Ed Mylett Show



Delivering to you on the show great ideas, tactics, strategies and hopefully some inspiration that could help shape and transform areas of your life that you want to improve, whether that's your body, or your mind, your business or your family.


  • The Identity Shift You Must Make

    05/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    Today, I WANT YOU TO FOCUS ON YOU. Many people overlook it, but the truth is you can't figure out your place in the world until you figure out who you are. This 1:1 episode is all about your IDENTITY and how you can use a razor-sharp understanding of yourself to…

  • How To Get Unstuck And Back To Your Dreams

    28/09/2023 Duration: 28min

    This episode puts YOU in the spotlight as I answer your questions! Today’s episode is just me and YOU 1:1. This week’s question is…”What can I do RIGHT NOW, TODAY to get UNSTUCK and get back to chasing my dreams?” Everything about the answer to this flows from a simple but profound thought. Simply put…WHEN YOU HELP OTHERS, YOU HELP YOURSELF.And that’s where the CHANGE IN YOU takes place. How can you help others? There's a common thread between all human beings so this applies to EVERYONE… Everybody is born with a DREAM.  Every person you meet has a DREAM, including YOU. And all of them are looking for a LEADER in their lives to acknowledge and help fulfill those dreams.  YOU can be that person when you start working on your ability to bring VISION to other people’s dreams. And don't discount the fact that you are a leader! If you are a parent, you're a leader. If you are a friend, you're a leader. If you have one person working with you or for you, you're a leader. At minimum, you lead yourself every single d

  • How To Live Longer & Grow Rich With A.I. w/ Peter Diamandis

    26/09/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    This is how we will ALL LIVE Longer and BETTER lives! Science and AI are busting down the door and father-time better watch out! On today’s episode of The Ed Mylett Show, I’m bringing on PETER DIAMANDIS to explain how technological advances in science, AI, and entrepreneurship will be able to extend the average life span by DECADES. Buckle up for a remarkable and wide-ranging discussion about WELLNESS, LONGEVITY, HEALTH, SCIENCE, and more. In a world that often focuses on bad news, negativity and so much that brings us down, Peter is a contrarian because he is GENUINELY EXCITED by where we’re headed in the FUTURE. His vision is backed by his actions, because Peter has started over 20 companies and invested $250 million in the areas of longevity, space, venture capital, and education. His track record is unrivaled, validated by the fact that he has also been named by Fortune as one of the WORLD’S 50 GREAT LEADERS and is a 3x New York Times Bestselling author. Peter shares hiss extraordinary insights about: HOW

  • The Raw Reality: Grieving The Loss Of A Loved One

    21/09/2023 Duration: 29min

    In today's episode, I'm peeling back the layers and exposing the raw GRIEF I’m currently going through AND how I’m dealing with it, trying to learn from it and somehow find purpose in it. This week is not a 1:1 like others you’ve heard from me, but it’s something I need to talk about. And it’s something you need to hear and reflect upon because, sooner or later, the finality of death touches us all. My dear friend, Jessie Lee Ward passed away earlier this week from cancer. She was 34 years old. Only 34 years old. If you follow me here, you know how special she was to me. Whether you are grieving her death as I am or if you are grieving for any other loss in your life, take comfort in knowing grief is a sign that LOVE is greater than death. Grief and death are experiences that every single person on this planet will go through and so is THIS EPISODE is for EVERYONE. I’m sharing my experience with grief IN REAL TIME and sharing how to find comfort even in moments of despair. Let this also serve as a reminder th

  • How To 10X Your Life w/ Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    19/09/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    10X your TIME. 10X your MONEY. 10X your RELATIONSHIPS. 10X your PURPOSE!!! If you're seeing this, odds are you are dedicated to GROWTH in all areas of your life… and on this week's episode, we're going to kick up the intensity and deliver mind-bending strategies on how to 10X your life and grow EXPONENTIALLY with my brilliant friend, DR. BENJAMIN HARDY. Dr. Benjamin Hardy is an ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST and BEST-SELLING AUTHOR and is sharing his REVOLUTIONARY methods on how to 10X your TIME, 10X your MONEY, 10X your RELATIONSHIPS and 10X your PURPOSE including: How Mastering your PAST can shape your legacy. The art of FRAMING: Viewing events and people through a transformative lens. How to harness your superpower of adaptability. Turning every stumble into a stepping stone. Crafting a compelling future with REVERSE ENGINEERING. The magic behind setting seemingly IMPOSSIBLE GOALS. Digging deep into the SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY. Deciphering your genuine WHY. How to master time Operating to a 10X level is fun

