Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 128:11:15
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SocialZoomFactor is a social media marketing, branding, business and lifestyle podcast created for you, the business and marketing leader in startups to enterprise organizations. If you want to learn how to integrate social media, branding, digital marketing, visual marketing, content marketing and the latest technology and new media to zoom results in business and life you won't be disappointed in the energy and information Pam Moore delivers 5 days a week. Each episode brings you actionable tactics and strategies you can implement today for real business results. Pam is CEO / founder Marketing Nutz and ranked as Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer by Forbes.


  • 187: Test Your Marketing Programs with Social Media

    24/11/2015 Duration: 27min

    The new always on, always connected, digital and social world provide amazing opportunities for smart digital brand marketers and business leaders to develop, test, and launch marketing programs, campaigns, products and services to market in far less time than days past. Gone are the days of waiting weeks and months to see how a multi-touch direct mail campaign performs to receive feedback on how well the program and message was received and acted upon by the target audience. Thanks to social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Periscope and even native Twitter video, marketers can literally obtain real-time customer insight within seconds and begin using such data to optimize their digital and social marketing programs for the highest success and ROI possible. Social media is equivalent to one big fat focus group that never sleeps. There is not a time of day or night that you can't crawl up in your cozy chair with your laptop and learn what people think of you and your brand. I

  • 186: Use Social Media to Learn About Your Customer and Audience

    20/11/2015 Duration: 25min

    Social media presents tremendous opportunities for digital and social brand marketers to conduct market research. Long gone are the days of spending months and years in long drawn out focus groups, hiring expensive 3rd parties to gather people, rent expensive venues, pay for their insight, analyze the data for months and the list goes on. While there may be times that these longer research projects are required, most modern businesses of today don't need them as often as they may think they do. Social networks present all of us with focus groups that are alive and dynamic 24/7, 365 days of the year. Any time of day or night there are people online, ready to engage and likely give you feedback by way of their actions or conversations. It is important for marketers to focus on the needs of their customer as a top priority before developing any marketing program, campaign or piece of content marketing. Would you like to learn... what people think about your brand?What people think of your service?What people thi

  • 185: Create Discoverable Content Google, Humans, Social Networks Will Love

    17/11/2015 Duration: 26min

    One of the most foundational elements in creating a social and digital marketing platform is building a platform that works when you are not working. Unfortunately too many marketers think they need to be the loudest brand on the social web to get attention. They focus on quantity versus quality. The truth is you want your audience to discover and find you in a natural and easy way. A goal for smart marketers should be to build a platform that helps you achieve defined and measurable business and marketing goals in the most efficient way and with the highest ROI possible. The platform should be constantly increasing brand awareness, inspiring people to connect with the brand, generating leads and even sales without the marketing and social media teams having to sit at the keyboard all day spamming links. The goal is not to spam the digital and social web with massive quantities of the same content every other brand in your industry is publishing, or to win the award for sending the most tweets on a daily basi

  • 184: Personalized Customer Experiences Differentiate Your Brand

    16/11/2015 Duration: 24min

    People will not remember every word you say. They will not remember every tweet you write or the Facebook post you publish. They won't remember every visual image posted to Instagram. However, people will remember how you make them feel. When it comes to marketing, experience is everything. Smart brands know how to create personalized experiences that are memorable, meaningful and inspire the human on the other end to connect with the brand in a real and human way. The truth is, customer experience is your brand. You can spend days, weeks, months and years and hundreds of thousands of dollars crafting the perfect brand story, brand and message architecture and still miss connecting with your audience, customers and broader community in a personal and human way. You must realize it's not about you. It's about the people. It's not about being perfect. It's about being human. It's about creating human experiences that give other humans a glimpse into who you are, what you are and what you can and will do for the

