Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 62:50:43
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A place to come to train your happiness muscle, strengthen your self-worth and stretch your dreams.


  • Episode 50: The Perfection Detox: Dorie Clark On Finding The Entrepreneur Within You

    03/10/2017 Duration: 58min

    "Create Opportunities For The Best Ideas To Win" Dorie Clark As I pivot away from fitness as my main source of income and into writing and speaking Dorie Clark has been a huge mentor, and I am excited to share with you her wisdom and expertise in this show. She shares so many useful tips and strategies on how to finally make money doing what you love, and this conversation is rooted in the work of her new book, Entrepreneurial You. Dorie gives her insights on what it takes to create multiple revenue streams and how to make money by sharing your expertise. She believes that so many of us run ourselves into the ground from working too hard and it is only when we work smarter, not harder, we can be our best self - avoid burnout and share our message. We talk about the mindset needed to succeed, and we dive in around the topic of money and how it is important to learn and know the market standards and what it pays (whatever your market may be) to be able to price ourselves fairly and wisely in the arena of our ca

  • Episode 49: Friday Five With Lisa Wheeler

    29/09/2017 Duration: 06min

    "Look At Every Open Door As A Possibility" Lisa Wheeler 1.Lisa talks about the importance of being your true self when connecting with your audience - she shared six things to think about when differentiating yourself in this very noisy world of social media. Authenticity is key- know your values and know your strengthKey into where your authentic self shines – which audience allows you to do your best work. Practice, Practice, Practice –that overnight success that we often think has happened, is the 10,000 unseen hours of hard work all coming together at the right time – luck is preparation meeting opportunity Connect through the lens of the camera – imagine you are speaking to your best friend or mum – speak to one person and then it will be shared by many Know who your audience is – know who is your market and the people who allow you to do your best work. Is it the athlete, the baby boomer, the active senior or perhaps a market yet to be created. Where do you do your best work? – where do you shine – whic

  • Episode 48: The Perfection Detox Lisa Wheeler On Mentorship, Leadership & Friendship

    26/09/2017 Duration: 57min

    "On The Way Up Be Sure To Grab Someone's Hand And Take Them With You" Lisa Wheeler What a wonderful treat to sit and chat with my dearest friend Lisa Wheeler. It was hard to cover three decades in fifty minutes but I know you will learn so much form this episode. We begin by going back in the history books and how of Lisa entered into the fitness world. From there we jump into how the industry has evolved throughout the past two decades. Lisa gives a masterclass and shares what is important to consider when connecting with your audience, whether it is online or in person. From her two decades of mentoring some of the best in the industry, Lisa shares how you can differentiate yourself, and stand out in this very noisy world of social media. Key Points: Authenticity is key Tap into where your authentic self can shine Practice, practice, practice Learn how to connect through the camera lens Know who your audience is Know how and where do you do your best work Lisa talks about the importance of bringing the jo

  • Episode 47: Friday Five With Maria Sirois

    15/09/2017 Duration: 04min

    "Crisis Moments Allow Us To Get Super Clear On What Is Important To Us" Maria shares her thoughts on how to get thorough times of suffering and this is how she invites us to find anchors that will allow us to stay afloat when we feel untethered and uncertain. If you are going through a challenging time can you root yourself in one or two of these thoughts? Maria shares that we have to feel what we feel and face our loss head on. There is no pretending in the face of suffering that it is not excruciating. Allow yourself to be in your feelings. Sit in the discomfort as that will help it move through you. Maria then invites us to breathe through our feelings - this small act will create tiny oasis of respite. Our breathe allows us to feel shattered and be in this new normal – deep breaths – one by one, moment by moment. Depending on where you are on your journey Maria then invites you to begin to choose your best practices to help you move upward out of the darker moments – it may be moving your body, gathering

  • Episode 46: Maria Sirois on Hope, Resilience and Grace

    12/09/2017 Duration: 51min

    "The Goodness In Life Is Available To Us As Is The Darkness" Maria Sirois This weeks conversation with Maria Sirois the who is the author of Happiness After Loss was like talking to a truth whisperer. I first came across Maria through her soul-filled TEDx talk called Living An Authentic Life and you can watch it here: Get you pen and paper ready as Maria shares so many insightful and helpful nuggets of wisdom. We begin by taking about resilience and what this word means to Maria, and how we can use it to strengthen our life. We begin by taking about resilience and what this word means to Maria, and how we can use it to strengthen our life. Maria talks about “world weariness” and how there will be times that we will feel hopeless and it will be resilience that allows for our best self to come through to the other side. She shares how that positivity and suffering co-exist and it is when we draw upon the good and the true we will be able to view suffering as a place we visit versus falling into an abyss. Maria

