Jody England

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 186:04:29
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Jody England is the visionary behind the creation of Untamed You, Understanding your Soul Medicine Path, and Host of the Wild Soul Medicine Radio Show.


  • And

    16/08/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    I was off the grid and away from technology for several days over the weekend as I dropped into the simplicity of the county fair, the rhythms of loving my daughter, supporting her growth, and resting in our mutual passion for horses.There is much to share about the lessons that presented themselves, and I had planned to do that on Wild Soul Medicine Radio this week.But when I emerged from my sweet cocoon of myopathy, I was greeted with the turmoil of more violence, intense tragedy and conflict in and through the ranks.I kept my distance from it at first, not desiring to create turbulence in my system where there wasn’t any.I checked in here and there to read some posts and take the pulse of what was moving through.I wondered if my White Privilege was obscuring my view and I checked in on what I might be avoiding.And... it turns out I DID have something to say about all of this.So I will.Some highlights to listen for:(05:20) Use Me, Goddess(13:05) “The patriarchy projects, shames and admonishes: do this or el

  • Illuminating Grace

    09/08/2017 Duration: 46min

    In the intensity of the brightness of the Lionsgate Portal, there is much to See.Ancient karmic patterns, shadowy places in ourselves and others, the underbelly of life making itself known.It’s a lot to Be With.Just because we see something doesn’t mean we know how to become free of it.Art by AquaSixioFear, suspicion, and paranoia holding us in illusory loops and spirals of stuckness.Separated from our connection to Source, lost in stories of suffering and persecution.When we are in these places it can be daunting to find our way out.With the light blaring down and nowhere to hide, we can feel like a deer in the headlights.Wanting to bolt or lash out, cry, crumble, or fight.What to do when there seems to be no way out and the volume is up on 10?On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today I’ll be Illuminating Grace.Shining a light on the ways we separate ourselves from it and the failsafe tool you can use to Return to what’s True inside of any tricky illusion of separateness.I am fresh from a long weekend in sacred spac

  • Intensity Sandwich

    02/08/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Eeeeee!!!!Who turned up the volume?It is getting IN-tense around here.I’ve been so in it, I thought maybe it was just me… but as I surfaced to see what’s happening in the world, I discovered there’s some shuh-zizzle going down.A couple of retrogrades plus double eclipses lining up a corridor of Lion’s Gate energy has me feeling some serious pressure.If you’ve been feeling like your life is moving at breakneck speed, taking the corners on two wheels while you white knuckle trying to Hold On to the tail of the comet - you’re not alone.As we bring awareness to the cosmic rhythms we find ourselves inside of, we open to the opportunity to go more with The Flow.Embracing the energy of the moment as we align with the Greater Order of all things, brings peace in the midst of otherwise chaotic-seeming experiences.The word Eclipse derives from the Greek word “ekleipsis” which means “to leave, vanish, or abandon.”The Lunar Eclipse on Monday invites us to open to the opportunity to move toward the places we’ve been whit

  • Containment

    26/07/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Karmic Reckoning.Core Soul Medicine Path Reversals.Galactic Upgrades and Downloads.My trip to California was, um... productive to say the least.I’m still foggy-headed and mid-integration (at best) with the shifts that have taken place.I can feel the security-needing, ego part of my self that would prefer to be able to contain this expansion and control its sharing with the world.And also the newly liberated Soul parts of me that are freshly meeting the outer edges of my Being.The shattering of old identities still sparkling shards of brokenness around me, while newly healed and Returned pieces gain purchase in the emergent spaces.I’ve learned some things about Containment in this latest round of Soul Alchemy.The hidden places of holding it in, holding it together, shielding, protecting, controlling.I fancied myself transparent and free. An open book.And I was. And I am.And… as always, there is More.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today, I am coming in my intimate newness.I am not sure the changes will translate.

  • The Whore of Babylon

    12/07/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Goddess has been having her way with me this morning.Hours and hours of transmission flowing through.It is exciting, enlivening, and somewhat… terrifying?Mysteries revealing themselves one after another. I feel like a lucky ticket holder at an epic pre-screening of the best movie of all time.And on Wild Soul Medicine Radio today I’ll attempt to share some cohesive beginning of a beginning with you.I’m certainly not the first to receive these Revelations and I’m decidedly not the only one who is delivering them.But I am Willing.To be Used by Life as a Whore for Wisdom and Light.Embracing my darkness and the ignorance of the world as the Great Beast that I ride with compassion and curiosity.Learning to Include the creeping, crawling, unspeakable parts of myself and others that have no other Home.Standing in the midst of a modern day Tower of Babel where we’ve been struck dumb by an inability to speak and understand one another in the old ways.Rife with chaos, outrage, misunderstanding, and projection, we find o

