Jody England

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 186:04:29
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Jody England is the visionary behind the creation of Untamed You, Understanding your Soul Medicine Path, and Host of the Wild Soul Medicine Radio Show.


  • Spiritual Entitlement

    31/08/2016 Duration: 58min

    Greetings, Sister,I have a bone to pick. Well, several actually.Chalk it up to Mercury going retro again, starting my moon, three hours of last minute dress shopping last night with an almost 13 year old - stressing over a big debut today, and a schedule packed tighter than a sausage this week…But I’m just not feeling conciliatory.EVERY thing is on my list (and on my nerves).Both my Great Mother and my Warrioress wounds were out to play yesterday and I decided not to tame them.There is always Medicine inside of the ruffled feathers and the perturbances that show themselves. And I used it all to IN-form our Wild Soul Medicine this week. Being a Whole person requires that we embrace our messiness and our discomforts. It is how we grow and also how we come to know ourselves on the deepest levels.This week, my husband and I had some realizations that our conscious parenting has created a huge sense of entitlement in our newly teenage children. Because we have always tended their feelings and made sure they were m

  • There's a New Sheriff in Town

    24/08/2016 Duration: 56min

    And her name is PLEASURE. She is also known as DESIRE and sometimes as Wild Soul Woman.She was last seen several millennia ago before the patriarchy took over and forced her to tuck herself in, turn herself down, and throw away her forwarding address.But she has once again been showing herself around these parts, and it’s time We (re)made her acquaintance.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today, She will be my co-host.With my kids out the door for their first day of school, this pre-menopausal, kundalini-rising, HOT Soul Mama is following her Turn On.I am in the midst of deep internal compass realignment - away from pain and toward Pleasure.Not the “how to be orgasmic in your business so you can get more clients” type of pleasure, but the head turning, grab you by the chin and don’t move a muscle until you’ve GOTTEN this - type of Pleasure.I’m talking quantum supernova power and creativity fueled by the most potent superconductor in the Universe.Being finely attuned to the subtleties and nuances of Pleasure as Path

  • Quantum Solace

    17/08/2016 Duration: 41min

    Greetings, Dear One,I awoke this morning from an exquisite dream. I am often visited in dreams by celebrities, shamans, healers, students, sisters and all manner of Beings. They are as real as my waking life and filled with mystery and Magik.After the dream, I feel as if I have actually spent time with the person I was communing with or learning from in my dream. It is a deeply spiritual and potent experience that I am ever grateful for.Last night, a celebrity (who is a very well known rock star) arrived in Dreamscape and we laid together and shared an intimate experience of Solace. He was able to rest into a space where no one wanted anything from him and he could just be known and comforted at the deepest Soul level.I was honored to provide it for him. It’s how I Love.I am still in-joying it today as I feel into the contrast of the massive changes flowing through our planet, and the seismic shifts occurring within and through your own ecosystems.It’s a tall order that we’ve signed up for, and I have no doub

  • Oooohhhh...Lympics

    10/08/2016 Duration: 58min

    Greetings, Sister,It’s Wild Soul Medicine Radio time again and I am feeling saucy. There is a new voice forming itself inside of me. It feels more fun, more provocative, more free, more Wild Soul than before… and also fledgling in a way. Like a teenager whose voice is evolving into new octaves of sound and power. It cracks unexpectedly and a little awkwardly one moment and offers new levels of depth and insight the next.I am playing with it. Learning to dance and weave in it.It REALLY wants to have the mic today, but my more serious, genius, competent side is more than a little wary.She’s afraid you won’t come, won’t get it, won’t be moved by it.But I desire Liberation for myself. I want to have the freedom to talk about things I don’t have figured out yet - to simply raise a topic and leave it unwrapped and unfolding in the center of the circle. I want to be able to traverse many topics in one episode, and make fun of myself and things that need made fun of.So I’m trotting Her out today. (Or rather… SHE is t

  • 100th Episode Celebration

    03/08/2016 Duration: 01h09min

    Greetings, Sister,Today we arrive on the shores of our One Hundredth Wild Soul Medicine Episode. I can hardly fathom the depth and breadth of the journey we have been on these last 2+ years together. From the first tremulous transmission, to epic betrayals, potentially career-ending risks, and the most intimate sharing of my fears, inquiries, and breakthroughs -- The pain, triumph, and intensity of a life devoted to spiritual transformation has been honored and celebrated here.Always an invitation for you, Dear One, to come closer to the fire of your own Becoming.To stand together in the crucible of Untaming as we bolster our courage to grieve, fight, play, and love another day.So today, we Celebrate. And Honor. And Reflect.I’ll be sharing some of my most beloved moments from past shows:The hardest show for me to doThe one I was most scared aboutMy favorite episode of all timeMost listened toMost controversialCrazy behind the scenes moments you DIDN’T hear aboutWhatever else Spirit compels me to reveal! Ann

