Your Medicare Benefits



Helping people navigate, understand and properly enroll into the Best Medicare Supplement Plan. He knows how to make Medicare Supplements work for you. With more than twenty-eight years of experience, Tracy McManamon answers all of your Medicare Supplement questions. Free Expert Consultations exclusively to Podcast listeners by calling 877-549-1212.


  • Medicare Doctors can make House Calls via Telemedicine

    08/09/2020 Duration: 09min

    Yes your Medicare Doctor can make house calls again, thanks to Telemedicine or also know as Telehealth. Remember the good old days with the doctor made house calls?  Those days are coming back again. Thanks unfortunately to the covid virus. What is the most popular and often asked questions as a relates to healthcare today for not only the senior population but also the under a 65 population is “ is Telemedicine available “ in my plan? Well, I'm happy to report that not only have insurance companies seen the huge benefit and lower costs of a Telemedicine visit but almost all insurance companies, especially those that work in the Medicare field, are implementing telemedicine in there plans right now. By the way Telemedicine is also know as Telehealth. Some companies have implemented it already and most Medicare Insurance plans will have the benefit available to you when you have the opportunity to compare your Medicare Insurance plan for the forth coming year. A brief disclaimer however, this is important,

  • 3 Awesome Senior Savings Top Tips

    24/08/2020 Duration: 09min

    Here are 3 awesome senior savings top tips for seniors that I myself recently found out, thanks to my children. Haven’t we all thought we are pretty savvy when it came to the Internet and finding good quality discounts that I could use for not only my family but also for my clients. I even used these awesome senior savings programs myself and unfortunately found these out such a late stage in my life because like you I am officially a senior citizen and soon will be on Medicare myself. Boy, do I wish I had found these years ago as they would’ve saved me and my family and my clients any huge amount of money. Every time I talk to or meet with a client I share these savings programs, and I can tell you that they are very happy with the results as well. So especially in these times, the less time I or anyone of my family spends in a grocery store or pharmacy warehouse the better. Are used to run all over town to try to get our groceries and our medications. That is not the way that we shop anymore. We all use

  • Key Differences Between Medicare Advantage Plans and Medicare Supplement Plans


    Whether you're new to Medicare for the first time or currently looking at open enrollment or thinking about switching, here are some important points for you to understand.    Understanding the Key Differences Between Medicare Advantage Plans and Medicare Supplement Plans  There are several ways that you can receive your Medicare coverage, or add onto that coverage. Medicare Supplement Plans and Medicare Advantage insurance are options that may sound similar but are quite different. One main thing they do have in common: private insurance companies such as United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana, AETNA and most others offer both. Medicare Supplement plans protects people who buy traditional Medicare from the additional costs they might pay. The supplemental plans charge an additional premium to what a person may already pay for Medicare Parts A (many people get this free), B, and D. Medicare Supplements Plans have various plans lettered A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. Medicare standardizes

  • Comparing Medicare Supplement to Medicare Advantage


    Are you so confused as to which Medicare Plan is best for you?  This presentation walks you through the many differences in these two Medicare Insurance Plans. Knowing this information is critical before you choose the best Medicare plan for you.  

  • Hey Ohio! How you can change your Medicare Supplement plan which includes Silver Sneakers


    Would you like to change your Medicare Supplement program without any underwriting questions.  Hurry this is for a limited time only in Ohio.  Lets discuss your opportunity.  Yes Silver Sneakers is included at NO Charge!

  • Disturbing New Trends with Medicare Advantage plans


    While Medicare Advantage plans can be very good for you there is a new trend happening you should know about before you " lock in " your plan.  Listen in for your options.  Thank you.   Author: Tracy McManamon

  • Shopping for a Medicare Insurance Plan? Two popular areas to avoid


    Not a day goes by that some one doesn't call me and say " I can't believe how bad some of the Medicare advice has been when I called _ _ _ _" ( intentionally blank ). Just had another call today from Ingrid in Texas.  She had been listening to my Podcasts to educate herself and than the problem began. She went to the Internet and started doing her research ( which I recommend...) but made a call and got into a call center and before she knew it, she enrolled into a plan because the sales agent was " pushing " her into a particular type of plan.  The actual plan she bought is not important but the fact was she did not know what she was buying.  As she was going to bed  that night, she couldn't sleep and was troubled.  She realized the rate was really just too good to be true.   Indeed it was.  

  • Want to switch to a Medicare Insurance Plan from a Medicare Advantage?


    For decades I have had to tell people they could not move from a Medicare Advantage to a Medicare Supplement.  We also told people no if they just wanted tho switch Medicare Supplement plans. Well, great news..... that has all changed now!   I will unpack some of the concerns you should be aware of...  better yet, feel free to just call me for your Free Medicare Consultation or Checkup. Thanks, Tracy McManamon 877-549-1212

  • Free great Medicare Preventative benefits you are probably not aware of


    Hopefully,  you have taken advantage of these services if you are already on Medicare.  If not, please be aware of just how great these services are for you and the numerous benefits to your long-term health.  Now is the time to know and understand them.  This is the top guide ( produced by Medicare ) I hand out to each and every new client or in my free consultations.   Call 877-549-1212, or email me for your free guide.  I am happy to provide them to you via email.   Please remember to subscribe to this Podcast if your new or already on a Medicare Plan.  My clients love it!!   Thanks,   Tracy

