Tdh Voice



TDH Voice is a podcast all about addiction from every perspective of the epidemic. Brought to you by The Discovery House.


  • Doing the Holidays Sober with Marnie Rae

    14/11/2018 Duration: 23min

    Marnie Rae is a proud working mom of three. She got sober about 15 years ago only to find that sober entertaining was incredibly difficult. She grew more than disappointed in her dining experiences whether at 5-star restaurants or bars. Why did none of these otherwise amazing establishments offer options to people who - for whatever reason - opted not to drink? So she decided to do something about it.

  • Interview with Austin Cooper

    31/10/2018 Duration: 29min

    Men drink more than women but women tend to be more outspoken about their sobriety or recovery overall - especially on social media. We reached out to sober influencer, Austin Cooper of Sober Evolution to ask what he thought.

  • Interview with Laura Silverman of The Sobriety Collective

    17/10/2018 Duration: 25min

    Laura Silverman is a sober blogger, influencer, and recovery advocate behind The Sobriety Collective, a blog that highlights creatives in recovery. She got sober when she was 24 she's been sober for 11 years! She joined us last week to share about her experience being a young soberperson, what it's like maintaining a social life as well as a healthy recovery, and how she deals with imposter syndrome.

  • FOMO and Mental Strength with Amy Morin

    19/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    It all started with an article that went viral. Now Amy Morin is an accomplished author in her field, she's written several books based on that article, and she's lead a Ted Talk on the same topic. Now she's on our show to talk about FOMO (the fear of missing out), the impact of social media on our mental wellness, and the difference between mental strength and mental health.

  • Chasing the Chaos: Joy's Story

    05/09/2018 Duration: 12min

    Joy is a mother of three and married to the love of her life. Both of her parents were addicts, the men she had relationships with were alcoholics, and though Joy never had first-hand experience with addiction, it seemed to follow her and shape her throughout her entire life. Joy's story is a personal account of how addiction pervasively touches not just the person who uses or drinks but anyone and everyone related to that person.

  • Interview with Erin Shawstreet of Tell Better Stories 2018

    22/08/2018 Duration: 28min

    Erin Shaw Street wants to change the way we talk about drinking. She started a project in January called Tell Better Stories 2018, to encourage anyone who posts anything online to be more mindful of the messaging around alcohol. She joined us on the podcast to talk about what she's been up to and how you can participate.

  • Only the Lonely: Kevan's Story

    08/08/2018 Duration: 10min

    Alcohol gave Kevan what he had always been looking for. It was a social glue that allowed him to feel like he belonged. But what started out as fun turned into an addiction that threatened to take away everything he ever truly wanted. Kevan's mother, Susan, joins the show as well to shed her perspective on their shared experience.

  • Season 1 Trailer

    26/07/2018 Duration: 02min

    Almost 21 million Americans struggle with substance addiction first-handbut there is also a lot of people struggling peripherally. Ask around. Everyone knows at least one person in their life who has cared about someone addicted to drugs or alcohol. Be it parents, children, friends, spouses, or colleagues - whether we are conscious of it or not - as a society we are all affected in one way or another. Perhaps in what may be seen as bigger danger as the epidemic itself, are the often one-dimensional stories that we tend to hear and project when it comes to the topic of addiction in America. The high school senior quarterback who got hooked on Percocet despite his shining future. The stay at home soccer mom who drinks three too many bottles of wine a day just to pull through. You’ll definitely hear these stories here. But we aren’t just sharing the stories that fit our idea of what addiction looks like. TDH Voice is a twice-monthly podcast all about addiction from every perspective of what has been called the m

  • Feminism and Drinking with Sarah Hepola

    25/07/2018 Duration: 23min

    What does drinking have to do with female empowerment and feminism? We ask author Sarah Hepola to share her perspective on how society and pop culture influence women who drink dangerously.Sarah has written an incredible memoir, Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget, that has placed her among the ranks of authors like Caroline Knapp and one of my personal favorites, Cheryl Strayed. Her essays have appeared in New York Times Magazine, Elle, Glamour, the Guardian, Slate, and Salon. We met with her while back to talk about the intersection between feminism, motherhood, and drinking.

  • Interview with Bucky Sinister Part Two

    11/07/2018 Duration: 19min

    Welcome to part two of two of our interview with Bucky Sinister, author of the recovery book Get Up: A 12-Step Guide to Recovery for Misfits, Freaks & Weirdos. We sat down to talk with Bucky about his experience with PTSD and addiction, his journey to sobriety, and the pitfalls of toxic masculinity within the recovery community.

  • Interview with Bucky Sinister Part One

    27/06/2018 Duration: 19min

    Welcome to part one of two of our interview with Bucky Sinister, author of the recovery book Get Up: A 12-Step Guide to Recovery for Misfits, Freaks & Weirdos. We sat down to talk with Bucky about his experience with PTSD and addiction, his journey to sobriety, and the pitfalls of toxic masculinity within the recovery community.

  • Like Father, Like Daughter: Maegan and Bobby

    13/06/2018 Duration: 29min

    You've probably heard addiction referred to as a family disease. You've probably also heard endless stories of how addiction tears families apart. Maegan and Bobby are living proof of that truth. As a father, Bobby struggled with alcohol and drugs while a young Maegan watched on only to later in life come to battle her own addiction. Their dependence on drugs and alcohol could have torn them both down and pulled their family apart. As it turned out it was what drew their bond closer together. The two Bostonians now have an incredible podcast where they host honest and raw discussions about addiction, recovery, as well as their unique father-daughter relationship.

  • Rebel Rebel: Chelsea's Story

    30/05/2018 Duration: 15min

    When Chelsea got arrested she was given a choice a lot of people in recovery have had to make; go to jail or go to rehab and get some help. It took a couple of relapses, and a lot of will but Chelsea has since left her life of drugs and alcohol behind. Instead, she has embarked on a journey of self-discovery, hope, and belonging. We sat down with her to hear her story and what she has learned over the last eight months of living clean and sober.

  • Is Social Media Making Us Sick?

    16/05/2018 Duration: 09min

    It’s been almost 15 years since Facebook ignited a social media revolution. Just enough time for us to begin to see the impact social media has left on our mental wellness and on society as a whole.

  • Ladies Who Lush: How Society Glamorizes Female Drinking Culture

    02/05/2018 Duration: 10min

    How does society glamorize female drinking? We ask Laura Silverman and Sarah Hepola to share their perspective on boozy yoga and feminism.