Take a 10-minute ride with me, and Ill share with you how to increase your traffic, turn visitors into BUYERS, and generate consistent, scalable income.These are the secrets and strategies that the TOP successful Entrepreneurs are implementingI have ONE goal for Marketing Secrets (formerly known as 'Marketing In Your Car'), to help you scale your business from $0-$1M, $1M-$10M, and $10M-$100M FAST. Inside each episode, Ill share my favorite actionable ideas, tips, and secrets that you can build and develop your business, and start changing the world with your ideas.
Batman's Approach To Project Management
22/12/2017 Duration: 09minStep 1 starts with the bat-signal calling everybody to the bat-cave… On today’s episode Russell talks about how he is using Trello and a bat signal to make all of his amazing ideas come to fruition. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in this episode. -Find out how Russell is using a bat signal to get his ideas out to his team. -See how Trello is going to help keep Russell’s ideas organized so that every member does their part. -And find out how you can make a similar system work for your own team. So listen here to be let in on this awesome new system for getting Russell’s ideas out of his head and turned into funnels. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Alright everybody, I’m heading into the office today for a fun filled day. It’s going to be short because it’s almost Christmastime and we thought it would be fun to do something out of the ordinary. Everyone’s working their butt off and at the end of the day we’re going to
How 'Tickle Me Elmo' Manipulated Supply To Increase Demand (And How You Can Too!)
22/12/2017 Duration: 07minLate night coaching session with my son Dallin… On today’s episode Russell teaches his son Dallin, and the listeners all about the concept of supply and demand. Here are some of the cool things you will hear in this episode: Why Russell decided to teach Dallin about supply and demand after he saw a pair of Airpods on Amazon for $850. Why supply and demand of Tickle Me Elmo dolls several years ago caused some parents to take back their own kids Christmas gifts.- And how you can use supply and demand to boost sales for info products or supplements or anything else. So listen here to find out how to use supply and demand to make more sales and more money. ---Transcript--- Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. This is a special audio episode just for my audio friends. This will not be on video. I’m in the car right now driving to the grocery store with my son, Dallin. Dallin, how are you doing tonight? Dallin: Tired. Russell: He’s a little tired, it’s late. We forgot w
RANT: Take What You Earned, Nothing More
18/12/2017 Duration: 12minA few cool stories that will hopefully re-align what you define as what you actually earn. On today’s episode Russell talks about doing what you said you were going to do instead of trying to lie, cheat, and trick your way into money. Here are some of the other insightful things Russell talks about in this episode: Why Russell gave back 8 figures to Pruvit, even though he had signed a contract to have equity in the company. And why it’s important to only take the things you have actually earned. So listen here to find out why integrity is more important than money. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Tonight we’re going to be hanging out and talking a little bit about the fact that nobody owes you anything and you should just be grateful for the opportunity. Alright, I’m going to share with you guys some stuff tonight that I don’t normally share. Probably, I haven’t decided if I want to share normally or not. Anyway, I’m going to go int
How To Dominate At Everything You Do
14/12/2017 Duration: 09minSome awesome advice from Bart Miller as we were doing our late night walk. On this episode Russell talks with Bart Miller from his inner circle about immersing himself in the things he does instead of dabbling. Here are some of the cool things to listen for in today’s episode: Find out how Bart made a commitment to get in shape and ended up winning awards for body building in under a year. Hear why both Bart and Russell have been able to really commit to things instead of dabbling. And find out how you could possibly see Russell standing on stage at Funnel Hacking Live in a Speedo! So listen here to see why it’s so important to be an extremist when you set a goal to do something. ---Transcript--- Hey everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing Secrets podcast. I’m walking right now with Bart Miller. How you doing, man? Bart: I’m good, how are you guys? Russell: Doing awesome. We’re going to show you guys some cool stuff here after the intro. Alright, so we’re out here, it’s freezing cold out he
What We Learned From Our First $100,000,000 In Sales...
