Dr. Geneva Speaks



Insights into heads & hearts of leaders through personal stories of success and struggle to inspire others to make a difference in the world. www.DrGenevaSpeaks.com


  • Nancy M. Schlichting Chief Executive Officer, Henry Ford Health System

    08/03/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What does it take to lead the successful turnaround of four consecutive organizations? What does it take to run a $4 billion business in Detroit as the city struggles to emerge from municipal bankruptcy and its worst ongoing crisis ever? What does it take to be a female CEO who has come up against discrimination and personal attack? It takes Unconventional Leadership, a style of leadership based on confronting reality and leading headlong through adversity. In her book: Unconventional Leadership, Nancy Schlichting, the CEO of Henry Ford Health System (HFHS), reveals her unique strategies that drive success: maintaining a focus on people, creating a culture of innovation and reinvention & embracing diversity as a key strategy for growth. Nancy Schlichting joined HFHS in 1998 as its Senior Vice President & CEO & was named President / CEO of the System in 2003. Her career in health care administration spans over 35 years of experience in senior level executive positions. Schlichting serves on sever

  • Tanya R. Allen: WOMEN IN BUSINESS - How to Ensure Success

    01/03/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Success in business. Does it all start with sales? Or does it start with an idea? Well, Tanya R. Allen, the founder and President of Forever Fresh - has almost three decades of experience and will share her insight and wisdom. She will also talk about how to balance it all.  Tanya Allen is also the President of NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners) Greater Detroit. Over a thirty-year period, she has acquired business experience in the areas of product development, off shore manufacturing, distribution, business development, strategic marketing and management with a focus on customer satisfaction. She has a proven successes in entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial environments; and work well independently and in a team environment. A working mom, she possess an innate sense of creativity coupled with powerful interpersonal communication capabilities, and results oriented selling skills.  See http://www.foreverfresh.com/

  • Rashida Tlaib: Political & Community Leader That's a Trail Blazer

    23/02/2016 Duration: 19min

    Hear this awesome interview with Rashida Tlaib from a previous show where Dr. Geneva Williams was the host on The Senior Solution Show. A daughter of Palestinian immigrants, Representative Tlaib made history by becoming the first Muslim woman elected to the Michigan Legislature. Rashida Tlaib was first elected to the Michigan House of Representatives for the 6th House District (Detroit) in 2008. She was born and raised in Southwest Detroit. Representative Tlaib is the eldest of 14 and knows the importance of hard work, honesty and commitment to the community. As a resident of Detroit and a product of Detroit Public Schools, she is committed to working to create a safer, cleaner, and stronger community for all of us. Representative Tlaib has distinguished herself with her tireless work ethic and visibility on a multitude of issues that affect her district. She is the only legislator that operates a fully-staffed community-based service center that provides over 10 anti-poverty programs. Prior to being elect

  • Lowell Perry Jr.: SOCIAL PROFIT, What it is & How to Use it to Help Communities

    16/02/2016 Duration: 34min

    Lowell Perry Jr. believes "Social-profit organizations" is a term that can better capture the contribution made by entities that have too long been known as charities or nonprofit groups. According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy: "Such a term would also give us a new way to name the people who support organizations that promote the public good: social investors, a term that better reflects this generation of hands-on donors who are willing and able to extend this nation’s great tradition of American generosity. Today’s social investors seek and expect a return on their efforts, in the form of an increase in the greater good." Lowell Perry is an innovative executive leader with a unique business background including a proven track record of success in team building, fund development, strategic alliances, general management, government relations, as well as significant expertise in diversity & inclusion as a viable growth strategy.  Currently the Director of the Cleveland Central Promise Neighborhood, h

  • Dr. Sheryl White Barnes: Leadership Truths, True Colors and Making an Impact

    09/02/2016 Duration: 31min

    This is a show about leadership: what it is and what is required ...to be a true success. Hear from Dr. Sheryl White Barnes as we talk about the truths of TRUE leadership and leaving legacy. Dr. Sheryl L.W. Barnes, PhD, PhD, DMin is President/CEO of Sterling-Xavier Consulting Group, LLC and an ordained Christian minister.  Sterling-Xavier Consulting Group provides Staff Training & Professional Development services; Executive Coaching; and Life Coaching services to a variety of clients throughout the United States.  Dr. Sheryl Barnes is an MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Certified Practitioner; licensed “True Colors” trainer and Certified Applied Strategic Planning specialist. She is often invited to conduct workshops and facilitate retreats and personal life transformation training.  She is the author of two national award-winning books: "10 GIFTS to Give Yourself – The Journey Back to You!" and "Discipleship in the Age of Distraction."  She also authored "Am I My Sister's Keeper?" a discipleship wor

  • Dr. Pat Bailey: Taking the Risk, Doing the Work and Creating a Legacy of Leaders

