Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 62:50:43
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A place to come to train your happiness muscle, strengthen your self-worth and stretch your dreams.


  • Episode 70: Alisa Cohn On Being The CEO Of Your Life

    03/04/2018 Duration: 43min

    "Surround Yourself With People Who Remind You Of Your Greatness" Alisa Cohn Alisa Cohn is an Executive Coach who helps executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders. In this show, she answers questions from our audience on leadership, motivation and how to bring out the best in yourself and others. Alisa talks about what it takes to grow a business and move it from two people into a company of two hundred. Her expertise comes in helping others cultivate resiliency and create strategies that will help them discover and move through the pain points without the emotions getting in the way. She talks about the mounting pressure that comes when everyone’s eyes are on you and gives tips on how to how to manage the stress and strain that come with any form of growth. Resiliency is crucial to any success and Alisa shares her strategy on how purpose will keep us going when times are tough. "Use your purpose as your beacon to guide you." Knowing that you are going to do something significant in the world is where the juice li

  • Episode 69: Friday Five With Patricia Moreno

    23/03/2018 Duration: 06min

    "Your Ideas Are Unique, Go Explore Them And Take Them Out Into The World" Patricia Moreno Patricia believes that a strong body is a requirement for a great life. When we move we create more energy, have increased vitality and a strong body will be the vehicle that will carry us into our dreams. Are you working so hard, or working out so hard, that the joy and enthusiasm have been stripped away? Patricia reminded us that it is our joy and our gratitude that will bring out the beauty in our life. Notice the next time you go to the gym or exercise – how are you feeling – before – during and after? Do you feel energized or depleted after the workout and before you start do you feel excited or already exhausted? Check in to make sure that your workout is a sense of motivation instead of deprivation. How do you measure your self-worth? Patricia talked about how that in the past she measured her worth by her weight and I know many women who struggle with the same metrics. Notice this week how many times you look in

  • Episode 68: Patricia Moreno On Falling In Love With Your Life

    20/03/2018 Duration: 54min

    "Bring Real, Brave, Honest Kindness Into Your Life" Patricia Moreno I begin this episode by reflecting on how I first remember seeing Patricia. It was after a long bus ride to a mall in New Jersey to watch her compete in an aerobics competition. Fast forward to sitting across from my dear friend over two decades later for a heart opening conversation about, life, love and kindness. We talk about Patricia's highlight reel and her backstory. It was when Patricia was at her highest moment in her career that everything fell apart behind the scenes. A year into a national television show that she was hosting, Patricia was called in to a meeting with the management team and was confronted about her increasing weight that was magnified by being on camera. This low moment became a pivotal moment, and was the catalyst for her current work. “Thin at any cost” was Patricia’s mantra for many years and she was determined to move out of that mindset, and help thousands of women do the same. We talk about Patricia’s investi

  • Episode 67: Friday Five With Tricia Brouk

    09/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    "You've Been Invited To The Table For A Reason - Trust That" Tricia Brouk Can you feel the fear and do it anyway? Tricia mentioned that she does not allow fear to get in the way of her going for her dreams. What is it that is standing between you and the life you want to create? I often use the acronym FEAR Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. Pema Chodron reminds us that fear is a natural reaction that we are getting closer to our truth. Can you do one action this weekend to move yourself one step further away from the fear and one step closer to being able to live your truth? Tricia talked about the need to feel safe, both in our environment and with the people we are surrounding ourselves with. She believes it is important to surround yourself with people who will lift you up, support you and allow you to feel heard. Often times we spent a lot of time pruning and cultivating our social media following, yet it may have been many years since we have really pruned and cultivated the relatio

  • Episode 66: Tricia Brouk On The Big Talk

    06/03/2018 Duration: 55min

    "Stop Selling and Start Inspiring" Tricia Brouk Disclaimer: At 53:50 we have the first F Bomb ever on the show and it is perfect :) I have known Tricia for many years and first remember seeing Tricia when she was dancing in the Ben Munisteri Dance company. In this interview we talk about how Tricia transitioned from the world of dance into helping others craft their talks and presentations. I ask Tricia what it is that keeps her so motivated and driven in her life. It was refreshing to hear her say that she is willing to ask for help and does not let fear get in her way on the journey into her best work. We talk about perfection and how even during her career as a dancer she was able to separate the expectations that came with the dance world and the essence of who she is. Tricia talks about how the constant rejections that she heard as dancer helped her build her resilience and drive. These were two of her greatest traits that enabled her to move into the world of being an entrepreneur and now co-creator of

