Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 128:11:15
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SocialZoomFactor is a social media marketing, branding, business and lifestyle podcast created for you, the business and marketing leader in startups to enterprise organizations. If you want to learn how to integrate social media, branding, digital marketing, visual marketing, content marketing and the latest technology and new media to zoom results in business and life you won't be disappointed in the energy and information Pam Moore delivers 5 days a week. Each episode brings you actionable tactics and strategies you can implement today for real business results. Pam is CEO / founder Marketing Nutz and ranked as Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer by Forbes.


  • 207: How to Build an Emotional Brand - 8 Strategies and Tips

    09/05/2016 Duration: 14min

    Every smart and savvy marketing and business leader knows the power of branding. They also know that a brand is much deeper than a logo, pretty colors or a tagline. Download resources mentioned in episode: The best marketers know that emotional branding is the secret sauce to igniting customers to loyal advocates, followers and fans! Emotional branding helps connect you in the most human ways to your audience, customers and fans. It helps you build a foundation built on human feelings, emotions, understanding and desire that drives action that engages the customer or audience member even deeper with your brand. Emotional branding is not just about finding a funny or sad photo, video or quote to tap into the emotions as a one night Facebook gone viral approach. Instead emotional branding is about igniting emotions at the core of everything you say and do. It's about understanding your audience, humanizing your brand, using language that connects you with your brand and the l

  • 206: Can't Buy Brand Advocates or Social Media Friends

    05/05/2016 Duration: 23min

    It's not news that social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are moving to a pay to play model. The glory days of being able to gain massive organic reach with a simple, on the fly Facebook post are over and done. Results in the social world of today require more planning, integration, and money. The social media ecosystem over all is moving to pay to play. What this means is that brands and the marketing leaders within must not only purchase media that in the past use to be free, but that they must also know how to develop and execute an integrated program and strategy that organically attracts, inspires and engages community. Marketing leaders today must understand and embrace the know, like, trust and pay model for growing their business. At the heart of business today is people. At the heart of social media is people. Marketing leaders and brands that embrace and master the art of human connection will leap frog years ahead of their competition that only focuses on clicks, follows and likes

  • 205: Customer Experience the Future of Marketing Adobe Summit Recap

    29/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    In March I spent almost a week with 10k digital marketers at the Adobe Summit event. 2016 was my 2nd year being paid as an Adobe Insider to cover the event. Again we took our #GetRealChat on the road and talked live on Twitter from the event in Las Vegas. I love the Adobe events as I get to hang with my kind of people. They're not just geeks or technologists. It’s a marketing and business event packed with 10k marketing technologists. These are geeks that understand not only data, coding and marketing, but the importance of inspiring, connecting, engaging and serving the customer. This year the event had quite a line up on speakers including George Clooney, Thomas Middleditch (star of the HBO show Silicon Valley, Donny Osmond, and Abby Wambach. Of course there were brand Leaders as well from Mattel, Mcdonalds and industry leaders such as Brian Solis, a good friend and one of my favorites in the industry. The focus of content and discussions this year at Adobe Summit centered around customer experience as the

  • 204: Prioritize, Focus and Patience for Business & Life Success

    09/04/2016 Duration: 24min

    Do you ever feel as though you are going through the motions, maybe even working what may seem like 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, yet the results are not bearing the fruits of your labor? Download White Paper: How to Stomp Random Acts of Marketing We all have the same 24 hours in a day. It's how we use the hours that matters most. If you are struggling with achieving real results in your life or business could it be that you need to better prioritize your time? Maybe you need to better focus on the right things that are going to help you move forward in the right direction? Could it also be you are struggling with patience? Are you struggling with an addiction to Random Acts of Marketing that may bring a short term false sense of success? Often times a lack of patience is what drives randomness. Although crossing random tasks off your list may feel good for the short term, RAMs will eat every morsel of ROI before you even realize where the problem is if you are not careful. Think about these questions... Do

  • 203: Social Media Goals & Objectives - How to Choose & Prioritize

    01/02/2016 Duration: 31min

    Achieving measurable social media ROI is very similar to teens and sex. Everyone is talking about it but very few are actually doing it! It's interesting because many marketing and social media leaders within brands and organizations of all sizes dream about achieving real ROI using social media and digital marketing, yet very few of them actually bring to fruition much more than a social media dream. In addition to running a busy social, branding and digital agency, Marketing Nutz, I also do a ton of international keynote speaking, training and workshops. We work with brands of all sizes from startups to Fortune 10 brands. Regardless of the size of the organization or their allocated and approved marketing and social media budget, unfortunately very few social marketers take the time they should to set goals, objectives and map a path for success. As marketers it's in our DNA to move fast. We want to dig into new platforms, learn by trying and failing fast. This mindset can be good and drive results. We beli

