White Horse Inn



How important is it for you to know what you believe and why you believe it? What you know matters more than what you feel. Listen to the weekly White Horse Inn podcast to ground your faith in unchanging biblical truth.


  • Binding the Strongman

    26/06/2022 Duration: 31min

    Satan is defeated, but he’s clearly still active today. How do we reconcile these two realities? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and David Cassidy conclude our series on spiritual warfare, considering what it looks like to rest in Christ’s victory, stand firm on Christ’s word, and look for Christ’s return.  __________ Our magazine, Modern Reformation, has been newly redesigned and it comes with a special price: whatever you can afford! To find out more, head over to modernreformation.org/subscribe. __________ To receive our new book, 30 Years Closer: Essays for a Modern Reformation, for a gift of $50 or more, go to whitehorseinn.org/closer.

  • Worship Is Warfare

    19/06/2022 Duration: 31min

    Having considered Satan’s power and influence today, how do we avoid being gripped by fear? How do we stand firm? How do we fight? In this White Horse Inn episode, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and David Cassidy look at the armor of God and other biblical passages to understand the right posture for Christians as they engage in spiritual warfare. __________ To receive our new book, 30 Years Closer: Essays for a Modern Reformation, for a gift of $50 or more, go to whitehorseinn.org/closer. __________ Sign up for our newsletter and receive our free digital download collection on Justification - whitehorseinn.org/newsletter.

  • The Pervasive Influence of Darkness

    12/06/2022 Duration: 31min

    When we start talking about spiritual warfare, we immediately think of the serpent in the garden, of New Testament confrontations between Jesus and the demon-possessed, and of chaotic exorcisms depicted in TV and movies. But what kind of power does Satan have, and what are we supposed to do about it? On this episode of White Horse Inn, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and David Cassidy trace the biblical encounters with Satan and consider how he works today, reminding believers to be alert but not afraid. __________ Our magazine, Modern Reformation, has been newly redesigned and it comes with a special price: whatever you can afford! To find out more, head over to modernreformation.org/subscribe. __________ To receive our new book, 30 Years Closer: Essays for a Modern Reformation, for a gift of $50 or more, go to whitehorseinn.org/closer.

  • Your Adversary the Devil

    05/06/2022 Duration: 30min

    Who is the devil? Where does he come from, and how do modern perceptions of him line up with biblical teaching? On this episode of White Horse Inn, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and special guest Pastor David Cassidy discuss the idea of personified evil and the way caricatures of Satan and his origins have transformed through the ages and are reflected on the pages of Scripture. __________ To receive our new book, 30 Years Closer: Essays for a Modern Reformation, for a gift of $50 or more, go to whitehorseinn.org/closer. __________ Download our free booklet, Can the Devil Read My Mind?, by David Cassidy. Just head over to whitehorseinn.org/subscribe.

  • Courage in the Ordinary

    29/05/2022 Duration: 29min

    Have you noticed that words like “extreme” and “revolutionary” have ironically become part of our “ordinary” vocabulary, even in the world of contemporary Christianity? We’re constantly being encouraged to “transform the world,” to pursue “radical discipleship,” or simply to do “big things for Jesus.” But what is the cost of this continual use of superlatives? The hosts, with the help of Tish Harrison Warren, discuss this issue and point to a recovery of “ordinary discipleship” in a world of hype (originally aired 09-01-13). __________ To receive our new book, 30 Years Closer: Essays for a Modern Reformation, for a gift of $50 or more, go to whitehorseinn.org/closer. __________ Listen to our extended length series, Ordinary, for free! Just head over to whitehorseinn.org/offers.

  • The Given Life

    22/05/2022 Duration: 31min

    Sometimes the church hinders our experience of the good life by packing our schedules, heaping on burdens, or trying to be cool and relevant. But the church can also help us cultivate the good life by pointing us to a kingdom that we receive—not build. In this episode of White Horse Inn, Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller celebrate the ordinary ministry of Word and Sacrament that leads to rest and flourishing, and they unpack how the gifts of justification and union with Christ contribute to our experience of the good life now. __________ Listen to our extended length series, Ordinary, for free! Just head over to whitehorseinn.org/offers. __________ To receive our new book, 30 Years Closer: Essays for a Modern Reformation, for a gift of $50 or more, go to whitehorseinn.org/closer.

  • Made for Another World

    15/05/2022 Duration: 31min

    This series has helped us to see that we can enjoy God’s creational gifts without guilt. But God also gives us eschatological gifts that prepare us for our heavenly home. So what happens when we have an over-realized or under-realized eschatology? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller talk about life between the “now” and the “not yet,” considering the role of virtue in the Christian life and how the law gives shape to the good life as we’re conformed to the image of Christ. __________ To receive our new book, 30 Years Closer: Essays for a Modern Reformation, for a gift of $50 or more, go to whitehorseinn.org/closer. __________ Listen to our extended length series, Ordinary, for free! Just head over to whitehorseinn.org/offers.

