Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 219:43:23
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The Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcast is designed to simplify health care so the common person can learn how to take back control. Through weekly educational lessons Dr. Berry will be taking the most complex medical issues and teaching it in a way that you will wonder why your own personal physician never explained it to you in such a fashion before. If you have ever went to your doctors appointment and left there more confused and frustrated then when you came in then this podcast is the one for you. Dr. Berry prides himself on being able to educate his patients and make them feel comfortable in their most trying times.


  • LLP039: Dressing up in Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

    04/10/2017 Duration: 27min

    Breast Cancer Awareness Month is upon us. Did you know that Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women and is the second leading cancer diagnosis in women.  Did you know that every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer or how about the fact that African American Women under the age of 45 are not only more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer but also more likely to die from it. There is a reason why the whole month of october is dedicated to promoting awareness for Breast Cancer. In today's podcast we will go over various aspects Breast Cancer, you are going to hear a couple of  patient case presentations that are going to help open the mind to different ways breast cancer can present.    Links/Resources  Lunch and Learn Episode 53 In this episode you will learn: What is Breast Cancer? Why do we dress in pink? Who is affected by it? What are some of the risk factors? What are some of the signs and symptoms  Diagnostic Options for detecting breast cancer Treatment options p

  • LLP038: Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis

    27/09/2017 Duration: 21min

    Back with another discussion on a very important and common autoimmune disease - Rheumatoid Arthritis. In my office quite often when patients were asked about their medical history some would check off that they have rheumatoid arthritis when they really meant to just say osteoarthritis. Its a phrase we hear a lot on television but very few understand the overall severity of the disorder. On our Facebook page it was one of the most engaged discussions we have had for the Lunch and Learn so I decided to bring it to the podcast today.    Links/Resources  Live Lunch and Learn Episode - RA Osteoarthritis Review Facebook Post In this episode you will learn: What is Rheumatoid Arthritis Background information Yes kids can get it too Osteoarthritis vs Rheumatoid Arthritis  Risk Factors Signs/Symptoms How is it diagnosed Certain treatment options Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the

  • LLP037: Five types of chest pain that can kill you

    20/09/2017 Duration: 27min

    Chest pain is one of the most common complaints in the emergency room. Reports show that it is responsible for approximately six million visits a year. As a hospitalists I am usually tasked with taking care of these patients in the the hospital to ensure the number #1 goal that anyone should have when walking into the hospital, being able to walk out. Because of  hurricane season in south florida many of my more sedentary patients are suddenly doing all this extra curricular work in preparation. Unfortunately, many are finding out the hard way that being physically unfit causes lots of issues that can be fatal. Links/Resources  Heart Disease and Prevention Why should you care about heart disease In this episode you will learn: Why its important to recognize chest pain 5 top causes that will kill you Signs and symptoms of the causes  Several patient scenarios involving the causes Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - www.

  • LLP036: The odd couple - Healthcare workers and hurricanes

    13/09/2017 Duration: 23min

    Hurricane season has been a yearly occurrence for me growing up for as long as I can remember. Born and raised in south Florida  it was an all too common time getting the preparations in order for yet another season of uncertainty regarding this phenomenon that had loomed over our summers. It didn't matter how much you prepared for it there was always something we wish we had done more of. As a Physician,  hurricane season has taken on a whole new meaning for me. Recently Hurricane Irma took its toll on the region and while many friends and family were wanting to see if I had plans for evacuation the only plans I had time to think about was how to deal with the stress of patients who were either in the hospital or needed to be. I don't think people take for granted the importance of healthcare workers in a time of crisis but I they think they honestly forget that we tend to run towards the danger than away from it. On this episode I talk about the importance of the healthcare workers and even spotlight my Int

  • LLP035: The pain of sickle cell disease

    07/09/2017 Duration: 30min

    Sickle cell disease is a disorder that has affected both my professional & personal life. I have watched patients suffer from a disease that we don't seem to have a very good handle on time and time again. Noted as the most common genetic disorder in the United States, sickle cell disease earns the honor of getting its own month to shed some spotlight on it.  Links/Resources  My overview from last year In this episode you will learn: Sickle Cell Awareness Month Which parent is responsible for passing it down to you Who is affected the most What are some of the big complications How do we treat it Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the podcast For More Episodes of the Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcasts  To share your thoughts: Leave a comment  Shar

