Don Thomas Ii

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 21:32:26
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  • Don't Confuse Criticism For Misogyny

    05/07/2020 Duration: 23min

    Confusing criticism for misogyny is a common thing that I am seeing among women when they get any type of feedback that they don’t agree with from men.  As sad as it sounds, we as men in today’s society can’t say anything without our messages being over sugarcoated and undersold to fit the comfortability of women. I have never been the type to categorize or project all women to be the same because they aren’t. All I’ve ever done is share my opinion about those that I have dealt with and expected my opinion to be respected. Sensitivity for men’s experiences aren’t given, because that isn’t the typical narrative that we know as a society. Either we are told get out of our feelings or asked, “who hurt you”, both questions/statements that exude toxic femininity. I am not afraid to convey a raw unadulterated opinion about a woman and stand firm in my truth, that doesn’t make me a misogynist. I won’t accept that slander on me. I’d hope that listening to me would open up your perspective and give you a better u

  • Do You Really Like Me For Me?

    02/04/2020 Duration: 33min

    Often times I don’t think this is a question that is asked enough. It’s a question that I feel people are afraid to ask because they are afraid of the true answer that comes with it. It’s a question that goes deeper than just in the sense of dating, but you have to ask that question in general in life. Hidden agendas are becoming more and more prevalent in life, people like you for what they can get from you and not for actually valuing you as a person. In my dating life I don’t feel like I’ve ever truly had a partner, I’ve had a woman who admired characteristic traits of me but didn’t truly value me as a man. I don’t blame her; I blame myself because I should’ve done my due diligence as a man to pick her intentions apart to keep from wasting my own time. In regard to friendships, situations and time expose all. I feel as people, as we grow and as we mature, life itself will expose the true intentions of another person and if they really like us for who we are. I just posed the question and shared my own expe

  • Women Aren't The Only Ones That Can Hurt.....

    05/12/2019 Duration: 32min

    This episode is titled Women Aren't The Only Ones that Can Hurt, the reason I titled this episode this and what prompted me to speak on such a topic is that when I look around in todays society and I see how society doesn't really give men a safe space to express themselves and how they feel in relationships. The only narrative you see driven and pushed is that men hurt women and that it seems impossible that a woman can actually hurt a man. This toxic narrative has planted seeds of abuse and mental depression in men all over the world. There are men all over that feel as though they have no safe haven or space to speak on the hurt and trauma that women have actually caused them. People aren't as sensitive when the shoe is on the other foot and it's the man that is actually hurting. I speak from my own experience and I try to tie it all in for my listeners to see that men hurt just as much as women do. That they mask their pain well and they are looked to be strong for both parties in the relationship. I hope

  • Self Love

    07/11/2019 Duration: 22min

    As society has advanced in technology we have gotten more disconnected with each other & ourselves. As people our values are in the gutter and we don't take the time to really get in tuned with ourselves anymore. We let society deem what is good and bad for us, we jump from relationship to relationship not really spending time learning ourselves. I created this episode because I value spending time alone and really pouring into & learning myself. A lot of people simply don't know how to be alone and for me I've been alone most of my life, even when i was with someone i have never met anyone that has measured up or met me even close to how i am with myself. So when i talk about self love i just speak from a place of understanding the value of loving thyself and really the value of treating your self how you would want others to treat you. I often get called cocky/or full of myself because i love myself , but i take it as, If i don't love me & treat myself the best way i can, then how will i expect

  • When it's over, it's over

    30/04/2019 Duration: 23min

    A lot of us men struggle with retention when it comes to women, a lot of you guys don't know when to put your foot down and let a female go. Anytime a man discusses his worth or how he feels , he get's told to stay out of his feelings. Keep that same energy then, when a situation is over let it be done. Don't let a female use you as a revolving door , don't let her pour her insecurities & immaturity on you and make you the one at fault. Keep in mind that there are many women on earth, and that you can't impress or force anyone to fwu.  When things go south or if it ends, let that stuff be over, don't give life to a dead situation. All you gotta do is listen. -Don T

  • Daddy Issues

    17/03/2019 Duration: 32min

    As a people we don't talk about mental issues or mental help. We think because if we have things that consume our mind or things mentally that bother us that we have a problem and that couldn't be far from the truth. As a man i have dated my fair share of women, and i have noticed that a-lot of them did not have strong father figures in their lives or not have a father at all. I found that the common denominator that these women shared was that they were promiscuous that they felt that any type of introduction to structure or a new way of dating was a form of control, they were unappreciative/ ungrateful and honestly just didn't know a good man if it was staring in front of their face. These women did not know how to treat men or reciprocate any of what they had so called required in men, but i don't blame them, i blame the fact that they didn't have anyone to show them along the way. In 2019 the values that were once in place for men and women are dying off and being replaced by social media and modern stand

  • Wife Material

    04/03/2019 Duration: 25min

    As a society were are trained to deem wife material with the outer appearance, but to me, that isn't what makes a woman wife material. To me wife material is a woman who is loyal, intelligent, willing to stick with you at your lowest, someone who pours into you and drives you to be a better man when nobody else is willing to see the good in you. Many more characteristics come to mind when i think of a wife, but i'm older now and i don't equate a woman's worth to what she looks like on the outside.  Don T is always killing the game with realism, lol check me out on this podcast as i drop keys as usual. All You Gotta Do Is Listen.

