Usa Talk Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 290:32:00
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  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    08/04/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Hi Gang: Happy Friday! FrontPage Magazine published my latest article article on April 7, 2022:  Yale Law School Recruits and Trains Social Justice Warriors-  Mission: wage lawfare to effect change across every sector of society. Because laws are essential to virtually everything we do and how America operates, lawyers wield tremendous influence.  My article will served as the starting point for a hard look at how lawyers and judges are impacting America and Americans today especially when law students at Yale Law Schol sought to shut down an open debate! Last week I talked about the Biden administration’s plan to terminate Article 42, today we will continue exploring the impact that this will have on our nation an on our fellow citizens. The immigration system has a profound impact on nearly every challenge and threat that Ameria and Americans face. It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasi

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    01/04/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Hi Gang: Happy Friday! On March 30 the DOJ reported, Man Charged with Transnational Repression Campaign While Acting as an Illegal Agent of the Chinese Government in the United States. The DOJ has ignored the visa fraud that was obviously committed to enable the defendant to enter the U.S.- this is an important issue we will dicuss. Earlier today The Hill reported, Biden rescinds controversial Title 42 order limiting asylum. This is a huge story and one that needs to be explored in detail- and we will do that tonight. This is a huge story and one that needs to be explored in detail- and is precisely what we will do tonight. It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were made known. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Buck

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    18/03/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang: My most recent commentary was published by US Incorporated on March 16, 2022:DHS a No-Show on Afghan Visa Fraud. Immigration fraud and visa fraud were identified by the 9/11 Commission as the key methods of entry and embedding for numerous terrorists- not just those who carried out the deadly attacks of 9/11. You would think that DHS, the agency that is supposed to lead such investigations would be all over this case.  However, DHS is nowhere to be found in the DOJ news release about this case. We will also consider the disturbing words of the Dean of Yale University’s Law School, Heather K. Gerken:  “At Yale Law School, we prepare lawyers and leaders to face the most critical challenges of the future and effect change across every sector of society.”  Her statement can be found in the February 21, 2022 Yale Law School press release: Yale Law School Announces Tuition-Free Scholarships for Highest Need Students It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Ame

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    12/03/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang: The horrific Russian invasion of Ukraine continues while the issues of direct and immediate concern to Americans are ignored by the media. This brings us back to my Feb.  28, 2022 FrontPage Magazine article:Critical Thinking Must Replace Critical Race Theory  and my March 1st interview on Newsmax-TV posted on You Tube: Ex- immigration agent warns of Russian saboteurs among refugees | John Bachman Now.  Meanwhile the administration buys petroleum from Venezuela, Iran and other dictatorships. My Jan. 8, 2020 FrontPage Magazine article, Iranian Terror Threat Exacerbated by Sanctuary Policies is more relevant today- Biden has turned the U.S. into a “Sanctuary Country.” We must speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were made known. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucke

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    05/03/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang: The past week  Putin's invasion of Ukraine ramped up demonstating that borders matter!  Civilian casualites mount and infrastructure and buildings are reduced to rubble. Putin’s Russia has passed a new law that would imprison any one in Russia who contradicts Putin’s propaganda. Biden stumbled though his State of the Union address and spoke about how Freedom would prevail even as the lunatic Left has been cracking down on the First Amendment here in the U.S.  On Feb. 28 FrontPage Magazine published my latest article:Critical Thinking Must Replace Critical Race Theory: CRT promotes conflict instigation instead of conflict resolution. On March 1st I was interviewed on Newsmax-TV.  The link to my interview was posted by NewsmaxTV on You Tube: Ex- immigration agent warns of Russian saboteurs among refugees | John Bachman Now. Here is an additional link to the video. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Bri

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    26/02/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! What a difference a week makes! Obviously the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is the lead story- Earlier today, on February 25th US Incorporated published my article: Putin Threatens Retribution if America Intervenes in Ukraine Invasion. We will do a “deep dive” into that article. On February 21 US Incorporated posted my article: The Radical Democrats’ Reign of Terror Began With Immigration and Metastasized Throughout the Criminal Justice System We will also consider how the undermining of our immigration enforcement program acted as a precursor for the entire criminal justice system in cities and states that are run by radical Democrats. It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were made known. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    19/02/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! Last week I said that America’s borders have been all but dismantled by the Biden Administration, leaving America and Americans vulnerable to massive numbers of illegal aliens including, potentially, criminals, terrorists, aliens who harbor dangerous communicable diseases.  The growing numbers of aliens have overwhelmed the immigration system and also overwhelm communities around the United States. Today FrontPage Magazine posted my article, For the Biden Administration, National Security is 'Mission Irrelevant'- USCIS Mission Statement underscores dangerous priorities. Today we will explore the disturbing implications of the change in the Mission Statement under the Biden Administration that will impact national security and public safety. It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts wer