  • LLP034: Why you have to get out of your own way

    30/08/2017 Duration: 32min

    Self confidence is an issue that affects everyone. It is a very common determinant of a positive outlook and I have found that over the years as I have continued to grow in both my professional & personal development that it is something that will hinder anyone from their full potential. I remember finishing up residency and starting to work and one day looking around wondering was this it? Now if you are familiar with my backstory I had wanted to become a doctor since I was about 8 years old and everything I did up until that point was to make sure that dream happened. But here I was sitting in the office wondering if I was doing enough with the position I had earned.  I had so many ideas and thoughts that would run through my head that I would never take any action on because of the fear of failure. Then I began to realize that many people in similar professional positions had these same negative thoughts  that didn't allow them to take a leap of faith on something they actually wanted to do.   So when

  • LLP033: Death, dying and tough conversations with Maria Davis-Pierre LMHC

    23/08/2017 Duration: 31min

    It is the bodies normal defense mechanism to keep us from doing things that will cause us harm. The conversation of death, grief & loss is one of those things that we avoid until we absolutely have to face it. For many health care providers these conversations can become daunting because the reaction is never the same for two families alike. I wanted to approach the subject because I have seen far too often families be more devastated by the lack of preparation for the inevitable than that actual event itself. This week I enlisted the assistance of Maria Davis-Pierre LMHC, who specializes in grief in loss to discuss not only what we as health care workers can do to help further the discussion but how families can start the process as well.   Links/Resources  Day by Day Therapy (best way to contact for counseling services) Maria's Business Page  Maria's Facebook Group In this episode you will learn: Who is Maria Davis-Pierre, LMHC How has she been so important in the way I practice medicine Why it is im

  • LLP032: Taking good care of your liver

    17/08/2017 Duration: 28min

    It seemed like August in the hospital was bring all your liver problems to me month because I had way too many people being admitted to the facility with liver issues. It got me thinking that if I was going to work on preventing these things from happening than I needed to scream from the rooftops why your organ, the liver was so important. Some important fun facts regarding the liver includes it being the largest organ in the body,  it's role in making you stop bleeding and exactly what happens when you get too much alcohol in you.  Links/Resources  Mayo clinic In this episode you will learn: What is the liver What is the function of this organ Causes of liver dysfunction Symptoms of liver dysfunction Patient examples of a liver gone bad Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments

  • LLP031: Do you trust your doctor?

    10/08/2017 Duration: 30min

    This is a time where taking care of your health is so important with all the different changes in healthcare on the horizon. An important question to answer is do you still trust your doctor to be in charge of your health. On the episode today I discuss the importance of trusting your physician, we go into detail about different doctor/patient relationships and give some tips to improve patient satisfaction. I also give a chance to get a free audio based chapter of a book I am working on.    Links/Resources  Reasons why minorities don't trust the health system In this episode you will learn: Why is important to have a good relationship with your doctor? Why it is important to trust your doctor? Different factions of the doctor/patient relationship What can physicians do to improve patient relations. Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use t

  • LLP030: Sexually Transmitted Diseases & Usher

    08/08/2017 Duration: 37min

    Sexually transmitted diseases have become a mainstay in the primary care setting but with recent reports that the numbers are on the rise a Public Health crisis may not be too far behind. Today were are going to be focusing on just three STDs, syphilis, gonorrhea & herpes simplex. Because of the recent legal troubles Usher has been having regarding herpes transmission I thought I would shed some light on just how prevalent it was and should you get tested today.  Links/Resources  CDC on Herpes CDC on gonorrhea CDC on Syphilis   In this episode you will learn: Learn about Syphilis, Gonorrhea & Herpes Simplex Why it is becoming a public health crisis Antibiotic resistance becoming a problem  Infection versus exposure Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for

