Usa Talk Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 290:32:00
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  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    11/08/2017 Duration: 57min

    Happy Friday: There is no shortage of immigration-related stories in the news today, beginning with the ramping up of rhetoric and hostility where North Korea is concerned.  Although it is not being reported as an immigration issue, believed it or not, there is a serious immigration component to this story and I plan to lay it out tonight on my program. The opiod/heroin addiction epidemic also has a nexus to the issue of border security, I will explain this as well this evening. Sanctuary Cities are very much in the news and I plan to provide you with insight and information not being discussed in the mainstream media. In point of fact, just this morning FrontPage Magazine published my article, “SANCTUARY CITIES BETRAY AMERICA, AMERICANS AND IMMIGRANTS:  When facts are stubborn things.” It is time to blow the cover off the falsehoods about these cities that should really be called “Magnet Cities.”  They attract aliens who have evaded the inspections process at ports of entry and therefore their presence

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    04/08/2017 Duration: 58min

    Happy Friday! There’s much to discuss:  President Trump made headlines with his announced support of the “RAISE Act (S.354)”  (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act).  On June 28th I was on Newsmax-TV and was interviewed by an old friend, Bill Tucker.  During my interview I talked about the misuse of language by journalists- my interview was posted on the Newsmax website under the title, “Ex-INS Agent: Media Should 'Fire' Reporters Who Don't Report Gang Violence” and Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) posted my commentary: Supreme Court Orders “Shields Down,” Eviscerating Presidential Authority to Prevent Entry of Terrorists. On August 3rd FrontPage Magazine published my article:U.S. MILITARY INFILTRATED BY ALIEN RECRUITS?- Pentagon investigators discover fatal flaws in vetting process. Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    28/07/2017 Duration: 57min

    Happy Friday: Today President Trump addressed law enforcement officers in Suffolk County, New York about his goals of eradicating MS-13 and other violent transnational gangs, telling the audience he “had their backs.”  I began investigating MS-13 nearly 25 years ago.  Incredibly after the President spoke one of the "mainstream media" televison programs interviewed two alleged members of MS-13 to get their perspectives about the President's efforts to enforce the Immigration laws.  They claimed that effective immigration law enforcement made it easier for them to recruit new members. Interviewing purported gang members to provide opposition to immigration law enforcement is as reasonable as interviewing Al Capone to ask his opinion of Elliot Ness and the "Untouchables!" On July 24th FrontPage Magazine published my article: COURTING DISASTER: SUPREME COURT DECIDES AGAINST HOMELAND SECURITY: Court guts presidential authority to prevent the entry of terrorists.  On July 28th FrontPage Magazine published my a

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    21/07/2017 Duration: 01h00s

      Happy Friday: Last week I talked about how the Washington Post reported, “Judge in Hawaii rules grandparents are exempt from Trump travel ban” and how, in response, just hours later, Politico reported, “Sessions says U.S. to appeal latest travel ban setback to Supreme Court.” Since then the Supreme Court ruled by a 5 to 3 margin, to support Judge Derrick Watson’s position to expand the categories of “bona fide familial relationships” that would exempt aliens from what the media refers to as the “Travel Ban.” This misuse of language is straight out of George Orwell's "1984" and yet another example of Newspeak.  The actual title of that Executive Order is “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.  We will explore what all this means.  You may be startled to find out how profoundly this ruling impacts national security. Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Specta

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    14/07/2017 Duration: 58min

    Happy Friday: This morning the Washington Post reported, “Judge in Hawaii rules grandparents are exempt from Trump travel ban” and in response, just hours later, Politico reported, “Sessions says U.S. to appeal latest travel ban setback to Supreme Court.” On July 11th FrontPage Magazine posted my article, “A TERRORIST AND NATURALIZATION FRAUD"                                                                                                                             My July 12th interview w/ Bill Tucker on Newsmax-TV was posted on the Newsmax website: “Ex-INS Officer: 'Madness, Not Justice' as Courts Protect Illegals.” Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    07/07/2017 Duration: 59min

