Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 128:11:15
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SocialZoomFactor is a social media marketing, branding, business and lifestyle podcast created for you, the business and marketing leader in startups to enterprise organizations. If you want to learn how to integrate social media, branding, digital marketing, visual marketing, content marketing and the latest technology and new media to zoom results in business and life you won't be disappointed in the energy and information Pam Moore delivers 5 days a week. Each episode brings you actionable tactics and strategies you can implement today for real business results. Pam is CEO / founder Marketing Nutz and ranked as Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer by Forbes.


  • 147: 7 Personal Branding Fundamental Steps

    10/07/2015 Duration: 23min

    Welcome to the digital age of marketing where you are the brand. You can run, you can hide but you can't escape the need to build your personal brand.  We all know people buy from people.  People also tweet with other people. They connect on LinkedIn with other people. They live video stream, Instagram and SnapChat with other people as well.  When a new potential client contacts us to do business, the first place go to learn about them is the internet. We will start with a Google, Facebook or Twitter search. We then immediately click through to LinkedIn.  In a matter of seconds we can find out who the person is and if they are who they said they are in the contact form. We can find out where they work now and where they have worked the past 10 - 20 years. We will within seconds know if they have a blog, if they have kids, where they went to school and the list goes on.  Yes, you may be sitting there reading this and think... "Pam,  you will never know that about me because I will never post all of that inform

  • 146: Design the Life and Business You Dream About

    07/07/2015 Duration: 26min

    Do you ever feel like you are going through the motions of life? Maybe you get a strange feeling that your life is set on auto drive but you don't know who is at the wheel? Maybe it's the not the life you thought you would live? Maybe you aren't really sure how you got where you are right now but you do know you want a change. Do you ever feel like your business is running on turbo yet you are running out of fuel? Good things are happening but they are not the right things at the right time. Are you working way too many hours and the work is taking you away from the reasons you started your business or career in the first place? If we don't take charge of our life and business, there are sure enough things that will steal our time and mindset and run us into a state of frenzy, late nights without sleep and time with the ones we love most. It is time you take control of your life and business. It's time you design the life you want. Design your business to help you achieve the life you want to live. Take a lis

  • 145: Leaders Embrace Change and Pivot - Tips for Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders and Executives

    02/07/2015 Duration: 19min

    Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you tired of working 18 hours a day and yet still not achieving your life and business goals?  Do you ever feel like a silly hamster in a wheel, running and running and not getting anywhere? There are far too many business leaders, entrepreneurs, digital marketers and executives who feel stuck. They know that things are not working. However, they are afraid to make change. They believe that if they move to plan b, c or even d that they have completely failed. The truth is moving on to plan b, c, d or even plan e does not mean you failed. We all learn from our mistakes. True success comes from falling down and getting back up, over and over again. Real leaders are able to embrace change. They help their organization, team and themselves stay relevant. Real leaders must be able to pivot. They must know when it's time to pivot. Staying "stuck in a rut" is not good for business or your life. It's the easy way out. Take a listen to the 155th episode of the Social

  • 144: Don't Build Your Social Business on Rented Land

    29/06/2015 Duration: 15min

    What happens to your anxiety level and blood pressure when you think about Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram going away? Does it rise? Does it stress you out?  If Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Snapchat were to drop off the face of the earth tomorrow what would happen to your business? Would your business be negatively impacted? Would it thrive or would it crumble under algorithm changes and paid media models being aggressively implemented by every social network that hits prime time.  Are you building your business on digital property that you own? Or are you too dependent upon the social networks and larger social ecosystem for your business success?  Are you building your business on rented land? Are you building your business on social land that is far from a solid foundation to build your life and business upon?  Building your business foundation on digital and social networks you don't own puts your business at much risk. You have no control on what these social networks do, what happens with t

  • 143: Social Media for Business Launches, Startups, Products

    26/06/2015 Duration: 33min

    You have put your time, resource, sweat, sleepless nights and maybe even some tears into your product or business and are ready to take it to market. It's an exciting time. It feels like your baby. You want to shout from the mountain top to the world how awesome it is.  You look at all the millions and billions of people on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Periscope and the list goes on. You want to tap into the power of community. You want some social buzz. You want people to be talking about your brand.  Slow down there my friend. I know you are excited but how you enter the world of social media is very important. Remember you only have one chance to make a first, second and third impression. You don't want to lose people at the first 140 character hello because you are all about yourself.  Even though you may be new to some of these amazing social networks, the millions of people who are already living and breathing them daily more than they want to admit are not new to them. They have be