  • LLP029: Why prostate cancer should be at the top of men's health concern

    03/08/2017 Duration: 32min

    Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in men. In 2017 almost 160,000 people with diagnosed with prostate cancer with many more going undiagnosed. There are major symptoms associated with prostate cancer but the most common one will surprise you. Learn today why your doctor's are missing the boat on treating you for prostate cancer and if you are an African American male you don't want to miss out on this topic.  Links/Resources  Free PDF for Prostate Disorders Learn more about skin cancer Why socioeconomics play a huge role in health care In this episode you will learn: What is prostate gland? What can go wrong? Common facts about prostate cancer? Risk factors, symptoms  The major symptom of prostate cancer Prostate cancer in the African American male Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you h

  • LLP028: Looking out for lupus and what's up next

    27/07/2017 Duration: 28min

    It is a disease that affects women almost 90% percent of the time. Toni Braxton, Selena Gomez, Seal, Nick Cannon all suffer from the disorder lupus. This autoimmune disease is chronic in its presentation, has no triggers on what causes it but still manages to effect 1.5 million yearly and is responsible for 140,000 hospital visits per year. It's a disease that I will also keep an eye on because my very first patient suffered from the disease. On the episode today we talk about Lupus, go into detail about the specifics behind the disease and who & what gets affected.  As promised on the episode here are a list of just some of the symptoms associated with the disorder Joint pain Muscle pain Fatigue Hair Loss Fevers Sores in your mouth Finger tip color changes Skin sensitivity Skin rashes  Chest pain when breathing  Links/Resources  National Organization Drugs that can cause SLE In this episode you will learn: What is Lupus Facts about Lupus Symptoms and how its diagnosed 3 most common types  What do I

  • LLP027: Why blood sugar isn't important in diabetes

    20/07/2017 Duration: 30min

    Somehow I went this far without talking about a disease that a day doesn't go by that I don't see it one way shape or form. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects almost 30 million people here in the United States. It cost the health care system approximately $250 billion each year to take care of and the co-morbidities associated with diabetes are as long as a grocery lists. I have told my students in the past that diabetes isn't something I wished on my worst enemy for very good reasons which we will talk about today.    Links/Resources  Why I wouldn't wish it on my own enemy Organization website   In this episode you will learn: What is diabetes Startling facts on diabetes Symptoms of the disorder Three most common types of diabetes What is it like in the hospital setting Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLear

  • LLP026: Why being the family counselor is too big a burden

    17/07/2017 Duration: 19min

    In my office more often than not "the rock" in  the family is concerned about being over burdened. Its a very common theme to see with those who serve as the mental "rock" in their family because everyone tends to come to them because they are seen as the problem solvers. My biggest gripe is that for many of the "family counselors" they tend to have no one that they can lean on for emotional support so they are burdened with not only their personal issues, but the issues of everyone else. On this episode I try to implore the family counselors of the world to stop this practice immediately because it is slowly killing them mentally and emotionally. There is a reason counselors, therapist & doctors like myself go through the training we do because you have to learn how to deal with the problems of others but not let it affect your own.    In this episode you will learn: Help you identify if you are the problem Why people are trained to be counselors Why it is detrimental for your personal well being taking

  • LLP025: Spotting the signs of domestic violence

    17/07/2017 Duration: 23min

    To get a medical license or even renew your medical license we are required to take a 1-2 course on domestic violence. I remember seeing it listed and being pretty excited because I had learned about its serious effects from a public health perspective. Some of the numbers are startling with one in four women and one in seven men over the age of 18 being a reported victim of abuse. Quite often its the physicians whether it be in the emergency room or in the routine often visit who could serve as the first line protectors IF they recognize the signs and are able to help.  On this episode I talk about certain cues that I look for in patients that prime me to dig in a bit deeper when I feel the situation arises because a majority of your patients will not just come out & say I am being abused. The great physician is one who recognizes when is the right time to take some action. Also, in this episode we talk a little bit about teen dating violence because as the numbers will suggest domestic & intimate pa