07/12/2017 Duration: 16minBe a fly on the wall during the ClickFunnels partner meeting and hear the #1 thing each of us learned on our journey so far. On this episode we get to hear from the entire Clickfunnels partnership team. They all share the big takeaways they have received as they have watched the company soar to over a hundred million dollars a year in revenue. Here are some of the cool things you will hear. How Russell learned that having a great partnership and team was better than being on his own. Why Todd thinks it’s important to have someone who is obsessed with the product you’re selling. Why Dave thinks the Dream 100 is so important. How John prioritizes and delegates to make sure everything is done by the appropriate people. Why Brent thinks it’s important to stay small and nimble as long as possible and why you shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. And why Ryan believes that constraints are not a limiting factor, but what helps you focus and succeed. So listen here to find out what the Clickfunnels partnership team memb
Being An Introvert Inside Of An Extrovert's Calling
04/12/2017 Duration: 15minInteresting thoughts after my whirlwind week. On this episode Russell talks about what’s it’s like being an introvert in an extrovert’s business. He shares how you can still be successful while being introverted, just like him. Here are some interesting things in this episode: Find out why Russell loves speaking in front of thousands of people, but can still be awkward one on one. See how Russell is able to get past his introverted tenancies to still be able to sell a room. And find out why you just need to start sharing your message and with consistency you will find your voice. So listen here to find out how an introvert is making it in this extroverted business. ---Transcript--- Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing Secrets podcast. Today we’re going to be talking about what it’s like being an introvert inside of an extrovert’s calling. Here we go. Alright so last week was a little bit insane. I think I only slept about 2 ½ hours last night and I am really excited to fall asleep. Th
End Of The Year Planning Meetings And Simplifying Your Value Ladder
29/11/2017 Duration: 10minThe two most important things your can do between now and the end of the year to double your business for next year. On today’s episode talks about his upcoming meeting with his partners to plan next year, and goes on to explain why he’s simplifying his value ladder and his life. Here are some awesome things you will hear in this episode: Why it’s important to have a planning meeting with your partners to decide what you want to achieve for the next year. What kind of things Russell is doing to simplify his value ladder and why he’s doing it. And why Russell is turning off two programs that each do well over a million dollars each year. So listen here to find out how you too can simplify your value ladder. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson, welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Hey everyone, so I’m out walking, I just took the garbage out. If you look out here it is getting close to Christmas time, Thanksgiving is over. For those who are watching the video, these are the ligh
The #1 Way To Get Thousands Of People To Join Your Membership Site In Less Than 15 Minutes
28/11/2017 Duration: 08minThis is the marketing secret I’m dusting off from the archives of one of the greatest campaigns we ever ran. On this episode Russell talks about going old school with a technique he used to use that worked every single time. He gives all the information you need to be able to do it for your business. Here are some cool things on this episode: How Russell used to use this technique back in the day. How you can use it to build curiosity, which translates into people signing up for a membership site. And why Russell himself hasn’t used this technique in a while, but why he’s going to use it again very soon with Clickfunnels. So listen below to find out what awesome technique Russell used in the past with massive success, that he plans on using again. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson, welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. I got something exciting I want to share with you right now. Alright everybody, there’s something I talked a lot about in my inner circle recently, it seems li
It's Not The Thing... It's The Marketing Of The Thing That Counts
27/11/2017 Duration: 10minA conversation I had today explains the reason why most businesses end up suffocating and dying. On today’s episode Russell talks about something awesome he witnessed with his kids school. He goes on to talk about discussing marketing with another parent at school and why he considers it the lifeblood of a business. Here are some of the insightful things in this episode: Why marketing is the lifeblood of a company. How cutting back on marketing in a business is like putting pressure on the carotid artery in wrestling. And how to get a successful business by tripling down on your marketing. So listen here to find out why you need to become obsessed with the marketing of your product, rather than the product itself. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. I hope you guys are doing amazing today. Alright everybody, it is the day before Thanksgiving. We have 20 bubble soccer balls being delivered to my house; we’re going to be playing a huge bu
Why I Don't Do Payment Plans