  • Millionaire Money Habits

    14/09/2023 Duration: 25min

    This week I want to talk to you about something that’s near and dear to everyone’s heart. MONEY. I can’t give you specific advice or a great stock tip, but I can talk to you about some FINANCIAL SECURITY PRINCIPLES I’ve used over the years to build a significant amount of wealth. Let’s start with some basics… First, you must create a SAVER’S MINDSET. LOCK THIS IN. If you can’t save money when you don’t have much, you won’t save money when you have a lot of it. Saving money is a HABIT. So, the The very first thing you must decide is if you are A SAVER OR A SPENDER? Part of this includes AUDITING how you spend your money. Do you know how much you spend on Starbucks, Amazon, DoorDash, streaming services, and other discretionary things each month? Next, what is your attitude toward DEBT? The cost to borrow money on a depreciating asset is EXPENSIVE. It can make sense to LEVERAGE MONEY on an appreciating asset, but you’ve also got to pay really close attention to how much and how often you do that as well. Also as

  • How To Let Go Of Toxic Relationships

    07/09/2023 Duration: 19min

    This episode puts YOU in the spotlight as I answer your questions! Today’s episode is just me and YOU 1:1. This week’s question is…”Ed, can you help me change the behavior of someone I have a relationship with?” Sorry to disappoint you, but YOU CAN’T change ANYONE. AND you must STOP trying to change people. They’re not going to change just because you want them to. ALL CHANGE COMES FROM WITHIN. And here’s the truth. when you try to change others, it’s exhausting and DOES NOT WORK! You are wasting TIME, ENERGY, and EFFORT. They will not do it for you. In fact, they will RESIST, REBEL, and RESENT you. Instead, you have two choices… ACCEPT WHO THEY ARE, complete with their flaws and shortcomings …or…WALK AWAY. If you are struggling in any kind of relationship, romantic, professional, or a friendship… ❗️THIS EPISODE will make you face the tough questions you’ve been avoiding and help you get on track to creating better relationships. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • How To Go From Average To Extraordinary

    31/08/2023 Duration: 22min

    The difference between WINNING and LOSING is so SMALL it’s SCARY! This episode puts YOU in the spotlight as I answer your questions! Today’s episode is just me and YOU 1:1. This week’s question is…”How do I not let my dream fizzle out?” Here’s the truth… Your dreams are MUCH CLOSER than you think they are! Listen to me!!! The difference between winning and losing is so small it’s almost too scary to talk about! It’s ONE ACTION. What if you could live life and be in anticipation of that ONE thing changing everything? You’d be hustling a lot harder wouldn't you?You’d have a bit more FIRE in your step wouldn’t you? Most People have vision issues, BIG TIME... And not the type of issue where they lack vision. That’s an overplayed topic. This issue is DEPTH PERCEPTION. Most People think attainment of that dream is much further away than it really is. And it causes them to behave in such a way that keeps that vision at a distance all of their life. You are MUCH CLOSER than you think you are. Believe it or not, you a

  • How To Live Your Dream / Jason Derulo

    29/08/2023 Duration: 01h03s

    Superstar JASON DERULO is revealing his SECRETS on how to LIVE YOUR DREAMS! This man needs no introduction! You know him well as a musical icon, selling over 250 MILLION singles worldwide and writing songs for Diddy, Sean Kingston, Lil Wayne and other HUGE names in the industry. He’s been dropping HITS and topping the music charts consistently since 2009… And like I always tell you, SUCCESS is no accident! This week, Jason Derulo is getting REAL, pulling back the curtain, and sharing his formula to turning your DREAMS into REALITY. He's sharing his real life GRIND on how he became a GLOBAL SENSATION, and how he continuing his journey to becoming one of the BEST EVER. You’ll learn: How to bridge the gap between PASSION and PROFESSION How to harness SOCIAL MEDIA How to find the path of least resistance Why success is always on LEASE and how to always make your RENT on time How to stick to NON-NEGOTIABLE ROUTINES (Jason's secret weapon!) How to know if it’s all WORTH IT And how to SILENCE the HATERS! This isn't

  • How To Win At Anything

    24/08/2023 Duration: 16min

    The average do what they’re supposed to do; the GREATS do ONE MORE! This episode puts YOU in the spotlight as I answer your questions! Today’s episode is just me and YOU 1:1. The average person works hard, but the greats WORK and THINK on a different level! THIS is how you KNOCK DOWN the wall between YOU and YOUR DREAM! ⁣⁣My mantra has always been “ONE MORE!” Why? Because I want to find ways to separate myself. Separate myself from the packSeparate myself from my current situationSeparate myself from my current level This episode will teach you how to knock down any barrier standing in between your goals and WIN! When everyone else is finished, YOU will do ONE MORE!Do one more rep in the gym.Make one more phone call.Read one more chapter.Give one more hug.Close one more deal. ⁣⁣GET ADDICTED to ONE MORE!⁣⁣It's the one thing EVERYONE can do but what MOST won't. Each "ONE MORE" you do, chisels away that wall between you and your dreams. ⁣⁣The wall is literally about to crumble. KEEP POUNDING! ⁣⁣Other people are