  • 183: Content Marketing Holiday Survival Tips

    12/11/2015 Duration: 24min

    The holiday season is here. We're jumping smack dab into the middle of the time of year where digital and content marketers must balance keeping their family and own soul fed while at the same time ensure they are giving their audience, community and customers the content they need and expect from you. The truth is that the holidays are an amazing time to rise above the noise by providing real value. There are so many brands both big and small that fall to spammy sales tactics, pushing products and services, coupon codes and constant in your face promotion. Brands and marketing leaders that can focus on providing relevant, contextual content that inspires, connects and serves their audience will grab the mindshare, attention and heart of their readers, viewers, listeners and online communities. Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed and have no idea how to keep up your social presence, content marketing and overall brand during the holiday? You want to take time off but you don't want to do it so much that you los

  • 182: Think Big, Execute Small for the Win in Business and Life

    05/11/2015 Duration: 32min

    Do you have a dream so big it scares you? Is it a dream that keeps you up at night and zooming turbo all day, every day? Many entrepreneurs, business owners, business leaders and marketing leaders have dreams so big even some of the closest people in their life and business can't understand them. Many people struggle with getting people on board to join their journey. How do you get past the starting block to build the life and business of your dreams? How do you bring your dreams to fruition? The truth is you must start small but continue to build the dream. Most people have limited resources, time and budget. Very few people have millions of dollars sitting in a bank account ready to help them make their dreams come true. Dream it, plan it, do it, live it, love it! You can build your dream business and life. The only catch is that you must have plan to get there. You must be realistic. You must set goals. You must prioritize. You must learn to say no. Say no to the wrong thins so you can say yes to the righ

  • 181: Event Marketing Social Media Increase ROI, Amplification

    03/11/2015 Duration: 42min

    Social media is changing the game for events and conferences. It seems like just yesterday conversations were limited to the stage, break out sessions and show floors. Now event organizers have the opportunity to almost immediately ignite community, inspire, delight and entertain audiences like never before. You are serving an audience of audiences. Event conversations are now happening on every flavor of social network from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, to Snapchat. Attendees are live streaming what they see, hear and experience via live streaming on their mobile devices. They are using mobile apps such as Periscope, Meerkat to give their audience a real-time behind the scenes and front row view into exactly what they are experiencing. If you are a marketing or business leader planning an event in this ever changing social landscape, you better understand the social and digital landscape of today. There are tremendous opportunities to build community and increase overall business results and ROI if you integ

  • 180: Twitter Automation Strategies, Tools and Best Practices

    30/10/2015 Duration: 31min

    Twitter is an amazing platform to connect in a human way with clients, potential clients, colleagues, industry leaders, influencers, old friends and new peeps you haven't even met yet. They can live next door, down the street, across town or across the globe. No matter the time of day or night, it's a guarantee that someone is available right now and eager to have a conversation with you. The biggest struggles most business and marketing leaders face when it comes to Twitter is the learning curve as well as finding the time to make the investment to achieve a positive ROI on time invested. It takes time to plan a Twitter strategy, manage your account and following, create content, find new followers, inspire the followers they you already have and the list goes on. Many new to Twitter think it's a very overwhelming platform. They struggle with not only knowing how to inspire and connect with other Twitter users in a human way, but finding the time to do such. Leveraging automation and technology can help incr

  • 179: Brand StoryTelling: 6 Must Have Content Elements

    28/10/2015 Duration: 32min

    Do you have a brand story that you share with people who come in contact with your brand? A story that serves as the connective tissue and foundation representing the who, what and why your brand exists on this planet today? Your brand story should be the thread which connects your value proposition, team, vision, mission, and purpose with your customers, potential customers, audience, community and partners. It is who you are, what you are, why you are in business, where you have been, where you are going, why you are going there, who you have helped, and the list goes on. Can you answer these questions? What is your brand story?Who are the characters in your brand story?What is the setting?What are the lessons learned?What happened and is happening on the journey of building your brand and business?What differentiates your brand story from your competition?Why did you start your business in the first place?What is your short, medium and longer term vision and mission?How do you do what you do?Who do you hel

