Exercise Is Health



At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we believe your health is your most valuable asset. Join hosts Charlie and Julie Cates as they discuss how to utilize exercise to help improve and maintain your health, as well as interviews with health and wellness experts from various fields including chiropractic, accupuncture, psychology, nutrition, and functional medicine. Both Charlie and Julie are certified personal trainers and Muscle Activation Techniques® practitioners in Schaumburg, IL.


  • E335 - Your Feet Need To Be Mobile. Here's Why...

    29/05/2024 Duration: 23min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Did you know that your feet are one of the most complex and influential structures in your body? With 28 bones, over 30 joints, and 50 muscles in each foot, there is a lot going on down there! Unfortunately, most people don’t realize how important it is that all the joints of their feet move well and all the muscles of their feet are strong. In fact, when it comes to many foot issues, one of the most common approaches is to make the foot less mobile… But this carries a whole slew of potential problems with it! On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into the feet to discuss why it is so important that your feet move well. If you have ever had any inkling of a foot issue, this conversation has information you need to hear. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques

  • E334 - 3 Surprising Truths About MAT®

    22/05/2024 Duration: 24min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Have you ever learned something new that completely contradicted so much of what you believed up to that point, such that once you learned it, you couldn’t see your old beliefs the same way again? This has happened to us time and again since we started practicing Muscle Activation Techniques® over a decade ago. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are sharing three of the most surprising truths that we have learned since we started practicing MAT®–all of which are bound to shake up your world in one way or another. With over 25 years of combined MAT® experience between the two of us, we have seen a lot of truths come to light through the MAT® process, but the three that we share with you may be some of the most surprising and controversial. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation

  • E333 - The Muscle Issues Behind Frozen Shoulder

    15/05/2024 Duration: 19min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Have you ever had a frozen shoulder? This is one of the most common shoulder issues that people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s experience, and it can be one of the most complex, as well. While many ways of improving frozen shoulder focus on improving the joint’s mobility, there is a huge role that your muscles can play in both relieving frozen shoulder and making sure it doesn’t come back. But, the muscles that may be the key to it all may not even be in the shoulder… On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into what the roles of your muscles are when it comes to frozen shoulder and how you can think about implementing these ideas to help your shoulders feel and function better. If you have ever had a frozen shoulder, listen up! This conversation will give you insights you likely haven’t heard before. Check out the details in this

  • E332 - It's Not Your IT Bands' Fault

    08/05/2024 Duration: 23min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services  Have you ever had an IT band issue?  Maybe your IT bands are chronically tight. Or maybe you have even been told you have IT band syndrome. Or maybe you have had some pains down the side of your legs towards your knees…  Despite how your IT bands may be feeling, what you have been told about it, or how many other people want to blame your IT bands for any physical issues you have, the truth is, it is not your IT bands’ fault.  There are some very specific reasons why your IT bands may be feeling how they are, and on this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what we are diving into.  We are pulling back the curtain on what may be causing your IT bands to feel tight or painful and laying out specific steps you can take to help.  If you have ever had an IT band issue, listen up! This is not the common advice you are going to hear fr

  • E331 - The #1 Thing Dentists Can Do To Keep Their Hands & Neck Feeling Great

    01/05/2024 Duration: 24min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Dentists–do your hands and neck feel like they are wearing out on you with all of the reps you are putting on them day after day? These two areas are far and away the top areas of complaint that we hear from dentists all the time. Maybe you’ve tried everything you can think of to get your hands and neck feeling better, and are even considering surgery to try to fix what you are feeling. If this is the path you feel like you are going down, we want to tell you about something that can completely change all of that for you. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are discussing at length the number one thing you can do to keep your hands and neck feeling great. This thing has already helped so many dentists, and we would love for you to find out about it so it can start to help you, too. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Rea

  • E330 - 3 Big Mistakes With Postural Exercises

    24/04/2024 Duration: 21min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Do you do exercises to try to improve your posture? While these types of exercises are popular in many circles within the fitness industry as well as with different types of therapists, there are some big mistakes we see people commonly making with these exercises. Unfortunately, making any of these mistakes doesn’t just lead to feeling achy or sore; these mistakes could actually be the reason why you aren’t seeing any difference in your posture with the exercises you are doing. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are unveiling what these mistakes are and what you need to do to avoid them. If you are trying to get better posture but feel like your efforts are leading you nowhere, this episode is for you.  Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques session with us? Click

  • E329 - How To Create A Healthy Liver For Life - Interview with Kristin Kirkpatrick

