Dot To Dot



These short top tips and skills for the Amazon Echo are for everyone whos simply dotty about Alexa.


  • DTD2678: Five Words Game

    01/06/2024 Duration: 04min

    There are probably more than 5 reasons why I'm not very good at this game but I can't put them into words… Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2677: Keto Police

    31/05/2024 Duration: 02min

    Today, Ashley Colburn ( brings us the last word on what's keto and what's not. You can forget popcorn for a start

  • DTD2676: Farm Tycoon

    30/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    You're a farming tycoon with some difficult decisions to make. Grow your empire and avoid making enemies along the way and you'll be raking it in. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2679: Knight Manager

    29/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    Shaun's back to bash an ogre, rescue a cooking pot and find a villager in his stew. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2675: Super High-Low

    29/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    First covered over 600 episodes ago and by those lovely guys at, today's offering is the good old higher/lower card game with sweet sound effects. Shaun shows us how it works. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2674: Supporting and playing Dot to Dot

    28/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    It's a funny one today guys. First a plug to help support the show (by telling your friends and splashing it all over social media using the #DTDPod hashtag), then a shameless request for donations to help support the show, and finally we look at making playing the podcast on your Echo a bit more reliable. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2673: Escape the School

    27/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Today's skill promises to be a real corker. Can you escape the school room using your wits alone? OK - you'll need to use your voice too

  • DTD2672: Escape the Factory

    26/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Can you help the toy, lost in his factory, to escape to freedom and almost certain adoption by the first child that spots his little plastic face? Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2671: Space Express

    25/05/2024 Duration: 08min

    Covered nearly 800 episodes ago, our intrepid Shaun Preece demos this brilliant 4/5

  • DTD2670: Sound Stream

    24/05/2024 Duration: 06min

    This fab skill allows you to play your music and other audio files direct from Dropbox. It creates a folder called Apps > Sound Stream where you can create folders and drop files. The free account is limited to 10 playlists with 10 tracks per playlist. You can resume longer files like audio books, but beware that playing any other file in-between will make you lose your place. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2669: The Vortex

    23/05/2024 Duration: 06min

    Shaun the space cadet has been trapped in cryogenic stasis ever since we covered this one over 800 episodes ago. No wonder he doesn't look a day over 80… Hang on, that's not how it works!

  • DTD2668: Get Weird

    22/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    First covered over 500 episodes ago, prepare to get weird with today's groovy skill. Act, dance and sing along to each game as instructed and be grateful that the A-lady usually resides in the privacy of your own home. If you're weird already, then just think of this skill as a tool for self expression… Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2667: Volley Games

    21/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Friend of the show, Hao Wen, is back to bring us a fantastic fistful of games from those fab guys at Volley Inc. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2666: Guinness World Records

    20/05/2024 Duration: 02min

    Today's skill is so full of fabulous record-breaking facts, you may actually need to say "Huh!" sometimes. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2665: The Orpheus Device

    18/05/2024 Duration: 07min

    Brought to us by the amazing Shaun Preece, brace yourself for a somewhat strange immersive audio skill with strong language and themes but great sound effects. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2664: Jurassic World Revealed

    17/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    Friend of the show, Hao Wen, is back to bring us a disturbing dollop of dinosaur danger in today's dramatic demo

  • DTD2663: Jeopardy

    16/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    covered over 1300 episodes ago, co-host on The Echo Show Shaun Preece is in no actual jeopardy here guys - just wanted to reassure you. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2662: Character AI

    15/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Friend of the show, Hao Wen, is back to bring us a fab demo of another AI-based skill. Who knew that Socrates was American. Huh!? Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

  • DTD2661: Deleting your A-lady speech history and other related tips

    14/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    Delete varying amounts of what you've said to the A-lady like a pro after listening to today's tip-packed demo - plus you can finally find out why she triggered without anyone saying anything at all…

  • DTD2660: Habit Log

    13/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    Start new habits and then keep the streak going with this super-simple habit-forming skill. They say that two weeks is what it takes to form a strong habit so get streaking, guys. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️

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