    Happy Friday:                                                                                                                                        On June 30th I was interviewed by Newsmax-TV’s JD Hayworth, on his show on Newsmax-TV. A former congressman, he attended the House Immigration Reform Caucus hearing onNovember 2001, just weeks after the terror attacks of 9/11. I testified at that hearing.  I provided prepared testimony for that hearing. The link to my interview was posted as: Michael Cutler on the House Passing Kate's Law. Today FrontPage Magazine published my article: REAL LEGISLATION TO COMBAT TERRORISM: Welcome to a bill that makes a crucial first step. This legislation needs to be amended to address an additional threat to national security.  I will explain this in detail this evening. Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”        

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    30/06/2017 Duration: 58min

      Happy Friday: Immigration is again the key issue on so many fronts. We have some good news- the House has passed two bills that would enhance penalties for criminal illegal aliens who are deported and reenter the U.S. illegally and also defund Sanctuary Cities.  The Supreme Court has weighed in on the temporary entry restrictions concerning aliens from countries involved with terrorism. On June 28th I was on Newsmax-TV.  My segment was posted as:  Ex-INS Agent: Latinos Actually Want Tighter Immigration. FrontPage Magazine published my article:  AMERICA’S GANG CRISIS: CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS FOCUS ON MS-13: As with international terrorists, transnational gangs exploit immigration failures. CAPS posted my article, ENLIST Act (HR 60) Poses a Threat to National Security and Public Safety  Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!” Have a happy Fourth of July!        

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    23/06/2017 Duration: 58min

    Happy Friday: The ENLIST Act (H.R. 60), would provide “DREAMERs” with “Green Cards” in exchange for military service.  Some relevant facts:  On June 19th, FrontPage Magazine posted my article, “TWO ALLEGED HEZBOLLAH JIHADISTS ARRESTED IN U.S.- Immigration (naturalization) was the key to their terrorist activities.”  On June 16 I was on Newsmax-TV’s show: America Talks Live | Michael Cutler - Two Alleged Hezbollah Jihadists Arrested In U.S. On June 20 the House Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence held a hearing on Combating Gang Violence On Long Island: Shutting Down The MS-13 Pipeline.  On June 21 the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on “The MS-13 Problem: Investigating Gang Membership, its Nexus to Illegal Immigration, and Federal Efforts to End the Threat” Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and my website, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    16/06/2017 Duration: 58min

    Happy Friday: Today we will focus on the ENLIST Act (H.R. 60), a bill that failed in 2014 is again under consideration,  “ENLIST” is an acronym for “Encourage New Legalized Immigrants to Start Training.”   Under this bill, illegal aliens would be entitled to enlist in any of our five branches of the U.S. Military and in exchange for their service would be granted lawful immigrant status.  This bill may be well-intentioned but would undermine national security and public safety.  I wrote about my concerns in my June 13th FrontPage Magazine article: WHEN “COMPASSION” ENDANGERS NATIONAL SECURITY: The landmines of illegal aliens entering military service. On June 14th the DHS issued a press release, Operation Matador nets 39 MS-13 arrests in last 30 days. We will consider these important gang-busting operations. Please read my articles and be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and forward their links to as many folks as you can and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    09/06/2017 Duration: 57min

    Happy Friday: You have to be living under a sound-proof rock to have missed the fact that former FBI Director Comey testified before Congress yesterday, June 7th- I will share some of my thoughts about this most unusual hearing. I have been invited to blog for Newsmax and on June 2nd they posted my first piece:   Manchester Terrorist Could Have Visited US Under Visa Waiver Program. Having raised the issue of the Visa Waiver Program, on June 7th FrontPage Magazine published my article: FAKE SECURITY IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN NO SECURITY- How the “Improved Visa Waiver Program” creates the perilous illusionof security.  The Visa Waiver Program should  have been terminated after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 yet the number of countries that participate in this dangerous program have increased from 26 countries on that terrible day  more than 15 year ago to the 38 countries that now participate. Supposed “improvements” to the Visa Waiver Program, as you will see, are little more than blue smoke and

  • The Michael Cutler Show

    02/06/2017 Duration: 57min

    Happy Friday: Immigration is, as usual, back in the news.  President Trump has asked the Supreme Court to take up the temporary travel ban to protect America and Americans.  We will consider what is at stake. On May 29, 2017, FrontPage Magazine published my article:   “VISA OVERSTAYS: A GAP IN THE NATION’S BORDER: After decades, and billions of dollars, a major terror vulnerability still persists.”  This article touches on many of the failures of the immigration system, including national security and public safety- you may be surprised and outraged to wind out how the failures of the ability to track the arrival and departure of temporary (nonimmigrant) alien visitors to the United States has gone on for literally decades. In fact, the 9/11 Commission mandated that this program be implemented in the wake of the attacks of 9/11- yet it is still not in place. Make certain to read my article and forward it to as many folks as you can- finally we have proposed legislation that would address the failures of