  • 202: Increase Twitter Conversions, Sales and Leads

    28/01/2016 Duration: 35min

    Twitter is an amazing platform to not only build community and brand awareness but also to generate leads and increase sales! Yes, smart and social savvy marketers know how to generate sales using Twitter. However, to do this you must understand that Twitter is not designed as a spamming platform. You can't just hop on Twitter and start spamming urls to your website, blog or sales page. Instead, you need to build relationships. You need to design and implement a well thought out and tested conversion funnel that helps you organically attract, inspire and engage your ideal customer. You need to inspire them to pay attention to you in a way that builds trust, nurtures relationships and helps you convert the business to the desired state over time. Learning how to increase conversions and sales using Twitter requires both art and science. There are many features within the walls of Twitter than can help you convert more sales. You can tap into the power of Twitter ads, Twitter cards, Twitter lists and more. Howe

  • 201: Your Logo is Not Your Brand - Brand Strategy in a Nutshell

    26/01/2016 Duration: 25min

    When many business leaders think of the term "brand" they think of pretty colors, expensive logos, fancy graphics, Facebook cover photos and traditional tv or radio advertisements. Smart marketers know branding is much more than a logo. In reality, the logo is the easy part and only one small component of your brand. Smart and savvy marketers also understand the importance of building a brand architecture and strategy inclusive of the brand identity with supporting visuals language and more. The colors, language and visuals are supporting elements, not "the" brand. Big difference. Your brand is your promise and value you offer customers, your community and all who come in contact with your brand. It's a promise delivered. It's value received. It's community. It's relationship. It's empowerment, inspiration, education and the list goes on. Are you influencing brand perception in a positive way? Your brand is your personality, communication, tone and perceptions of all who experience your brand. At the root of

  • 200: Power of Differentiation with New Media, Social Marketing

    25/01/2016 Duration: 29min

    It's hard to believe this is the 200th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast! What started out as a "test of the podcast waters" transformed into an amazing media and revenue channel for our agency, Marketing Nutz. The Social Zoom Factor podcast has enables us to differentiate, diversify, build community, provide value to our audience, generate leads, increase revenue, diversity revenue streams and the list goes on. We entered the podcast world pretty clueless as to what it would take to not only lunch but run a successful podcast that could be an amazing part of our business. We dug in deep and did the research. We learned from mentors, and developed a solid strategy plan for success. We knew the future of podcasting is bright and wanted to be at the front of the movement to audio. Ever since the day we launched our first agency in early 2010, sold it in late 2011 and built the following agency, Marketing Nutz to where it is today, we have held on tight to our WHY of business and life. I didn't leave a c

  • 199: Visual Content Ideas that Get Shared Like Mad

    20/01/2016 Duration: 21min

    The days of only using textual content marketing to build your brand, attract, inspire, engage and empower your audience and customers are long gone. If you are only using textual marketing you are already falling behind. In case you haven't noticed, the world is turning visual. As humans we are bombarded by marketing and media everywhere we look. Every brand, every marketer and human has an opportunity to be the media. Social media levels the playing field. Today even the smallest of businesses and brands can compete with the biggest if they know how to tap into the power of modern, social and digital marketing. A picture can truly speak a thousand words! Visual marketing is a form of content marketing that enables and empowers savvy marketers to better communicate, educate, empower, inspire and connect with their audiences in a human way. Did you know... The human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than the time it takes to decode text?84% of communication will be visual by 2018People ar

  • 198: How to Get Social Media Budget Approved

    18/01/2016 Duration: 26min

    Do you struggle with having what you think may be the best social media marketing plan on the entire planet yet have no budget to implement? Show notes / blog post and resources can be downloaded here Do any or all of these problems sound familiar? You struggle with getting budget approved to implement your social media plan Your executives don't understand social media You struggle with articulating the goals and objectives of your social media program to key stakeholders You feel like you are boiling the ocean as it relates to getting your social media plan approved You lack needed support and buy-in for your social media program and plan You don't know how to align social media to business goals and objectives your executives and key stakeholders care about You know your organization is filled with employees who want to power up your brand and could be loyal brand advocates but you can't get the support you need to empower them Would you like answers to these questions?

