Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 219:43:23
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The Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcast is designed to simplify health care so the common person can learn how to take back control. Through weekly educational lessons Dr. Berry will be taking the most complex medical issues and teaching it in a way that you will wonder why your own personal physician never explained it to you in such a fashion before. If you have ever went to your doctors appointment and left there more confused and frustrated then when you came in then this podcast is the one for you. Dr. Berry prides himself on being able to educate his patients and make them feel comfortable in their most trying times.


  • LLP059 Where are you getting your health info from?

    26/03/2018 Duration: 21min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, Spotify Every now and then something across my desk, timeline or social media feed that confirms that I need to keep doing that best I can at promoting smart healthy choices & passing out factual health information because if I don't than a lot of people are going to be led down a terrible path in trying to stay as healthy as they can be. It wasn't long ago that the only way you received health info & remedies was from your doctor & what your family passed down. On this episode we discuss why the changes happened and what you need to do to avoid going down the wrong rabbit hole. Links  Antibiotic Resistance Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or req

  • LLP058: Find out why you doctor is so frustrated these days

    19/03/2018 Duration: 28min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, Spotify A quick search for the term "Physician frustration" brings up a whole list of different websites trying to come the conclusion of why physicians seem more frustrated now more than ever. Unfortunately, in the community of physicians we tend not to tell the other colleagues our problems and when asked everyone seems to be doing great until these anonymous surveys come out to tell us different. On today's episode I discuss the some of the frustrations that I learned physicians were having over the past few weeks.  In this episode you will learn: Four reasons why physicians are upset Some of the biggest regrets physicians have When I plan on retiring from traditional medicine Why relying on your medicine career is a thing of the past. Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on

  • LLP057: Why does the media put everyone on life support

    05/03/2018 Duration: 20min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, Spotify One of my biggest pet peeves is the fact that the media throws every celebrity who enters inside a hospital on their final death bed with only "life support" keeping them around. Like clockwork once rapper Rick Ross was found unresponsive over the weekend the media went to work putting out headline after ridiculous headline so this week will learn about life support and what different varieties it could be.  Links  rick ross remains in the hospital In this episode you will learn: About rapper Rick Ross How many patient's Dr. Berry has taken care of on life support  What it means to truly be on life support An common procedure that also puts you on "life support" that we don't talk about Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter -

  • LLP056: How to Stay Heart Healthy with Dr. Mike

    26/02/2018 Duration: 44min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, Spotify It's the leading cause of death WORLDWIDE. Its will cost the US over 200 billion per year and that number is only going to go up. This month as we have our annual celebration of valentines day and the release of The Black Panther I wanted to make sure we end the note understanding just how important staying heart healthy is to everyone.  On this week's podcast we have Dr. Mike Morris, a renowned board Certified Cardiologist and newest  contributor to the Lunch and Learn community who is going to show us why we need to be heart healthy today and stress the importance of seeing a cardiologist before its too late. Links Official Website Dr. Mike's Best Selling Book Dr. Mike's Practice - Social Media Handle- @DrMikeMorrisMD Head Strong Heart Smart Private Group - In this episode you will learn: Why it's

  • LLP055: After sexual trauma putting the pieces back together with Marline Francois-Madden, LCSW

    19/02/2018 Duration: 58min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, Spotify Being uninformed is no longer an excuse in 2018. Sexual assault is front and center on our television sets, newspapers and right in front of our faces. We have prominent figures rightfully being taken down their pegs of fame because of these terrible acts. Women now march in huge numbers to get the point across that no longer will they settle for the status quo of keeping quiet while being taken advantage of. Last week we had Rhodena Mesadieu, a licensed clinical social worker help us establish the foundation of what is sexual assault and this week I have the pleasure of having Marline Francois-Madden, a licensed clinical social worker who is going to help up pick up some of the pieces left over from sexual trauma.   Marline is the owner of Hearts Empowerment Counseling Center and Founder of Far More Precious Inc.  In this episode not only are we going to be discussing the importance of healing from sexual trauma, but we will al