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    12/02/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! America’s borders have been all but dismantled by the Biden Administration, leaving America and Americans vulnerable to massive numbers of illegal aliens including, potentially, criminals, terrorists, aliens who harbor dangerous communicable diseases.  The growing numbers of aliens have overwhelmed the immigration system and also overwhelm communities around the United States. On February 10 The Epoch Times reported, US Immigration Agency Changes Mission, Removes Key Phrases. Russia appears poised to invade the Ukraine and Iran races to develop nuclear weapons and China continues to violate human rights- while Radical Leftists vilify the United States! It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were made known. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    05/02/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! Last week I said that the “Reign of Terror” resulting from Radical Leftist politicians law enforcement administers and prosecutors has cost civilians and police officers their lives. Yesterday President Biden came to New York City to meet with Mayor Eric Adams to supposedly offer help to combat rampant violent crime.  The emphasis for Biden was on guns- particularly “Ghost guns” while ignoring the insanity of criminals being arrested for firearms possession or other crimes only to be released onto the street within hours. We will consider the insane prosecutorial policies and the need for “Criminal Control” instead of gun control.  Biden and AG Garland refuse to include immigration law enforcement in fighting violent crime or even. Human trafficking! My August 2020 I article for FrontPage Magazineis a "must read": Radical Democrats Have Become 'Adversaries of Freedom' - JFK’s address to Congress in 1961 warned about the subversion we now experience. It has never been more importan

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    29/01/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! The “Reign of Terror” resulting from Radical Leftist politicians law enforcement administers and prosecutors has cost civilians and police officers their lives. Two murdered members of the NYPD were remembered at funeral services this past week, Officer Wilbert Mora, 27, and 22 year old Jason Rivera who was married just weeks ago.  His widow spoke out about the insanity of policies of the Manhattan DA who appears is more concerned about criminals than law abiding citizens. Meanwhile, the insane immigration policies of the Biden Administration continue unabated including the “Ghost Flights”. This past week two of my articles were published by U.S. Incorporated and by FrontPage Magazine: Biden Admin Now Running Biggest Human Trafficking Operation in History AG Garland Ignores Vital Immigration Law Enforcement :Crippling national security and public safety. It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-b

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    22/01/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! For the past couple of programs I discussed the so-called “Ghost Flights”- airline flights arranged by the Biden administration to send illegal aliens to airports across our far-flung country while keeping this activity “under the radar” to try to prevent Americans from learning of this outrageous program. On January 18, 2022 US Incorporated published my article the focused on this and other related issues.  My article was: The Midnight Flights of the Biden Administration Former U.S. Congressman Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania, and a candidate for the Governorship of Pennsylvania was quoted in my article.  Lou is an old friend- going back to has leadership as mayor of Hazleton, PA.  During a conversation he invited me to participate with him at a news conference- however, out of an abundance of caution, due to concerns about COVID we instead had a video-taped conversation yesterday.  Here is the link to the video- it is well-worth watching and sharing: I

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    15/01/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! Last week I mentioned the so-called “Ghost Flights”- airliners being used to transport illegal aliens around the United States in the dead of night. Today we will followup with this important story.  The issue to understand is the fact that immigration law enforcement has to focus on the enforcement of our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.  Simply stated, we cannot control illegal immigration solely at the border. To this point, on December 28, 2021Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri and James Lankford of Oklahoma issued a joint letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas demanding that the administration make public the numbers of aliens who were lawfully admitted into the United States and then failed to depart within their authorized period of admission in violation of the immigration laws the Biden administration refuses to enforce. That letter was posted on Senator Hawley’s official website under the title, Hawley, Lankford Demand DHS Stop Hiding Required Report

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    08/01/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! On December 29, 2021 U.S. Incorporated published my latest article: Arrest of Terror Suspect Highlights Nexus of Terrorism and Immigration We will explore the importance of immigration law enforcement to national security even as the Biden administration acts to undermine immigration law enforcement. Also, On January 4, 2022 Fox News reported on “Ghost Flights” that have been bringing illegal aliens into Pennsylvania in the dead of night.  Former Congressman Lou Barletta, a candidate for the governorship of Pennsylvania captured images one of those suspected flights arriving at Wilkes-Barre on Christmas. Finally we will consider other immigration policies of the Biden Administration that undermine national security and public safety. It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were mad