  • Episode 65: Friday Five With Joy Prouty

    23/02/2018 Duration: 07min

    "Stop, Listen, Feel Your Life" Joy Prouty Joy talked about the importance of always learning. She believes it keeps us young, it keeps as curious, and keeps us engaged in life. As you know recently I have begun to study how to be a DJ. As frustrating as it sometimes can be, it keeps me in the moment, in flow and my brain engaged. Are you involved in learning something new that allows you to stretch your comfort zone? Is there is something you have been wanting to try but have not gotten around to it because of either a lack of time or because you are afraid of not being able to do it perfectly? Can you take one step this weekend that will move you back into the learners seat? Maybe it’s going online and seeing what resources are available to you. Perhaps it’s asking a friend if they be interested in joining you. Or maybe it’s going to the library and doing some research to see what it would take to pursue your new passion. This weekend I invite you to take one step that could reignite your curiosity. Joy tal

  • Episode 64: Joy Prouty On Dancing Through Life

    20/02/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    "It Was Love At First Step" Joy Prouty We recorded this on Valentine's Day at the Zumba headquarters in Florida. Please enjoy the background atmosphere at no extra charge:) What a privilege to grab an hour with my mentor and fitness icon Joy Prouty. In this episode Joy gives me a history lesson in fitness. I begin the conversation reflecting on when I first met Joy, it was before I was even teaching fitness. A few years later it was Joy who certified me in the Reebok programs. We go back to when Step Reebok first began and how Joy was working with Reebok before the first fitness sneaker was even created. She shares her memories of being a part of the fitness revolution before Step Reebok was developed, and how she flew herself to meet Gin Miller in Atlanta to secure a position as part of the first Step Reebok Team. Joy shares how she began her dancing career as a back up dancer in Pittsburg and how she quickly soared to stardom as a Rockette at The Radio City Music Hall in New York City. After two years in th

  • Episode 63: Friday Five With Dr. Kerry Burnight

    09/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    "Aging Well is about Enjoying What Is, Instead of Focusing on What Was" Dr. Kerry Burnight It’s time to diversify your social portfolio: I loved this idea of not only diversifying our finances, as we get older but also our friendships. Dr. Burnight encourages us to make sure we have a circle of friends that include people who are younger than us, older than us, live close to us and also live far away. How strong and diverse is your social network? Can you reach out to someone younger than you and perhaps someone older? How are your relationships with friends who may no longer be living in the same town as you? Maybe this is the time, to spend time, nurturing and strengthening your circle of love, joy and friendship. How do you envision your older self? Dr. Burnight encourages us to really think about, reflect upon and plan for our future self. Not our younger self – but how we would envision living in our 60’s and beyond. If your partner is older than you, how would your life look without them? If you no lon

  • Episode 62: Dr. Kerry Burnight on Living and Aging Brilliantly

    06/02/2018 Duration: 50min

    "To Age Brilliantly Diversify Your Social Portfolio" Dr. Kerry Burnight This interview is one that we all need to listen to. Whether you are in the early stages of contemplating how you want to live your life as you move into your second stage, or whether you have a parents who are now in their later years, Dr. Kerry Burnight discusses many of the important topics that often go unaddressed due to our faulty relationship with aging. A big ah ha moment for Dr. Burnight was when she asked a group of fourth graders "what happens to us when we get older?" and the response was "you get ugly." Recognizing that there was much work to do, Dr. Burnight has made it her mission to redefine what aging looks and feels like. Dr. Kerry likes the term pro-aging, as anti-aging sets the tone for us holding onto the past. She encourages us to age brilliantly, beautifully and on our own terms. It is when we can accept and be thankful for what is versus what was, that the beauty opens up. Aging well is about being the best you tha

  • Episode 61: Friday Five With Mindy and Bruce Mylrea

    26/01/2018 Duration: 07min

    "When You Know Your Why, The How Is Easier To Implement" Mindy and Bruce Mylrea Fill the cracks and the gaps. Mindy saw a need in fitness and then created a methodology to fill the need. There is a huge leap of faith that is taken when a person steps into the white powder, the snow or the path that has yet to be traveled. Is there a place where you see a need? Something yet to be created that could make the world a better place, help someone in need or fast track a persons way to success or potential? What would happen if you took your idea out into the world? If not now when? If not you – who? Making your mark and then make your money. Now I know it is not always possible to give up the income to pursue our passion. There are bills to be paid and this thing called life can be expensive – but if there is a passion burning inside of you, something that, while you may not make a living at it, you could make your mark? It is so important for us to be able to leave an impact, and if you are really lucky, maybe t