  • LLP054: Learning to define Sexual Assault with Rhodena Mesadieu LCSW

    12/02/2018 Duration: 50min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, Spotify In medicine being able to accurately establish your diagnosis can be the difference between life or death. If I don't correctly diagnose my patient, then I eventually incorrectly give the wrong treatment and ultimately can cause harm which I may not have a second chance to correct. At a time where sexual assault has almost become an everyday topic I knew that it would be important for the Lunch and Learn community to understand what is sexual assault and why it is so important to know the difference. On today's episode we have Rhodena Mesadieu, a licensed clinical social worker and we discuss the importance of defining the term Sexual Assault. Rhodena  a trauma specialist who works in facilitating survivors' healing journey from sexual abuse in adult women and young girls. Links Rhodena's place of business - Rhodena's Twitter Page - Rhodena's on Facebook - https

  • LLP053: Why Amazon doesnt think your health care is any good

    05/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, Spotify Join the lunch and learn community - It is normally exciting news to hear that a company such as Amazon is making a push into a new venture and in my case healthcare but unfortunately the news has brought on many more questions than answers and I believe shines a light on a problem that has been in our face but for the general public we didn't even know it.  Amazon's move in this direction isn't a result of a company wanting to try something new for the fun of it but a company realizing that the current health system is no good. On today's episode we talk about how bad our health care system is, how physicians have tried to get in front of the problem and what mindset patients will need to shift towards to make it a better place for all.  Links World Access to Health Care  Amazon, JP Morgan Chase & Berkshire team up   In this episode you will learn: What do Amazon,JP Morgan Chase

  • LLP052: The Flu is now deadlier than ever

    24/01/2018 Duration: 19min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, Spotify Every year around this time I know you all get bombard with the TV commercials, your local pharmacies and your physicians all pleading with you to get your annual flu shot. For some of you (Approximately 40%) you heed the calling and get the flu vaccine and go about your merry way. Unfortunately, for the majority of the population for a plethora or reasons you don't get your flu shot and the culmination is what we continue to experience on a yearly basis where you continue to have reports of worsening flu seasons then the year's past.  Today on the show I discuss some of the most recent startling facts about the flu season & why 2018 maybe one of the worst we have experienced in quite some time.  Links Lunch and Learn Episode 8  In this episode you will learn: Flu Virus Facts   How many people are dying weekly this year? Recent hospital patient who "only" had the flu Where you can get your flu shot Social Links Join the

  • LLP051: A look ahead to the New Year

    10/01/2018 Duration: 17min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, Spotify 2018 is here and the podcast is  heading in an amazing direction. On this episode you are going to here what all we have in store for this year. We have been added to the directories of both iHeartRadio & Spotify and continue to look to expand every related to the podcast. Like always we like to thank all the listeners of the podcast to making 2017 an amazing endeavor and hope to continue to bring you the best health podcast out there.  In this episode you will learn: The 3 biggest changes to the podcast  Events planned for the new year  Why the changes were necessary  Why you should expect to hear a lot less of me Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the podcast For More Episo

  • LLP050: Why did you fail to get healthier this year?

    20/12/2017 Duration: 28min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, Spotify. 2017 is coming to a close I look to answer the question that many of you have at the end of the year when your New Year's resolution has come and gone & you gear up to tell yourself that next year is going to be different. We are going to take a look first at what was my crash and fail moment for 2017 and see how I plan on correcting that myself for 2018.  Links/Resources  Affirmation 2016 ebook In this episode you will learn: What is the one bad thing I have held onto into adulthood Why are doctors the worst patients? Top 5 reasons why you aren't meeting your health goals Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the podcast For More Episodes of the Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berr