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    18/12/2021 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! On December 6, 2021 FrontPage Magazine published my latest article: Environmental Impact Study Must Precede 'Build Back Better'- Bill’s immigration amnesty would devastate U.S. ecology and U.S. economy. Yesterday, December 16 The Hill reported:  Senate parliamentarian rejects Democrats' third immigration offer. Apparently America “Dodged the bullet”- yet considering decades old history, this madness may not yet be done.  We will consider where we stand and what we must do to wake up our politicians and our neighbors. We will also consider the massive epidemic of violent crime that has swept across our nation. It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were made known. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    11/12/2021 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! On December 6, 2021 FrontPage Magazine published my latest article: Environmental Impact Study Must Precede 'Build Back Better'- Bill’s immigration amnesty would devastate U.S. ecology and U.S. economy. Today we will focus on the immigration elements of the disastrous Build Back Better bill that was just passed by the House of Representatives. The massive immigration amnesty that is an integral part of Build Back Better would be devastating to America and Americans and do irreparable harm to a laundry list of issues beginning with the environment, national security, public safety and the jobs and wages of American workers. It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were made known. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    04/12/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! On November 24, 2021 FrontPage Magazine posted my article: Biden’s Build Back Better Speeds The Fencing Of America: This has nothing to do with the Border Wall. On November 26, 2021 US Incorporated posted my blog: Massive Amnesty in “Build Back Better” Would Fulfill Pelosi’s Dream of Transforming America This evening we will focus on the immigration elements of the disastrous Build Back Better bill that was just passed by the House of Representatives. The amnesty that is an integral part of Build Back Better would be devastating to America and Americans and yet even so-called “Conservative” talk shows refuse to address what the amnesty would truly mean.  It is therefore of particular importance that you have the facts that you have been denied elsewhere! It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    20/11/2021 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! On November 12, 2021 the website “Hot Air” reported, Rep. Gooden: Whistleblower exposed "secret operations" by non-profits to house and move illegal migrants. Today The Hill reported, Historic immigration reform included in House-passed spending bill. The Democrats continue to push immigration anarchy.  Last week FrontPage Magazine published my article, Biden Seeks To Prove That Crime Pays: Compensating illegal aliens supposedly separated at the border. This evening we will consider the magnitude of the damage being done to America and Americans- particularly by undermining border security and immigration law enforcement. We will connect the dots where some of these measures are concerned. We must learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were made known. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook alon

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    13/11/2021 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! My most recent commentary was published by FrontPage Magazine on November 11, 2021: Biden Seeks To Prove That Crime Pays: Compensating illegal aliens supposedly separated at the border. As I noted last week, short of completely disbanding ICE and CBP DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and President Biden could not do more to shut down border security and immigration law enforcement. It appears that every week the Biden administration finds new ways to persuade, entice and induce aspiring illegal alien’s from around the world to head for the United States. We will consider what this means for America and Americans. It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but effect and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were made known. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket B

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    05/11/2021 Duration: 01h00s

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! My most recent commentary was published by US Incorporated on November 1, 2021:   Biden Admin Powers Up Magnet to Attract Even More Illegal Aliens My article was predication on an October 12, 2021 DOJ press release:  Mayorkas orders ICE to stop worksite raids, in latest limits on immigration enforcement. Short of completely disbanding ICE and CBP Mayorkas could not do more to shut down border security and immigration law enforcement.  We will consider what this means for America and Americans. Also negotiations are apparently underway to pay illegal aliens who were separated from their families as much as $450.000!  We will take a hard look at this lunacy tonight. We truly need to learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but effect and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were made known. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  B

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    29/10/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Hi Gang- Happy Friday! My most recent commentary for US Incorporated was published on October 25, 2021: Mayorkas Plans to Shield Immigration Fraudsters – After DHS Officer Arrested for Naturalization Fraud.  This article is the followup to my October 22, 2021 FrontPage Magazine article: Biden Administration Plans To Protect Immigration Fraudsters: It’s all about mind over matter - and if Joe doesn’t mind, it doesn’t matter. On October 12, 2021 Fox News reported, Mayorkas orders ICE to stop worksite raids, in latest limits on immigration enforcement.  Short of completely disbanding ICE and CBP Mayorkas could not do more to shut down border security and immigration law enforcement.  We will consider what this means for America and Americans. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”

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