    02/02/2016 Duration: 31min

    Every human being is a leader over some domain as he or she exercises gifts and influence. That domain might be the halls of government, the boardroom, the classroom, the community, or the home. What breaks your heart? Who do you know is doing something about it? One is the Flint, Michigan Water Crisis. "As leaders, we must use our resources and influence to respond to correct the ills launched against the residents of Flint, Michigan," said Dr. Pat Bailey. Dr. Patricia Bailey has created tremendous impact for more than 34 years in over 134 countries around the world.  She is a lecturer, author & founder of Master’s Touch Ministries Global, Inc. (MTM), a mission outreach with headquarters in North Carolina, Los Angeles, South Africa, Belgium, Brazil and London, England. MTM has also founded Y.U.G.O. (Young Adults United for Global Outreach), GLTC (Global Leadership Training Center, which is a program designed to teach global strategies that will empower leaders to impact nations), and SEW (Sisters Empo

  • Cheryl Wood: How to Bring Your A-Game In Business & Leave a Legacy

    26/01/2016 Duration: 31min

    Cheryl Woods is one of the most compelling, energetic, and passionate thought leaders and voices in motivational speaking today, empowering audiences with transformational principles for standing in their greatness and achieving success. Today's show you will learn from Cheryl how to embrace fear, expand expectations and play a bigger game. In other words, HOW TO BRING YOUR A-GAME in business. She is living proof that pushing beyond your comfort zone results in growth, increased inner fulfillment and greater productivity. Cheryl Wood: "Equipping You to Walk Confidently in Your Story." For more info on Cheryl, see www.CherylEmpowers.com #leadership #legacy  

  • Women in Leadership: Top Strategies from C- & E-Suite Women

    19/01/2016 Duration: 31min

    Our guest today, Dr. Laureen Wishom, discovered that high-achieving career and businesswomen in leadership know all of the ‘power player’ strategies for growth and success. She tudied and watched female ‘power players’ who hold C-Suite or E-Suite positions, and they all have certain ‘power moves’ that lead to Growth. Success. Acceleration. Today's show will share tips that Dr. Laureen Wishom has learned from C- and E-Suite Women in Leadership. Dr. Laureen Wishomis an award-winning Speaker, Strategist and Solutionist and the founder of Dr. Laureen International and the Achievers Women’s Association. She brings over fifteen years of leadership, management, technology and non-profit experience to her international company designed to help high-achieving women who are career professionals, business owners or non-profit leaders master Growth. achieve Success. maintain Acceleration (the GSA Factor).

  • Dr. Deana Murphy: Top 10 Traits of the Resilient Female Leader

    12/01/2016 Duration: 31min

    Leadership skills, transitioning, positive confrontation, strategic volunteering for career success and tactics for better compensation; issues and soft-skills we talk about in the workplace. Our guest today, Dr. Deana Muphy,  is very insistent on the positive impact resiliency has on female leaders. Do women today crumble at the onset of crises and challenges, especially in decision-making positions? With an ongoing call that women must hold her place at the negotiating table, Dr. Deana will discuss resilience. To master this fate with control and calm, she will talk about 10 traits of resiliency women leaders must consider for finding the hidden lessons and inspiring a courageous leadership culture. Our Guest, Dr. Deana is a cheerleader of positive change and is convinced she can help make the world better, smarter and safer by growing people, strengthening organizations and improving lives through fusing spirituality, the latest science from positive psychology and her corporate leadership experience in

  • Dr. Gail Hayes: The Power of a Woman Who Leads

    22/12/2015 Duration: 32min

    Every woman is born with a unique calling on her life, but so often she chooses to settle for less than God's best. In this show, hear author and speaker Dr. Gail M. Hayes share tips so that women everywhere will be empowered to… take risks and silence fearsdiscover their mission and accomplish their goalsbecome ignited with passion to fulfill their destinylead without anxiety or apologyencourage others on their path to success Dr. Gail M. Hayes (www.drgailhayes.com)  is a television & radio host, much sought after international conference speaker and Executive Leadership Coach whose main focus is the message of the IPD Principle (Identity, Purpose, Destiny). She is also the author of several books and the CEO of the Handle Your Business Girl Empowerment Zone where she empowers women to handle their business where they do business! Her passion is to help those women find ways to manage their stress, build networks of support and to live balanced, joyful lives. She is a woman who handles her business wher

  • Dr. Joel P. Martin: Women Leaders and the Purpose of Power Networking

    15/12/2015 Duration: 31min

    Exceptional women surround themselves with other powerful and high-achieving women. This is POWER NETWORKING. “I believe all people have the capacity to be positively powerful,” says our guest, Dr. Joel P. Martin, author and renowned international trainer, speaker and coach.  She believes women servant leaders are making significant impacts on the lives of others and has created an awards program to honor them. "My goal is to empower all people to go for their highest aspirations because of the examples set by amazing role models.” Dr. Martin is the founder and creator of the annual Positively Powerful Woman Awards program. Dr. Martin’s personal mission, and the mission of her company,Triad West, Inc., is to transform lives and businesses for the better.  She is also the Director of Training and Education for George Fraser’s annual PowerNetworking Conference. According to George Fraser, CEO, she is “a class act, a phenomenal woman who knows how to lift up the best and brightest in our community.” She serves