  • LLP049 Looking back at 2017 with the ups and downs that followed

    13/12/2017 Duration: 21min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud With my birthday coming up on the calendar I have decided to focus this week's podcast on all of the great & not so great things that have occurred over the year. Looking back at 2017 it would be an understatement to say that my life both professionally & personally is much different now than where I was this time last year.     Links/Resources  Saying goodbye to the old job Inky Johnson In this episode you will learn: Who was the brains behind the mental shift change What was the worst thing about my last job Toughest decision over the past year Plans for 2018 Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the podcast For More Episodes of the Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcasts  To share your thou

  • LLP048: Who doesnt have high blood pressure with Dr. Ducatel

    06/12/2017 Duration: 49min

    Listen on  Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud New blood pressure guidelines have caused an uproar in the medical community.Some of the numbers are eye opening according to experts that estimate that approximately 25 million more people will be diagnosed with high blood pressure because of these recent guideline changes. This week's episode we have Dr. Watson Ducatel, a board certified Internist and Co-Founder of Healthy Bodies Medical & Dental Center to discuss how serious the impact these new guidelines will have on clinical practice. Both Dr. Ducatel and I have serious reservations the practically associated with these guidelines and wonder whose best interest they really are for.    Links/Resources  Podcast Episode 7 - High Blood Pressure The Silent Killer Race and Culture Essay by Dr. Ducatel Healthy Bodies Medical & Dental Center In this episode you will learn: What were the old guidelines? What are the newest guidelines? How many total People are now considered to have high bloo

  • LLP047: The Power Of Affirmation in Goal Setting

    29/11/2017 Duration: 26min

    2017 has been an absolutely amazing year  and I love to say that it all started in December of 2016 when I made four bold affirmations that have forever changed the course of my personal & professional career. In the office I run into patients all the time who make these bold statements about how they are going to change their life for the better, whether it be through losing weight, exercising more, stop smoking or just make a conscious effort to take better care of themselves. Those patients are who inspired me to make the changes I set out to make that would propel myself to a level I did't think was even possible.  On today's episode I discuss just how important affirmations are whether you are a business professional or someone who is just trying to become a better and healthier you for the new year. Listen as I talk about my first ebook Affirmation 2016 and discuss the newest endeavor before the new year.   Links/Resources  Affirmation 2016 Four Affirmations for 2017 In this episode you will learn

  • LLP046: How to avoid making a mistake when signing up for health insurance

    22/11/2017 Duration: 53min

    Its the time of the year that as an outpatient physician I looked forward to and that was the open enrollment period. Before the Affordable Care Act(Obamacare) the United States had 44 million uninsured citizens in this country but with it that number has dropped to almost 28 million, dropping the number of uninsured residents to 10.4%. Cost has still been a problem in getting people to signup for health insurance especially in states that didn't vote to expand medicaid. Today I wanted to bring you in during the process of signing up for health insurance. Open enrollment is from November 1st to December 15 so the time is now to start talking about signing up for insurance. The guest sponsor for today episode is Classic Insurance Services.    Links/Resources  Health Insurance Quote Classic Insurance Services Facts about the Uninsured Population Sponsor Contact : Roger Marc Phone - (678) 964-5431 Address - 1720 MLK drive SW Atlanta,Ga 30314 Email - In this episode you will learn:

  • LLP045: Shining the spotlight on Multiple Sclerosis

    16/11/2017 Duration: 29min

    A disease that affects 2.5 million worldwide usually doesn't get much fanfare but tell that to the 2.5 million affected. This week's topic is on Multiple Sclerosis, a immunological disorder that affects the nervous system including the brain, spinal cord & optic nerves. We will learn today just what exactly is Multiple Sclerosis, who gets affected and what are the signs & symptoms to look for.    Links/Resources  National MS society Treatment option for MS In this episode you will learn: What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Signs and symptoms My first experience in treating a patient with MS What it is like to experience MS from a patient's perspective Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the podcast For More Episodes of the Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry P