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    26/05/2017 Duration: 57min

    Happy Friday: Let me begin by wishing you all have a terrific Memorial Day Weekend!  Let us not forget the purpose of this holiday is not to have barbecues or for stores to have linen sales but to honor our valiant members of the five branches of America’s armed forces who made the “ultimate sacrifice.” We owe them and their brothers and sisters in arms our nation, our freedoms and our security. We will also consider what the heinous terror attack in Manchester, England means for America. Our freedom of speech is under attack by “journalists” who refuse to be honest in their reporting and by schools and universities that attempt to intimidate anyone who would dare not march “lock-step” with their ideology. We The People need to push back against this betrayal.  Peaceful debate and discourse is a major component of the First Amendment and we must seek opportunities to have our voices hears. On May 23rd FrontPage Magazine published my article, “DAVIS-OLIVER ACT SETS OUT TO ENFORCE U.S. IMMIGRATION LAWS- 

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    19/05/2017 Duration: 59min

    Happy Friday: Once again the attacks on President Trump continue by his political foes and the media. While I usually focus on immigration I am compelled to address the claim that President Trump provided classified information to Russian officials.  The media has left out some truly important and relevant facts that I plan to talk about this evening before I move on to my latest article for FrontPage Magazine, FALSE CLAIMS TO US CITIZENSHIP: Far from a “victimless crime.” That article was published on May 15th and calls into question so many of the supposed facts concerning the magnitude of the illegal immigration crisis and has other serious implications as well that impact public safety, national security and assertions made by advocates for the creation of a massive amnesty program for the unknown millions of illegal aliens present in the United States. There is no shortage of analysts, demographers and statisticians to be found in government, “think-tanks” and elsewhere.  However, there is a world of

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    12/05/2017 Duration: 58min

    Happy Friday! This past week has been interesting, to say the least, with the firing of FBI Director Comey by President Trump.  This one story has dominated the news but nevertheless, the administration continues to keep its promises to enforce our immigration laws with a massive round-up of transnational gang members across the United States. On May 4th FrontPage Magazine published my article, “USEFUL IDIOTS: AMERICAN WORKERS PROTESTING TRUMP’S IMMIGRATION POLICIES- Demonstrating against one's own interests.” In that article I examined the diametrically opposed goals of the May Day (Mayhem? protestors who should be celebrating the immigration policies of the Trump administration rather than rioting against them. I discussed this on May 1st when I joined Bill Tucker on the Newsmax-TV show, America Talks Live to discuss the supposedly “pro-worker” demonstrations across the United States that also called for opposing the Trump Administration’s immigration policies.   Newsmax posted the link to the video of

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    05/05/2017 Duration: 56min

    Happy Friday: Immigration in the news: Funding for the border wall was not included in the continuing resolution to keep government running through the end of the fiscal year. The Trump administration created an office known as VOICE (Victims Of Immigration Crimes Engagement).  I wrote about this in two articles posted on May 1st. “Trump Administration’s Office to Assist Victims of Criminal Aliens, Prioritizes Innocent Lives” snd, “TRUMP ASSISTS VICTIMS OF CRIMINAL ALIENS:  Finally, immigration policies that serve and protect Americans.” On May 1st was interviewed on Newsmax-TV to discuss the May Day (Mayhem Day?) demonstrations across the US that also called for opposing the Trump Administration’s immigration policies. My segment was posted under the title, "Ex-INS Agent: Illegals Put American Workforce in Decline.” Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about these articles and about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    28/04/2017 Duration: 56min