  • 142: Social Media Plan: Start with People, Not Technology

    24/06/2015 Duration: 26min

    What is the first thing that comes to mind when I ask you define social media? Is it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Periscope, or Snapchat? What if I told you that you should not be thinking about the technology first? You should be thinking about people. You should be focused on your ideal customer. Think DNA, not tools. How can you get in the head of your customer and inspire and connect with them? Your mission with social media is to figure out where your ideal customer is hanging out online and then determine how you can have the most relevant conversation with them possible. You need to be where your ideal customer is, not just where you want to be or even necessarily where you feel comfortable. Do these questions found familiar? I am spending loads of time on social networks with little business return. I am spending loads of time learning tools and technology with zero business return. I feel like I am online 24/7 yet am making no progress. I don't know where to go next and sometimes feel lik

  • 141: Grow Email List by 400% Integrating Social Media, Content Marketing

    19/06/2015 Duration: 35min

    Many digital marketers scramble and fight for attention every day to get their message heard on the social networks. They may fall to spammy tactics such as tweeting 24 hours a day with automated tweets, automated direct messages, blasting Facebook business pages with too many updates, constant cat photos and word puzzles. They often dilute their brand with these silly tactics when they could be increasing brand equity and building a thriving community who is on the edge of their seat waiting for every word they say.  There is also another group of smart digital marketers who know the value of an email list. They create epic and compelling content offers that inspire, educate, delight and help their ideal customer and audience solve their greatest problems. They earn their trust and email address. They are then able to more easily nurture relationships with a captured audience who WANTS to hear from them.  Unfortunately many business leaders and even smart marketers don't understand the value of email marketi

  • 140: Bust Out Social Media Echo Chamber and Be the Change - Change Agent

    15/06/2015 Duration: 18min

    Business leaders and digital marketers all over the world are struggling every day with how to stay up to date on the latest trends, technology, social networks, methodologies and more.  Even with the large number of people we see of embracing change and having a genuine desire to "be the change" as change agents, there is very little real change happening in regard to mindset. There is very little that most people are doing to truly help people take action and move their business and life forward. Instead people are getting stuck on social media buzz from their own community and wind up in a dangerous swirling, whirling echo chamber.  It's easy to get stuck in a box. Does any of the below sound familiar?  You don't know where to start so you gravitate to things you feel comfortable with such as shiny objects or deep analytical data.  You avoid public conversations on the social networks as you are afraid of saying the wrong thing. You are a lurker more than an active contributor.   You want to embrace chang

  • 139: Earned Media Does Not = Influencer Marketing

    12/06/2015 Duration: 19min

    Many brand and digital marketers are poorly confusing influencer marketing with earned media. Some of these marketers may be making innocent mistakes. However, some very well know the difference but are pretending that they don't. As a result they are negatively impacting their brand perception and damaging relationships with the people who they claim they want to embrace and invite closer to their brand.  Yes, this is the elephant in the room for many brand marketers and the influencers, thought leaders and people who they are reaching out to begging for tweets, likes, free blog posts or even days spent at an event on behalf of the brand with zero compensation. The brands make themselves foolishly believe they don't need to compensate the influencer for their time since they are bucketing the engagement into "earned media."  Let me put this very simply for you. If you are paying for travel, accommodations, fancy dinners and entertainment it is not earned media.  Earned media is media that you earn. It's not

  • 138: Earned, Owned & Paid Media - Know Difference for Social Media Marketing Success

    10/06/2015 Duration: 18min

    Remember the days of simple media and mass communication? The days marketers would simply buy an ad, tv commercial slot, throw out some direct mail, a few magazine ads, radio spots, measure the response and get on w/ their day job of herding cats, taming elephants and locking up the crazy monkeys in-house begging them for everything under the sun ;) Joking but you get the point.  Media is not simple anymore, not that it ever was, but now it’s even more complex. It’s not just the explosion of social media, but the fact that according to a Nielsen study that confirmed the most trusted source of info in all countries surveyed world wide is earned media, also described as what use to be known as word of mouth. The issue is that many are confusing earned media with paid media and owned media. They are blurring them all together and as a results wasting millions of dollars, ticking off their audiences, ruining relationships with thought leaders and influencers and the list goes on.  Today we are kicking off a new “

