Beatnik Turtle's Encore Song Of The Day



One band. One year. 365 Free Songs.


  • Secret Girls School


    At first we thought Ms. Teen South Carolina was missing a few marbles with her "maps" speech, until we realized she was actually broadcasting a secret coded message to girls everywhere to rise up and unite. This song about girls rising up and taking over the world is dedicated to all Grrls everywhere (you know who you are - Peggy, Rosie, Tara, Carrie, Mur, Tabz, and all cool others we know who are making things happen and getting things done). You rule! It's your world, we're just sightseeing.

  • Rain Was Falling Down


    On a rainy day earlier this year, while Tom was walking to work, he wrote this song. Stay tuned later this year for more rain-inspired songs written during Tom's "commute."

  • Monkey See Monkey Do The Opposite


    Today's song highlights some very important life lessons!

  • Go, OK


    Some people are just in the way sometimes. This song is for them.

  • Who's Been Looking At Porn On My New Computer?


    Things have been pretty busy at Beatnik Turtle headquarters the last few weeks getting ready for the release of The Indie Band Survival Guide written by our very own Jason and Randy! We have new Beatnik Turtle songs in the pipeline, but in order to get everything ready for the book's release we decided to present encores of some of the best of last year's songs. Check out the video for today's song. It's safe for work - no "pron"!

  • Venture 2007


    This instrumental lies somewhere between surf and Halloween.

  • Happenstance


    An upbeat, fun little instrumental featuring the melodica.

  • Be My Friend


    Today's song introduces the first use of the classic Vocoder here at The Song Of The Day.

  • The Bong Song


    This is the theme to Stuck On 2 - a webshow that follows the exploits of those who don't have an XBOX 360 or Halo 3. They're, uh, stuck on Halo 2. And, yes, it's ska. Believe it or not, our first. For 11 years we've been accused of being a ska band because (a) we have a horn section, and (b) most people don't know what ska is. Well, this is as close to ska as we get.

  • Hit By A Train


    Just wishing the "ex" all the best...

  • I Was Over Served


    Ah, the foggy regrets of the "night before."

  • Theme To Buffy Between The Lines


    We recently created this theme for the podcast, Buffy: Between The Lines. If you're a fan of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, you HAVE to check out this podcast to find out what happened that summer between seasons five and six! Listen now at

  • Compositon One


    This instrumental was written and handed in as an assignment for a college electronic music class Jason took.

  • Iowa City Fun Bureau


    They sound fun, don't they? However, this bureau that exists in Iowa City to help students find all the "fun and interesting things to do in Iowas City" never answers their phone. This song also features a killer Magical Musical Thing solo.

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