Micah Podcast: The Heart Of The Matter



We discuss topics related to spirituality and everyday life. As you may notice, the some of the topics are a bit off beat, or at least unusual. This is intentional as our hope is to encourage everyone to find God in the most simple, yet obvious settings.


  • The Five Wisdoms (Part 6): Ratna

    17/06/2018 Duration: 19min

    Ratna wisdom energy is characterized by a feeling of abundance- there is enough for us and our needs are met. How do you see this energy at play in your life? Who and what helps you feel met?

  • The Five Wisdoms (Part 5): Karma

    24/05/2018 Duration: 22min

    Karma wisdom is driven, harmonious, and action-oriented. Karma wisdom in action is pragmatic but also gracious. There is no need to be forceful or violent to accomplish our goals. How does all-accomplishing wisdom show up in your life? Karma neurosis can be described as a windstorm, destroying everything in its path. Perhaps we see this tendency in ourselves or someone close to us. How might you discover balance between action and emotional awareness?

  • The Five Wisdoms (Part 4): Padma

    13/04/2018 Duration: 24min

    Here we are in the Padma room. It’s very red! For those who haven’t gotten to be in the maitri rooms, this gives you a sense of what they are like. Padma wisdom is about loving relationship, and as you can see, Trey and I are very happy to be with each other. :)

  • The Five Wisdoms (Part 3): Buddha

    16/03/2018 Duration: 25min

    Buddha wisdom is all-encompassing. It is infinitely spacious and open, able to hold everything that passes through it. Buddha wisdom is both completely empty and completely full. Have you experienced times of being able to hold whatever comes your way? Buddha neurosis is often symbolized by a cocoon. Each person has their own style of cocoon, ways of shutting out the world and even ourselves. Investigate your personal experience of the cocoon. In what ways does the cocoon serve you? How might it inhibit you?

  • The Five Wisdoms (Part 2): Vajra

    23/02/2018 Duration: 20min

    Vajra offers a clear energy. Vajra energy, in its wisdom aspect, represents clarity of the mind and an ability to meet our lives with a direct approach. This energy can be compared to a mirror or calm water- we can see our reflection and the world around us as it is without bias. How do you see this energy at work in your life? In its neurotic form, Vajra energy can be compared to a dirtied mirror. We cannot see clearly and may lash out or become cold and bitter. How might distorted Vajra energy appear in your life?

  • The Five Wisdoms (Part 1): Maitri

    01/02/2018 Duration: 20min

    The word maitri in Sanskrit means openness and friendliness. Space refers to the total environment - not just of the room but also of the world at large. Space is the totality of experience. It includes everything in our sphere: what we think, see feel, hear, touch. Awareness is our attentiveness to what is happening in that space.

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 12): Scripture and Truth

    19/12/2012 Duration: 28min

    Today we return to specific topics in the TSU discussion with a reflection on Scripture. Can the Bible be true in the TSU is false? More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 11): Hell

    19/12/2012 Duration: 18min

    Today we return to the Collapse of the TSU with everyone's favorite topic: Hell! What do we do with the basement level of the TSU? More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 10): Do we even need to discuss the TSU?

    05/12/2012 Duration: 25min

    We recorded this podcast last week in response to some feedback we got about this project. Once again a prominent church leader raised the question about whether we even need to be discussing the TSU at all. So we have taken a brief detour to respond to this important question. More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • Discombobulated Church Art Exhibit

    02/08/2012 Duration: 19min

    Today we welcome Jonathan Dodson, pastor from Plummer MN, to help us talk about the traveling art show! How do images of issues in the church help us get to the heart of the matter? More info: http://www.micahprays.org/art/exhibit.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 9): Heaven

    06/06/2012 Duration: 24min

    Today we tackle the big TSU issue: Heaven. As the oft stated goal of our faith, issues related to Heaven, what is it, where is it, lie at the heart of the why the TSU continues as Christianity's default image of reality. More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 8): Judgement and Grace

    30/05/2012 Duration: 24min

    The issues we take up here are Judgement and Grace.  What are these concepts without a place to go to be judged?  How might these concepts be dynamically woven into the fabric of the universe? More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 7): Salvation

    23/05/2012 Duration: 24min

    We now begin with theological issues related to the "work" of Jesus; the first being Salvation. What are we saved from and what are we saved to? What happens to salvation when the three story universe collapses? More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 6): Jesus

    14/05/2012 Duration: 23min

    How does Jesus fit into this new view of the Universe? How can we understand "miracles" and the "incarnation"? These are todays topics. More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 5): God

    09/05/2012 Duration: 18min

    We now come to the topic of God. When you do a Google image search for "God" the pictures the come up are mostly like the one shown above. They are all three story universe pictures! Is there any other possibility? More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 4): Human Beings and the Fall

    30/04/2012 Duration: 20min

    We come now to the topics of the Human Being and the Fall. How can we understand ourselves as created in the image of God if there is no "big guy in the sky" to be created after? More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 3): Creation

    23/04/2012 Duration: 20min

    What does it mean that things are alive? Once Creation happens, how does God continuously create in the universe? We continue our exploration... More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 2): Earth

    16/04/2012 Duration: 18min

    We begin our examination of an alternative to the Three Story Universe with a reflection on the Earth, for that is where we find ourselves. What is the nature of Creation? Does a thoughtful God have to be spatial and is the Universe just a big machine? More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • The Collapse of the Three Story Universe (Part 1): Introduction

    09/04/2012 Duration: 19min

    This begins another podcast series. How do we understand the theological assertions of our faith in light of what we know about the universe. What happens to the conventional "three story universe" vision? Why is this still the default concept within the Christian Church, even within churches that claim not to believe it! More info: http://www.micahprays.org/resources/books.htm

  • Spirituality and Technology (Part 7): Finding Space to Pray

    11/05/2011 Duration: 21min

    This is the last in our series on Spirituality and Technology. How do we find space to pray as our world becomes increasingly crowded with technology? Is our task any different than at any other time in human history?

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