  • 197: How to Hire a Social Media Agency - 10 Questions You Must Answer About Your Business

    14/01/2016 Duration: 26min

    Businesses of all sizes from solo-entrepreneurs, startups, small businesses to Fortune 50 brands often turn to social media and digital marketing agencies to help them develop a social media and digital marketing strategy. They tap into the agency teams of experts for help to implement the plan and tactics, identify KPIs, select measurement systems and social dashboards, build their digital brand and communities and the list goes on. How to Get Your Social Media Budget Approved (white paper)  Show Notes / Blog Post For this Episode It is important that before contacting a social media agency for help that you first answer some foundational questions about your own business, team and goals. The better you understand your business, your ideal customer, your overall market and competition, the better an agency or consultant can help you. This doesn't mean that you need to know all of the answers before you start, or before you engage a third party for assistance. My point is that you need to be crystal clear on

  • 196: Twitter Pinned Tweet How & Why You Should be Using for Business

    08/01/2016 Duration: 27min

    Pinning tweets on Twitter is likely one of the most useful but overlooked feature of Twitter. If you are not using or haven't even thought about using pinned tweets, I hope this blog post and podcast will change your mind.  Pinned tweets provide numerous opportunities for you to generate leads, convert more sales, grow your email list, increase brand awareness, conduct market research, increase ROI of your content assets and most importantly connect with your audience.  You can easily pin any tweet that you have sent. After pinning the tweet it will be showcased at the very top of your profile for all to see! Do you ever have a tweet that you wish the world could see? Well, pinning the tweet will not obviously guarantee the world will see it, but it will guarantee more people who visit your Twitter profile will definitely see it!  The new tweet stays pinned to the very top of your Twitter profile until you remove it!  It doesn't require expert Twitter skills. Here is how you pin a tweet:  Find the tweet you

  • 195: Build Your Brand Social Media and Digital Marketing in 2016

    06/01/2016 Duration: 25min

    Many smart and social savvy marketers and business leaders look forward to the starting of a new year! I personally love taking the time to slow down to speed up and plan, strategize, and prioritize. Our agency, Marketing Nutz lives for helping our clients stomp random acts of marketing and help ensure every dollar spent is providing the highest return on investment possible. Digital and social marketing is changing the game. Customer experience is the new brand. It's no longer just about your logo, brand colors or fancy words crafted by a paid marketer. Instead brands must learn how to embrace real-time engagement, conversation that inspires and connects with their audiences, community, partners and stakeholders in a human way. We must think mobile first as well as customer first. We must know our customer intimately before our customer knows what they want or need from us. This can get very overwhelming to many brand leaders. It's normal to struggle in trying to keep up with the technological changes, indus

  • 194: Prioritize Social Networks for Community Growth

    16/12/2015 Duration: 27min

    At the foundation of business and life is people. At the core of people are hearts and minds that want to connect with other people. It is in our DNA to want to connect with other human beings in a communal way. We want to rub elbows, clink glasses, laugh, cry and celebrate with people who have the same goals, objectives, beliefs, and interests as we do. At the heart of social media is people. Social media is one big fat conversation that inspires, empowers, engages, delights, educates, and activates human beings when used for good. So given that people want to connect with other human beings at the core of their being, and that social media is about connecting humans, why is it that marketers struggle with connecting humans together, using social media? Do they struggle because.... they have self centered goals?they don't know how to connect humans to other humans so they simply focus on what they do know, which is spam?they are technology addicted shiny object chasers and put their geek desires before busin

  • 193: Increase Conversions by Keeping Your Social Media Digital Promises

    15/12/2015 Duration: 16min

    Is your marketing delivering promises that you can't keep? Are your websites, blogs, social profiles, Instagram photos, tweets and Facebook updates over promising? As marketers we are paid to build excitement, increase brand awareness and drive results. The social web is becoming more noisy by the day. It's difficult for even smart marketers to stand out from the crowd and rise above the noise. Many marketers fall into the frenzy of beautiful visual graphics, never ending sales pages, over exciting live video sessions and the list goes on. Before they know it they have made a long list of promises that are far outside the scope of what their websites, blog, content, or business can provide. Instead of helping their efforts, their over promising marketing messages and actions are hurting the brand. These broken promises lose trust, hurt relationships and decrease brand equity. Today, authenticity and transparency rules the social web. Customer experience is your brand, period. Customers, community and audience