  • Episode 45: Friday Five With Sheryl O'Loughlin

    08/09/2017 Duration: 06min

    "Have Bold Humility" Sheryl O'Loughlin 1. Sheryl shared how we all will have moments where life will eat us up. It is in the challenging times where we realize we are not alone and that we will make it. She invites us to navigate through the more difficult times by breathing into the moment and moving through it step by step by step. Minute by minute, day by day. If there is something challenging in your life right now can you dial it back to moving forward breath by breath. Knowing that this too shall pass, it will get easier and one day you will be able to help someone else move through the dark and back into the light. 2. Is there a relationship in your life that could be strengthened simply by being courageous and by asking the other person what it is that they need? Sheryl shared her mistakes as well as her successes especially when it came to parenting. I love that she reaches out and asks her children to help her to understand their feelings and how to help them move into their best self. I think this

  • Episode 44: Sheryl O'Loughlin A REBBL With a Cause

    05/09/2017 Duration: 54min

    “What we need to understand is the ups and downs so we can kind of hack our way through the branches of the dark to stay in the light” Sheryl O'Loughlin What a privilege and pleasure to talk with Sheryl O'Loughlin. A candid interview where Sheryl shares both her highlights and the struggles. We begin talking about her history with Clif Bar and the winding journey that brought her to her current position as the CEO of REBBL. We talk about the factors that led Sheryl hit a wall. At a time when everything should have been thriving, two new companies between her and her husband, suddenly everything crashed and they were about to lose everything. When everything else was spinning out of control  Sheryl reveals that the only thing she could control were her numbers - the miles run and the numbers on the scale and so her journey into anorexia began. Slowly bit by bit, she dug herself out of this place. In her book Killing It! she shares both her struggles and the her life lessons. As with most lessons it was in the

  • Episode 43: Friday Five With Keli Roberts

    23/06/2017 Duration: 05min

    "Find Your Spirit" Keli Roberts Is there something in your life that you are passionate about, a place where all feels well and good with the world? Keli talks about her passion and how cycling felt good for her soul.  If you have a passion project can you carve out more time to make sure it is always a part of your week? If you are not currently doing something that you feel passionate about, take the time to try new things, keep going until you hit that sweet spot between being challenged and being engaged. Passion is fuel for our spirit. What keeps you being OK with yourself?  For Keli it is meditation, for me, it is treating myself with compassion. Do you need to add more compassion and empathy into your own life? Can you be your own best friend? How are you talking to yourself? How are you treating yourself? What tiny habits can you create? Keli reminded us about the power of tiny habits and that tiny habits over time will create a snowball effect. These healthy actions and behaviors as they become stro

  • Episode 42: Keli Roberts On Finding The Light After The Dark

    20/06/2017 Duration: 46min

    “Do What Speaks To Your Soul” Keli Roberts In this deeply authentic interview, we begin by how Keli Roberts got her start in fitness and how her career blew up overnight when she became the fitness expert in the Cher VHS fitness workout: We go back into the memory books talking about the era of Voight Fitness, and Keli’s mentors Candice Copeland (Brooks) Lexie Williams and Marcus Irwin to mention a few fitness greats. As we discuss Keli’s memories of her time starring alongside Cher, she is very transparent about her initial fears and uncertainty of being in front of the camera. As Keli had never done production before she was learning on the job. I had a very similar experience with Reebok, and we both share our memories of filming back in those days when the budget for one workout was around half a million dollars !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keli shares how overnight, she became a celebrity and the pros and cons that came along with that part of her journey. She also discusses the loneliness that comes with being a cele

  • Episode 41: Friday Five With Suzie Carpenter

    16/06/2017 Duration: 05min

    "How We Do One Thing, Is How We Do Everything" Suzie Carpenter It was such a treat to sit down this week and talk with Suzie Carpenter – I felt as though we had double the wisdom this week – one part Suzie, and one part her daughter Kelly. Here are my five favorite takeaways from this week's conversation with the author of On The Bright Side A Mother’s Story of Love and Healing Through Her Daughter’s Autism Suzie Carpenter Is there something you could do to help love your body more through your nutrition? Suzie talks about the power of nutrition and loving yourself through food.  Is there one choice that you could make that would help you eat to fuel your life and dreams? When do you feel in flow? at your most powerful? I loved it when Suzie invited us to work with our tendencies. Working with our own tendencies will help us soar, savor and thrive versus always pushing against our innate nature.  Is there a way for you to more deeply honor your own rhythm versus trying to fit into someone else’s design? Wha

