Sunwest Fc's Weekly Sermon Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 282:54:09
  • More information



SunWest exists to guide all people into a lifelong authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.


  • 2017-03-26 TGIF - Part 3: The God-Man, Matt Dyck

    26/03/2017 Duration: 44min

    What happened on the cross? This is a reality and mystery that has transformed and challenged every Jesus follower in history. There are many paradoxes at the cross, that if we over simplify we will miss its significance. We often view Jesus as only a man, but the Bible shows us that Jesus was fully man and fully God. And if Jesus is fully God, what does God hanging on a cross reveal to us?

  • 2017-03-19 TGIF - Part 2: Christus Victor, Mark Griffin

    21/03/2017 Duration: 35min

    Jesus died on Good Friday 2000 years ago. He died in place of all mankind to bring us into a place where we could once again have connection and relationship with God the way it was intended to be since creation. But, why did He have to die? There are various reasons and theories as to what Jesus' death was all about. This message will look at the "Christ the Conqueror" theme, as well as the "Ransom Theory" of His death.

  • 2017-03-12 TGIF - Part 1: The Back Story, Matt Dyck

    21/03/2017 Duration: 48min

    We often hear the phrase "Jesus died for us" but what does this mean? For many of us, the event of Good Friday has become so domesticated that it has lost its revolutionary message and power. During this Lent season we are going to dive into the meaning of Good Friday to recover the mystery and scandal of the cross. TGIF-Thank God it's Friday!

  • 2017-03-05 Meals with Jesus - Part 5: Family Dinner, James Penner

    09/03/2017 Duration: 57min

    Jesus has a heart for intergenerational community in his church. Yet many churches are filled with fence sitters or those who are disengaging completely from their faith community. Through unprecedented research and study, James Penner will paint a picture of why people are fence sitting and the critical changes that we can make to move people from the fence to full engagement.

  • 2017-02-26 Meals with Jesus - Part 4: Meals as Enacted Grace, Mark Griffin

    26/02/2017 Duration: 32min

    The heart of this series,the roots of community, will be the focal point of the message this Sunday - a heart of grace. In many ways, the table and the hospitality that surround it are the context where community grows and then extends practically to our world. Meals, hanging out together, and the Calgary spirit of hospitality are all part of how SunWest engages in community.

  • 2017-02-19 Meals with Jesus - Part 3: Meals as Salvation, Colton Willms

    19/02/2017 Duration: 43min

    Meals in community often turn into a time to share stories and old memories. There is nothing like a hot apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream to take you down memory lane. Sharing stories and memories are how we deepen our relationships with the people around us. Jesus understood this well when he sat down to eat with his disciples for the last time. As Jesus prepared the meal he told them that every time they ate together to do so in remembrance of him. What would happen if every time we ate together our stories and memories were focused around the salvation of Jesus?

  • 2017-02-12 Meals with Jesus - Part 2: Meals as Mission, Matt Dyck

    14/02/2017 Duration: 50min

    Community is often most clearly seen around a dinner table. We tend to only eat with those who are like us. Yet Jesus ate with everyone, and it got him in a lot of trouble. Meals provide us with the opportunity to practice radical hospitality and demonstrate the Kingdom of God that transcends boundaries. This week we will follow Jesus' lead and consider meals as mission.

  • 2017-02-05 Meals with Jesus – Part 1: Meals as Community, Matt Dyck

    05/02/2017 Duration: 47min

    Jesus had a mission. In the Gospel of Luke we read that He came to seek and save the lost. He came not to be served but to serve and give His life so others could live. But HOW did He do it? We could think of many things that Jesus did, but there is a very simple daily activity that Jesus utilized. It's something that we all do, everyday. Meals. Yes, food! Luke puts a table in the centre of Jesus' ministry. We hope that you will rediscover the potential of hospitality for community and mission through this series.

  • 2017-01-22 Abide - Part 3: Where is Jesus?, Matt Dyck

    22/01/2017 Duration: 44min

    We often talk about having a relationship with Jesus, but do you ever feel like He's distant? Do you wonder where He is? Do you feel like the intimacy you used to have isn't there? Our relationship with God is not static... and He refuses to fit into our neat little boxes. Perhaps this is an indication, not that something is wrong but that God is leading you to a deeper relationship with Him. How does that work?

  • 2017-01-15 Abide - Part 2: The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved, Matt Dyck

    15/01/2017 Duration: 51min

    Would you use this phrase to describe yourself: "A disciple whom Jesus loves"? There is an individual in the Gospel of John who repeatedly refers to himself in this way. It isn't boastful, just simply factual. He demonstrates the type of relationship with Jesus that is available for every person. A relationship that is not religious but relational; not agenda driven but presence driven. Come this week as we look at the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved and consider if that could possibly be our own name too.

  • 2016-12-18 Awkward Family Christmas - Part 3, Trent Berstad

    18/12/2016 Duration: 44min

    Joseph. A good man with a good heart. Willing to endure shame from his community to do what he knew was right. A true God pleaser, not a people pleaser.