  • We Who Believe in Freedom

    05/07/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    I almost took this week off. Many of us are out and about, enjoying the summer or taking an extended weekend to travel or vacation.My husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary yesterday and it feels good to pause and and create some space for Rest.I’m with you.And… as I opened my e-mail this morning for a quick scroll before signing off for the day, I came across a few things that spoke deeply to me.They inspired me into speaking and acting.Once I heard them, I knew I had to share them with you.Whether you listen to them in real time or catch them when you are back from your Wanderings, these feel important.Wild Soul Medicine for We Who Believe in Freedom."Liberty, freedom, and equality: these things don’t happen on their own or just because we declare that they will. They happen through a willingness to do the work. They happen through deep listening, amends making, and the intensive work of repair. Repairing the breach between who we say we are and who we actually are."- Vania KentThere is much

  • Flying Lead Changes

    28/06/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    What do horses, hemp oil, MLM’s, and BDSM have to do with Wild Soul Medicine?Everything.Welcome to my tantric life.The both/and, All and Everything three ring circus of wonderment, passion, emotion, and full spectrum Experience.This week I’ve been surprised and delighted by a resurgence in my enthusiasm and creativity.Was it sparked by a Divine Download of a Highly Spiritual Nature?An Inspired Insight delivered during a Devoted Meditation?Or a tarot card, medicine ceremony, or energetic healing?Nope.It came in the form of a multi level marketing opportunity, a return to a very old zone of excellence (and maybe genius?) and the most unexpected reversal of some major gear lock ups in my system.I’m still laughing at the absurdity and Grace of it all.I don’t want to ruin the surprise for you and I’m feeling a little coy today, so I’m just going to invite you to join me for some Wild Soul Medicine as we unpackage this Gift and see what’s in it for Us.Here are some things I think we’ll cover:• How Counter Cantering

  • Soul-stice

    21/06/2017 Duration: 51min

    Happy Summer Solstice to our sisters in the Northern Hemisphere and Happy Winter Solstice to our sisters in the South. As we celebrate the still point between the coming and going of the Light, we are invited into reflection and celebration. It has been a big week for me.I couraged up and mended things enough with my family to be able to go to my dad’s surgery on Friday. With the inevitable twists and turns of hurt feelings, old wounds, and tensions running high - it could have gone down a lot of ways… But somehow we managed to keep our hearts open enough to Be With each other and to allow both our Love and our Pain to co-exist. I cleared a lot and I learned A LOT. And my dad is doing miraculously well. He’s actually being released from the hospital today - minus a third of each of his lungs.Choosing to become this intimate with life makes my heart ache. The Beautiful Suffering of the human condition at its best and worst. It’s not just my family… everywhere, the breathtaking beauty of Creation alongside the

  • All Of My Kindness

    14/06/2017 Duration: 58min

    It’s a tender time for me. As my outdated and distorted masculine structures continue to fall away I feel more vulnerable.Undefended.The world seems mean and harsh.Not that people are out to get me or even intentionally treat me that way, but the dissonance of Unconsciousness and the violence of projections feel especially loud to me right now.As a highly sensitive being, I’ve always been tuned into these things, but over the years I learned to defend myself by putting up walls and barriers to letting that in.Photo by Katerina Plotnikova.To letting people in.In this current round of Medicine, I am being Returned to the form of me that came before.Reversing the journey of the calcification of ego identity into the softer, Truer nature of Essence.Morphing backward in a sort of second adolescence of awkwardness and self consciousness.Unsure of how to allow my Kindness to exist in a world that doesn’t know how to honor it.Wondering how to protect and serve my own Kindness without going back into defense.The world

  • Play-cation

    07/06/2017 Duration: 01h13min

    You know what they say about all work and no play.BUT...I’m supposed to be Creating something.I’m Trying to figure out these next layers of block, baggage, and stuckness.It’s Irresponsible to Have Fun while I NEED to make some money.If I don’t do it, who will?I’m so over it.Over feeling like this, over getting nowhere, over staring into the abyss and being too scared to jump.I’ve been eyeballing this Rubik’s cube of re-working my ability to Create from Pleasure.Visiting and re-visiting the ends of the spectrum.Noticing how I don’t want to give up my pleasure in order to Create, and I don’t know how to Create without moving out of pleasure.And then, I began to contemplate the Both/And.What if I can both Stay on Vacation AND Create?What if I Create WHILE on Vacation?(As for Clues that have been pointing to this [now obvious] Awareness, my nickname for my very chill husband is… Permanent Vacation.)Oy vey.And YAY.For Realz.So I declared myself On Vacation on Monday and by Monday afternoon had an inspired conversa