  • LLP044. Trying To Do Everything Yourself Can Hurt Your Health & Business

    08/11/2017 Duration: 29min

    Every now and then we are going to have a podcast episodes that overlap both the personal coaching that I normally give regarding your health care along with some coaching for my entrepreneurs. Today I discuss just what even caused me to really be mindful of the fact that I can't do it all regardless of how hard I try. In medicine we rely on different specialities to help take care of the patient and the same goes for business. There maybe some things that you can do to help build your business but there comes a time when you have to ask "Am I the right person to do this?" and is it benefiting my maximum self worth to be doing such as activity. The same things also hold true when you are trying to be healthier. Yeah you maybe able to read up on all the books, diets and exercise plans to be successful in losing weight but your journey maybe much shorter if you follow those who are an expert for the field   Links/Resources  Consultation with Rana Campbell Dr. Nii Darko The Life Style Pharmacist- Dr. Jamie Hard

  • LLP043: Let me convince Wendy Williams had a seizure and not heat stroke.

    01/11/2017 Duration: 37min

    Prince, Lil Wayne, and Elton John have all suffered from the disorder of seizures. Yesterday I witnessed a video of Wendy Williams who looked to have suffered from one on live TV say that it the lights in the room was just too hot. Now I can't be 100% certain but on today's episode I think I make a compelling point that what she had suffered was more than just heat stroke. One in ten people will suffer from a seizure episode in their life time. Two or more seizure episodes is known as epilepsy You CANNOT swallow your tongue during a seizure, DO NOT put something in someones mouth if they are having one 1% of americans will develop epilepsy Only 60% of patients will respond to the first antiseizure medication given   Links/Resources  In this episode you will learn: What are seizures? What are the different types What are the different stages? Did Wendy Williams have a seizure? Treatment options and diagnostic test Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - F

  • LLP042: How to act when your family is in the hospital

    25/10/2017 Duration: 27min

    As a hospital physician I have learned that not only is the patient not prepared to deal with their hospital stay but the family is even more ill prepared. Over the past few weeks I have had experiences of both spectrums of care where I had family members who were amazing while taking care of the their loved ones and I had family members who I couldn't wait to heal their loved ones  and discharge them home.    In this episode you will learn: At least 8 actionable tips for a better hospital experience Why its important for the family to be active in the role of taking care of the patient Who spends the most time with your loved ones in the hospital The most important factor in dealing with your loved ones in the hospital Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the p

  • LLP041: Recap of my trip to the ACOI Conference

    19/10/2017 Duration: 35min

    Every now and then I get to take a "Vacation" away from taking care of patients but being that I have never been the vacation type I always seem to end up at a medically related function. This time I end up in Washington D.C., a place I hadn't been in almost 10 years when I was applying to medical school. I had a fabulous time there if you take away the fact that I spent my first night in my room as I was still getting over a sinus infection my kids gave me before I left. The topics were amazing and I got to me ZdoggMD (Dr. Damania) which was one of the highlights of the trip. Like most medical conferences there was plenty updates to learn so during this episode I discuss wants new in the fields of HIV, domestic violence and opioid epidemic. It didn't make the podcast but I also got to chance to listen to a great speech by a friend and fellow fraternity member (deja vu)   Links/Resources  ZdoggMD Spotting the signs of domestic Violence Dr. David Pierre 2016 ACOI recap In this episode you will learn: What

  • LLP040: Why World Mental Health Day is an Every Day Issue with Maria Davis-Pierre LMHC

    11/10/2017 Duration: 26min

    At the time of the recording I had a totally different game plan for tonights episode but being that it was World Mental Health Day I didn't want to miss an opportunity to bring up a topic that I hold near and dear to me. I again enlisted the assistance of Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Maria Davis-Pierre to give her professional take on the sheer importance of World Mental Health day in regards to recognizing the problem of the lack of awareness for mental health. During the episode we talk about not only why we need to continue the discussion of mental health but focus on giving less power to the stigmas associated with it.       Links/Resources  Death and Dying Episode SStop telling young boys to man up Healing and Recovery Group Day by Day Therapy  Maria Davis-Pierre's Business Page In this episode you will learn: Importance of World Mental Health Day Why we have to take the time to recognize when we have a problem When she would seek help The best ways professionals can approach patients who may no

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