  • In Defense of Ego

    18/07/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    I hope you are basking in the sweetness of this full moon energy. She feels gentle and affirming to my system - softly, sweetly loving Us right where we are.It’s a beautiful thing. So much is being dissolved right now. Non-Essential parts being stripped and melted away while tender, fresh elements of Being are growing themselves more sturdy and solid.I am being Made New in every moment. I have no idea who I will be tomorrow - let alone next week or next year.Letting go of so many things I thought I was. Questioning the pieces of identity that have become so familiar, I didn’t even notice they were there…Until they weren’t anymore.It is a vulnerable and curious time.I spoke about it last week on the show as I burned my own house down once again.It felt good. Liberating. Had to be done.Calling myself out on the places I’d been drinking my own Kool-Aid as an invitation to others to do the same.Opening a door for Us to meet as Pure Souls - outside the constructs that have defined us.But… as it turns out, Our ego

  • Don't Drink the Kool-Aid

    13/07/2016 Duration: 57min

    Greetings, Sister,I’m feeling saucy today. A mix of humor, irreverence, agitation, and contentment that might actually be boredom? It’s an interesting cocktail that has me ready to stir the pot a bit.I am tired of writing about controversies and highly intense evolutionary cosmology. I don’t feel up to imparting timely and important wisdom that you must use or listen to in order to be or do something you already aren’t.This past week I’ve had a huge dose of wondering (knowing) that I’m actually totally full of shit.It’s ok. So are you.We all are.It is so tempting to fall into the trap of believing we are up to something that really matters.To buy our own rhetoric and jump on the bandwagon of transformation, or Black Lives Matter, or All Lives Matter, or whatever other righteous cause our ego can hitch itself up to.It’s a curious dance to play with our Becoming in this way. On the one hand, to allow ourselves some self esteem and self love. To rest in the knowing that we are up to something good and worthwhile

  • My Yoni is No Longer an Open Item

    29/06/2016 Duration: 48min

    The last couple of days have been intense for me. I had been in a beautiful space of rest, and expansion. Reveling in the coming of Summer and feeling resourced on all levels.And then Monday morning, I happened to have the TV on when they broke in to announce the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn the restrictive anti-abortion regulations that had been imposed by the Texas legislature.I admit, I had not been paying attention.It has been painful to watch the “war on women” rage through our planet as liberties we have enjoyed for decades have been eroded, and we have been reduced to picketing to restore partial rights as we make our way back to the level of sovereignty we recently took for granted.I had grown tired of watching panels of white men legislate our yoni’s and I was unclear about right action or even any action that didn’t feel utterly futile… so I had dropped out of the conversation.And then, this curious synchronicity of events presented itself and grabbed my Full Attention.It’s been burning throug

  • Wild Soul Conversation with Elijah Ray

    22/06/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    Happy Solstice week! Here in the Northern Hemisphere we have officially moved into summer, while our Sisters in the Southern Hemisphere move into winter. The yin and yang of the planet balancing in harmonic perfection.It feels like all of Creation is dancing in reverence and delight.I celebrated Solstice deep in four days of ceremony with a group of my closest students. Communing with nature, soaking in the light, and resetting our Spirits - we sang, drummed, cried, laughed, and circled out under the moon - loving each other and Returning to what is True.I am refreshed and renewed.And so looking forward to continuing to bask in the Light with you this week on Wild Soul Medicine Radio.A WSMR first… as we welcomed the beloved, Elijah Ray - our inaugural male guest to share Medicine with Our Tribe.Elijah is a Soul Brother of mine and one of the most deeply authentic, Divinely Masculine beings I have experienced.He is a surfer of love committed to living as Essence and is breathtakingly alive in shining Presence

  • Next You Must Shave Your Head

    15/06/2016 Duration: 01h03min

    I can barely believe it has only been a week since we were last together. To say a lot has transpired feels like the understatement of the century. I am a totally different woman. Fundamentally reconfigured on every level. The Goddess asked me to give myself fully over to Her. To Surrender completely to service of The Path. And I responded with Sacred Yes. Acknowledging Deep Truths to my Self and my husband, after more than a decade of suppression, I came clean about What is So for me. Liberating myself from the compromise of separation from my Turn On, I felt a resounding peace in my system. The morning after, as I was still feeling the immensity of the shift in my reality, the Goddess came to me and spoke directly into my heart. Next You Must Shave Your Head. With heart pounding and tears flowing, I whispered a willing, Yes. The story of all that transpired from that moment to this is what I will be sharing onWild Soul Medicine Radio today. Filled with breathtaking beauty, the True Love of Soul Sisters shep