  • Timing Is Everything

    03/02/2019 Duration: 16min

    I feel like people take time for granted and dont utilize it the way that it should be utilized. I myself have been doing alot of self reflecting and i'm starting to see that i've wasted alot of time with people who werent worth the time in the first place. I also look at some people who entered my life and were perfect people for that exact time and i can't argue with that. They played their part and entered my life at the time they were designated to enter it and i can't challenge that. Time has shown me that if you aren't careful it will get away from you & that people can come into your life at the perfect time and may shift how you think. It just has to be the perfect time & that's why Timing Is Everything. All You Gotta Do Is Listen. 

  • She Doesn't Know What She Wants

    12/01/2019 Duration: 24min

    Title explains it self

  • Sacrificing Respect For Attention

    10/01/2019 Duration: 18min

    The title speaks for itself. Many woman dont have respect for themselves and will do ANYTHING for attention whether it be in real life or social media. Forgoing all that their parents or grandparents or whoever raised them had done just for a piece of attention. Posting trash pics or doing whatever for some likes on social media. There is no code of ethics out here any more. Forgive me for the few times I get a lil tongue tied I get lost in my thoughts sometimes but ya'll get the message its crystal clear for those who are coming in with a open mind along with open ears. All you gotta do is listen.

  • No Means No

    10/01/2019 Duration: 18min

    It's been tough week & Half in the black community with the release of the docuseries "surviving R.Kelly", I haven't seen nor do I care to see it, I just felt inclined to give my feelings about rape culture/sexual assault and anything under that umbrella. The name speaks for itself so you should already know where I stand, but just in case you don't take a listen to how I feel about the subject. No means No flat out cut & dry it is what it is. All you Gotta do is listen

  • The Switch Up

    01/01/2019 Duration: 14min

    First off let me say Happy New Year to my listeners. I made this episode because I know I'm not the only one who has felt the effects of being ghosted on or switched up on by a female. Not just a female but people period. Being as I have been somebody who has ghosted somebody I can attest its because of fear of losing the person or simply a lack of knowing how to communicate. I try to speak from all sides, but I am a man and can only validate that view. All You Gotta Do Is Listen. 

  • Expectation without Reciprocation

    19/12/2018 Duration: 17min

    The title speaks for itself lol

  • Never Fall in Love with Potential

    19/12/2018 Duration: 13min

    When people date we often find our selves jumping the gun expecting more than what someone has shown. We have to slow down and be more diligent in the way that we date and ask the right questions and make the right moves In order to get the true worth of a person to show.

  • Getting Under, To Get Over....

    13/12/2018 Duration: 14min

    A lot of men & women after breakups find themselves going through phases where they try to get with someone new to try to replace the last person emotionally and physically. Getting under someone physically doesn't erase them and only creates more of a void. Take that time to be alone and create self love. All you gotta do is listen.

  • Loyalty during the "Talking Phase"

    11/12/2018 Duration: 16min

    I feel its very important to set the tone in the beginning for how you want it to be in the relationship/situationship or whatever it is you have going on. If you don't practice loyalty during the talking phase then how do you expect to have anything real?

  • Why Does She Run From Mr.Perfect?

    08/12/2018 Duration: 14min

    Fellas have you ever sat back and wondered why females run from everything they essentially need and probably want and end up right back to EXACTLY they were trying to escape? Its because women love comfortability and a lot of women don't like stepping out of their comfort zone to try something new. Nothing good comes from comfort zones. It's not just on women though, men have to take accountability as well in where they are at fault. The battle of the sexes has to stop.

  • Who Hurt You?

    25/11/2018 Duration: 26min

    Females always pose the question of "Who Hurt You?" to men in an attempt to attack a man's emotional masculinity. This question is often posed to rattle a man's cage to get him to respond irrationally to something that isn't even worth his anger/emotion. This episode is me going in depth on why that is and why it shouldn't be used at all.

  • What is a man's purpose to a female ?

    18/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    A lot of women have high expectations in men but very little return when it comes to relationships. Women feel as though men should be the provider in their marriage or relationship but expect to do nothing in return. I have no issue as a man providing for a worthy woman, but what female is going to admit she isn't worth being provided for? Thats the hard part as men, that we have to go from woman to woman searching for the right woman who is essentially worth it. As a woman what are you bringing to the table ?

  • Growth......

    18/11/2018 Duration: 11min

    People grow everyday , but to some people they feel as though they can cap your growth based off the person that you used to be. People don't always grow with you when you're constantly growing. I discuss that in this episode. Take a listen

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