Motivating Mom With Lisa Druxman



Lisa Druxman is ready to motivate you! It is her passion to raise healthy moms so that they can raise healthy kids in a healthy world. Get out of overwhelm and get in to living your best life as a mom! Join us as we inspire you each week to eat clean, live fit and be happy! We will talk food, fitness, life balance and living with purpose and passion. Lisa will bring on a variety of guests and will answer your questions!


  • Zen In The Motherhood

    21/07/2019 Duration: 22min

    This episode could change your life.  If you are craving calm, wanting to let go of stress, desiring to be more mindful in your day, listen in. I share a new approach, that’s actually quite old, on how to do life and motherhood. This year, I  have started to delve into a deeper understanding and practice. You might not realize but there are many different types of meditation. You can meditate with mantras, or envisioning a journey or anchoring around a sound. Right now, I have been studying zen meditation. Zen meditation is simply seated. upright in good posture, paying careful attention to breathing in your belly until you are fully alert and present. There are no steps, no-frills. In fact, meditating with a goal such as quieting your mind is very un zen. It’s a state of mind of just being present in the moment. But today's podcast isn’t about zen meditation. It’s the zen part that I want to share with you. The more I read, the more I am feeling like there are ancient foundations behind what has been in my h

  • Need An Organizing Expert? Yes Please! With Rachel Rosenthal

    08/07/2019 Duration: 34min

    Are you ready to get your home organized but don't know where to begin? In this episode, organizing expert Rachel Rosenthal dives into the home's top culprits for clutter and disorganization and shares her tips on how to get your home back in order. Rooted in the belief that organization can be achieved by all, Rachel shares the best tips for how moms can get and stay organized. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Rachel Rosenthal’s Favorite Quote: “Getting organized is a way of life not a one time event.” - Rachel Rosenthal Links For Rachel Rosenthal Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Join Rachel’s newsletter (which is free!) and automatically receive organizing tips, tricks, and guides. Also, use the code EMPOWERED10 to receive 10% off her online course. The Empowered Mama is part of the Parents On Demand Network. The Parent

  • Change is Sometimes Necessary With Monica Berg

    01/07/2019 Duration: 39min

    Many of us have developed a profound desire to go to our next level. Yet we quite often find ways to hold ourselves back, especially when the root cause is fear. My guest today is a self-proclaimed change junkie. She will help you see how change is the only constant in life, and inspire you to get excited about a lifestyle of change. If you desire to find your highest self, to achieve your dreams and to live a life of joy and fulfillment, fear is not an option. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Monica Berg’s Favorite Quote: “Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” ― Frank Outlaw If Monica Berg was to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be?  Unapologetically Me Links For Monica Berg Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

  • The Beautiful No with Sheri Salata

    24/06/2019 Duration: 32min

    Are you ready to rewrite the story of your own life? My guest today did just that. She had the career of her dreams working for The Oprah Winfrey show but she did not have the life of her dreams. She shares how she produced her own life transformation and how you can too. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. If Sheri Salata was to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be?  Blessed Links For Sheri Salata: Sheri Salata is a writer/producer, cofounder of the inspirational lifestyle brand, The Pillar Life and cohost of the podcast The Sheri + Nancy Show. Her current ventures are the evolution of her 20-year career with Oprah Winfrey. Her action-packed days as Executive Producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show were chronicled in the acclaimed docuseries Season 25: Oprah Behind the Scenes. Sheri also served as Co-President of Harpo Studios and OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. She has been named one of Fast Company’s 100 Most Creati

  • Ready to Live Limitlessly? with Laura Gassner-Otting

    17/06/2019 Duration: 45min

    “If all you get in life is what you DESERVE, you will never get what you DEMAND.” Too many people don’t believe they can do incredible, hard things. They don’t believe they deserve the life they dream of. They let roadblocks stop them in their tracks. They let security and money keep them small. My guest today will help you align what they do with who you are, to achieve their limitless potential. She shows you your greatness, encourages your= to forge ahead, demand more, and become the best versions of yourself. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Laura Gassner Otting’s Favorite Quote: "Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that." Martin Luther King Jr. If Laura Gassner Otting was to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be? Clearly: LIMITLESS! Links For Laura Gassner Otting Website: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: Ins

  • Ask Me Anything!

