Wired For Success Tv

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 84:16:27
  • More information



Staying Wired For Success is easier than you might think. For the most part it simply requires an understanding of how you can re-educate the voices in your brain that can in an instant either empower you, or create weakness, limitation, fears and stop you believing in yourself. This is the point at which life could become repetitive, predictable even boring, thus tarnishing your wiring for success.Instead, wed like to invite you on an adventure that is in no way predictable - because it can become anything you want it to be.Enjoy!


  • What if Business was Joyful and Fun? with Simone Milasas

    16/09/2013 Duration: 40min

    Simone Milasas is a dynamic business leader, Global Organizer for Access Consciousness, workshop facilitator and author of 'The Joy of Business'. It's probably fair to say that most of would agree that we would love life to be an adventure…. And yet when the rubber hits the road many of us run scared when the adventure turns into uncertainty.  Due to the repeated patterns of our behaviour, we are programmed to look for certainty and uncertainty looks scary …. When actually we could see it as exciting!  Simone is a fabulous example of living the joy of adventure and she penned her book 'The Joy of Business' this for those of us who would like to be in business and generate something entirely different for ourselves and for the planet - maybe that's you?  She generously shares with us how we too can open up a space to do business in an entirely different way – challenging us with questions such as if you were to create a business from the JOY of it – what would you choose?

  • Set Yourself Free with Zach Rehder

    10/09/2013 Duration: 01h11min

    Zach Rehder, creator of Vibrational Alignment Healing, is an international teacher, speaker and healer. He has been given the gift of channeling ‘space’ through his body. Many who have experienced his work describe this space as a field that is beyond energy. When he shares this space with others it dissolves the positive and negative charges of energy, allowing people to free themselves from their blocks and limitations. Many of us are ‘stuck’ in lives that just don’t seem to ‘fit’ us and more and more people are waking up to this feeling and are unsure what to do about this.  As a society we have bought into certain ideas about how life ‘should’ be and when we accumulate all the ‘stuff’, and have the so-called perfect life – it can be a bit of a shock to find that we are not happy. One of the reasons Zach is on this planet is to assist others in finding their path or purpose. He assists people in removing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual obstacles so that they are able to clearly hear and foll

  • Aura Transformation to Change The World

    07/09/2013 Duration: 57min

    Aura Transformation with Mediators Berit Reaver and Sophia Barta join us to enlighten us on exactly why they are so excited to be sharing Aura Transformation with the world and why it is so necessary at this moment in the evolution of the planet. A 'one time' 2-3 hour treatment, Aura Transformation helps you to really become more of who you really are by powering up the synergy of Mind, Body and Spirit.  Not a healing modality per se, more of an awakening tool - awakening to who you really are.   Having said that, Sophia Barta shares her riveting story of how Aura Transformation helped her to ease out of the clutches of death and heal from Multiple Sclerosis.  She went from literally being advised by her Medical Consultant to make a will to now flying around Europe helping others on their journey by being a Mediator for Aura Transformation.  This is a juicy and lively conversation full of nuggets of wisdom and learning that take us from exploring how healing our own personal healing on the inner/micro level i

  • The Art of Money with Bari Tessler

    02/09/2013 Duration: 54min

    Bari Tessler is a Financial Therapist, Mentor Coach, Mama-preneur and Chocolate Lover. All of this allows Bari to help people build their own bridges between Money, Body, Mind and Spirit. – and plenty of chocolate seems to get eaten along the way!  We engage with her in a fascinating conversation about the 'mind programmes' we run in our heads about money and how with some gentle acceptance and guidance we can transmute any negative energy stories that we run about money into some really useful energy that can transform our relationship with money.  Bari shares her own journey of developing a positive relationship with money and it has taught her that we need to learn to be OK with the ebb and flow of money in our lives.  For example Bari tells the story of how she decided to reduce her working hours when her baby arrived - and hence had to revamp her spending habits.  It’s an exciting time for Bari as she is about to launch her ‘Art of Money’ programme – a year long school experience created to heal your rel

  • Cancer: A Healing Mechanism with Fiona Shakeela Burns

    09/08/2013 Duration: 50min

    Medical Herbalist, PSYCH K and EFT Practitioner Fiona Shakeela Burns healed from cancer twice, both times the doctors had pronounced her terminally ill.  She had Plasma Cell Leukaemia aged 11 and then as an adult, metastasised cervical cancer which had spread to the ovaries and the brain - and she is still here!  Her childhood cancer recovery, which was due largely to the Gerson Therapy, led to her becoming a Medical Herbalist and she was able to bring this experience to her own healing process 31 years later when cancer struck for the second time in the cervix, ovaries and brain. The combination of a plant diet, juicing, high-dose vitamin C infusions, cutting-edge cancer treatment in a German clinic as well as the Energy Psychology treatments: EFT and PSYCH-K that enabled her to be cancer-free in only ten months. Listening to Fiona, you can't help but be open to the possibility that each of us is able to heal ourselves! We have been brainwashed to believe that drugs and radiotherapy are the only way to heal