    Happy Friday: Since my last show the Spring 2017 issue of The Social Contract was published.  This quarterly journal includes two of my latest articles: "Any 'Immigration Reform' Must Put Americans First - Political compromise must not jeopardize national security, public safety, or the well-being of Americans" "Immigration Fraud: Lies That Kill - 9/11 Commission identified immigration fraud as a key embedding tactic of terrorists" My 1st article addresses reform the immigration system needs to serve the interests of Americans and America- a notion missing from all legislative efforts proposed by politicians for decades to “reform” the immigration system.  For those politicians, the goal of "immigration reform" is to further the goals of corporations, special interest groups and immigration lawyers who see in America's borders and immigration laws impediments to their wealth. My 2nd article not only delves into the world of lies and deception employed by aliens who seek to game the system, but also into

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    21/04/2017 Duration: 58min

    Happy Friday! For the past couple of weeks I have focused on the lunacy of “Sanctuary Cities” on my radio show and when I have been a guest on other radio and television programs.  While the lunacy of Sanctuary Cities continue to plaque America and Americans, I recently wrote two articles about other aspects of the immigration crisis that are no less significant. On April 18th FrontPage Magazine published my article,“MEDIA OUTRAGE OVER THE FORCIBLE EJECTION OF AN AIRLINE PASSENGER:  Where is the outrage over the millions of Americans ejected from their jobs?" ”On April 21st FrontPage Magazine published my article, “BORDER SECURITY IS NATIONAL SECURITY- Yet GOP leaders will still withhold the funds for a wall along the U.S./Mexican border.”  In this article I provide information that will likely make sleep a bit more difficult for you- it involves the prosecution of an alien smuggler who has for years, been smuggling illegal aliens into the United States from countries that sponsor terrorism. Please be a p

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    14/04/2017 Duration: 57min

    Happy Friday! For the past couple of weeks I have focused on the lunacy of “Sanctuary Cities” on my radio show and when I have been a guest on other radio and television programs.   On April 13, 2017 the website, The Glazov Gang posted a video in which I explained my fact-based opposition to Sanctuary Cities.  Here is the link to my video: MICHAEL CUTLER  MOMENT: LETHAL  SANCTUARY  CITIES. Another issue of great concern is the ongoing bogus claim that it is reasonable and appropriate to provide illegal aliens with lawful status, provided that they have no serious criminal histories.   Advocates for such a massive legalization program come from both political parties and include journalists and pundits who appear on many television programs, including conservative networks.  I addressed this dangerous notion in my April 10, 2017 article for FrontPage Magazine: “THE CASE AGAINST LEGALIZING UNKNOWN MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS:  A supposed “solution” that would be catastrophic for America.” Please be a part

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    07/04/2017 Duration: 58min

    Happy Friday! Last week I wrote several articles and addressed the issue of “Sanctuary Cities” on my radio show as well as when I have been a guest on other radio and television programs.  The lunacy of Sanctuary Cities continues to be of major importance and on March 31st I was interviewed by Newsmax-TV’s Bill Tucker about this issue.  The link to the video of my interview was posted under the title, America Talks Live | Michael Cutler on the mayors who are embracing sanctuary status. On April 4, 2017 CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) posted my article, “Partners in Crime: Mayors of Sanctuary Cities, Human Traffickers and Other Criminals.”  The hypocrisy behind the very notion of “Sanctuary Cities” is beyond outrageous.  Their is nothing heroic about shielding or harboring aliens who have entered the United States illegally or who have subsequent to entering the United States through ports of entry violated their terms of admission.  Such illegal aliens pose a threat to national security, p

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    31/03/2017 Duration: 57min

    Happy Friday! This past week “Sanctuary Cities” have been the focus of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and, consequently, the news media.  I have written many articles and commentaries about this dangerous issue and have redoubled my efforts to provide some fact-based sanity to the discourse. This past week FrontPage Magazine published two of my articles on this issue.  On March 20, 2017 FrontPage Magazine published my article, “OPPONENTS OF BORDER SECURITY AND IMMIGRATION LAW ENFORCEMENT AID HUMAN TRAFFICKERS: The Democratic Party’s donkey mascot should be swapped for a coyote.” On March 31st FrontPage Magazine published my article, “SANCTUARY CITIES: WHERE HYPOCRISY RULES-  NYC’s Mayor Bill DeBlasio blocks the deportation of criminal aliens by ICE” and on March 28th they published my commentary, L.A. MAYOR GARCETTI’S MESSAGE TO SMUGGLERS: “THE COAST IS CLEAR”- Are America’s 95,000 miles of coastline less important than our land borders?  Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your fri

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