  • Episode 60: Mindy And Bruce Mylrea On One Day To Wellness

    23/01/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    " Don't Wait, Do It Now! None Of Us Know What Tomorrow Holds" Mindy and Bruce Mylrea To say this couple is an inspiration is an understatement. Today I talk with Mindy and Bruce Mylrea about what it takes to be a couple who are living everything they are teaching. There are few I know, who walk their talk as do Mindy and Bruce and this weeks conversation will give you a sneak peak behind the scenes of a day in the life of the Mylrea's. Amongst many other topics we discuss the day that Bruce decided to quit his high paying day job and join Mindy on the road. We talk about the courage it took to make that move, and Bruce shares that is was the combination of wanting to find more meaning in his life and to be surrounded by a more upbeat and positive focused community, that helped him make the leap. Mindy and Bruce go back 35 years and share their story of how they first met. It was not fitness but rather  a bar that was a catalyst for the perfect start to their fitness love story. I ask Mindy about her early beg

  • Episode 59: Friday Five With Jill Miller

    15/12/2017 Duration: 06min

    "I Am More Than My Hip" Jill Miller Can you stop being at battle with your body? Both Jill and I have struggled with body dysmorphia, and the idea that a good or bad day was defined by what we ate or how much we worked out. With the holidays already here and New Year just around the corner, we can all feel at war with our body. Can you take the time over the holiday season to make sure you are not at battle with yourself? Enjoy the festivities without the guilt and without the silent promises of eating perfectly come January 1st. Simply be in your body, be in the moment, and be in love with the body that you are in right now. Jill encourages us all to listen and honor our bodies, to get quiet and really hear what our body is yearning for. How is your physical moment, your exercise, your wellness routine? Are your workouts something that you look forward to, that your body feels good doing, and where you feel great afterwards. Take the weekend and the holidays to move, breathe and gift your body with exercise

  • Episode 58: Jill Miller On Being A Roll Model

    13/12/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    "Don't Be At Battle With Your Body" Jill Miller What an honor to speak with longtime industry leader Jill Miller. In this conversation Jill shares her backstory of being overweight as a young child. She has experienced the bullying that comes along with not being a part of the "in" crowd, and talks about the pain that came with not fitting in. It was Jane Fonda Videos that her mother was working out to, that moved Jill from the couch to a life of exercise, but they also introduced her to a powerful way to control both her body and her life. Both Jill and I have struggled with body dysmorphia, and we touch on the eating disorders that consumed our life. Jill shares that her body was a symptom of the deep wounds that many of us experience growing up, and candidly opens up about her long journey back to true health and wellness. We discus how movement can either be a weapon or a powerful tool, and it is up to us to listen and honor our body. Jill shares her reasons for developing Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model

  • Episode 57: Friday Five With Maureen Hagan

    01/12/2017 Duration: 06min

    "It's Never Too Late To Become A Better Version Of Yourself" Mo Hagan Mo talks about the importance of knowing her why and it is her why that keeps her inspired day after day, month after month year after year. I believe that passion keeps our inspiration tank full and that our passion and our why do not need to be monumental to make a huge difference in our life, and in the lives of those we serve. What is your why? Have you spent the time recently to connect with your values, your passions and the things that fuel your dreams. Perhaps your passion and why comes through your family, your work or by helping others. I invite you to spend some time this weekend asking yourself what fuels your tank of inspiration – and what ever that is make sure to carve out the room for it to flow into your life. How healthy are your workouts? Mo talked about the realization that as much as she encouraged others to take the time to listen to their body that she had ignored the signs of arthritis in her hips. We all know the i

  • Episode 56: Mo Hagan and Women Who Influence

    28/11/2017 Duration: 52min

    "Learn As You Earn" Mo Hagan Mo is truly a powerhouse in the industry of fitness and female leadership. In this episode she shares the many moments and magic that have happened throughout her career. After three decades in the industry Mo reveals what it is that keeps her going day in and day out.  She shares that it is her sense of purpose that keeps her inspired through the good and also through the not so good moments. We talk about the importance of finding our why behind our work and that the why does not need to come with a big W.  Mo's why is to positively impact people through her work. Mo talked about being recently diagnosed with arthritis in her hips. She understood that this was the time to figure out how to take care of herself as she had been telling others to do. This was her wake up call - the nudge that reminded her that she had been so busy she had ignored the signs to slow down. Mo recognized her need to "do" versus "be" and how many moments she had missed fully experiencing due to running