  • 178: Digital Marketing Strategy, Plan: 10 Reasons You Need One

    27/10/2015 Duration: 27min

    Marketing and business leaders are experiencing tremendous pressure to get online, embrace and start leveraging the social networks, create content, launch corporate and executive blogs, design new Instagram profiles, fill Twitter feeds with amazing content, build Facebook communities, embrace live streaming and the list goes on. Unfortunately there are still some digital marketers who buy into the the thought process of "if you build it they will come." Sorry folks, but "build it and they will come" has never been a recipe for success for smart, social and savvy digital and social marketers. It simply doesn't work that way. Believing that if you build it they will come works about as well as chasing shiny objects as a foundation for your social business strategy. Stop the excuses and get to work. Quit wasting time all day on Periscope or Blab listening to your competition and all the awesome things you think they are doing. Why aren't you the one doing amazing things? You are not going to leap frog your comp

  • 177: Welcome to Participation Age of Social Media

    15/10/2015 Duration: 27min

    You are the media. Yes you. You, your friends, your mom, your dad, your kids, your pastor, your teacher, your hair stylist, your car mechanic, and even your dog has the opportunity to be the media. We all know cats steal way too much time from the inter webs. Each of us has the opportunity to be the media. We can launch a blog, start a business, embrace video live streaming, get on snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and everything in between and within a short time steal media attention from even some of the biggest, baddest media platforms that have been doing this for decades. Media at a human level gives us all an even playing field. It enables the little guys and gals and even furry friends to compete with the big media. Here is the catch though. You are only the media if you participate. Times are changing and you can't simply throw sloppy media to the masses and expect to build your business or brand. Welcome to the participation age my friends. The age where you must embrace conversation,

  • 176: Twitter Video Marketing in the Inspiration Age

    13/10/2015 Duration: 25min

    It's every smart and social, savvy digital marketers dream to reach their audience in a human, relevant, memorable and meaningful way. Video marketing provides marketers the unique opportunity to connect with their audience in the most human and relevant way. You can almost look your audience in the face eyeball to eyeball. They can hear your voice, see your facial gestures, experience where you are and the power of what you have to share like never before. Are you an active user of Twitter? Did you know that you can now within one minute record and upload a video to Twitter natively that will engage, inspire, educate and entertain your audience? Yes, one minute. Simply record up to a 30 second video, craft a simple 140 character tweet and hit the "tweet" button. Plus you can see the response and statistics within seconds! You will almost instantaneously know how many people saw the tweet, engaged with the tweet, watched the video, shared the video and more. Did you know... 82% of Twitter users watch video co

  • 175: 10 Types of Content for the Inspiration Age

    09/10/2015 Duration: 27min

    It's no surprise that even the most social and content savvy marketing leaders find it difficult to keep up with everything including creating compelling, relevant content that will inspire, delight, entertain and educate their audience. They have good intentions and know they need to provide value. However, finding the time is an entirely different story. As a result many overwhelmed marketers unfortunately resort to sloppy, irrelevant content that looks. smells and feels like everything their competitors are providing. It clearly lacks the unique factor and is often far from inspiring or valuable. These cookie cutter blog posts, podcasts, presentations, webinars, and even live stream videos all start to sound and read the same. It's like everyone is reading and writing from the same exact play book. They know they are starting to sound like a broken record. However, given the overwhelm they continue down the path of the status quo. It's almost a guarantee they wind up scratching their head thinking... "hmmm

  • 174: Twitter for Business in the Inspiration Age

    08/10/2015 Duration: 25min

    Are you tired of hearing business and marketing leaders brag about the measurable results they are achieving using the social network, Twitter? They talk about all of their new friends, new communities and even new clients. Do you feel like you are being left in the Twitter dust and that you are never going to catch up or really learn what it's all about? Have you tried to use Twitter for business but honestly have no idea how to achieve anything close to an ROI on your investment of time and resource? Does this questions sound familiar? You want to reach new audiences and markets?You want to increase and enhance brand awareness?You use Twitter but have no idea what you are doing? You wish you could better nurture relationships using social media? You want to learn how to better use Twitter for business? You want to learn more about what your competition is up to? If you would like answers to these questions, then you must listen to episode 174 of the Social Zoom Factor podcast. I share with you 5 proven stra