  • Remembering the Future with Steve Straus

    09/08/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    'A greater perspective is worth 20 points of IQ'  Life, Business Coach and Speaker Steve Straus openly admits that he doesn't know how to make you 20 points smarter, but he is highly skilled at unravelling something in you that can begin to offer you far more choices in your personal life and in your business.  Steve was there at the very dawn of Coaching and had the honour of being coached by the man often termed the 'father of coaching' Thomas Leonard of CoachU and Coachville.   For over 25 years Steve has been Coaching his clients towards success and if you are wondering what makes a good Coach a great Coach, then listen in as Steve shares how he got started and has helped hundreds of clients to grow their businesses in exponential ways and to achieve success in their personal lives too.   Like any successful Coach, Steve was open to develop his skill set and the story he shares with us about discovering the power of the work of Tom Stone (EvolveExpress.com) lifts the lid on the tools he uses to enable peo

  • The Cancer Journey with Polly Noble

    09/08/2013 Duration: 36min

    Polly Noble is an Holistic Health Coach and co-author of 'The Cancer Journey - Positive Steps to Help Your Health Heal', and she joins us to share her story of how she developed a positive mindset to learn the lessons of her own cancer diagnosis and what practical steps she took to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. With a myriad of different choices out there on 'how to be healthy' Polly distills the essence of her beliefs and experience to us in this interview and we delve into all kinds of issues that have arisen for Polly on this journey.   Perhaps one of the most fascinating parts is where Polly shares how she healed herself of Lymphodema (a side effect of her cancer treatment) by eating mega-healthily.  Her indomitable spirit shines through as she is clearly an extremely determined young woman who is inspiring others to recognise that they are powerful beyond their wildest dreams and can daily take small steps towards embracing their immense greatness.  

  • Discover and Embrace Your Genius with Michael Stratford

    06/08/2013 Duration: 01h09min

    Our uniqueness, our genius is just waiting to be discovered.  Michael Stratford is a Provocateur of Transformation, Author, Master Coach and International Speaker and shares with us his own transformational journey to unveil his Genius.   Literally at the brink of taking his own life, he suddenly reconsidered what he believed to be true.  He began to question his judgemental thoughts of himself and crucially asked, 'What if I am wrong?'  This turning point resulted in him checking himself into a psychiatric unit and beginning the long road to emotional competence and discovering his unique gift that he had to share with the world.  Each of us has that spark inside us that is yearning to burst into flame and let us shine our light.  Many of us are now 'waking up' to the truth that we are each of us bubbling with potential and that if only we can find a way to be released from our 'conditioning' from all those layers of beliefs that have kept us playing way to small... then we can fully blossom into the amazing

  • Financial Alchemy with Morgana Rae

    06/08/2013 Duration: 55min

    Financial Alchemy with Morgana Rae is a real one-off interview.  Morgana urges us to create a new relationship with money.  She reveals to us her secrets of creating financial success.   Alchemy is the Art of Transformation and Morgana has herself experienced a massive transformation from a Coach who was making barely $100 a month to someone who is widely viewed as the top 'Money Relationship' Coach.  Delving deep into her beliefs around money, Morgana came to realise that she had been brought up in  family who would swing between rich and poor and created in her all kinds of mixed messages that resulted in money not showing up for her! If there is such a thing as chance, Morgana 'chanced' upon a Coach who suggested that she create a 'Money Monster'. And so began the game of giving money a 'personality'.  Money to her looked like an unkempt, Hell's Angel Biker guy who got into fights and generally was not great to be around - no wonder she stayed as far away from money as she could. Instead she began to creat

  • Chinese Energetics with Paul Wong

    30/07/2013 Duration: 01h15min

    Chinese Energetics with Paul Wong is a chance to open up your heart.  Paul has a unique approach to healing using both ancient wisdom blended with modern healing modalities such as Body Talk, Vortex Healing, Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Qigong and a wave of mystical practices. He has developed his own healing programme, The Art of Neutrality ™, which has grown out of his teachings and learnings and very recently has extended into a 'heart healing' process that he recognises is a major tool is shifting the consciousness of his clients into a space of love and oneness. Paul's own journey began with his own asthmatic condition that he wanted to heal.  Over 15 years he has worked with thousands of people all over the world with their emotional and physical challenges. During this interview with Paul he very generously offers to take us through a session to release 'unhelpful' emotions from our hearts.  In this session he focuses on clearly issues relating to our mothers - just by listening to this interview, you too

