Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 128:11:15
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SocialZoomFactor is a social media marketing, branding, business and lifestyle podcast created for you, the business and marketing leader in startups to enterprise organizations. If you want to learn how to integrate social media, branding, digital marketing, visual marketing, content marketing and the latest technology and new media to zoom results in business and life you won't be disappointed in the energy and information Pam Moore delivers 5 days a week. Each episode brings you actionable tactics and strategies you can implement today for real business results. Pam is CEO / founder Marketing Nutz and ranked as Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer by Forbes.


  • 167: Evergreen Content Marketing in a Nutshell

    11/09/2015 Duration: 41min

    If you are new to the content marketing, digital marketing or social media you may have heard the term "evergreen marketing" by the experts and not been certain what it is or why you need it. It's often a term that is thrown around by even top industry experts who don't develop or implement evergreen content marketing best practices themselves. Evergreen content is content that is timeless, sustainable and has a shelf life longer the latest Facebook feature or favorite mobile application. Evergreen content is foundational to helping your ideal client and audience solve their smallest and biggest problems. When done right evergreen content will drive continuous traffic to your blog. It's then up to you to make sure you can convert a large percentage of that traffic into community members, new friends or even sales.  So what is evergreen content marketing and how can it help you achieve your business and marketing goals? Why should you care about evergreen content? If you would like to know the answers to these

  • 166: Guest Blogging and Content Syndication Strategies and Tips

    09/09/2015 Duration: 27min

    Would you like to build authority, establish trust, increase brand awareness and grow your business results?  Guest blogging and syndicating your content to top sites in your niche can more quickly help you establish industry leadership, brand awareness and trust. When done right, integrated and aligned to your business goals and marketing objectives, guest blogging can also help you improve business results. When attached to a solid online conversion funnel you can grow your email list and subscribers, grow community and even increase sales. Successful content syndication and guest blogging requires both art and science. You must know your ideal customer, current and desired audience as well as understand the platform and audience for which you are wanting to guest post. Before pitching an editor it's best to establish a relationship, earn the trust and prove you are ready to deliver value to their audience and readership and you won't have to pitch. Take a listen to these 10 foundational elements to zoom bu

  • 165: Why I'm Not on Blab Yet #SmartHustle

    04/09/2015 Duration: 34min

    Why am I not on blab? Take a listen to this podcast to learn why Pam Moore has not yet jumped into the latest social shiny object and video streaming, collaboration platform. The answer might surprise you!  In this 30 minute podcast you will learn:  Why Pam Moore is not on Blab  8 Tips and strategies to work smarter, not just harder  The importance of the Smart Hustle Why you must know your WHY  Why you must know your audience  Prioritizing activities, priorioties and goals  Avoiding the Fear of Missing Out when it impacts your business and life goals  Not getting caught up in the fallacy that hustle is required 24/7 to drive results  The importance of adequate sleep for mind, body and spiritual health 

  • 164: Increase Sales with Social Media and Digital Marketing

    31/08/2015 Duration: 30min

    Smart marketers and business leaders know that their online integrated digital and social platform is not simply a megaphone for to tell the world how great their business is and beg them to make a purchase. Though you may see many new marketers to the online and social world fall to spammy tactics, they don't usually last long. Your website, blog, Facebook page, Twitter profile, YouTube channel, Instagram page, Blab conversations, Periscope sessions and Pinterest boards all create opportunities for you to inspire, delight, connect, entertain and inform your audience and readers.  With every virtual touch, swipe, view, and listen you have and opportunity to earn a friend, to earn an advocate and customer. You have an opportunity to earn trust, start and nurture real and human relationships. You have an opportunity to earn a sale, not just push sales.  If you have not thought about using your online digital and social assets to inspire, engage, entertain and inform then you should. How are your sales? Are they

  • 163: Personal Brand and the You Factor

    29/08/2015 Duration: 25min

    With the explosion of social, digital marketing platforms and technologies such as mobile live streaming even small businesses and individuals have the opportunity to become the media.  Becoming the media today does not require millions of dollars spent on advertising and fancy websites. Instead an individual person serving as an industry influencer or thought leader can launch a blog and integrated digital, social platform and quite quickly have brands eagerly wanting to engage with them. The brands want to tap into the power of their community, reach and voice because it is truly people who are becoming the media. You and me are the media.  Many brands and people struggle with how much of them personally do they incorporate into the communications, platform and media.  Because they don't know how to brand themselves, incorporate brand storytelling or properly engage their audience they wind up spamming and pushing people away versus drawing them closer to their brand.  The leaders who are rockin' their pers