    10/06/2019 Duration: 24min

    In this episode, I answer your questions on everything from what I would do if I were starting my business today to what I think of Keto diets. Whatever you sent in, I’m answering, unedited and unscripted. This is the empowered mama podcast The Empowered Mama is part of the Parents On Demand Network. The Parents On Demand Network is a collection of podcasts with content specifically created for families. Through the POD website and network app, parents can easily find and subscribe to programming that’s specific to their family’s interests and needs. Links for Lisa MamaWell: FIT4MOM website: The Empowered Mama Book: Lisa Druxman's Website: Thank you for listening today, and every day that you join me. As always, if there is someone you want me to interview or a topic you want me to talk about, just send me an email to I know how busy you are, but if you could just take a momen

  • Family Talk: Communication Strengthens Relationships with Christy Monson

    03/06/2019 Duration: 30min

    While families are diverse and their needs are unique, family meetings provide a safe and environment for every family to discuss issues and explore the best ways to have the family succeed. My guest today teaches families what a family council is, why it's a perfect environment for teaching, for exploring difficult issues, learning how to play, and how best to solve problems at home, school, or work. She also shares how to support your children in these scary times. Christy Monson’s Favorite Quote: "Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that." Martin Luther King Jr. If Christy Monson was to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be? Love Links For Christy Monson Website: Christy’s Blog: FB: Instagram: Twitter: The Empowered Mama is part of the Parents On Demand Network. The Parents On Demand Network is a collection of podcasts

  • Shift How You Feel in 5 Minutes - Change Your Perspective

    27/05/2019 Duration: 12min

    This episode is brought to you by fit4mom. Fit4mom is the company I started 17 years ago because I needed a village, a place to belong. The fitness was icing on the cake. We are now fitness for every stage of motherhood and it’s the place where you will find the strength in motherhood. If you have not yet tried a class, what are you waiting for? Go to to find a class near you. And if there is not a class near you, then lets you and I chat about starting a franchise. Send me a personal email to and I’ll tell you how to get started! Thank you for listening today, and every day that you join me. As always, if there is someone you want me to interview or a topic you want me to talk about, just send me an email to The Empowered Mama is part of the Parents On Demand Network. The Parents On Demand Network is a collection of podcasts with content specifically created for families. Through the POD website and network app, parents can easily find and subscribe to pr

  • Being Mindful in The Motherhood with Dayna M. Kurtz

    20/05/2019 Duration: 40min

    You have heard of childcare. Even eldercare, but how about Mothercare? My guest today guides new and veteran mothers alike through the best practices to care for themselves as they care for their children. As a new mom, she would have described her entry to motherhood as a failure to thrive. her transition to maternal life was a messy, painful journey. But she found that the birth of a mother deserves to be tended to in much the same way as the birth of a baby, with attention, devotion and the deepest kind of love. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Dayna M. Kurtz’s Favorite Quote: "In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves." Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn If Dayna Kurtz was to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be? Perhaps the word "Atman," a Sanksrit word meaning "inner self" or "soul." It's a reminder that we are something other than our work, our egos, our bodies. It's easy to get wrapped up in this transient elements, but they are

  • Power Affirmations: For You And Your Kids

    13/05/2019 Duration: 24min

    “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” This is one of my favorite quotes from Gandhi. Let’s focus on those first two sentences. “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words. If this is true, then we should put great effort into training our thoughts and our words to create our destiny. I have been a self-development junkie for decades but the one thing I did not buy into were affirmations. In this episode, I will tell you why I changed my mind. And why I think affirmations are great for kids. For Links to books mentioned in today’s episode: This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. This episode is brought to you by fit4mom. Fit4mom is the company I started 17 years ago because I needed a village, a place to belong. The fitness was icing on the cake. We are now fitness for every stage of motherh