  • 137: Using Twitter Lists for Business - 15 Use Case to Rock Social Media ROI

    05/06/2015 Duration: 16min

    Twitter can be very overwhelming to even the smartest and most social savvy business leaders. Many people find it frustrating to sort through the chatter and noise to get to the people, content and conversations that matter to your business and life. Twitter lists are a great way to organize the people you follow and also help you organize conversations to get a grip on the clutter and noise so that you can truly leverage Twitter to rock your business and brand. Twitter lists enables you to organize people you like to follow so that you can better read, engage and even curate content you want to share with your following. Lists can help you keep track of potential clients, clients, partners and even competitors. Take a listen to the 137th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast for 15 business use cases to maximize your use of Twitter by utilizing Twitter lists. They are 15 use cases you can begin implementing today! My blog and our agency site is loaded with information to help you with all aspects of soci

  • 136: Periscope, Meerkat Live Video Streaming Use Cases

    03/06/2015 Duration: 26min

    If you haven't heard about the latest live video streaming apps on the market, Periscope and Meerkat, you must have been hiding under a rock. Periscope won the hearts of the social community and hit 1 million users in only 10 days! Periscope and Meerkat are grabbing attention of everyone from celebrities to geeks, pastors, journalists, marketers, moms, dads, teens and more. Meerkat stole the spotlight at the SXSW event in Austin Texas in April. Twitter quickly announced the launch of their recently acquired mobile live streaming app, Periscope. Twitter then immediately shut down the API for Meerkat putting a damper in the quick growth Meerkat was experiencing. Live streaming is not new. However, the ability to so simply live stream directly from the palm of your hand via a mobile device is what these two new apps have to offer that is unique. With these two apps you have the ability to potentially launch your own TV channel from your mobile device. Crazy opportunities are in front of us if you really think ab

  • 135: 10 Stupid Social Media Marketing Tactics You Must Stop Now

    02/06/2015 Duration: 26min

    Failing to plan is planning to fail. When it comes to anything in life or business, you get what you put into it. Although many smart marketers and business leaders know what they need to do to achieve real business results when it comes to marketing and integrating social media into their business, the truth is far too many are still searching for the easy button. Unfortunately too many marketers are simply being lazy. They are too busy self promoting themselves, chasing shiny objects, bashing their competition and focusing on problems versus solutions.  As a result they have no time put time and effort into the right things that could bring the highest return for their efforts. Check out the 135th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to hear the top 10 stupid marketing tactics you must stop today!   In this 25 minute podcast you will learn:  10 stupid marketing tactics you must stop immediately Why failing to plan is planning to fail Why you must set goals, objectives and KPIs early on in project plan

  • 134: Power of Positivity in Life and Business

    29/05/2015 Duration: 11min

    Many marketing and business leaders hop online to the social networks and struggle with getting attention or achieving their goals and objectives. When this happens, often times without even realizing it, their mindset starts to shift to negativity.  Though they may want to feel positive, they let emotions take them over. They may be frustrated with people in their communities, their own team and leadership and even clients. They may be jealous of competitors or others in their field. They wind up comparing their chapter 1 to everyone else's chapter 20. Instead of looking over the fence they should be focused on their own business and life! Because they let negativity enter their mind, they let negativity enter their life and business.  We attract what we are and what we put out into the world. When we let our mindset and thoughts shift from positive to negative it is eventually going to be the negativity that people see, feel and hear from us. When it comes to online marketing and communication via the socia

  • 133: Technology Adoption Lifecycle for Social Media Change Agents

    28/05/2015 Duration: 30min

    Do you ever feel like you are running up against brick wall, obstacle after obstacle when it comes to trying to get people on board with your social media, digital marketing or social business plan? Do you feel as if nobody around you "gets it?" Or that the people around you might be just stupid or clueless? Smart, social savvy marketers who at the heart are innovators and change makers often feel a deep sense of frustration when trying to get their management, board members, direct team, partners and clients on board with where they want to take them in adoption of new media, technology and improved processes. These marketers know that there is benefit in tapping into the power of this new ecosystem of the constantly connected customer and 24/7 online environment has to offer. However, getting buy-in across their organization and even with outside clients and partners is  more than challenging. There is a solution. Change agents don't just dictate change. They must embrace the reasons people want or don't wa