  • Finding God in the Muck and the Mire

    08/05/2022 Duration: 33min

    In a life filled with suffering, is a good life truly possible? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller ask the hard questions about sin, suffering, and real life. Just because this life can be hard doesn’t mean that we should embrace a dualism that places the body and soul in opposition to each other. Instead, we need to acknowledge a certain realism about how the world functions on this side of the fall, being honest about what is evil—and even just disappointing. We can do so by clinging to God’s sovereignty in the midst of our suffering, his creativity to use it for our good, and his kindness to give us tangible good gifts even now, while we look with hope towards the future glory that awaits. ________ Listen to our extended length series, Ordinary, for free! Just head over to whitehorseinn.org/offers. __________ Our magazine, Modern Reformation, has been newly redesigned and it comes with a special price: whatever you can aff

  • What Is the Good Life?

    01/05/2022 Duration: 31min

    Do you ever feel behind in life? In a culture that endlessly calls us to hustle, climb, and improve, we’re bound to feel guilty for settling with “ordinary.” But is the good life built from all that striving? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller consider what kind of lives we should expect according to Scripture. How is our experience of the good life shaped by our own experiences as sinful humans who now live under God’s benediction in Christ? They examine goodness as something received from God, how the good life can be the given life, and how this all relates to loving God and our neighbors. __________ Listen to our extended length series, Ordinary, for free! Just head over to whitehorseinn.org/offers.  

  • Life in His Name

    24/04/2022 Duration: 33min

    If Christ really rose from the dead, then it must have major ramifications for our lives. So how does the resurrection shape us? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and Doug Powell discuss the impact of Christ’s resurrection at the cosmic level, institutional level, and personal level. They consider what it means that Christ is victorious over Satan, sin, hell, death, and the grave; they unpack what it means to say “Jesus is Lord”; and they celebrate our ultimate comfort and hope found in the risen Christ. __________ Download our free PDF about the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ written by Justin Holcomb. Just head over to whitehoseinn.org/offers. __________ Our magazine, Modern Reformation, has been newly redesigned and it comes with a special price: whatever you can afford! To find out more, head over to modernreformation.org/subscribe.

  • Christ Is Risen Indeed

    17/04/2022 Duration: 33min

    What kind of sermon did you hear today? In this episode of White Horse Inn, seasoned pastors Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller are joined once again by apologist Doug Powell to discuss the essential elements of an Easter sermon—and describe some of the “misses” you might have experienced. This Easter, they hope you heard a sermon that was historical, preaching good news from outside of you; that was grounded in the Scriptures, showing Christ as the fulfillment of the Old Testament; that was applicable, demonstrating how Christ’s resurrection is for you; and that mirrored Christ’s loving accommodation for skeptics and doubters. __________ To get our new Reformation Essentials collection head over to whitehorseinn.org/collection. __________ Become a partner and you will receive all of the White Horse Inn extended episodes, access to our extensive archive as well as a subscription to our magazine, Modern Reformation. Head over to whitehorseinn.org/podcastpartner.

  • Resurrection Objections

    10/04/2022 Duration: 32min

    Having established the minimal facts of the resurrection, how do we respond when people suggest alternative theories for explaining the missing body, the empty tomb, and Christ’s post-resurrection appearances? Did Jesus simply faint on the cross? Was his body stolen? Did the women go to the wrong tomb? Did the disciples make up the resurrection story, or did it grow and develop over the years? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and Doug Powell evaluate these common objections and more, helping you prepare for discussions around the table this Easter. __________ Download our free PDF about the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ written by Justin Holcomb. Just head over to whitehoseinn.org/offers. __________ To get our new Reformation Essentials collection head over to whitehorseinn.org/collection.

  • The Six Minimal Facts

    03/04/2022 Duration: 32min

    “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain,” writes the apostle Paul (1 Cor. 15:14), situating the resurrection as the central claim of Christianity—the foundation for the entire biblical worldview. But why is it so important? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and Doug Powell discuss Christ’s resurrection as a unique claim among world religions. They also work through “The Minimal Facts” put forward by Gary Habermas, equipping listeners with an agreed-upon baseline for proving the historicity of the resurrection and evaluating objections.

  • The Baptist Tradition With Guest Dr. Matthew Hall

    27/03/2022 Duration: 39min

    This series has highlighted the substantial overlap between the traditions seated at the White Horse Inn table while also honestly examining the differences between them. In this episode, Justin Holcomb sits down with Dr. Matthew Hall, provost and senior vice president for academic administration of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. They look at the historical development and complexity within the Baptist tradition and what it means to be confessional and congregational. In the process, they also explore and celebrate how traditions with significant differences on polity and the sacraments can join forces in serving, caring, and praying for each other in gospel ministry. __________ If you would like to download our free Doctrine Quiz just go to whitehorseinn.org/offers. __________ To get our new Reformation Essentials collection head over to whitehorseinn.org/collection.