  • 162: Social Media Branding Turbo Zoom Strategies

    27/08/2015 Duration: 35min

    Social media is a great way to rev up your brand to turbo speed and leave your status quo competitors in the dust! Not only can you tap into the power of community, human relationships but you can also increase brand awareness, equity and even sales.  Zooming your brand to turbo speed using social media requires both art and science. It requires the knowledge and ability to connect with humans in a way that inspires, connects, delights and entertains while at the same time staying true to your brand personality and tone.  Unfortunately many brands hop online with no solid understanding of their audience, or even their own business goals or objectives.  They have no plan and wind up throwing social spaghetti at the wall and then wonder why it doesn't stick. They wonder why they get stuck with at best status quo results.  Brands that hit turbo speed know who their audience is, know intimately how to grow and nurture their community and network, how to create and deliver content and conversations that surprise a

  • 161: Brand Storytelling in a Nutshell Using Social Media

    26/08/2015 Duration: 27min

    It's not news that people buy from people or that business and life are about personal, human relationships. People have been buying from other people, communicating with other people and connecting with other people for years, decades and centuries. It's in our DNA to want to connect with other human beings who believe in the same things we do. It's these common foundations that weave the threads for relationships, trust and community. If we all know life and business is really about people, then why do so many marketing and business leaders still fall to lazy marketing tactics and corporate marketing speak as they set out on their online digital and social media adventures? They claim they want to connect with real human beings. They say they want to build community. However, their priorities, actions and language is doing the opposite. For years people have gathered around campfires and dinner tables to connect and relate to one another. We share. We laugh. We cry. We tell stories. We grow. We become part

  • 160: 10 Habits Successful Social Media Marketers

    24/08/2015 Duration: 28min

    There is a clear separation between true social marketing business leaders and those that are sliding along with status quo. Many new and seasoned marketers and business leaders hop into the world of digital and social media marketing thinking they can send a few tweets, learn how to optimize visuals and social profiles and they will have a positive ROI on their investment in social media. Unfortunately too many of these same "status quo" seekers find themselves struggling to keep up with the true leaders, holding down a real job or feeling and experiencing real success.  So what are the habits, behaviors and foundational success elements that true social marketing leaders embrace? How do they rise above the status quo? How do they consistently serve the needs of their customer, keep the brand top of mind and help achieve a positive ROI for the investment and time into social media?  Take a listen to the 160th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn 10 foundational habits of successful social marke

  • 159: How to Protect Your Online Brand Reputation

    15/08/2015 Duration: 37min

    There is much confusion regarding online brand and reputation management. Some think it's only for brands who get themselves in trouble and need to cover up the bad. Some think it's public relations, while others think it's just social media monitoring or some ninja SEO tricks. The truth is every brand has a reputation regardless if they think they do or not. Your brand is the sum of what people think, say and tell other people about you. You can spend all the money in the world to create a beautiful brand inclusive of digital elements and visuals, fancy logo, website, blog and social media channels and profiles. However, if you don't deliver on your brand promise it's all for nothing. Your brand is the foundation of your business. It doesn't matter if you are a small business, corporation or something in between you impact your brand with every action you take. Every tweet, call, post on Facebook, Instagram photo, Google+ update is a representation of your brand. Every employee that works for you is leaving

  • 158: How to Increase Organic Traffic to Blog, Website, Social Digital Channels

    12/08/2015 Duration: 34min

    It is every digital and social marketers dream that their ideal customer, partner and fan will easily find their blog, website or other online social channel. Unfortunately it's not as easy as building a website or blog and people just show up at your digital front door, banging to get in and buy from you. It takes time for the traditional search engines such as Google and Bing to even know your site exists so they can start sending your traffic your way. Plus now you have tremendous opportunity to earn traffic to your blog or website via the social networks. You can of course leverage paid media, earned media and even influencer marketing to increase blog traffic. Remember though that visitors to your online platforms are tourists. They are stopping by. It is up to you to make sure that you are inviting them in, inspiring them to connect with you and helping them feel at home so they will stick around for awhile and maybe even tell a few friends how great you are. One of the best ways to increase traffic to