22/11/2017 Duration: 08minIf you structure your value ladder right, you’ll never have to do a payment plan. On this episode Russell answers a question posted on Facebook about why he doesn’t do payment plans. Here are some of the awesome things he has to say in today’s episode. The reason Russell doesn’t have payment plans, and it’s not only because he doesn’t sell to broke people. Why being handed an already successful business that you didn’t have to work for will usually cause it to fail. And how Russell justify’s giving away stuff for free and what his philosophy about it is. So listen here to find out why Russell doesn’t usually give an option for payment plans. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? It’s Russell Brunson, welcome to Marketing Secrets podcast. Tonight we are going to be hanging out with some Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Alright so, why am I talking real quiet? Because it’s late at night and the wife and kids, everyone is asleep. Why am I eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Because I have committed that by Funnel Hacking Live
The Bigger You Get, The Bigger Your Problems Get
21/11/2017 Duration: 22minA quick play-by-play of the last 24 hours of my crazy life. On this episode Russell talks about the last 24 hours of his life and the events that made it feel crazy. Here are some of the interesting things you will hear in this episode: Find out why Russell is being sued by a Clickfunnels customer. Hear about some other legal problems that Russell has been dealing with for quite some time. And find out why Russell and his family had to take trip to the ER. So listen here to see why Russell’s last 24 hours have been such a stressful roller-coaster ride. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. Tonight is going to be a late night reflections episode. Alright, I don’t know if that’s really a thing, a reflection episode, but it has been, the last 24 hours of my life have been insane. I learned some really good lessons along the way. I just wanted to sit here and talk it out with you guys if you don’t mind. Hopefully you’ll get something out of i
Beware Of All Platforms... Except This One
07/11/2017 Duration: 19minA podcast from Russell and Todd in a private plane. On this special private plane episode Russell and Clickfunnels co-founder, Todd Dickerson, rant about troubles they’ve had with different platforms, most recently iTunes. Here are some of the interesting things you will hear on this episode: Find out why Russell is not longer getting subscribers for his podcast, and how all efforts to fix the problem have been fruitless. Hear Todd tell a story about a friend of his that basically lost his business when Amazon D-listed his product. Find out why YouTuber, PewdiePie pretty much lost everything after using an offensive term. And discover how we can learn from these examples to make sure we don’t have all our eggs in one basket. So listen here to find out why it’s important to have a back up plan when it comes to social media platforms, as well as merchant accounts. ---Transcript--- Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Today we are taking, this whole thing is happenin
Aligning Your Will With The Marketplace
31/10/2017 Duration: 10minInteresting thoughts I had on my drive home from Salt Lake City. On this episode Russell relates following God’s will to following the will of the market in business. Here are some of the enlightening things you will hear in today’s episode: How spending his weekend talking to a leader in his church reminded him that’s its important to align your belief’s with Gods. How aligning your beliefs will God’s is similar to aligning your product ideas with the needs of the market you’re in. And find out how you can align your own beliefs with that of the market you are in. So listen here to find out how Russell is able to relate business marketing to God. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Hey everyone, I hope you guys are all having an amazing day today. Whoa, I’m juggling my phone as I get in the car. Crazy day. We are just leaving, I was about to leave the house today and I walked out and Norah was outside on the trampolines jumping. Some o
RANT: If You Want Me To Wipe Your Butt, Go To Daycare
27/10/2017 Duration: 09minRussell’s rant about what’s keeping people from success. On this episode Russell rants about the difference between daycare, college and coaching and why to be successful you need coaching. But to be a champion you have to put in the extra work because coaches can only take you so far. Here are some interesting things in this episode: Why you need to listen to your coaches to be successful, otherwise you might as well go to daycare or college. And why putting in extra work after the coaching is what will make you a champion. Listen here to find out why you need to move on from daycare, and college and jump into coaching and then put in even more effort to become a champion. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and this is an emergency impromptu podcast with angry Steven behind me. So I have to do this right now. The Software Secrets webinar is starting in less than an hour and I should be doing slides, but something just made me angry so I wanted to jump on. And you’re kind of angry
Focusing On Your UA, $100K-A-Day Role
26/10/2017 Duration: 11minHow we’re creating systems so that everyone can focus on their unique abilities. On this episode Russell talks about being worth $100,000 a day in his business, but not being worth anything as an assistant wrestling coaching. He goes on to say why it’s important to focus on unique abilities. Here are some of the amazing things in today’s episode: Why Russell had to tell an old friend that he couldn’t come visit unless he paid him $100,000 a day. How Russell ended up being an assistant wrestling coach for free. And why focusing on our own and our team members unique abilities is a good way to grow your company. So listen here to find out why Russell charges $100,000 a day for business consulting, but is an assistant wrestling coach for free. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing Secrets podcast. I hope you guys have an amazing day today because I’ve got something cool to share with you. Alright everybody, I’m heading back into the office. It’s been a couple, the