  • Questions to Ask for Success with Noah St. John

    25/07/2013 Duration: 53min

    Have you faithfully adorned your bedroom, bathroom and office with little 'post-it' notes with affirmations saying 'I am rich', 'I am successful', 'Wealth flows to me'....and found that nothing really changes in your life and that essentially you don't believe a word of these affirmation? Well you are not alone!  Noah St. John, Author and mega-successful Businessman had exactly this experience.  Twenty years of affirmations and a fortune's worth of post-its had him $800 in debt!  Fortunately he had a 'shower moment' and a flash of inspiration hit him like a tsunami and he realised that he had things back to front - and the 'Afformation' was born.   Instead of making statements that were patently untrue, Noah began to ask himself questions and his brain went to work looking for answers.  For example, ask yourself : "Why is the sky blue?"  What happens next?  Yes, your brain goes off searching for an answer and once an answer comes up it can trigger a whole new raft of thinking and the domino effect kicks in.  

  • Quantum-Touch with Richard Gordon

    25/07/2013 Duration: 57min

    Richard Gordon, has a whacking nearly 40 years experience in the arena of Holistic Health.  Quantum-Touch is his baby and as the founder, he has spoken internationally at medical conferences, medical centres and Chiropractic Colleges.   Dr. C. Norman Shealy, MD PhD (founding President of the American Holistic Medical Assn) clinically tested and endorsed Quantum-Touch, calling it 'the first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers'.   With over 300 certified practitioners in over 50 countries - the word is definitely spreading.  Innovation is his definitely Richard's thing. He is passionate about exploring new ways to make healing simple, powerful, accessible, reliable, easy and fun for people of all ages.   During this interview we hear incredible stories of almost instant individual AND group healings that have puzzled the medical experts.  We also learn that anyone can train in Quantum-Touch, no specific background training is necessary - in fact you can even learn it on-line and share it wit

  • Filmmaker Leon Stuparich on the Road to Peace with the Dalai Lama

    22/07/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    Unprecedented access to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama was granted to Award-winning Filmmaker Leon Stuparich as he unknowingly embarked on his own journey towards inner peace when he took a film crew to follow the 14th Dalai Lama around the UK. Little did Leon know that he would find out as much about himself as he did about the man he was shadowing.  The plan was to capture the essence of his Holiness as he interacted with his followers, though as of course the spiritually aware amongst you will recognise, plans have a fun time of morphing into something much more!   As many of us are 'waking up' to an inner calling, Leon was no different and his work in mainstream television just wasn't as fulfilling anymore and events unfolded in an extraordinary way for him and before he knew it - he was on the 'Road to Peace' himself.  Be warned, this conversation with Leon is quite likely to awaken in you your greatness that may have been laying dormant and awaiting a gentle prodding.  It may be that like Leon you too

  • 4 Steps to Outrageous Health with Pete Pure

    15/07/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    Peter Pure is a Raw Food Enthusiast and you just can't help but be inspired and get excited by his zest for living a great life - and that of course comes with great health.   This interview comes with a health warning - and that is....  that we all have a compulsory health examination but it comes at a time when it is too late to do anything about it - yes, when we are laying there on the slab for a post-mortem!  To live our lives of complete 'greatness' we really are better equipped if our bodies have a bit of 'get up and go' too.  So probably most of you are a lot like Mel and myself, we so absolutely mean to eat healthily just sometimes we lose motivation and let things slip.  Listening to an expert like Peter gives us the push most of us need!   He is a Top Celebrity Health Coach who pulls no punches and reminds us that we need to look in the mirror ask ourselves some really important questions about what kind of life we really want. 'Lush Salads' is his book that helps us to 'turn our lives around one s

  • Living Consciously with Human Design J R Richmond

    13/07/2013 Duration: 44min

    Living Consciously with Human Design is what J R 'Randy' Richmond is keen for us to do.   In a world where so often we are contorting ourselves to be what others and society want and expect of us, it is such a relief to gain an understanding of how you really here to show up in your life through Human Design. If you ever feel as though you don't quite 'fit in', that life does not seem to be 'flowing' for you, or that life is just plain hard work, then the insights of Human Design will leave no stone unturned.   As a new science, Human Design has established the relationship between the zodiacal wheel and another ancient study, the 64 hexagrams of the I' Ching, which are also related to the 64 codons of our DNA.  Thus, through the synthesis of ancient methods with current sub-atomic particle physics and modern genetics, Human Design shows us our unique individual place in the larger whole.  Randy was privately trained by Ra Uru Hu, the creator of Human Design and was a close friend and neighbour of Ra until hi