  • 157: Social Media Agency Client Onboarding Best Practices

    10/08/2015 Duration: 37min

    Social media agencies face many exciting opportunities to work with brands and clients of all shapes and sizes. Although some may focus on a certain niche or industry, many consultants and agencies work with clients from varying industries, experiences and levels of understanding of what social media really is or what it can do for their business. Obviously, each client has different expectations, goals, objectives and grasp of the power of social media. Although it may be tempting to take on any client, a key to success is ensuring the client is a match for the agency. It’s also critical that as new clients are onboarded, they are taken care of from the start. A client’s first interaction with an agency sets the entire stage for how the relationship will kickoff. You only have one chance for your team to make a great first, second and third impression, so why not make the most of it at every touchpoint? Below are some best practices to help social media agencies ensure the onboarding process goes as smoothly

  • 156: Facebook Mobile Broadcasting Live Streaming Mentions Application

    07/08/2015 Duration: 09min

    Facebook has launched a mobile live streaming application and feature only available to users of the Facebook Mentions application which requires the Facebook page be verified.  This podcast shares Pam Moore's thoughts on why Facebook made the decision and what is the possible future for the mobile live streaming via Facebook

  • 155: Thought Leadership in a Nutshell

    04/08/2015 Duration: 23min

    What does it really mean to be a thought leader? Unfortunately too many digital and social marketers have a false belief that they can simply write a few blog posts, send a few tweets and increase their social influence scores such as Klout and they will quickly become the go to thought leader of their niche. We've all seen the blog posts promising the magic 10 steps to be a thought leader in 140 characters or how to be a thought leader on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and every other social network known to digital man and woman. The truth is that you can not become a thought leader in 140 characters. You also can't become a thought leader via mastering one single social network. Becoming a thought  leader requires earning trust, respect and investing time in helping the human beings in your community, network and audience. I've seen loads of businesses and people promoting their own personal brand spending months or even years of time trying to become "thought leaders" yet they have no real busines

  • 154: Omnichannel Marketing in a Nutshell

    31/07/2015 Duration: 20min

    Do you know the difference between traditional marketing, ecommerce, multichannel marketing and omnichannel marketing? Omnichannel marketing is not simply a buzzword for multichannel marketing. Omnichannel marketing requires that the multiple marketing channels are working together to create and deliver an amazing, seamless user experience. Did you know that according to Google, 25% of shoppers start on a PC but eventually move to a mobile device.  Shoppers are no longer using one channel to research, shop and buy. People don't always simply walk into a store and buy a product. They may first be researching the product or service online via mobile device, tablet, desktop or all of the above. Even in the B2B (business to business) space, business leaders are doing the same thing. They are researching products, services and people behind the brands using multiple channels. They jump from iPhone to iPad to laptop within minutes. Both B2B and B2C (business to consumers) customers expect brands to design a user ex

  • 153: Social Selling: What You Need From Your Buyer Before You Can Sell to Them

    29/07/2015 Duration: 18min

    Marketers and business leaders spend a lot of time thinking about what we need to do as content writers, sales people, digital marketers, social marketers, brand leaders, data analysts and business owners to grow our business.  We focus on content and visual marketing that grabs attention. We build beautiful landing pages that convert readers, listeners and viewers to buyers. We dig in deep to data, analytics, and key performance indicators so we can measure and optimize business results and achieve the desired business outcomes.  However, what can often happen is that we get too inwardly focused. Too many digital marketers start forgetting about why they are doing the work in the first place. Remember, that human being you need to connect with on the other end of that tweet, post, pin or video? Yes, that is the person you need to be thinking about.  Let's flip this conversation around. Let's talk about what we need from our buyer. What do you need from a potential customer or buyer before you can sell to the