  • Sophia Nelson: Workplace Retention & Advancement Strategies for Women of Color

    08/12/2015 Duration: 30min

    Our guest, Sophia Nelson, is an award-winning author, radio and TV personality and journalist. Nelson conducted a nationwide online study of 540 professional Black women like herself, plus two focus groups. More than half of the participants reported annual household incomes approaching or surpassing $100,000. The good news? As a whole these Black women were proud of their accomplishments. The challenge? More than two thirds indicated career advancement was still a hurdle for Black women compared with White women, with 29 percent seeing racism as the biggest barrier. Nelson, also a motivational speaker, sees it, women need to tap into "the woman code" and redefine themselves. She is the author of "Black Women Redefined: Dispelling Myths and Discovering Fulfillment in the Age of Michelle Obama" and "The Woman Code: 20 Powerful Keys to Unlock Your Life." Both are national best-sellers. In this show, hear Nelson discuss senior leadership and management positions in corporate America today and how women, partic

  • The Leadership Mastery Formula for Women with Felicia R. Davis

    24/11/2015 Duration: 32min

    Felicia R. Davis stepped up and stepped into encouraging female leaders from around the country. She believes, "LEADERSHIP IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT." Her book, The Leadership Mastery Formula is a best-seller among the inner-circle of women who are making a diference in the world with impact, influence and integrity. It’s Time to Liberate the Leader in You! This shows features Felicia Davis' groundbreaking formula that teaches women how to develop a scalable leadership brand that gets them Noticed, Known and Called Upon. There is one universal truth for women that will never change and that is having strong leadership brand is an absolute imperative if you want to be cognized and rewarded for your contributions.  Her book, The Leadership Mastery Formula, teaches women how to build a magnetic and in-demand brand. This show with Felicia R. Davis is for any woman who is ready "to lead with impact, influence and integrity so that she can change the world with her message." To contact Felicia or get her book, visit www

  • Monique Carswell: A Leader for Causes and Corporate Social Responsibility

    17/11/2015 Duration: 31min

    Meet MONIQUE CARSWELL. She is leading the pack when it comes to cause-related marketing. Monique Carswell is no stranger to hard work and perseverance. Her passion and dedication are reflected in Carswell’s many accomplishments that showcase her corporate leadership, community activism and international flair. With a well-rounded background encompassing a combination of branding, advertising, PR, digital strategy and event planning skills, Carswell has proven herself to be a leader within the marketing and communications industry. As a result, she has been able to leave an indelible mark on everything she touches. An avid world traveler and human rights activist, Carswell has performed mission work in South Africa, studied the immigrant experience in France and chaperoned youth on an educational tour throughout China. Carswell made the leap from corporate to the non-profit sector after deciding to permanently marry her professional pursuits with her philanthropic values and acumen. Having overseen national

  • The Confidence Factor for Women in Leadership with Carol Sankar

    10/11/2015 Duration: 38min

    Let's have some conversation with today's leading women in leadership and high level CEO's to learn how they claimed their Confidence Factor. The visionary behind this movement, Carol Sankar, commenced the Confidence Factor for Women in Leadership research in 2011 after a long successful career in real estate and law, yet taking note of the lack of powerful women in profitable industries. Sankar developed a private group of 100 women and asked the difficult questions about profit, asking for more, and gaining access to elevated opportunities in their career and business for 4 consecutive years and measured their growth. As a result, she took her findings and started the Confidence Factor movement and round-table series for high achieving women who feel the "plateau" of success. She realized the reason why women plateaued was due to lack of confidence .Her first book, The Confidence Factor for Women in Business, became an international bestseller. The new book, The Confidence Factor for Women: Conversations

  • Leadership Series with Sheila Cockrel: Transformational Change Starts with You

    08/11/2015 Duration: 17min

    Sheila Cockrel, former Detroit City Council member, doesn’t believe in the whole notion of ‘giving back to the community.’ “I'm not giving back.I'm part of the community,” she said. “This is my role.My responsibility is to be a part of improving the community, whether it's cleaning up the neighborhood park, protesting policy brutality, or going to the mayor's state of the city.Those are all things that you do because you're a member of a community.” Shortly after leaving the Detroit City Council, Cockrel founded Crossroads Consulting Group where she provides public policy/public affairs advice and counsel to people who are trying to get involved in business in the city of Detroit. In addition, part of her work includes civic engagement activities with Dr. Irvin Reid, President Emeritus of Wayne State University.Their current project, Citizen Detroit, is an extension of the kind of public policy and public/civic engagement that Cockrel was involved in for16 years on the city council. See the rest of the pos

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