  • Bits and Peaces

    31/05/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    An ugly tapestry of mismatched parts that don’t obviously go together.That’s what I’m sitting in the middle of today.Well, for the last week really.A sort of impotent, neutral, maybe there’s something here… (maybe not?) phase.I’m just collecting clues in the hope that at some point the pieces will come together and there will be some Revelation here to guide my Way.These in between places can be particularly daunting for me.They are always uncomfortable.Productivity and efficiency have always been home notes for me and the impulse to rush forward or make something happen is perpetually hanging out around the edges.And I’ve learned over the years to practice watching and waiting.Observing and collecting awareness as I make myself ready for the next Unfolding.A process within a process.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today I’ll begin to weave some of the bits together as we open to curiosity around what might be here for Us.A killing in Oregon, a Startled horse, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Hugh Hefner are all pieces u

  • Where I Create, There I Am True

    24/05/2017 Duration: 01h12s

    Pushing and pulling. Surrendering and somersaulting.Tide rising and receding.Simultaneously.I feel like that strand of beach just where the tide breaks.Being shifted and moved, carved and remade inside the most dynamic, intense crashing of transformative Life Force.Eyes and heart wide open to the pure potentiality of Creation, while also attached and stuck, grounded and slowed by what has been, ideas of what should be, fears of what might be.Exhilaration and Terror, Hope and Dread, Yes and No -- Co-Existing in the spaces of my Becoming.Some moments it’s hard to tell which end is up and what compass there is to Guide me.I have given myself over to dissolving in the embryonic waters of Creation.Learning to move from Pleasure and Impulse in accordance with the deeper currents of an Evolutionary Creatrix.Excruciating and confounding at times, as well as Ecstatically Liberating.So much moving through I must Share or Die.Or more aptly…Share AND Die.Falling into the Abyss of Creation as I am annihilated again and ag

  • Love Letter to The Darkness

    17/05/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    My Walk with The Darkness continues.Thank Goddess.(Truly.)These last two weeks of being internal and steeped in my own process have been intense and fruitful.Feeling and seeing, raging and recoiling, grieving and growing.I lead a very full life.I wouldn’t have it any other way.Another round of Medicine to the tune of Hello, Darkness My Old Friend.Art by Lilith Reina.Repeating patterns, oceans of karma, and the Grace of new eyes and new awarenesses are the classroom of my Becoming.I am learning how to love bigger and include more.Reconciling the heartbreak of potentiality and existence…Both my own and those outside of me.How can we/you/I be these magnificent Souls and beings of Light we are, while also being petty, dangerous, cowardly, vengeful, deceitful human weaklings?Where and how do we allow the Broken Ones who show up in our lives to be our teachers and allies?In the midst of learning What Would Love Do Here? in each moment — we are ever tempted to meet resistance with resistance, hate with hate, darknes

  • Beauty and the Beast

    03/05/2017 Duration: 01h33s

    Tale as old as timeTune as old as songBitter sweet and strangeFinding you can changeLearning you were wrongCertain as the sunRising in the eastTale as old as timeSong as old as rhymeBeauty and the beastI have a tale to tell, Sister.Of an innocent young girl with a pure heart who wanted only Magik and Beauty.The betrayal of her father and her plunge into the Dark Knight.Being seduced by the beast, loved by the beast, and ultimately set free by… The Beast.This is a story about me and my daddy.A lover’s tale with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.I am still on mine.Continuing to be amazed and blessed, stretched and tested by its Unfolding.Questions and answers making themselves known as I continue to heal an ages old rift in my system.The marriage of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine weaving, bowing, dancing, in-forming.As they find their right relationship inside of me, dissolving the illusion of fear and separation.Returning me to Wholeness and Inclusion.There are no bad guys

  • When In Doubt, Surrender

    26/04/2017 Duration: 57min

    One Million Ways to Surrender… If I were to write a thesis on my recent trip to Kauai, that would be the title.I love that place. The perfect blend of magik and majesty. Nature and nurture.This time was different than last year when I was there.Rainy, chilly, windy, turbulent.And that was just the weather.I went for a week long intensive of some of the deepest, most potent personal work I’ve done so far.I was stretched -- in all the ways.At the beginning of one of my initial fathomless dives, my guides gave me a navigational tip to support my experience.They knew where I’d be going and what would be required of me to open into the transformation at hand.This gentle Grace served as narrator, cheerleader, lover, and healer throughout the tight places and seemingly untraversable landscapes I encountered.When In Doubt, Surrender.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio this week, I attempt to translate the depths of the wisdom of these four little words.Profound and simple.Complex and far-reaching.All of Life is really a game