  • 152: What Digital Marketers Learn from Goldilocks and 3 Bears

    26/07/2015 Duration: 22min

    One of my favorite childhood stories is Goldilocks and the three bears. A story about a little mischievous little girl that made her way into a house owned by a family of bears. Goldilocks made herself comfortable in the house so much as to fill her belly with good porridge and even fall asleep in the little bear's bed. As digital marketers there is much we can learn from the story of Goldilocks. We need to build a digital platform that is inviting, serves value, makes our readers, viewers and listeners feel safe, comfortable and taken care of. We need to help them feel comfortable and invite them to come back for more.  Take a listen to episode 152 of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn 8 key takeaways we can learn from Goldilocks to improve our digital and social marketing results.  In this 30 minute podcast you will learn:  8 things digital and social marketers can learn from Goldilocks and the 3 Bears  8 tips to improve digital marketing results  How to make sure your social media and digital platfor

  • 151: Power of Social Media Metrics - Sprout Social Andrew Caravella

    23/07/2015 Duration: 39min

    Smart marketers are not afraid to dig in deep and even "geek out" on data and analytics to achieve success in social media, digital marketing and business. Many marketers get overwhelmed with trying to understand how they can leverage data and metrics to guide their business in the right direction. As a result they run away from data and the power it can provide versus digging in and learning how to tap into the power of what it has to offer. I am thrilled to introduce Andrew Caravella from Sprout Social as a guest on the 151st episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast. Andrew leads the marketing team and efforts at Sprout Social and has an amazing background and years of experience in digital marketing to help us all.  Take a listen and learn how you can better tap into the power of social and marketing data to zoom your business.  In this 30 minute podcast you will learn:  How Sprout Social uses data and analytics to create an amazing customer experience Biggest mistakes brands and digital marketers make i

  • 150: How to Write Epic Blog Content Your Social Media Audience & Readers Will Love

    22/07/2015 Duration: 29min

    Content marketing is at the center of marketing today. Everything we tweet, post, pin and create is a form of content marketing. Blogs are a foundation for many brands and people establishing thought and brand leadership online. Blogs can serve as a home base and help connect the dots between earned, owned and paid media to nurture relationships and achieve desired business outcomes. Unfortunately too many digital, social and content marketers think they can just write a long blog post or throw social content spaghetti at the wall and hope it sticks. They foolishly believe that hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of readers are going to come beating down the social blog virtual doors begging to buy from them. This couldn't be further from the truth. Attention is the most scarce resource marketers struggle with today. Throwing blog content spaghetti at the wall is not going to help you gain attention, build community or achieve real business results.  Writing epic blog content that attracts, inspires and co

  • 149: Stop Spam Put Human Back in Social Media Digital Marketing and Business

    15/07/2015 Duration: 33min

    There is not a morning I log into Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram that my feed is not bombarded with spam. From people begging for clicks, link backs, free shout outs to over the top self promotional automated messages, replies and the list goes on.  I even recently had an social media agency CEO spamming and begging for support of their non-profit campaigns that are based on a foundation of 1000's of fake RTs on every tweet on behalf of the client. They are charging the client for campaigns based on fake followers and fake metrics. This is a true story my friends and these things are happening all around us every single day.  Think with me for a moment...  Would you walk into a room of real human beings and start blasting the name and url of your business?  When you meet somebody new at an event would you walk up to them and ask them to watch your video on YouTube before you had a chance to say hello?  Would you tap someone you just met on the shoulder and asked them why they unfollowed you or if t

  • 148: Power of Intention & Trust to Earn Attention on Social Media Networks

    13/07/2015 Duration: 13min

    Welcome to the digital marketing era where attention is the absolute most scarce resource. There is clearly no lack of people and brands trying to grab your attention. Every where we turn, every device we turn on, every social network feed we scroll, there is noise. Brands want us to check out their hot deals, digital marketers want us to watch their videos, download their white papers and the list goes on. Many digital and brand marketers hop on Twitter with the hopes of grabbing quick attention of their target customer and audience. They foolishly think they can send a few tweets to a handful of influencers, beg for some clicks and links and they will achieve their business and goals. The core foundational issue is they have the wrong intention. They have an intent to help themselves and achieve a quick win versus investing in the people who they want to trust them. The truth is our actions speak louder than their words. Unfortunately many business leaders and even the most social savvy digital marketing ex

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