  • Rediscover Your Joy w/ Alexis Jones

    22/08/2023 Duration: 59min

    Prepare to redefine love, purpose, and resilience and discover profound truths that promise to shake your very core and elevate your journey to the next level… She lost a baby, found out her dad wasn't her real dad, focus on stories and not so much on her accolades and whats in the book. ALEXIS JONES is the epitome of inspiration, joy, kindness, love, and audacity. She is a celebrated AUTHOR, ACTIVIST, TV ICON, and MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER and has been honored with many accolades, including the 2018 JEFFERSON AWARD, joining the ranks of past recipients that have included Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Steve Jobs, and Oprah Winfrey. Her latest book, JOY HUNTER, lays the foundation for this heart-to-heart conversation, unraveling the most intimate lessons she's uncovered in her journey as we cover many of the things she’s learned about herself that you can apply to your life too, including… Performance-Based Love: The truth behind seeking love through achievements. Adversity as a Reset Button: Transforming challenges into ne

  • How To Read People

    17/08/2023 Duration: 17min

    How often are you MISLED or LET DOWN by people? THIS ONE SKILL will help you eliminate this problem! This episode puts YOU in the spotlight as I answer your questions! Today’s episode is just me and YOU 1:1. This week’s question is…”How do you protect yourself and make sure you have the right people surrounding you in your life?” In a world where we're constantly bombarded by words, it's easy to lose sight of one of the MOST CRUCIAL abilities - deciphering the true intent behind those words… AKA telling the REAL from the Fake! This week, I'm about to reveal to you a game-changing skill that's transformed my personal and professional life and teach you how to become a better judge of people.

  • Winning It All: Building Champions w/ Coach Dan Hurley

    15/08/2023 Duration: 01h15min

    So, what does it take to WIN at the absolute HIGHEST LEVEL? It’s a complex question with anything but simple answers. But this week, you’ll hear from somebody who knows EXACTLY what it takes from one of the best coaches on the planet. DAN HURLEY is the head coach at the UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT, where he guided the team to the 2023 NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP, reaching the top ranks of college basketball after more than 20 years of paying hard-earned dues. If Dan’s name sounds familiar, it may also be because he comes from one of the game's most famous basketball coaching families. His father is NAISMITH HALL OF FAMER BOB HURLEY SR., and his older brother, Bobby, was one of DUKE’S greatest point guards who played several seasons in the NBA and is currently the head coach at Arizona State. I wanted to know what it takes to build a program from the ground up, which Dan has done at WAGNER, RHODE ISLAND, AND UCONN. The best part of hearing Dan’s approach for each of these programs is that we cover skills and strategies yo

  • How Leaders Solve Problems

    10/08/2023 Duration: 25min

    85% of your problems should be solved IMMEDIATELY! Do you have a system, strategy or process for solving problems? Do you want one? I’m revealing mine in my new video/Audio release today 

  • How A.I. Will Destroy Or Save Humanity w/ Mo Gawdat

    08/08/2023 Duration: 01h12min

    The former Chief Business Officer of GOOGLE X has a WARNING for us about AI and you NEED to hear it! THIS is the turning point for humanity… While many people are touting AI’s incredible benefits, others are striking a more cautionary tone about the future of AI, including this week’s guest, MO GAWDAT. As the former Chief Business Officer of GOOGLE X, Mo and his team were constantly on the cutting edge of INNOVATION in the tech industry, diving as deep as anyone into AI development. Since leaving Google, Mo has become a three-time best-selling author and hosts the #1 mental health podcast, SLO MO. This week, I’m on a mission with Mo to dispel speculation, wild conjectures, and misinformation as we reveal the TRUTH ABOUT AI, GOOD and BAD. Listen closely to Mo’s incredible insights on… The future of the world with AI The looming DANGEROUS of AI and what we can do about it Why people working in AI is deeply concerned about the IMMEDIATE and LONG-TERM RISKS AI GENERATED relationships between people and machines H

  • Secrets To A New Life

    03/08/2023 Duration: 22min

    Are you ready for the key to EXTRAORDINARY living? This episode that puts YOU in the spotlight as I answer your burning questions! Today’s episode is just me and YOU 1:1. This week’s question is…”What do you do on the days you just want to pull the covers back over your head and cancel your day? Other people I follow say this is self-care. Do you agree?

  • Master The Art Of Communication w/ John Maxwell

    01/08/2023 Duration: 57min

    WORDS have POWER. This episode will teach you how to HARNESS that power by becoming a master communicator. Simply put, JOHN MAXWELL is one of the GREATEST COMMUNICATORS who has ever lived. He is a #1 New York Times bestselling author who has sold over 24 million books and trained more than 5 million leaders in 180 countries. He has trained High-Achieving Leaders across the globe and has dominated the business leadership industry. He has transformed individuals, communities, corporations, and countries all around the world and was named #1 leadership expert of all time by Inc. Magazine. It is my honor to welcome JOHN MAXWELL back on the show. In this interview, you’ll get a sneak peek into his new book, 16 UNDENIABLE LAWS OF COMMUNICATION: APPLY THEM AND MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MESSAGE. It's packed with valuable strategies that will up your leadership game by leaps and bounds, just like this interview. We’re bringing you an hour of practical and actionable communication skills including insights on: The 3 Stages

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