  • 132: Stomp Fear of Social Media & New Marketing Communication Mediums

    27/05/2015 Duration: 18min

    Does the thought of jumping on a new live streaming app such as Periscope or Meerkat, or other social media network give you major anxiety? Does it excite you yet at the same time make you want to bury your head in a pillow for the next 30 days? Many marketers want to embrace the new media of today. They want to lead. They want to take risks. However, they also fear they will fail. They fear they will make mistakes. So they avoid anything new when it comes to marketing and social media. Or they are the laggards, the last to adopt new technologies and processes that could improve their business and life. Does this sound familiar?  You want to learn to better maximize your time on the social networks but don't know how. You want to try out the latest social network but are fearful of making a fool of yourself. You don't want to hurt your brand by making a silly mistake. You don't know where to start. You don't feel comfortable with the format such as video, audio, but would like to try and learn. You want to d

  • 131: How to Create Shareable Content

    26/05/2015 Duration: 29min

    Creating content that people want to share with their communities, audiences, friends and colleagues is the icing on the social media and online marketing cake.  When people share your content with their communities you are able to tap into the power of the OPC (other people's content and community). You can exponentially increase the reach of your content within seconds when it is shared. Social media amplifies this like we have never seen with any other communication medium or platform.  Unfortunately even many smart and social savvy marketers have no clue how to truly produce content that is shareable. It's not just about having the right share buttons on your blog or website or begging people to retweet. it comes down to trust, value, context and relevancy.  Many marketers are spending loads of time creating content but find that their content is still not being shared? Many new clients come to us with these problems and can't understand why their content is still sitting on or within a silo that nobody k

  • 130: 5 Ways Increase Subscribers to Blog, Social Media, Video, Podcast

    22/05/2015 Duration: 25min

    Build it and they will come never worked. Many marketers and business leaders waste loads of time and money on creating stand alone silos of content without ever having a strategy for how they are actually going to get eyeballs on it or ears listening. Creating content is simply the first step. It's the easy part. Everyone including their mom and even some of their dogs are creating content. You can find a video, YouTube channel, podcast, blog, Instagram feed, Snapchat feed on almost any topic you can think of. The challenge is not in creating the content but instead in getting people to read, listen, watch and engage with your content. One great way you can break through the noise, grab real attention from your audience and earn their attention is to inspire people to subscribe to your content. Increasing and growing your subscriber base across your email newsletters and updates, RSS feeds, blogs, video channels, podcasts, and social networks will help you nurture relationships, grow community, and even incr

  • 129: How I Got Fired Over an Apple Computer

    20/05/2015 Duration: 14min

    Sometimes in life the moments that create the most success are the ones that may feel a bit rough around the edges as they are happening. The key to success is standing back up even when you get knocked down flat on your face.    There are many business and marketing leaders who may tout they are change agents. They claim they lead their organization to embrace change and empower change agents with a goal of better serving their customers and broader community. They want higher efficiencies, margins, and to lead the way in innovation and working smarter, not just harder.    Unfortunately when you pull back the covers on some of these so called change agents, they are really not doing anything innovative at all. They spend more time following, copying and bashing others in their industry vs really innovating. In reality they are falling to status quo. They fall to    Following status quo is a huge risk for any organization or business leader. Though it may feel safe for a short time, you can easily lose your c

  • 128: 22 Tips Get Twitter Conversation Started

    19/05/2015 Duration: 33min

    You hear your colleagues, boss, friends and even teens rave about how crazy amazing Twitter and other social networks are. They brag about how many people they have met, relationships nurtured and rocked. The are excited about new partnerships, friendships and opportunities that all started with a simple 140 character tweet. You smile as they share the excitement with you. You nod your head in agreement. However, the truth is you are questioning the validity of their statements. If what they say is true you wonder why you have such a hard time even getting a conversation on Twitter started. Does this sound familiar?  Do you struggle with what to tweet about?  Don't know if you should share what you ate for lunch or not?  Wonder if you should share the kids Saturday morning soccer game on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or all of the above?  Don't know where to start when it comes to getting a conversation started on Twitter or any social network for that matter?  Does Twitter intimidate you more than any other

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