  • Episode 40: Suzie Carpenter On Living On The Bright Side of Life

    13/06/2017 Duration: 50min

    "Live Life Fully Awake" Suzie Carpenter What a treat to sit down with Mother of two and eternal seeker of sunshine, Suzie Carpenter. In this episode, we talk about Autism, nutrition that feeds our soul and fuels our life, and how to learn from the challenging times without becoming a victim. Suzie recently wrote the book On The Bright Side, a Mother's Story to love and healing through her Daughter's Autism.  A memoir detailing her story and struggles around helping her incredible daughter who was diagnosed with Autism at the age of four. As Suzie helped Kelly become the healthiest that she could be, she also began her own journey to healing. Suzie shares that it was her daughter who became her biggest teacher and with the love and support of her family, chose to seek alternative treatments to the traditional therapies originally offered. We can all learn so much from the wisdom of "Kelly". The way she sees everyone as equal and through the lens of their energy versus their education. Her ability to live and

  • Episode 39: Friday 5 With Sarah Robb O'Hagan

    09/06/2017 Duration: 05min

    "Be Relentlessly Open To The Curveballs Of Life" Sarah Robb O'Hagan 1. What drives you to be your best self? Sarah talks about drive and tenacity. She believes that drive can be cultivated and developed. I also believe that if you are inspired by something that your drive will amp up. I also believe that we can’t wait for drive to always appear before we get started. It’s almost the opposite – ready, start, go = drive. Who can you surround yourself with to amp up your drive meter? 2. Is your morning set up for success? Sarah talked about her daily rituals that set her up for success. She shared how she sets her day up the night before, and she recommends no electronics before going to bed. I know for me if I get my body moving in the morning my brain is more creative and focused. A habit that is working for me is to get an hour of writing in before I check my e-mails in the morning. Is there one small adjustment that you could make to your morning ritual that would allow for more focus and productivity? 3. Wh

  • Episode 38: Sarah Robb O'Hagan On Finding Your Extreme You

    06/06/2017 Duration: 43min

    "The Struggle Is A Part Of Happiness" Sarah Robb O'Hagan Sarah Robb O’Hagan is a leader's leader. Everyone I know who has worked with Sarah talks about what a phenomenal role model she is. In this episode, Sarah talks about how she was motivated to write her new book Extreme YOU because she was tired of everyone only sharing their success and wanted the chance to share the truth behind success. Sarah talks about how we learn about ourselves by getting into the action, and how many of us never start because we are so afraid of not finishing perfectly. We both discuss “The Tall Poppy Syndrome” that comes with growing up in New Zealand and England, where big things were never expected. In America, the opposite it true, and we talk about how to dream big, manage our expectations and risk failure in the opportunity to grow. Sarah believes that struggle is an important part of happiness, and she talks about her ups, downs, and epic fails during her career. We chat about whether having a plan B is a good thing or if

  • Episode 37: Friday Five With Lolly Daskal

    19/05/2017 Duration: 06min

    "Competence and Capabilities = Confidence" Lolly Daskal I hope you enjoyed this week’s show as much as I did with Lolly Daskal. She shared so many tips, tools, and strategies that we can implement into our life, whether it is in leadership or in our own relationships. Strategies that we can use to shorten the distance between our gap and our greatness. Here are my five favorite takeaways from this week's conversation with Lolly Daskal. How much time you spend focusing on the greatness of those around you or do you tend to focus on their shortcomings? Lolly talked about the fact that we get to make a choice at every moment, as to whether we focus on our gaps or our greatness. While we are primed to focus on the negative can you notice how often your focus on your greatness and how much time you spend focusing on the things that you feel are a weakness? Then flip that around and notice how much time you spend focusing on the greatness of those around you or do you tend to focus on their shortcomings? How would

  • Episode 36: Lolly Daskal On Closing The Gap Between You And Your Greatness

    16/05/2017 Duration: 49min

    "What You Don't Own Owns You" Lolly Daskal This week's episode is a crash course in greatness. Lolly Daskal talks about her new book The Leadership Gap and how we can use both our strengths and weaknesses to our favor. Lolly talks about her 30 years of experience that culminated in her creating RETHINK: The Rebel, driven by confidence; and the Imposter, plagued by self-doubt. The Explorer, fueled by intuition; and the Exploiter, master of manipulation. The Truth Teller embraces candor; and the Deceiver, who creates suspicion. The Hero embodies courage; and the Bystander, a coward if there ever were one. The Inventor, brimming with integrity; and the Destroyer, is morally corrupt. The Navigator, trusts and is trusted; and the Fixer, endlessly arrogant. The Knight for whom loyalty is everything; coupled with the Mercenary, who is perpetually self- serving. We dive into exploring the Rebel archetype and look at the Imposter Syndrome that so many of us struggle with daily. Lolly shares how difficult it is to ask