  • 192: 2016 Predictions Social Media Digital Marketing

    14/12/2015 Duration: 31min

    It is every marketer and business leaders dream to have crystal ball that can predict the future. Imagine having the knowledge to know exactly where to invest your time, resource and budget to bring the maximum return in all facets of product, service, digital, social and content marketing. Unfortunately the chances of any of us finding that digital marketing nirvana crystal ball are slim to zero. However, the fun part is we can predict what we believe can happen. We can base these predictions on data, experience and our gut feeling. Smart marketers know their audience and know how to selectively choose the right social and digital platforms, content channels, communication mediums to inspire their customers to connect with them. They know how to tap into the power of earned, owned and paid media to drive more than clicks, and to build community and grow brand awareness. They know how to invest in influencer marketing relationships, not just influencers who will tweet for them for a single one night show. So

  • 191: Improve Customer Experience with Social Media

    08/12/2015 Duration: 28min

    Social media can be a powerful communication medium to enhance relationships, earn trust and build brand awareness. Delivering a solid and quality product or service is only part of the equation for brand success and serving the needs of the always on, always connected customer of today. What customer journey and experience are you designing for your customers and audience? Your customers do not just land on your website and then buy from you within 5 seconds. They have likely been on a journey and your website, blog or social platform is simply one of the stops on their journey. Communicating with your customers when, where and how they want you to communicate with them is critical. Today's mobile and connected customer requires you know not only the right time but the right place to communicate with them. If you don't, they will just go to someone else, to another brand who has taken the time to understand who they are and what they need. Smart brand leaders know that social media can help them differentiat

  • 190: Top 10 Content Marketing Mistakes Killing Your Social Business Success

    01/12/2015 Duration: 27min

    Do you ever feel like you are spinning your wheels when it comes to developing and integrating your content marketing strategy and plan into your business and overall marketing initiatives and programs to achieve your business and marketing goals? Content marketing planned and executed properly can help you ignite not only online results but also true business results. You can increase sales, generate more leads, increase brand awareness, build and nurture communities, humanize your brand, and reach markets you simply couldn't reach with other mediums. Unfortunately many brand leaders are their own worst enemies when it comes to defining and executing a well laid out content marketing plan with strategies and tactics that delivers real results. Often times they get lazy and impatient. They want immediate results and don't understand it takes time and ongoing investment. Content marketing is not a "set it and forget it" type of initiative. You must constantly be feeding the content engine, inspiring and connec

  • 189: 2016 Content Marketing Editorial Calendar Template Tutorial

    30/11/2015 Duration: 29min

    How is your content marketing plan and strategy coming along for 2016? Are you ready to create and deliver valuable content that will inspire, connect and organically attack your ideal customer, audience, investors, stakeholders, and partners? Do you know what content you will be delivering on what month, week and day to inspire, empower, engage and activate the members of your online social communities? Are you ready to leverage content marketing to achieve your business and marketing goals and objectives? Are you ready to tap into the power of content marketing to generate more leads, earn trust with your ideal customer audience, establish thought leadership, connect with and foster relationships with influencers in your industry, and grow your business? Did you know: Only 30% of B2B marketers say their organizations are effective at content marketing. This is down from 38% last year. (Content Marketing Institute)67% of B2B buyers rely more on content to research and make B2B purchasing decisions than they

  • 188: How to Write for Your Ideal Customer and Audience

    27/11/2015 Duration: 22min

    Do you know what your ideal customer and audience wants from you? Do you know the perfect content that would help them solve their biggest problems and inspire them to connect with you and your brand immediately? That would be the perfect content marketing scenario wouldn't it? The scenario where your ideal customer visits your blog, website, or other social or digital platform and is provided with exactly what they want and need! Content marketing is an amazing way to build your brand awareness, foster community, establish thought leadership, generate leads and grow your business. Content can come in many forms such as text blogging, video blogging, audio and podcasts, visual marketing, infographics, live streaming mobile content and the list goes on. While it may be tempting to start testing every social network and content medium available, it's better to crawl, walk run and ensure you have a plan before wasting a ton of time, resource and money on content that your audience may not even like, read, watch,

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