  • Come, Passion

    12/04/2017 Duration: 55min

    I’ve been waiting for my word for the year to find me. It’s been slow to come this year.Listening, sitting... courting, waiting.Letting the Universe have Its Way With me.And then, this week as a Divine Gift in honor of my Birth Day - it arrived as the most profound gifts do.Out of left field and in a completely unexpected package.Purchase this photo here.Deep and rich, its wisdom opening me and taking root in the nether reaches of my Being.Passion.A strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.Or, any powerful or compelling emotion such as Love or Hate.My first lesson is Passionately Under Way.Children being gassed, bombs being dropped, the world devolving into more pain and chaos.Is NOW really the time for Passion?COM-passion, certainly.But, concern with my own Turn On?Commitment to fulfillment of my own desires and passions?It was hard to comprehend.Until Goddess shined her light on the Both/And.Until Grace rained down and in, cracking my heart open and In-forming the next initiation C

  • Going Backward to Go Forward

    05/04/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    It was a tough week for my daughter, Olivia.Being thirteen, a growing girl in a patriarchal culture, and a student at a public junior high certainly all add their special sauce to the perfect storm of teenage angst that has been making its way through.And then there is her particular Soul Medicine Path and the lessons and gifts she is charged with growing into and inside of.As a Great Mother/Heroine, she is wrapped pretty tight.Striving, working, achieving, organizing… she is geared toward bigger, stronger, better, faster.All eyes on the external world and how she shows up in it.Photo by Brooke ShadenGoddess, I love that girl.On the cusp of finding her independence and newfound freedoms, she is also still innocent and naive in ways I hold so tenderly. She wants to do it all herself, believes in her own strength and capabilities, while also deeply questioning her courage and her worth.SUCH a mixed bag of humanity reflected back to me in the experience of this Wise One.So it was, that we found ourselves out on

  • Running with Candles

    29/03/2017 Duration: 54min

    Harrumph.Am I depressed?No... I feel generally ok, but also a little malaise.Or something.I also feel really Alive.And Creative.And stymied. And consternation.Like a sputtering candle that isn’t quite out and isn’t quite lit.I can feel the most gentle breezes of promise and possibility, but as I turn toward them or try to grasp them or mold them into something more tangible... they disappear like smoke.This morning as I lay in my Practice, I became Present to a learning I am in the midst of.Photo by Grover SchrayerA further dropping In to my Self and away from habitual impulsivity that would have me reach for an activity or project to scratch an itch.It feels as though I am being Called to be moved BY and AS the Im-pulse, rather than using the spark of inspiration to separate from The Pulse that is the heartbeat of All Of Life.Much like running with a candle.If you light your candle and have it burning strong, It takes only a minute to spark the flame and have it catch.But then, if you take off running with y

  • In General

    22/03/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    "You’re Fired.Clean up your stuff and Get Out."That’s what I said to my contractor at the end of the day on Friday.Ten weeks into a (proposed) one week project and literally every single thing he was hired to do ending in disaster and incompletion, I reached the end of my rope.I’d been trying to be patient.Expanding my capacity for feeling safe and ok with the mistakes of others.Opening my heart to things not having to be perfect and flowing with setbacks and missed deadlines.These are all areas where I could use some growth and I’ve been taking the Medicine of them along the way.And… I could feel how I was coming to the end of the road with this particular experience, and I desired Right Alignment as I moved toward understanding the last drops of insight from it.Friday morning had been designated as a final, FINAL completion day. (One of MANY that had come and gone.I woke up restless and agitated as I navigated 6 guys in my space shuffling around in confusion and incompetence, all needing just “one more thin

  • Platitudes, Peeves, and Particularities

    15/03/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    You Can Never Step Into the Same River Twice...And other Pet Peevey Platitudes.Or, um... Peevey Pet Platitudes.Coming to you live on Wild Soul Medicine Radio this week.Photo creditGreetings, Sister,I was a little punchy this week, after three connecting flights, 14 hours of travel, with my teenage children. A midnight arrival, to an arctic tundra and a house topsy turvy with demolition/reconstruction.One COULD lose her mind in such circumstances (which, truly, is always a saving Grace), and also… she could allow the humor of it all to tickle her into submission.Crying, complaining, laughing - really all sides of the same coin.#AllOfLifeSurviving a week with two sullen (did I mention??) TEENAGERS on an island in a little beach house with none of our usual hidey holes to escape to, necessitated me resorting to pulling out All The Stops.Sacred trickster, Exasperated just-wanna-vacation pleader, Wise elder, Angry dictator, Bat shit crazy-she done lost her mind raving lunatic, Sisterly confidante, and SO many more

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