Two Baked Hams With Mike And Jonah



Two Baked Hams is a Central Alberta podcast featuring the greasy ridiculousness of Mike and Jonah.


  • The Last One

    15/12/2022 Duration: 01h55min

    This is the final episode of the Two Baked Hams Podcast! #HamFam you've been fantastic. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • One Hundred

    22/04/2022 Duration: 02h02min

    The Two Baked Hams celebrate their one hundredth podcast episode, and to mark the occasion they spend 48 solid minutes discussing masturbatory related news content. But the discussion swings towards a more serious tone when it comes to navigating the political spectrum and possessing human compassion. The Hams put over their listeners and especially Roxy for supporting the podcast in its early days. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #OneHundred #MasturbatoryNews #ForFreedom #CrunchSomeLung #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Phallus Shaped Statues

    14/04/2022 Duration: 01h54min

    Ham One, the poor fellow just recently experienced a break up with a partner. But before the Hams get to that portion of the conversation they have a lot of say about drugs, alcohol, and safe consumption sites. Both the Hams recount their trip to Las Vegas and Coachella in 2014 to see Motorhead perform. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #DIY #Motorhead #SafeConsumptionSites #BreakUps #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • We Don’t Have to Saw through Bone

    27/03/2022 Duration: 02h18min

    The Two Baked Hams reminisce about their 'lost' episodes as well as share their collective fears about cursed objects. Later, the Hams criticize some juggernaut sit coms and what they could get away with. Somehow the Hams discuss an odd thought experiment involving a dude eating another dude. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #Santa #TheMask #CurseObjects #Commercials #TV #SitComs #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Czar or Tsar?

    19/02/2022 Duration: 02h10min

    Ham Two recounts his recent lung function test at a respirology clinic. The Ottawa protests and the Federal Emergency Act are not ignored by the Hams. Is it spelt Czar or Tsar? And listen in to find out what you can buy with your digital disco dollars. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #FreedomConvoy2022 #TruckConvoy2022 #Covid19 #Mandates #Biases #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Everybody Love Everybody

    04/02/2022 Duration: 01h56min

    Circumstances have finally allowed your Two Baked Hams to record a podcast. Jack Pride is back in the pro wrestling ring, after nearly 2 years off. Ham One = George Costanza. And Ham Two is an old man, who needs to take a lung test. Also in the episode you may listen to Ham One rant about the Trucker Convoy. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #FreedomConvoy2022 #TruckConvoy2022 #Covid19 #ProWrestling #Tattoo #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Shopping Cart Tsunami

    25/12/2021 Duration: 02h06min

    Despite 3 technical difficulties, your Two Baked Hams deliver their Christmas miracle with this episode! Between Brave Heart and Gladiator, which movie should be erased from the collective memory? Ham Two shares his experience with guided mediation. And how should you make a choice if that choice isn't in front of you? The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #Therapy #ShoppingCart #Wrestling #TechnicalDifficulties #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Hypnotized Ham

    15/11/2021 Duration: 02h01min

    "Crop circles lead to marriage," so says Ham One in this episode of the podcast. Ham Two is, "the Batman of Instagram." And do apples have flesh or meat? Ham One also shares his recent experience with hypnosis therapy. And the Hams attend an 'illegal' remembrance day, 2021 ceremony. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #Therapy #Hypnotism #Remembrance Day #Mariage #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Regular Sex Having Girlfriend Having Side of Life

    01/11/2021 Duration: 02h03min

    Ham One is back on the regular sex having, girlfriend having side of life. This episode has the Hams discuss congealed, collective memories as well as the harms of bad beer. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #Sex #Relationships #Wrestling #BadBeer #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Psilocybin Infused Hams

    08/10/2021 Duration: 01h59min

    In this episode of the podcast your Hams recount their cabin adventures with their previous guest, Version II. And that launches the Hams into a discussion of drugs, mental health, and sex cults. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #Mushrooms #Psilocybin #Cults #Psychology #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion    