    17/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services You have likely thought about the health of your heart and brain, but what about the health of your liver?  While the mainstream news doesn’t typically focus on liver health much, the truth is that without a healthy liver, the rest of your body cannot be healthy long-term. So what can you do to help your liver become healthy and functioning well? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we sit down with Kristin Kirkpatrick, co-author of Skinny Liver, to discuss her newest book, Regenerative Health: Discover Your Metabolic Type And Renew Your Liver For Life. If you want to make sure you are healthy long-term, having a healthy liver is a huge part of the equation.  Check out this week’s episode to learn what you need to do! Want to connect with Kristin and learn more about her work? Check her out online here: - KristinKirkpatrick.com - @FuelWel

  • E328 - How To Manage Traveling Hip Pain

    10/04/2024 Duration: 21min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Do you have hip pain that started in one part of your hip but has since moved around? Maybe it started near the front but now it wraps around the side and goes to the back. Or maybe it was near the top of your hip but has traveled down. This type of traveling pain can be extremely frustrating to deal with because the sensation and location can be constantly changing. But there is one aspect of your body that can change as quickly as this kind of pain changes location and most ways of dealing with pain completely neglect it. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving to what this aspect is and what you can do during and between your workouts to take advantage of it. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.co

  • E327 - "I've Stopped Exercising For 6 Months... Have I Lost It All?"

    03/04/2024 Duration: 24min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Has it been three months, six months, or longer since you last worked out? You may be wondering, “Have I lost all of the benefits I used to have from working out?” While on the surface, it may seem like the answer is, “definitely,” the truth is a lot more nuanced than that. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are discussing what happens to your body when you stop exercising for an extended period of time, including how long it will take for you to start noticing changes in your strength and conditioning. We also lay out a plan to highlight the key things you need to keep in mind when you return to exercise to make sure you don’t ramp up too quickly and can progress back to your former strength and fitness levels as efficiently as possible. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activatio

  • E326 - A Simple Formula For Warming Up

    27/03/2024 Duration: 18min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services How much time do you spend planning your warm up for your workouts? Most people fall into one of two camps: 1. Absolutely none; or 2. A ton. Unfortunately, if you are trying to figure out what to do on your own, the information around warming up can be as confusing as it is conflicting… Do you stretch or not? Foam roll or not? Inhibit then activate? Or activate then inhibit? What about cardio?... the list goes on. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are cutting through all of that noise to lay out a simple three-phase formula you can use to get a great warm up in every time you workout. We tell you exactly what you need to do, what you can cut out, what you can leave in if you want, and what you need to make sure you do every single time. If you have ever felt overwhelmed by the warm up process, the conversation we have is for you! C

  • E325 - How To Build Stronger Feet

    20/03/2024 Duration: 26min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Feet Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services How often do you work on strengthening your feet? While people often think about building stronger legs, a stronger core, and stronger arms, rarely is building stronger feet prioritized. What this is leading to is people’s feet are often the weakest area of their body, and the most dysfunctional, as well. However, with some simple strategies, you can start building stronger feet today! On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into what these strategies are and how to implement them in your workout routine. If your feet have ever given you issues like pain, tightness, or fatigue, that is a sign that they likely are not strong enough for what you are wanting to use them for. But, once you start implementing the steps we teach you, all of that can change. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first

  • E324 - Where You Need To Be Strong To Prevent Injury

    13/03/2024 Duration: 21min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Body Feeling Strong & Mobile: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Have you heard that getting stronger can help you prevent injuries? It’s true! Consistently strength training throughout your week is one of the best things you can do to help your body stay injury-free. Unfortunately, the way most strength training programs and exercises are set up does not actually help people do that. In fact, you may feel like your strength training has been the cause of your injuries in the past instead of the thing that has prevented them… On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are unveiling the big thing that is being left out of most strength training routines that actually leaves people more vulnerable to injury. We walk you through the steps to take with your workouts to make sure they are being designed to help you prevent injury and discuss how to implement each step within your strength training. If you are tryi

  • E323 - An Easy Way To Take Pressure Off Your Discs

    06/03/2024 Duration: 25min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Body Feeling Strong & Mobile: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Have you ever had a disc issue? Issues with discs in the spine are extremely common. In fact, it has been reported that 80% of people over the age of 30 have a structural issue with at least one disc. While discs often get blamed for different symptoms people feel, there is a lot of data to suggest that the structure of the disc is not the entire story when it comes to pain, lack of mobility, or many of the other symptoms associated with disc issues. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can start to do today to help take pressure off your discs and make sure they stay supported whether there is currently a structural issue or not. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into what these things are and how to go about implementing them throughout your week. If you have ever had a disc issue or know of someone who is currentl