  • Surrendering to Shakti with Lisa Schrader

    08/06/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    Goddess is Calling. She has me by the heart and is unwavering in her Insistence of my Return.She is ever present with me over these last weeks. Showing Herself to me in Her many forms.Two nights ago I dreamed I was wrestling a cougar. I wasn’t scared. Heart pounding and blood flowing I was enlivened by the power of this potent force. When I awoke I could still smell Her and feel the smooth muscles and coiled precision of Her strike.Another night I dreamed I was riding a snake. A giant snake as big as the galaxy and then I became the head of the snake, rising higher and higher as the force of the body of the serpent lifted me up and up.The Goddess Lilith has come to serve as a bridge for my Divine Feminine awakening. She is teaching me about sovereignty and pleasure for its own purpose, and following my Turn-On without compromise.My body is Alive with new synapses coming online and energetic pathways being revived from slumber.I am a humble initiate of this path.I Surrender my Self to Her Wisdom.And as Goddess

  • Real. Simple.

    01/06/2016 Duration: 48min

    Greetings, Sister,No. New. Information.That’s what my system was shouting to me this morning as I prepared to create some brilliantly original content for Wild Soul Medicine Radio today.I feel filled to the brim with what I have ingested energetically over these last several weeks.Like I’ve just eaten two or three Thanksgiving dinners and I can barely move a muscle because I am so FILLED with New.A New Earth, New Codes, New Shadows I’ve Cleared, New Opportunities presenting themselves, a New ME every 5 seconds…It feels like more than I can fully metabolize.I’ve learned to honor the perturbances in my system when they present themselves. To listen to the wisdom my Wild Soul has for me when She speaks.No need to keep running and running. Rest is Calling.And so we shall.Today we gather just to Be.As we sit at the Crossroads contemplating What’s So, I offer you company.We will tell stories, share medicine, and cuddle in the warmth of the sun as the ground snuggles our weary bones.Real. Simple.You don’t have to br

  • The Many Faced God

    25/05/2016 Duration: 54min

    The world of dichotomies continues to be illuminated in technicolor intensity. The striking contrast between the old and the new, the left and the right, the haves and have nots is growing and polarizing more every day.Inside our own individual systems our separations and disconnections continue to be shown to us as we navigate Soul and ego, Being and Doing, purpose and surrender.It is hard to find the sweet spot of Center amidst such an expanse of disparity.Even within our own Tribe there is the wake of the Magik School portal closing. Some women celebrating their activation and Arrival across this potent Initiation and others licking their wounds and insecurities over not having been able to make their way in.What are we to do with the raw edges of our pain being so fully in our awareness?Are we doing it wrong? How can we find peace or create something different in the midst of such suffering?And by the way… what is the Point of All of This?On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today, I’ll be sharing some newly revea

  • Greens and Band-Aids

    18/05/2016 Duration: 51min

    I come to you today filled with so much love and softness. For you, for me, for Us.These last few weeks have been a tumultuous time for the evolution of consciousness.It has been like being in the heavy wash cycle of a cosmic Maytag - being churned and spun and wrung out. Round and round we go.I’ve been receiving the medicine of the backward looks and karmic patterns coming forward for completion.Re-Sourcing my Self in all the ways I know and embracing new ones that are presenting themselves as welcome refreshments for my tired system.All the while I’m listening for Guidance, waiting for Truth to make itself known, wondering into when this particular cycle of wash, rinse, and repeat will come to a close.And then yesterday I opened my schedule to go Deeply into my spiritual practice.I spent the entire day enveloped in the Wisdom of the Teachers.The biggest of lessons on the grandest scale made themselves known.So many downloads. So much Grace.Sitting as a Primordial Child at the feet of the All.And as I emerge

  • Grieving for God

    11/05/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    I almost decided to skip doing a show today. To stay internal with my tenderness and quiet in my Grief.It has been quite a week. Almost two weeks, in fact.I have much experience in these realms. I am made to See in the darkness.I am used to doing it with swiftness and courage. Dispatching the demons with sureness and precision.But this particular dark place was of an entirely different nature. In it there was only Slow and Stupid. I could only get out by wallowing in the depression and waiting, waiting for someone to come get me - and when (and whether) that would ever happen was entirely unclear.It was worrisome to my loved Ones. My people aren’t used to seeing me rendered so utterly Help-less and Despairing.I ate and ate and slept and slept. I shuffled around my house and drove around in my car eating doughnuts and sobbing to sad music.I mourned the distance between my estranged mother and me. I lamented the state of the planet and the women I love who are taking detours on their path to consciousness - or