  • Joy From Fear: Making Fear Your Friend

    06/05/2019 Duration: 40min

    If you find yourself running away from fear, you’re running in the wrong direction. Fear demands that we move toward it, face it and hear its messages. When we fail to do this, the price is chronic anxiety, sleeplessness, damaged relationships, skyrocketing pharmaceutical use, and more. In her enlightening new book Joy from Fear, my guest explains that fear is not the enemy we thought it was; fear, when faced with awareness, is the powerful ally and best friend we all need. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Dr. Carly Marie Manly’s Favorite Quote: “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” (Henley) If Dr. Carly Marie Manly was to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be?  Integrity Links For Dr. Carly Marie Manly Website: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: YouTube

  • What If I Don’t Want A Big Life?

    29/04/2019 Duration: 19min

    The messages everywhere are to dream big and that you are made for more. But what if, what if you don’t want a big life? What if you just want to enjoy the life you have? This episode is brought to you by fit4mom. Fit4mom is the company I started 17 years ago because I needed a village, a place to belong. The fitness was the icing on the cake. We are now fitness for every stage of motherhood and it’s the place where you will find the strength in motherhood. If you have not yet tried a class, what are you waiting for? Go to to find a class near you. And if there is not a class near you, then let’s you and I chat about starting a franchise. Send me a personal email to and I’ll tell you how to get started! Thank you for listening today, and every day that you join me. As always, if there is someone you want me to interview or a topic you want me to talk about, just send me an email to The Empowered Mama is part of the Parents On Demand Network. The Parents On

  • The Skills To Manage Your Wellness with Empowered Mama Emily Price, LCSW, P.C.

    15/04/2019 Duration: 45min

    It’s normal to feel anxious every once in a while. Anxiety is a normal response to many situations. But how do you know when it’s too much? Too intense? Something to be concerned about? Today we’re gonna talk about anxiety. What it is, what it looks like, and what we can do about it. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Emily Price’s Favorite Quote: "Surrender to the flow" - Song by Phish If Emily Price were to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be?  Choose Love Links For Emily Price Website: Other resources Postpartum Support International: Seeking Treatment for Anxiety or to look for A Cognitive Behavioral Therapist in your area? Learn more about Somatic Experiencing: The Empowered Mama is part of the Parents On Demand Network. The Parents On Demand Network is a collection of podcasts with content specifically created for families. Through the POD website and network app,

  • Get Out Of Overwhelm in 5 Minutes

    08/04/2019 Duration: 12min

    Do you have that feeling of overwhelm? That feeling of too much to do and not enough time to do it? That uptight feeling when it feels like stress is too much to handle? I get it. And I want to give you a 5 minute system to get you out of overwhelm. This is the Empowered Mama Podcast. This episode is brought to you by FIT4MOM. FIT4MOM is the company I started 17 years ago because I needed a village, a place to belong. The fitness was icing on the cake. We are now fitness for every stage of motherhood and it’s the place where you will find the strength in motherhood. If you have not yet tried a class, what are you waiting for? Go to to find a class near you. And if there is not a class near you, then lets you and I chat about starting a franchise. Send me a personal email to and I’ll tell you how to get started! Thank you for listening today, and every day that you join me. As always, if there is someone you want me to interview or a topic you want me to talk about, just send m

  • Choose Joy with Empowered Mama Angie Capetanakis

    01/04/2019 Duration: 43min

    Is being joyful a choice? Does it come naturally? Are you seeking more joy in your life? On today’s episode, I interview my dear friend Angie Capetanakis. She is my walking vision of joy. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Angie Capetanakis’ Favorite Quote: Not really a quote, but I have this hanging in my house huge - “choose joy” If Angie Capetanakis were to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be?  Gratitude Links For Angie Capetanakis Dr. Nick Capetanakis EP 096: Preparing for Warrior Birth Websites: Find her on Facebook: The Empowered Mama is part of the Parents On Demand Network. The Parents On Demand Network is a collection of podcasts with content specifically created for families. Through the POD website and network app, parents can easily find and subscribe to programming that’s specific to their family’s interests and needs. Links for Lisa MamaWel

  • Do you need a Digital Detox?