  • The Reformed Tradition

    20/03/2022 Duration: 28min

    Michael Horton walked the path into Reformed theology through the book of Romans. As he studied Paul’s words, he was gripped by the doctrine of justification by faith alone, and by other distinctives he would come to understand as Reformed—high views of creation, the Fall, the dignity of humanity, God’s sovereign will, and God’s mercy. In this episode of White Horse Inn, Justin Holcomb interviews Michael Horton about the Reformed tradition. They consider how the creeds and confessions testify to Scripture’s clarity and provide the basis for a truly catholic faith, and they challenge listeners to resist prioritizing theological precision at the expense of love and unity. __________ To get our new Reformation Essentials collection head over to whitehorseinn.org/collection. __________ If you would like to download our free Doctrine Quiz just go to whitehorseinn.org/offers.

  • The Lutheran Tradition

    13/03/2022 Duration: 29min

    When it comes to discussing our differences, there is a lot of value in a genuine conversation. Rooted in humility, we have much to learn from each other, and we may find we have more in common than we realize. In this episode of White Horse Inn, Michael Horton interviews Pastor Bob Hiller about the distinctives within the Lutheran tradition. As they discuss the great debates that often arise between Lutherans and Presbyterians, they also explore the pastoral nature of Lutheran theology. Holding firm to the promise of Christ’s forgiveness. the Lutheran tradition aims to combat theological systems threatening to destroy the Christian’s comfort—an endeavor esteemed by all Reformation traditions and joined by all who sit around the White Horse Inn table. __________ To get our new Reformation Essentials collection head over to whitehorseinn.org/collection. __________ If you would like to download our free Doctrine Quiz just go to whitehorseinn.org/offers.

  • The Anglican Tradition

    06/03/2022 Duration: 35min

    For 30 years, White Horse Inn has aimed at conversational theology, exploring a shared Reformation history and defending a common set of convictions. But what are the differences we bring to the table? In this episode of our new series, “Different, Not Divided,” Michael Horton sits down with Justin Holcomb to learn about the Anglican tradition—its history, confession, and polity, and what led Holcomb to be ordained as an Anglican minister. He shares some of the challenges within the Anglican tradition while also celebrating its global reach, commitment to Scripture, and application of the gospel through Thomas Cranmer’s “comfortable words.” __________ If you would like to download our free Doctrine Quiz just go to whitehorseinn.org/offers. __________ To get our new Reformation Essentials collection head over to whitehorseinn.org/collection.

  • Faithful Endurance

    27/02/2022 Duration: 31min

    The famous “Hall of Faith” is found in Hebrews 11, but how did these heroes possess such great faith? And what exactly is faith? How is it related to obedience and endurance and fruitfulness? In this final episode of our White Horse Inn series examining the book of Hebrews, Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and Nick Brennan look at the last few chapters of the book and its call for perseverance. They consider the role of suffering and discipline in believers’ sanctification and reflect on our role as priests, offering our whole lives to God as a sacrifice of praise. __________ Our new booklet, “The ‘Better’ is the Best,” is a collection of essays that will help you dive deeper into the book of Hebrews. Just head over to whitehoseinn.org/offers. __________ Our magazine, Modern Reformation, has been newly redesigned and it comes with a special price: whatever you can afford! To find out more, head over to modernreformation.org/subscribe.

  • Jesus, Our Hope

    20/02/2022 Duration: 35min

    The Book of Hebrews contains some of the most difficult passages in Scripture—warnings that cause people to feel fearful and lack assurance. How—in the face of such grave warnings—is Jesus our hope? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and Nick Brennan look closely at two particular warning passages in Hebrews 5–6 and 10, considering what the writer intended and what implications these passages have for the church today. In the process, they discuss some differences between the Lutheran and Reformed traditions, our shared commitment to the gathered assembly of God’s people and the ministry of Word and Sacrament, and the need we all have for the gospel of Christ. __________ Our new booklet, “The ‘Better’ is the Best,” is a collection of essays that will help you dive deeper into the book of Hebrews. Just head over to whitehoseinn.org/offers. __________ Our magazine, Modern Reformation, has been newly redesigned and it comes with a special price: whatever you can

  • Jesus, Our Great High Priest

    13/02/2022 Duration: 29min

    Why would you want to go back to types and shadows when the real thing is here? The author of Hebrews poses this question as he highlights Jesus’s work as our great high priest—a priest who passed not just through an earthly curtain but through a heavenly one, who descends from the line of Melchizedek, who far surpasses the priesthood of the Jerusalem temple. In this episode of White Horse Inn, Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and Nick Brennan continue their discussion of the book of Hebrews, grounding our confidence in Christ’s work on our behalf, by which we’re able to draw near to God’s throne of grace. __________ Our new booklet, “The ‘Better’ is the Best,” is a collection of essays that will help you dive deeper into the book of Hebrews. Just head over to whitehoseinn.org/offers. __________ Our magazine, Modern Reformation, has been newly redesigned and it comes with a special price: whatever you can afford! To find out more, head over to modernreformation.org/subscribe.

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