  • 2016-12-11 Awkward Family Christmas - Part 2, Colton Willms

    13/12/2016 Duration: 41min

    God knows how to create a good story and used unusual circumstances and the most unsuspecting people to bring about his Son. This week we will be focusing on the life and calling of a teenaged mom, Mary. God used someone who seemed unqualified, and unprepared to raise the Saviour of the world. Despite her fear and confusion she was willing to align her will with God's and say yes to the seemingly impossible. In this Christmas season, what do we need to say yes to?

  • 2016-12-04 Awkward Family Christmas - Part 1, Mark Griffin

    04/12/2016 Duration: 42min

    For the Advent Season, we will be focusing on the coming of the Christ child... but have you heard the Christmas back story? If you think your family or extended family presents awkwardly at times, wait until you hear the background story of Jesus. Behind the usual Christmas story there are beautiful pictures of grace and redemption. Jesus was born in a stable, a barn... and laid in a manger. That's Bible language for a "feeding trough". His family was just as rustic and rough as the physical environment; as messed up as any story you have ever heard. But if Jesus can turn that family and situation around, He can turn any family or any situation around! That's part of the GOOD NEWS of Christmas.

  • 2016-11-19 Transformation - Part 4: The New Scorecard, Matt Dyck

    22/11/2016 Duration: 51min

    Scorecards are valuable in any game because they tell you whether or not you're winning. But what do we look at to tell if the church is 'winning'... doing what we should be doing? What we choose to measure will be followed by where we choose to put our attention and energy. It's easy to focus on the numbers... attendance and money. At SunWest we believe that God transforms us, and through us He transforms our communities. If bums and bucks are all we're measuring we may completely miss the mission that God has called us to. This week we will look at "The New Scorecard".

  • 2016-11-13 Transformation - Part 3: From Me to We, Matt Dyck

    14/11/2016 Duration: 52min

    Did you know that your individual everyday choices effect the community around you? As we learned last week, if we want to be transformational in our world we need to be transformed in our inner world. We may begin this journey as an individual but we walk in this journey as a community. Our individual transformation or lack of transformation will have a corresponding effect on those around us. God wants to work through his people and not just through a person. Let's consider how we shape our community and how our community shapes us.

  • 2016-11-06 Transformation - Part 2: Born from Above, Matt Dyck

    07/11/2016 Duration: 55min

    Kids often come to parents and ask for for candy, money for a Slurpee, or money for a game etc... Very rarely do parents have cash on hand anymore. We simply (and conveniently) have to tell them that we don't have any money so they're out of luck! We can't give them what we don't have. As we unpack the theme of Transformation, it is important that we start with ourselves. Scripture is clear that God wants to transform our world, however, the first step towards that is allowing Him to transform us. We can only give away what we have. There is no shortage of opportunities and needs but what do we have to give?

  • 2016-10-23 Transformation - Part 1: Bringing Heaven to Earth, Ian Green

    23/10/2016 Duration: 31min

    How do you communicate with your friends? Do you get caught up in their issues and hurts? How well do you love others, especially when they are hard to love? We live in a world where people are often angry and would rather curse than bless. Having Christ in us, allows us to look beyond the wounds and draw out the best in others. We can influence our environment by being the light and hope of Jesus to those around us.

  • 2016-10-16 False Advertising - Part 5, Matt Dyck

    17/10/2016 Duration: 48min

    Jacob moved through his life looking for love and acceptance. Like many of us he was putting expectations on human relationships (horizontal relationships) that didn't satisfy his deep longings. His search finally led him to an encounter with God (a vertical relationship) that would change the entire trajectory of his life. Come and explore how our encounter and relationship with God is the source of our identity... and how that changes everything.

  • 2016-10-09 False Advertising - Part 4, Matt Dyck

    17/10/2016 Duration: 41min

    Every human being has an innate desire to belong and to be loved. Advertisers know this and can dangle this desire like a carrot before us. Sometimes this strong desire can lead us down destructive paths and sometimes it can lead us to places where we've never felt more alive. The Bible is full of humans, like us, that have followed this desire and been led to both life and to death. We will look at the character of Jacob this week and consider where this universal desire is leading you.

  • 2016-09-18 False Advertising - Part 1, Matt Dyck

    20/09/2016 Duration: 16min

    This Sunday is the beginning of the new series "False Advertising". Have you ever bought something based on a commercial or ad that didn't quite deliver on it's promise? That burger... that car... that gym membership... That infomercial product that was going to clean your house for you... (and let's be honest... that church event). We are bombarded with promises everyday. Sometimes it's hard to know what's real and what's just a gimmick. When we really peel back the layers, most commercials are trying to meet the needs of our most basic human desires. Meaning. Belonging. Security. Acceptance. Intimacy. Adventure. Immortality. Is there anything in this world that can really deliver on these? False Advertising may be the norm but come journey with us through the noise to experience where our desires meet their true fulfillment.

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