  • 173: Measuring Value of Content Marketing 7 Metrics for Success Social Media

    07/10/2015 Duration: 26min

    It's time get real on the value of your content. Is your content really providing value to your ideal customer, audience and community? Many business and marketing leaders are spending loads of time and money on content strategies, framework, media, posts and distribution. However, when you ask them the value of their content and how it is resonating with their audience they often return a shoulder shrug and head shake meaning "I have no clue!" Can you answer these questions?Do you know if your content is truly resonating with your audience?Is it providing them real value?Is it helping them solve their problems?Is it helping them grow their business?Is it helping them become part of something bigger together than they can be by themselves as one? Is your audience truly engaging with your content in a human way? Is your content helping you nurture real and human relationships? Is your content helping or hurting your brand? If you would like answers to these questions then you are in luck today. Take a listen t

  • 172: Riches in the Niches? Should You Narrow Your Niche Focus?

    30/09/2015 Duration: 31min

    When I ask business leaders, owners and digital marketers who is their ideal client or target market I often get the response similar to "anyone between the ages of 35-65 who has problem A, B or C." What does this translate to in real business results? Nothing, nada, zip ROI. Having a business that is focused on selling to everyone and their mother, grandmother, kids, dog and cat is a recipe for failure. The world is filled with generalists who can sell you whatever you want if you simply pay the $99 and you too can become rich and super duper famous. We all know the tricks, the lies, the spam that many marketers throw at us. The media is everywhere. Heck, as we have discussed in past blog posts and Social Zoom Factor podcasts, you and me are also the media. We now live smack dab in the middle of the Inspiration Age where inspiring and connecting with your target audience and ideal customer in a human way is a requirement, not an option. Tell me, how can you connect with your ideal customer at a human level i

  • 171: How to Connect With Your Social Media Community in a Human Way

    29/09/2015 Duration: 29min

    Welcome to the inspiration age where connecting with your audience is a requirement, not an option. In this episode Pam Moore, CEO & Founder of Marketing Nutz provides 5 solid tips to help you better connect with your social media communities and audience both online and offline.

  • 170: Welcome to the Inspiration Age of Digital and Social Media Marketing

    28/09/2015 Duration: 30min

    Welcome to the inspiration age, where connecting with your audience and communities is not an option, but a requirement for business and life. What is the inspiration age and why should it matter to you and your business? We answer these questions and more in episode 170 of the Social Zoom Factor podcast. Take a listen and learn what the inspiration age is as well as 8 solid strategies and tips to inspire your audience. You must learn how to embrace the inspiration age to grow your business, nurture relationships, earn trust, establish authority and most importantly touch the hearts of the people you want to bring closer to your brand. Coming out of the information age it was easier to put most marketing tactics and strategies in a box. Brands with big budgets could simply throw big money at advertising agencies and the remainder at more predictable marketing mediums such as traditional media, direct mail and email marketing. However, times are changing drastically. Now it's practically a free for all. We are

  • 169: 5 Social Media Metrics Your CEOs Cares About

    21/09/2015 Duration: 26min

    Many business leaders, social and digital marketers are finding it hard to get buy-in and approval from their c-suite for their social media programs. Do any of these statements sound familiar? You can't get your social marketing budget approved. You are not getting buy-in across the organization for your social business program. Your CEO, COO, CTO and most executive stakeholders have shut down your employee advocacy program. You don't know where to go next as you just keep hearing no, no, no. If these are your struggles with regard to your social media marketing or social business program then you definitely want to tune into the 169th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast as I share with you 5 top social media metrics and priorities your CEO and c-suite cares about most when it comes to social media. If you are having difficulty getting the buy-in, approval and budget allocated for your social media program, the problem could very well be you are not understanding what really matters to your stakehold

  • 168: Twitter Tips: Save Time & Maximize ROI

    17/09/2015 Duration: 31min

    Learn how to save time and maximize ROI using Twitter for business. Pam Moore provides 8 social media tips to help zoom business results and save time. Learn how to balance automation with real time engagement, provide content marketing that is relevant and helpful for your audience. 

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