  • Your Injuries Are Not From "Just Getting Old"

    28/02/2024 Duration: 23min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Body Feeling Strong & Mobile: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Is your body getting achier with each passing year? One of the most common stories people tell themselves is their aches and pains are because they’re “just getting old”. Maybe your back started tightening up in your 40s, or your knees started aching in your 50s, or your shoulders were constantly sore in your 60s… While the “just getting old” story is common, it is not the truth, because even though your body gets older every year, it does not have to feel or function older. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into what the real issue is if you feel like your body is “just getting old” and what you can do about it If you have ever felt tempted to blame your age for how your body feels, listen up! This week’s episode will help you change that story once and for all. Check it out for all the details! Ready to schedule your first

  • E321 - What Your Corrective Exercises Aren't Correcting

    21/02/2024 Duration: 22min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Body Feeling Strong & Mobile: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Are you doing corrective exercises to try to improve your mobility or help with some aches and pains you have? There is something that you aren’t being told about these exercises that may not only be causing them to be ineffective, but may actually be making your issues worse. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into what this is, why it happens, and exactly what you can do about it. If you have ever done an exercise to try to correct an issue but didn’t get the results you wanted, listen up! You may have been missing the one piece that makes all the difference when doing corrective exercises. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Want to grab a free copy of our

  • E320 - 3 Little-Known Ways Your Muscles Keep You Healthy

    14/02/2024 Duration: 18min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Feeling Loose & Strong: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Muscles do more than keep you looking good and feeling strong. They are also key to your health and longevity! While most of the world thinks of aesthetics and athletic performance with muscles, there are some key functions your muscles play in making sure your body remains feeling great and operating at a high level for years to come. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into three of these key ways. We unveil the unique roles your muscles play in making sure you are able to live your best life and keep doing all the things you love to do for as long as you want to do them. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Want to grab a free copy of our best-selling book

  • E319 - "Is Working Out Every Day When I'm In My 60s Too Much?"

    07/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Stay Feeling Loose & Strong: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Is exercising every day when you are in your 60s too much? Are the potential positive benefits of working out being squandered because your body is being worked too often? Should you aim to workout fewer days each week in order to maximize your strength, mobility, and health? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are exploring these questions and more to lay out exactly what you need to know when it comes to exercising every day. If you love moving your body and being physically active but have wondered if you should slow down because of your age, this discussion is for you! Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Would you like to have our guidance implementing the 4 Exercise For Life P

  • E318 - How To Efficiently Loosen Your Tight Hamstrings

    31/01/2024 Duration: 23min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Help Your Muscles Stay Loose & Strong: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Are your hamstrings tight? Tight hamstrings are one of the most common complaints we hear about from prospective clients, and while there are many options out there to help loosen the hamstrings, most ways of resolving the tightness only create short-term changes. So what can you do about this? Are you destined to have to constantly stretch and roll your hamstrings out for the rest of forever? Or is there a more effective way to address the hamstring tightness that can actually create changes that are long lasting? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what we are exploring. We are diving into a simple process you can follow to not only help your hamstrings feel looser, but make sure your body is stronger and functions better overall. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activatio

  • E317 - How Do Muscles Influence Joints?

    24/01/2024 Duration: 27min

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Help Your Joints Stay Healthy & Strong: http://services.matschaumburg.com There is one part of your body that will help your joints stay healthy, strong, mobile, and injury-free, and it is not the joints themselves… Your muscles! While many people are under the belief that a joint symptom means there is a joint issue and needs to be a joint solution, our experience has shown us that this is not the case at all. In fact, over the last 13 years, we have seen 100% of people who have a joint issue also have corresponding muscle issue, and when the muscle issue improves, so does the joint issue. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are discussing why this is and the exact steps to take to make sure your muscles are working as well as they can so your joints stay feeling and functioning great. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get st

  • E316 - What To Do If Walking Is Bothering Your Hips & Back

    17/01/2024 Duration: 29min

    Learn How Muscle Activation Techniques® Can Help You Feel Stronger Than Ever: http://services.matschaumburg.com Walking is one of the most convenient ways to stay physically active throughout the day, but what if it isn’t agreeing with your body? Even though there can be a ton of health benefits from walking regularly, if it is causing your feet, knees, hips, or back to flare up, it is not going to be sustainable. If this is happening to you, don’t worry. There are some simple things you can start to do that can make a HUGE difference in how your body feels and functions while you walk. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are laying out what our top recommendations are if your hips and back are getting bothered with walking. Learn exactly what to do and how to do it to help get your body ready to walk without issue. Check out all the details in this week’s episode! Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com

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