    25/03/2019 Duration: 20min

    Do you need a Digital Detox? Here’s a test for you!Do you lose track of time when using electronic devices?Do you become agitated when you are interrupted?Do you check your phone when you stop at a red light?Do you ever check your phone or text while driving?Do you spend more time on a screen then you do communicating with your family?Have you lost interest in hobbies or other activities?Do you become restless when not on your device?Does your device stay in your bedroom when you sleep?Does electronic use ever interfere with your sleep?Have any of your relationships been affected because of devices?Do you take the phone with you when you use the bathroom?If you are like most of us, you said yes to a lot of these questions. Listen in as we figure out how to digitally declutter and how to have a healthier relationship with our devices.  This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. This episode is brought to you by fit4mom. Fit4mom is the company I started 17 years ago because I needed a village, a place to belong. The f

  • A Sober Mom’s Guide To Recovery

    18/03/2019 Duration: 41min

    We joke about mommy juice or mommy needs wine. But it’s really not a joke. I’m hearing from more and more moms that it’s actually quite a problem. Mommy drinking may be normalizing alcoholism. But how do you know if it's a problem for you? Today, I interview Rosemary O’Connor, author of A Sober Mom’s Guide To Recovery. You will hear about how she hit rock bottom and rebuilt a wonderful life without alcohol.  This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Rosemary O’Connor’s Favorite Quote: "It doesn't matter how many times you fall, it only matters how often you get back up." - Rosemary O’Connor Favorite App One Day At A Time Book - Each Day A New Beginning Links For Rosemary O’Connor FaceBook - Sober Moms Community with Rosemary O'Connor Linkedin - Twitter -  @sobermomsguide - Instagram - sobermomsguide - Free eBook - A Sober M

  • A Tribute To Janice Freeman

    11/03/2019 Duration: 30min

    What do you keep putting off? Who are you thinking will always be there? Don’t wait until a moment is gone, till someone is gone. Today, I want to share my tribute to the amazing star who shined so bright, Janice Freeman. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Links for Janice The Empowered Mama is part of the Parents On Demand Network. The Parents On Demand Network is a collection of podcasts with content specifically created for families. Through the POD website and network app, parents can easily find and subscribe to programming that’s specific to their family’s interests and needs. Links for Lisa MamaWell: FIT4MOM website: The Empowered Mama Book: Lisa Druxman's Website: Join The Digital Detox Challenge Thank you for listening today, and every day that you join me. As always, if there is

  • Mom Hacks For A Better Life

    04/03/2019 Duration: 39min

    Why does society assume that poor health (and our sanity) is the cost of motherhood? Why is this the message told to moms? No more.  We cure diseases. We create artificial ears using 3-D printers. We solved how to pee in space. We can figure this out too. My guest today has done just that. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Dr. Darria Long Gillespie’s Favorite Quote: “Never allow someone to tell you "No", who doesn't have the power to tell you "Yes.” - Eleanor Roosevelt If Dr. Darria Long Gillespie were to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be?  Joy Dr. Darria Long Gillespie’s Book Recommendation: Links For Dr. Darria Long Gillespie Website: Find her on Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Anyone who buys the book can get access to a huge array of freebies and discounts of my "favorite things" at The Empowered Mama is part of the

  • Using Your 5 Senses To Find The Joy Of Living

    25/02/2019 Duration: 26min

    Do you feel like you are living on the surface of life? It’s going so fast and you’re so busy that maybe you are missing something. You want to cherish the moments and savor the days but they keep escaping. Today I’m going to share what I’m doing every single day to use my senses to find the joy of living. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. This episode is brought to you by fit4mom. Fit4mom is the company I started 17 years ago because I needed a village, a place to belong. The fitness was icing on the cake. We are now fitness for every stage of motherhood and it’s the place where you will find the strength in motherhood. If you have not yet tried a class, what are you waiting for? Go to to find a class near you. And if there is not a class near you, then lets you and I chat about starting a franchise. Send me a personal email to and I’ll tell you how to get started! Thank you for listening today, and every day that you join me. As always, if there is someone you want me to i

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