  • It Takes a Village

    04/05/2016 Duration: 01h15min

    Last week I spoke of the rise of the New Earth and the Call for Us to make ourselves ready to give our hands and hearts to the manifestation of Her 3D Arrival.The Future Village is real. Where we come together in Unity to live in peace and harmony as One.To prepare ourselves for this Sacred Re-Union we must deepen our spiritual practice. Learning to see through illusion, excavate Essence, and Return to Wholeness.We must also Practice community. Remembering how to collaborate, Truth Tell, navigate difference, and align with Love.Many Hands make Light Work.It is an Experiment of the Grandest sort. A revolutionary, evolutionary dance of Ecstatic Communion - the likes of which have not been seen on this planet for ages upon ages...Until Now.In the Temple of Becoming being built Here, we are Integrating the Living Practice of New Earth Now.Thousands of women are gathering with Souls at attention to learn how to Be, embody, and grow toward Wholeness.When I said the New Earth is Upon Us (and We Upon Her,) I spoke as

  • Living the New Earth Now

    27/04/2016 Duration: 01h33min

    On Sunday night I was gifted a Dream.The kind of dream that disturbs the consciousness and causes you to lie awake for hours after - listening, looking, pondering and backtracking… the kind that makes you want to go scoop up your loved ones and kiss them and hold them and ground yourself in what is Real.Dreams have always been a powerful teacher for me. Both the sleeping and waking kind.It took me days to unlock the Medicine from this particular message from Beyond, but I finally cracked the code.And it has completely changed Everything.I have never been more clear, more connected, more Held.On this episode of Wild Soul Medicine Radio I come humbly Willing, in service of sharing The Vision with you.The New Earth is upon Us.The convergence of Heaven on Earth is Now.In the midst of the crumbling of old structures and thought forms, in the chaos of the reorganization and melting of our frozen places, in the wandering of Our Ancient Forgetting…A Light of Remembrance Shines.It Calls Us to turn toward It.To allow o

  • Law of Attraction - New School Style

    20/04/2016 Duration: 58min

    Things are a bit crunchy around the edges here this morning. It is to be expected... as I am deep in the enrollments for Magik School, navigating a big transition on my support team, contemplating moving my family across the country, while also growing my company at an exponential rate.Whenever we challenge our edges we will naturally come up against another round of Medicine for our Soul.All expansion requires a stretching of old ways and sometimes an energetic unraveling as we break through our old containers and open to new ways of Being.As a Source-eress in the driver’s seat of my Creations, I am ever in the exploration of the nuances of conjuring my reality.The first spiritual business I created was actually a company that taught women about the Law of Attraction.With the popularity of the movie, The Secret, the idea of creating your reality through your thoughts and emotions was front and center back then and it was one of the first big epiphanies of my spiritual awakening.Since then, I have become a de

  • Magik School - How to Get Free

    13/04/2016 Duration: 01h16s

    TURB-U-LENT. The energies this past week have been no joke!Triggers flying, irritations front and center, emotional eruptions on every front… you’re not alone. None of us are immune.Some stuff is going DOWN. And you, Dear Sister, have a front row seat.Just by being alive right now, you have agreed to play the game. Our world is rapidly transforming with great velocity and there is much quaking and jolting as it all tries to shake itself out.Women are always asking me, “When will things get better? Is there an ‘easier’ on the horizon?”The Truth is, things are going to get increasingly chaotic as structures continue to crumble and obsolete ways fall apart.The world outside of Us will not settle on its own. No amount of waiting it out will deposit us on that distant shore.BUT… that doesn’t mean we are helpless or destined to be victims to the Collapse.Instead, we are being Called to Priestess from the center of our experience. To be the Creatrix whose Being brings order to the Chaos.Not from a space of control o

  • Falling from Grace

    06/04/2016 Duration: 58min

    I am freshly returned from the most EPIC, expansive, and evolutionary two weeks of my life. Mama Kauai held me and loved me further into Wholeness as I took myself off the grid and went All The Way IN.I am still adjusting to the integration of it all. A 6 hour time zone shift, dropping back into my life as a wife and mother, returning to the activity and obligations of leading a global movement… amidst the tenderness of brand new parts of myself meeting the world for the first time, the sacredness of experiences that can’t really be described by words, and a fragile innocence just coming online in all Her newness.It’s a lot to navigate.It always is.And… I’m just the One to do it.As you are the One (and ONLY!) for your own Path, my Love.As scary, complex, convoluted, confusing, mind-bending, edge challenging, difficult, easy, angsty, or joy filled as it is - Your Path is tailor made to guide you on your very own Heroine’s journey back to the Home of your Soul.Sometimes our steps seem awkward, clumsy and filled

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