  • Best way to compare Medicare Plans


    After nearly 30 years of helping folks to learn, understand and to educate them on the numerous benefits of Medicare, I developed this handy easy to download tool.  This tool is something you should complete ( not to worry, ... it should only take about 10 minutes ) with your insurance broker when shopping for Medicare and deciding between an Advantage or Supplement plan.  Take this checklist with you when you are meeting/shopping for the best Medicare plan with your insurance broker.   Please don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more timely updates and special announcements and some great saving tips.   Thanks,  Tracy

  • Big Medicare changes for 2018


    Today's brief podcast announces and explains some of the changes coming to Medicare for 2018.  These are some of the changes that I am asked about daily with Medicare beneficiaries.   It is hard to believe it has taken this long to make these changes but they are surely some important changes you will approve of.  Please remember to subscribe now to Your Medicare Benefits Podcast channel.  Lots of great news and money saving tips to announce for seniors.  The program deals with issues and topics relative to Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans.

  • Medicare Supplement: Pro's and Con's

    08/06/2017 Duration: 13min

    Are you trying to unravel all the different Medicare Supplement plans? What about the Medigap Plans? Did you know there are 11 different Medicare Supplement and Medigap Plans. Which one is best for you? Are any of them affordable and how do they work? Can I keep my doctor? Will this Medicare Supplement be accepted everywhere I want to go? These are the questions I am going to answer today for you so you can stop "googling" all those different websites and God forbid, calling one of the carriers direct or an association or even a call center.

  • Medicare Advantage- The Real Pro's and Con's

    06/06/2017 Duration: 16min

    So what is a Medicare Advantage program and how does it really work? Well, a Medicare Advantage replaces traditional Medicare or Medicare Parts A and B. If you do not select a Medicare Advantage and just go with Medicare, than your claims are handled by Medicare. If you have a Medicare Advantage plan than you are working with a traditional Medicare Insurance carrier such as AETNA, Medical Mutual or Blue Cross Blue Shield or one of the many other carriers involved in the Medicare Advantage.

  • Medicare Advantage vs. Medicare Supplement

    01/06/2017 Duration: 12min

    Are you confused about all the differences between a Medicare Advantage Plans and Medicare Supplement Plans? Which one is best for you? Well, before you make your final selection as to which route you want and desire for your health care needs ( likely for the rest of your life), you need to properly compare a Medicare Advantage Plan vs. Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans. Which one is right and best for you? Your about to find out.

  • Best Medicare Supplement Discounts and Savings Tips

    24/05/2017 Duration: 11min

    Top tips to save on your Medicare Supplement. Unless money grows on trees in your backyard, you'll want to listen in to these unique top tips to save on your Medicare Supplement. For some reason, many " Medicare Sales Agents" never talk about these benefits yet they could end of saving you thousands over your lifetime if you understand the options, discounts and "freebies" given to you if you enroll in the right Medicare Supplement Plan.

  • Best Medicare Supplement


    The most popular question I receive on a daily basis is " What is the Best Medicare Supplement Plan" for me or my spouse. It really boils down to three choices. Plan F, Plan G or Plan N. I will walk you through, step by step, the three most popular plans offered by Medicare today. Well, those are the top three plans nationwide, but it is important to understand how each plan will work and why one of these plans is likely to best for you. Medicare offers 11 plans nationally, but not all carriers in your market may offer one of these three or any of the other 8 plans in your particular zip code or county. Insurance carriers offer three different ways to make plans available to you depending on whether it is a statewide offering or plans are offered by zip code or on a county-wide basis.

  • Medicare Supplement Plans F and G Comparison - One Source Benefits

    06/05/2017 Duration: 15min

    Before you select your Medicare Supplement Plan, find out the real difference in Medicare Supplement Plans F and G Comparison.  Check out the differences in costs and the benefit differences as well.  It has been reported that Medigap Plan F will be taken "off the market" starting in 2020, but if you have this plan prior to 2020, I am told you can keep this plan, often called the " Cadillac or Rolls Royce Plan".  Not all insurance carriers offer Plan G yet, so tune in to see how you can best evaluate which plan is best for you both now and down the road.  Some insurance carriers will offer both Plans F & G.  It is very important to select the right Medigap plan for you as you will likely not change this plan again, the remainder of your life.  If you select the wrong Medigap plan and end up with a major illness like a heart attack, diabetes or some other major disease including cancer you will likely be declined.  So take your time and do the research and talk to someone who has experience and truly knows the

  • Medicare Supplement Benefits-3 Most Important Questions - One Source Benefits


    Medicare Supplement Benefits-3 Most Important Questions you should be asking when you are looking into a Medicare Supplement Plan.  This is especially important if you are new to Medicare or have never had a Medicare Supplement Plan before.  Medicare Supplement Plans currently come in 11 different choices of benefits, coverages and of course in premiums...  beyond that, some carriers offer certain discounts for added family members or even coverages like hearing aids or glasses These issues are critically important to anyone looking at Medicare for the first time or looking to change Medicare Plans. Have you thought about being forced to change Doctors?  Will you have access to the hospital of your choice?  If I get sick will or can the insurance company cancel me? Will I need permission to go from one doctor to another?  These questions are critical that you research and understand BEFORE you decide on a Medicare Supplement Plan.  Changing Medicare Supplement Plans is much more difficult than you can imagin