Southern Fried Scholar



The Southern Fried Scholar is a podcast devoted to lifelong learning, creativity, and story.


  • Southern Fried Scholar #4: Knowledge Frameworks

    02/10/2017 Duration: 15min

    Welcome back to the Southern Fried Scholar! In this episode, we explore the importance of frameworks and discuss five kinds of knowledge, Bloom’s cognitive domain, transformative learning theory, and Buffy. Of course, Buffy. Show Notes: If you enjoyed this show, please rate and review SFS on iTunes – this is the best way to promote the show. Thanks, y’all! Big Strong Yes Podcast Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloom’s Cognitive Domain Transformative Learning Theory Want to submit a question, send a message, or be a guest on the Southern Fried Scholar podcast? Contact me here.

  • SFS 3: Multiple Intelligences Theory with Buffy, Lost, and the Goonies

    02/05/2017 Duration: 28min

    In this episode of the Southern Fried Scholar podcast, we explore Dr. Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences, and look for examples of multiple intelligences demonstrated by characters on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lost, and The Goonies. Show Notes: Dr. Howard Gardner, a prominent psychologist at Harvard University, theorized the idea of multiple intelligences (MI) and published the first book about MI in 1983. He defines an intelligence as "the ability to solve a problem or create a product that is valued within one or more cultures." Currently, Dr. Gardner's MI framework includes 8 intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, kinesthetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal, interpersonal, and naturalistic. He has mentioned two potential additions - pedagogical intelligence and existential intelligence - but he has not yet added these to the official MI model. While there is not a formal MI assessment available that is endorsed by Dr. Gardner, you can take an informal self-assessment here and her

  • SFS 2: Color Your Creativity

    10/04/2017 Duration: 34min

    In this episode of the Southern Fried Scholar, we explore the creative process, authenticity, permission slips, and inspiration with my special guest, designer extraordinaire Jody Lumsden.

  • SFS 1: Reading Gives You Super Powers

    03/04/2017 Duration: 14min

    In this episode, we explore the ethics of podcasting, the power of narration, fairy tales, the love of reading, curiosity, and empathy.  For links and references in the show notes, please visit   

  • Intro: Podcasts Light Up Your Brain

    26/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    In this introductory episode of the Southern Fried Scholar, Dr. Kelly Jones invites listeners to celebrate lifelong learning, creativity, story… and podcasts. Show Notes Freakonomics Radio: This is Your Brain on Podcasts (episode by Stephen J. Dubner - October 12, 2016 ) Natural speech reveals the semantic maps that tile human cerebral cortex (study by the Gallant Lab at UC Berkeley) Academics can change the world – if they stop talking only to their peers (article by Dr. Savo Heleta) What is lifelong learning? This is a great overview from (the informal education encyclopedia) Learn more about meta-learning from Jay Cross This is a great overview of participatory culture, a theory developed by Henry Jenkins And if you want to geek out on learning theory, read about Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age If you enjoyed this show, please rate and review SFS on iTunes - this is the best way to promote the show. Thanks, y'all! Want to submit a question, send a message, or be a guest on t