  • LLP024: Why cigarettes and heart disease are a deadly combination

    14/07/2017 Duration: 19min

    If there is only one thing that I absolutely want you to take from all of my lunch and learn episodes is that I never want to see you pick up a cigarette for the first time or smoke it ever again. There is absolutely nothing that could be said that would make me that that smoking a cigarette in 2017 isn't the equivalent of slowly killing yourself. As a medical student you learn that if quitting or smoking cigarettes is an answer choice you choose that. There isn't a cancer that isn't negatively affected by cigarette smoking or have cigarette as a huge cause. When you have the fact that heart disease in the number one killer in the world and then you throw on the gasoline that is cigarette smoking than you have your secret recipe for disaster.      Links/Resources  Why is smoking a cigarette still a thing to do? Are you getting a heart attack   In this episode you will learn: Who is doing all the smoking Smoking by the numbers Associated risk factors Tips for quitting Vaping benefits and risks Social Links

  • LLP023: Do you really need an antibiotic?

    14/07/2017 Duration: 15min

    You know that I promote my love for Public Health whenever I get the chance and quite often find a way to point out how important it is in everyday medicine. Well, this is one of those times again with the subject of antibiotics. There isn't a shift that goes by that I have to prescribe someone an antibiotic for their illness but because of that we are beginning to run into a huge public health issue where we no longer have an arsenal of antibiotics to fight these common diseases.   What has been the biggest reason? Physicians overprescribing antibiotics just to keep the patient happy. I can't tell you how many times someone has come in my office in order to get antibiotics for something that is clearly viral and leaves upset because I won't prescribe it. For many the placebo of taking a medication is all they want regardless if it will help or not.   We know the cost of health care for patients dealing with resistant bugs is much more than those fighting resistant bugs and now its gotten to the point where i

  • LLP022: Finding out my child has autism and raising sliblings. Part 2

    13/07/2017 Duration: 12min

    Today's episode is a follow up from my finding out my child has autism podcast. I will be discussing some of the differences of raising kids together where one has autism and the others seeming do not. There are things now that my youngest kids(twins) do that I didn't realize you did at that age because my oldest daughter had a developmental delay. Some of the key differences from a developmental standpoint are still surprising me as we continue to watch them grow up. With Autism affecting 1 out of 68 children I knew there was a chance to have another child with autism so I think that is what sometimes causes me to be surprised at their development because they really aren't showing any signs of slowing down anytime soon.    Links/Resources  Are you aware? Don't wait any longer on the diagnosis   In this episode you will learn: How actions become louder than words The differences in raising his youngest twins versus his oldest   Social Links Join the lunch and learn community -

  • LLP021: Finding out my child has autism

    13/07/2017 Duration: 13min

    Hearing that your child has autism can be life altering and usually brings out way more questions than you could imagine. I remember when my wife who is a licensed mental health counselor began noticing developmental delays in our child that she was just uncomfortable with waiting to see how things played out. Being an internist, who specializes in the treatment of adults I was in the dark and really couldn't offer any guidance at the time so it was refreshing to see my wife go to work and despite all of the "experts" tell her that it was too early to diagnose she pressed forward. It was a great lesson in the treatment of autism where early intervention will always trump all.  On today's episode we discuss why autism is a big part in my life and why the key is early intervention.   Links/Resources  Waiting for a diagnosis Getting aware of autism In this episode you will learn: Why its such a personal issue for me Learn about his amazing wife efforts in the beginning Why early diagnosis is key How much it h

  • LLP020: Why skin cancer is much scarier than the news will have you believe

    12/07/2017 Duration: 16min

    If you had to guess which is the most common cancer in the world how many of you would say skin cancer? In the episode today we will begin to shed the light on skin cancer and talk about how many diagnoses per year of skin cancer is found. In my office quite often do I have to tell my patients that getting a yearly test is almost mandatory (even though are insurance companies who think it is). Being in Florida the sun exposure is much higher than others parts of the country so its imperative to keep checking your self on a routine basis. Learn more about skin cancer on today's episode.    Links/Resources  Find a free screening spot   In this episode you will learn: Fun Facts about skin cancer Learn about Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month What are the risk factors? Why sun screen is important Why being African American isn’t an excuse not to get your skin checked   Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - w

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