  • Enlightened Dirtbag

    20/09/2021 Duration: 03h06min

    Version II is a self-proclaimed enlightened dirtbag. His recent engagement fell through and he left the city (literally and metaphorically) to go live in a cabin in the woods. In this episode the Hams and their guest share oilfield war stories while also reminiscing about their alcohol fueled youths. This episode is weaved together with philosophy and reflection. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #CabinPhilosophers #OilField #Mushrooms #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • DnD Philosophy

    16/09/2021 Duration: 02h07min

    The Hams invite Bruce to guest on this episode of the podcast. They discuss the philosophy of Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) and how role playing DnD may develop soft skills for use in real life. Ham Two and Bruce critique Ham One's Tinder profile. Also the Hams don't spoil Nick Cage's new film, Willy's Wonderland. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #DungeonsAndDragons #DnD #NickCage #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion    

  • The Water Tasting - Part Two

    06/09/2021 Duration: 02h11min

    In Part Two, your Hams finish off their bottled water taste test with a blind test. Each Ham blind tastes five waters each and attempts to guess the brand of bottled water. Afterwards, whatever needs to get talked about, gets talked about. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #H20 #Water #Oilers #Elks #Covid #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • The Water Tasting - Part One

    03/09/2021 Duration: 01h37min

    Welcome to Part One of the official Two Baked Hams bottled water taste test. In this episode your Hams sample water from eleven different sources and rank them based on strict criteria: bottle feel, ingredients, taste, after taste, particulates, and overall presentation. The music for this episode is by purple-planet. #H20 #Water #HamScience #RealScience #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Legalize Donairs

    25/08/2021 Duration: 02h10min

    Ham One gives sound advice for compartmentalizing stress and anxiety while Ham Two compares Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis to the gimp scene in Pulp Fiction. OnlyFans bans porn? Which of the Hams had a subscription? The music for this episode is by #OnlyFans #SexWork #Drugs #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Grand Scientific Minds

    08/07/2021 Duration: 02h10min

    This episode opens with an important question regarding the best tasting bottled water. Help the Hams decide which waters to taste test on the next podcast. Ham One shares his dreams for when the Toronto Maple Leafs make it to the Stanley Cup playoffs, and shares his thoughts on Connor McGregor's return to UFC. The music for this episode is by #Covid-19 #NHL #UFC #BestWater #BigPharma #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Genetically Inherited Jackass Lifestyle

    06/07/2021 Duration: 02h12min

    Your Hams reunite post-Covid-19. In this episode they discuss their new respective careers, their new gym routines, and the new "tester" Olympic sports. And what is the dress code for shopping at an adult entertainment store? Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe. Music for this episode is by #Covid-19 #Genetics #Olympics #PuttingSomeoneOver #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Raw Dogging Oxygen

    22/03/2021 Duration: 02h05min

    Your Two Baked Ham survived another round of covid-19 lockdowns. In this episode the Hams catch up and discuss what it means to have peaked. They've also added a new segment. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe. Music visit #Covid-19 #EvilVirus #Politics #PuttingSomeoneOver #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion

  • Pizza Delivery Take Two

    30/11/2020 Duration: 01h29min

    Your Two Baked Hams are separated because of the Covid-19 social gathering restrictions. So in lieu of that they've recorded another Pizza Delivery version of the podcast (see episode 28 for the first one). In this episode Ham Two talks hunting, unemployment, and reemployment. Ham One gets out a Coronavirus rant, opens up about #SingleLife, and puts over therapy. Music visit #Covid-19 #Coronavirus #Wrestling #Hunting #GoAlong

  • Halloween with Mallory

    01/11/2020 Duration: 02h05min

    Mallory is a licensed funeral director and embalmer. On this episode of the podcast she speaks to her experiences working in the funeral industry and her experiences of the paranormal. Mallory is involved in the #YEG pro-wrestling scene and has a funny/scary sex toy story. Follow Mallory on Instagram @malicious30. The music for this episode is by #Halloween #Paranormal #ProWrestling #SexToys #DeanRichtorIsABum #WokeLion Links:

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