Equal Pleasure



How does gender influence the way we experience sexual pleasure? Equal Pleasure asks what more can we do to gain a greater understanding of how female pleasure operates. Through interviews with sex educators and artists exploring ideas of women's pleasure in their work, this series puts a taboo topic square in the spotlight, and provides a much needed space for discussion around a neglected area of sex education.


  • 'I like me some orgasms': anonymous answers on pleasure

    04/03/2017 Duration: 05min

    How does gender influence the way we experience sexual pleasure? Equal Pleasure asks what more can we do to gain a greater understanding of how female pleasure operates. In this episode, the responses to a series of anonymous survey questions on women's pleasure are read out, providing a myriad of opinions and experiences around pleasure preferences, orgasm and sexual relating with partners.

  • Christina Vasiliou from OMGYes and Odile Fillod on 3D clitorises

    04/03/2017 Duration: 05min

    How does gender influence the way we experience sexual pleasure? Equal Pleasure asks what more can we do to gain a greater understanding of how female pleasure operates. In this episode, Christina Vasiliou from women's pleasure group OMGYes describes how the ground-breaking project was created in response to a lack of information and research into women's pleasure around the world. She says the interactive website is a unique way for both men and women to explore their sexuality and learn more about techniques and preferences around pleasuring the cis female body. Then French researcher Odile Fillod discusses how she's introducing 3D printed clitorises into sex education in schools in France, and re-asserts a need for heteronormative and gender biases to be removed from all school educational material.

  • Playwright Erica Brennan on erotica for the stage, and good sexual communication

    04/03/2017 Duration: 05min

    How does gender influence the way we experience sexual pleasure? Equal Pleasure asks what more can we do to gain a greater understanding of how female pleasure operates. In this episode, playwright and actor Erica Brennan discusses her play based on a series of erotica novels, 'This is Not Mills and Boon', and shares some ideas for better communication around sexual preferences and boundaries with partners.

  • Musician Alphamama on encouraging conversations around sex, and body love

    04/03/2017 Duration: 05min

    How does gender influence the way we experience sexual pleasure? Equal Pleasure asks what more can we do to gain a greater understanding of how female pleasure operates. In this episode, Sydney-based musician and self-described 'chronic over-sharer' on social media, Alphamama, shares her thoughts on dealing with sexual trauma, connecting with and honouring our own bodies in order to experience greater pleasure in intimacy, and says it's important for discussions around sex to be allowed to happen, even when they're difficult or painful.

  • Going to Yoniversity with Laura-Doe Harris

    04/03/2017 Duration: 05min

    How does gender influence the way we experience sexual pleasure? Equal Pleasure asks what more can we do to gain a greater understanding of how female pleasure operates. In this episode, sex educator Laura-Doe Harris explains how she helps women to get in touch with their sexuality through learning more about the nervous systems that work together with the erectile tissues of the clitoris to create pleasure in the cis female body, and the exercises that can enhance a connection to one's own pleasure. She emphasises the importance of not letting pornography be young people's only source of information on sex, and encourages parents to answer all questions openly and honestly.

  • Creator of the Glitoris Alli Sebastian Wolf on revolutionary acts of pleasure

    04/03/2017 Duration: 05min

    How does gender influence the way we experience sexual pleasure? Equal Pleasure asks what more can we do to gain a greater understanding of how female pleasure operates. In this episode, multi-disciplinary artist Alli Sebastian Wolf describes the journey of creating a 100:1 replica of a clitoris covered in glitter, the 'Glitoris', in an effort to spread awareness and encourage discussion around issues of women's sexuality. After going viral on the internet and performing on the Opera House stage with Amanda Palmer, the Glitoris appears to have already created quite a stir. Alli takes listeners through an anatomy lesson in the many wonders of this designed-for-pleasure organ, and says in a world where women have been taught to hate their bodies, to be able to take pleasure in your body or to help other's take pleasure in theirs is a revolutionary act.

  • Sex educator Jenny Ackland on what kids know now

    04/03/2017 Duration: 05min

    How does gender influence the way we experience sexual pleasure? Equal Pleasure asks what more can we do to gain a greater understanding of how female pleasure operates. In this episode, Sex Education Australia's Jenny Ackland gives an overview of what young people are learning about sex and pleasure at school. She says some contemporary sex ed programs do address a broad range of topics, including gender issues, pornography, and pleasure, but that the programs are still not uniform or consistently applied in all schools. She says it's important for young girls in particular to feel comfortable experimenting with their bodies' potential for pleasure, and that kids need to be armed with a 'critical literacy' to decode the messages communicated through pornography.