  • Episode 55: Friday Five With Susie Moore

    17/11/2017 Duration: 06min

    "Step In The Way Of Inspiration" Susie Moore We all had dreams or a vision and it was probably when someone shared their more than likely negative opinion about it or us that our dreams took a back seat. Is there something that you long to do but have put off because someone in your past shared their thoughts with you about your goals and dreams? What if  everything did work out ? What if the journey was not about your goals and dreams, and if or not you reach them? What if it was about the person you will become from the journey? Is there a feeling of fear that arises every time you think about beginning your side hustle? Susie talked about the excuses we all use to deal with our fear and how we can tend to put things off – especially the things we care about. Can you flip fear to a sign that you are moving closer to your truth. FEAR – Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. Who is it that you want to help? Susie talked about the importance of getting feedback along with getting your informat

  • Episode 54: Susie Moore On What if It Does Work Out?

    14/11/2017 Duration: 49min

    "You Had A Dream And A Vision Before Other People Shared Their Opinion" Susie Moore My dear friend Susie Moore releases her new book this week, What If It Does Work Out?  and in this week's conversation she shares her road to success that began in England. We talk about how she transitioned from being a self-published author to being picked up by traditional publishing, and what it took to get there. Susie inspires and encourages us to go for our dreams and in this episode gives us tips on how to shift from thinking big to doing big. We talk about the excuses that we all use to deal with our fears and how we all tend procrastinate around things that we really care about. We talk about the importance of receiving and learning from feedback, and the courage needed to get our stuff out into the world before we feel we are ready. Susie believes that we all have an unique voice, one that needs to be shared with the world. She encourages us to begin by teaching what we believe in and reminds us that we only need to

  • Episode 53: Friday Five With Andy Molinsky

    03/11/2017 Duration: 06min

    "It Will Be Worth Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone, If You Grow From The Process" Andy Molinksy Andy talked about the five psychological roadblocks, that when left unaddressed will get in the way of us reaching our potential. Did you recognize any of the blocks showing up in your life? The Five elements that often get in the way are: Authenticity – Likeability – Competence – Resentment – Morality. If one or more of these are standing between you and your dreams is there a new way of working with this block to reframe it into something that will move you forward instead of stopping you in your tracks. It may be as simply understanding what is underneath a particular feeling or reaction that will help you gain the knowledge to allow you best self to move forward.    Andy shares his tools on how to help us move through the avoidance techniques that often become so familiar to us we don’t realize we are getting in our own way. Andy highlighted key ways that we can get super creative in order to avoid doing the

  • Episode 52: Andy Molinsky On How To Build Confidence And Rise To The Challenge

    31/10/2017 Duration: 53min

    "Your Very Best Ideas Will Be Crafted When You Are Vulnerable" Andy Molinsky Andy and I talk about how to step out of our comfort zones and reach for your dreams. Andy shares his backstory of being a shy student at College. He talks about what it took to get over his fear and trepidation around speaking - whether in the classroom, at the office or on stage. We touch on the imposter syndrome (that most of us have) and we both have similar stories when it came to trying to avoid showing up when things scared us. We discuss how we both had to learn how to step out of our comfort zones so that we could show up and do the work that we love. Andy shares wonderful tools and strategies that we can all use to move out of the imposter syndrome, and he reminds us that it's perfectly acceptable to not know everything, but it is important to keep the curiosity and willingness to learn. Whether it’s networking, going for a job interview, delivering difficult news or being in social situations we all will have moments when

  • Episode 51: Friday Five With Dorie Clark

    06/10/2017 Duration: 05min

    "What Are You Already Known For?" Dorie Clark What are people coming to you for? What are you known for? Dorie reminds us that we all have inherent skills, but we often spend time focusing on our gaps instead of our strengths. When people think of you what would come to mind? Can you create a product or an extension of what you already do that will allow you to share your gifts with more people, and in turn be compensated for your innate strengths? If you were to expand your reach is one area which one would it be? Dorie invited us to consider many different types of revenue streams as a way to spread our risk over multiple platforms. She also suggested we do not begin more that two new channels a year, and to only focus on one channel at a time. What medium is appealing to you - Podcasting, blogging, writing, speaking, coaching? Spend the weekend thinking about which platform feels like a good fit to you and where you think you would best be able to be both creative and effective. What is one thing you woul

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