  • Episode 35: Friday Five With Sara Haley

    12/05/2017 Duration: 05min

    "Your Kids Don't Need You To Be Perfect, They Need You To Be Present" Sara Haley It was such a treat to talk to Sara Haley and really dive behind the scenes of the imperfect and messy perfect life as a mom, entrepreneur, and wife. I loved how candid and honest she was talking about both her hits and a couple of her misses. Here are my five favorite takeaways from this week’s conversation with Sara Haley: 1. Is there something that you have been wanting and waiting to do that you have not done because it may not fit in with what you think you should do? Sara talked about how challenging it can be to be truly accepting of how we change and shift in life. What if you take that first step towards a dream that you have been putting on the side and move it center stage? 2. What is something that you are passionate about? Sara talks about the importance of keeping and cultivating the passion in your own life, something not related to your work or attached to someone else. What is it that you do, that contributes to

  • Episode 34: Sara Haley On The Business of Motherhood

    09/05/2017 Duration: 53min

    "Be Who You Want To Be, Not Who You Think You Should Be" Sara Haley In this show, Sara pulls back the curtain on motherhood. We talk about how she turned her pregnancy from one of passion and purpose into her business. Sara talks about filling a gap in the market, finding her niche and teaching to those who needed her message and point of view. I love that Sara is so candid and in this show, she openly shares both her hits and her mistakes. She is a truth teller with a heart of gold and discusses the importance of discovering and living from a place of who you are today versus showing up as who you used to be or as you think you should be. We discuss Sara’s work with Reebok and how challenging it was to leave the company behind as she decided to follow her bliss. Sara talks about the importance of finding our own passion and purpose in addition to, and outside of life as mother, wife, and partner. We dive into the struggle of finding the balance between being selfish and selfless and how challenging it is to

  • Episode 33: Friday Five With Molly Fox

    05/05/2017 Duration: 04min

    "See The Humanity In Everyone" Molly Fox Molly and I have known each other for over 25 years. She has been one of the biggest influences on my career and continues to inspire me.Here are my five favorite takeaways from this week’s conversation with Molly Fox What sparks your creative juices? Molly talked about the hours we would all spend at her studio collaborating and creating - with no fear of failure or judgment – or competition. Who can you collaborate with to elevate your sense of play and curiosity and explore new and creative ideas? What would you do if you knew it would not fail? Molly talked about trying and bombing, failing and getting up again. If fear simply represented Face Everything And Rise – what would you start today? Remember you can find useable data in both the hits and the misses. How would your life change if you dropped the attachment and unhooked yourself from the past? I loved it when Molly said if she had hung out in the emotion of resentment after her club closed, that nobody wou

  • Episode 32: Molly Fox on Fitness, Fonda and Forgiveness

    02/05/2017 Duration: 47min

    "Looking At It From What You Don't Have, Will Never Get You What You Want"  Molly Fox What a treat to talk to my mentor and friend Molly Fox. In this show, we talk all things fitness. From Jane Fonda, LP’s, Leg Warmers and Disco and I go back to my first memory of meeting Molly, when I auditioned to teach for The Molly Fox Studios. Molly and I discuss the freedom and the creative aspect that was available to us in the early 80’s. How we had the opportunity to create out of the box experiences and share ideas and inspiration without the fear of failure or getting fired. We go back to when Molly was six and her love of scarves and dancing. We talk about the Jane Fonda days and how we both (when I remembered) found our love of aerobics from this era of fitness. Molly shares her memories of San Francisco when in the days of disco and dance, music was a muse to the energy of the class environment. We move into Molly’s journey to NYC and how she began teaching at The Actors Studio. As her following grew and the cla

  • Episode 31: Friday Five With Erin Gargan

    28/04/2017 Duration: 06min

    "Your Online Profile Is Now Your First Impression" Erin Gargan Are you serving your online community? Erin discusses the importance of,"Serving not Selling" and whatever your reason for being on social media it is always important to think about how you are coming across on the digital airways. Whether or not you think your online presence is important to your current job situation, it is a well-known fact that employers are now taking people’s social media profiles into account, during the hiring process. So take a few moments to glance over your favorite social media app and look at it from a visitor’s perspective. Would you want to know you? Is Your Content Shareable? Erin talked about shareability of content and this was a big ah-ha moment for me. If you are using social media to strengthen your brand, notice how many shares your posts are getting versus how many likes. This is a great indicator of how much your content is resonating with your friends, audience and customer base. How Is Your Heart Connec

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