  • Anti-Aging & Raw Vegan with Mimi Kirk

    11/07/2013 Duration: 40min

    The Secrets of Longevity are no more! Mimi Kirk, Raw Food Chef, International Speaker, Raw Food Coach and Author of  'Live Raw' is the most fantastic advert for eating Raw and Vegan to achieve anti-aging.   Hard to believe but at the time of recording this interview she is almost 75 and recently was voted 'America's Sexiest Vegetarian over 50'!  Her boyfriend is 19 years her junior ! Our lively chat with her turned into a fun and enlightening coaching session for us in the hope that we too could achieve the looks and energy that this 'babe' has - and we listened closely for sure....  Just the way she drools about raw vegan food as she describes it - including a savoy cabbage sandwich and courgette lasagne - made us get out the juicer again in the hope that we too can ease the pounds and the wrinkles away. This woman is an absolute legend and is also extremely generous in this interview with tips and secrets to achieve the youthful looks and vitality that she enjoys today.  You just have to listen in to this o

  • The Goddess in You with Samjhana Moon

    10/07/2013 Duration: 40min

    The Goddess in You is what Artist Photographer Samjhana Moon of Goddess Portraiture promises to reveal. Samjhana takes us on an exploration of what it means to be a goddess and how each of us is divine and beautiful.  Her skill lies not only in taking beautiful photographs of women but also in find the appropriate 'nature' setting for her clients - anything from a bluebell wood to a field of poppies.  Samjhana finds that the energy and beauty of nature is the perfect setting to enhance the natural femininity of women.  Breaking out of the corporate mould, Samjhana travelled the world as the restlessness she felt inside her could no longer be ignored. Her journey brought her up-close to her own insecurities and lack of confidence. Meeting women from various continents she came to develop an empathy with the women who felt held back by their fears. This has led Samjhana to offer an extra and integral service to her clients - her Women's Empowerment Mentoring programme where she shares her coaching skills to hel

  • Rikka Zimmerman Money Abundance

    05/07/2013 Duration: 58min

    Infinite Abundance is our natural way of being says our friend Rikka Zimmerman.  This dynamic lady asks us some loving but tough questions and encourages us to examine where in our lives we are blocking that flow of abundance of money.   As both of us have spent time with Rikka in person, we well know her propensity for asking the kind of questions that make your brain rattle and question if all that up to this point you held as true .... may not be after all. Here's a taster.... What if we already are everything we want in life?   What if we were open to and could receive money in the way that we are open to and can receive nature?   What if your beliefs about money are not even yours, but are from your parents? What if, just for a few moments you stepped into a place where you were secure without money? Yes, we know that is all a complete 'mind mash' ... and watching the interview is very likely to wipe your 'internal hard drive' on what money means to you... Mel and me had to do some very serious and perso

  • Sacred Economics with Charles Eisenstein

    03/07/2013 Duration: 50min

    Charles Eisenstein, International Speaker and the author of the The Ascent of Humanity and latterly, Sacred Economics joins us for a liberating discussion on the present economics system of the world.  His book Sacred Economics  traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has fostered competition and scarcity, destroyed community and necessitated endless and unsustainable economic growth.  He is willing to speak the truths that are staring humanity n the face - that in the pursuit of a higher GDP we seriously risk losing our natural resources and even the planet and consequently our very lives.  As King Midas forewarned – we will be dead – but very very rich.   Charles believes that despite the many negative connotations that money has attracted, now is the time to redress the balance. Here he shares with us how he believes that if we embrace the ‘gift world’ then we can usher in the practice of Sacred Economics where each of us have a higher ch

  • Money Emotions with Financial Coach Simonne Gnessen

    01/07/2013 Duration: 43min

    Money Emotions are now the study of psychology and this guest is helping us to continue on our recent theme of money.  We're exploring where our personal beliefs around money originate and if we want to be savvy with money then what we need to recognise about our own emotions around money to have a balanced relationship with it.   Simonne Gnessen’s mission is to demystify the world of finance, relieve you of the stress of any money worries and help you use your resources effectively so you can achieve your highest aspirations in life.   She is founder of Wise Monkey Financial Coaching and co-author of ‘Sheconomics’ - a finance book for women where she has identified 7 laws to help you with money. It's all in there ladies, including the woman who claims to 'lie back and think of shopping'!    In 2002, disillusioned with the financial services industry, she left her role as an adviser and broke new ground by designing a money-guidance service which is different to traditional financial advice.   Simonne majors

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