus Debate

    21/05/2016 Duration: 04min

    This is a debate summary on the Zika virus from iLobby, an open community debate platform for solving some of the worlds greatest challenges. This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world.

  • #004 - Why Small Business Should Lobby

    17/05/2016 Duration: 06min

    This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world.

  • #003 - 7 Steps to Political Empowerment

    13/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world. -- Transcript (Partial) -- If you feel overwhelmed and frustrated by our government leaders and apathetic about your own partisan destiny, there is a way out of your political malaise. Here are 7 simple steps you can take to refresh yourself and participate in our democratic republic. 7 Steps 1. Register 2. Learn 3. Vote 4. Commit 5. Engage 6. Lobby 7. Run Register to vote Show up. There are 45 million unregistered eligible voters in the country. Don't be one of them. If you're eligible to vote, register. 215 million US voters can't be wrong. Locate the registrar of voters in your state or county. Fill in the form. Tip: An absentee ballot makes things simple and easy. Time: 1 hour Frequency: Once Cost: Free[1] Learn Get informed and stay informed

  • #002 - Just Wait Till November

    13/05/2016 Duration: 06min

    This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world. -- Transcript (Partial) -- Many of us are frustrated and annoyed by the hypocrisy and infighting in Washington. We are constantly reminded that elections have consequences and November is our time to act at the ballot box. All of this is true but I know many of us remain antsy. So can we do more? If you think things are dysfunctional at the federal level, you should try the state and local city councils. I think you'll find the same. When we are told we should get together with our friends and neighbors to pursue issues that we have in common and voice our concern, this is true. But often we don't know our real neighbors. Because of this, our friends and neighbors have become our new virtual friends and neighbors in online communities and blogs. This separation m

  • #001 - Politics is Boring. Trust Me on This

    13/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    This podcast is about how to change a law using iLobby. It is based on the book How to Change a Law. We want to empower voters to change laws so that they can improve their community, influence their country and impact the world. -- Transcript (Partial) -- "I hate politics. I don't understand Congress. And I have no idea about who to vote for in the election." That's what I used to say until the political gene turned on in my late 30's. For me, politics was boring and nobody cared. Congress was just a bunch of guys in Washington and they were going to do whatever they wanted to anyway. Besides it didn't affect me. So my position was I'd just vote for the candidate who seemed like a rock star and had the best curb appeal. The media and the Party would make sure I picked the right one. But in 1990 I started a new job working in Governmental Affairs at MCA/Universal and things changed. On a daily basis, we were dealing with public policy issues and I soon realized there were three words I ha