The Secret Closing Technique I Learned From One Of The Top Copywriters In Singapore
25/10/2017 Duration: 08minI use this in every webinar, every Facebook live, every sales letter, and pretty much every time I sell anything, and I’m going to give it to you for free! On this episode Russell talks about a closing technique he learned from the first copywriter he ever paid, that he has been using ever since. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in today’s episode: Who Russell first heard use this technique and what’s cool about it. Listen as Russell go into character to show how he does the sales pitch. And find out why it doesn’t have to be all or nothing when people buy from a webinar. So listen here to find out what technique Russell has been using for years to close. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. So excited to be here with you guys today. And today you guys are learn one of my top closing techniques that I use in webinars, and sales letters, and sales videos, and Facebook lives and over and over and over again. And I might even
Adding In Your Second Entrepreneurial Super Power
24/10/2017 Duration: 16minThe second super power that you need to add that’s, unfortunately, invisible to the entrepreneurial eye. On this episode Russell talks about being able to set long term goals to help you focus today and stop chasing all the shiny things that you see along the way. Here are some interesting things you will hear in this episode: Why you should stop being distracted by shiny things by focusing on the one thing that you want to do. Why being entrepreneurial is like having a super power and how being able to set goals and follow them is a second super power. And how setting a someday goal will help you reverse engineer your 5 year, 1 year, 1 month, 1 week, and today goals. So listen here to find out how to add another super power to your entrepreneurship. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Today we’re going to be talking about being an entrepreneur and sometimes it might not be good. Alright everybody, so as you know, I love entrepreneurs.
What Really Happened Behind The Scenes Of Our Biggest Webinar Ever
20/10/2017 Duration: 16minHere’s a behind the scene’s glimpse of the chaos that ensued in the 24 hour webinar. On today’s episode Russell goes over what happened when he planned and executed a new webinar in under 24 hours. He recounts what went wrong, what went well, and how it did overall. Here are some cool things to listen for in this episode: What things went wrong during the webinar, such as software freezing, and slides not being completed in time. Why a guy that actually pays Russell for coaching has no business critiquing the webinar. And why you need to just do it if you are planning on launching a webinar. What are you waiting for? So listen here to find out how Russell’s webinar went and hear what he’s changing when he redoes it later this week. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Alright everybody, I hope you guys are doing awesome today. I am actually in the car. Don’t worry I’m safe. Don’t yell at me, “Russell you’re going to die.” I got my phone
The Big Secret, Making AND Keeping Commitments
10/10/2017 Duration: 09minOne of the traits of all the truly successful people in the world. On this episode Russell talks about why he has a new coach and how he let himself and that coach down last week by not keeping a commitment. Here are some awesome things to listen for on this episode: Why Russell is so coachable, and how that usually leads to success. Why all people who make and keep commitments are successful. And why Russell failed on one commitment last week and is going to try even harder this week to keep all of his commitments and be successful. So listen here if you want to know how to be coachable and be able to succeed. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson, welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast. I hope you guys are ready for some fun. Alright everyone, I just dropped something off at my kids school because yes, once again, they forgot something. They sound kind of like their dad. Anyway, I just want to jump on today because I, if you’ve been listening you know that I recently hired a
And THAT'S The Day You Became An Entrepreneur...
09/10/2017 Duration: 07minIt happened the day you took personal responsibility for a problem that wasn’t your own. On this episode Russell talks about how every entrepreneur is someone who found a problem and took responsibility for it. Here are some of the enlightening things in this episode: Why entrepreneurs are different than the rest of the world when it comes to seeing a problem. Who some of Russell’s inner circle members are that are a great example of taking responsibility of a problem and fixing it. And why when entrepreneurs take responsibility for a problem, it changes the world. So listen here to find out how to be an entrepreneur by taking responsibility for a problem that you didn’t create but want to fix. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody, this is Russell. Welcome to a late night episode of Marketing Secrets. Hey everyone, I’m about to head to bed but I listened to a podcast this week from Ryan Moran, from and he’s got the Freedom Fast Lane show podcast, which is pretty awesome. I love it a lot and h

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