This Craft Nation



This Craft Nation explores the stories of the craft renaissance and makers movement that have manifested into our modern connected lifestyle. Fred and Kyle dive deep into the creative combustion engine of our country; talking to the colorful characters who hold the deeper truths of This Craft Nation.


  • TCN S2E1 - Fred & Kyle's Adventures

    24/05/2019 Duration: 56min

    Fred and Kyle kickoff season two with a talk about what's been happening and what's on deck.  Michigan Brewers Guild, Farm Aid, Harvest Gathering and more...    

  • TCN19 - Victor Vague | Photographer | Kalamazoo

    20/02/2018 Duration: 01h29min

    Victor Vague is a wet plate photographer in Kalamazoo, MI. This episode takes us back to Day one, and interview number two. Kyle and I met Victor at Earthwork Harvest Gathering 2016. Within seconds of talking to Victor, we could feel that he was the real deal; this was something genuine and something we should experience. Victor's knowledge and passion for his craft showed through so clearly that it was natural to think of him when we started to put our short list of makers together. We had just left Food Dance after a lovely talk and lunch with Julie, and met Victor in his basement studio on the East side of town.

  • TCN18 | Wanderlust Ironworks | Autumn and Simon Saleh | San Antonio

    07/02/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    Day 20 at Wanderlust Ironworks in San Antonio, Texas with Autumn and Simon. We were inspired and energized by the enthusiasm and passion this creative and hardworking pair put into their work.  

  • TCN17 - Joe York - Filmmaker - Southern Foodways Alliance

    24/01/2018 Duration: 01h25min

    Joe’s first assignment as a film maker for Southern Foodways Alliance sounds like it was pretty much a dare from founder John T. Edge. Armed with not much more than a camera, a background in anthropology and a genuinely curious storyteller’s heart, Joe made Saving Seeds, which started an SFA tradition. He’s since made dozens of films, sharing the traditions and character of the region with honesty and grace. Kyle and I dropped in on Joe on Day 16 in Water Valley, Mississippi. Check out Joe’s work at and watch his inspiring films with the SFA at  

  • TCN16 - This Craft Nation Crew at Red Horse Ranch

    17/01/2018 Duration: 01h31min

    Fred, Kyle and Emily kick off the new year with an update from their holiday retreat at Red Horse Ranch.  Hear some beverage-fueled travel stories and learn about Emily's Mitten Beer Girl quest.   Links for this episode's featured makers Food Dance @food_dance Wanderlust Ironworks  @wanderlust_ironworks  @wanderlustiron Gravitas Drift Boats  @gravitasdriftboats

  • TCN15 - Great Lakes Yard - Meegan Czop

    15/12/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    Meegan Czop runs Great Lakes Yard, which she founded to redirect lumber away from landfills by reclaiming and repurposing it for the building trades. We talked to Meegan on Day 35, the final day of our trip. There’s a lot for you to hear from everywhere in-between, as this is our 56th interview. Her enthusiasm and determination are infectious - so despite our travel patina and road fatigue, we were inspired and curious to dig into her story.

  • TCN 14 - Talking Cocktails - Dale DeGroff & Adam Seger

    01/12/2017 Duration: 01h31min

    TCN14 is from day six of our trip, featuring Dale Degroff and Adam Seger. We’d been adapting to the pace of New York City, which had us hustling through public transportation and urban navigation. We arrived to the IPic theater, and followed the signs up the escalators to The Tuck Room. Adam pulled a book, pivoting it from its bottom corner, and the entire bookshelf revealed itself to be a door, opening to an expansive, magical “green room.” If you’ve had a cocktail, you have benefited from the influence of Dale DeGroff. He goes by the well-deserved moniker of King Cocktail, and I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that his work and his writings have directly or indirectly influenced every working bartender out there today. Adam Seger is a remarkable barman, connector and educator with a knack for bringing elegant and sophisticated presentations forward in an adventurous and comfortable way. It was a pleasure to talk to them both about cocktails, over cocktails.

  • TCN13 - Act II from Earthwork Harvest Gathering with E Minor

    25/10/2017 Duration: 53min

    This is a second act, continuing from TCN10. These two conversations are from Sunday afternoon at Harvest. We had a little extra time on our hands, so Kyle and I caught up for the first half and welcomed E-Minor for the second half of this episode.  

  • TCN12 - It's a Family Affair: Authors Kristen Tracy & Brian Evenson

    19/10/2017 Duration: 01h21min

    Kyle and I got together with Kristen and Brian for lunch during our stop in Los Angeles. We were mere hours off of our 28 hour overnight train ride from San Antonio to LA on the Texas Eagle.  We were a little blinky-eyed, but well-coffeed as we got to the restaurant, ordered food and scouted tables. I setup the wireless microphones, anxiously hoping the hustling restaurant setting would provide some cool, contextual din of ambience to complement our conversation. What can I say, I’m an optimist. That didn’t happen. There was no way were going to make it work. The table’s were packed in tight, the restaurant was full, with a line snaking towards the door, and my headphones revealed the chaos as anything but productive. Thankfully, we realized that Brian and Kristen were coming to Michigan to visit Red Horse Ranch in June, adjacent to a secret awards ceremony in Chicago, that Kristen was not yet allowed to reveal. We made the call to postpone, and I let out semi-exhausted sigh of relief. We enjoyed our lunch an

  • TCN11 - Harvest Gathering - Gregory Stovetop & Madelyn Grant

    11/10/2017 Duration: 58min

    Act 1 from Harvest Gathering 2017 at Earthwork Farm in Lake City, Michigan. Kyle and I took a detour this September and attended our fourth Harvest Gathering. The Harvest Gathering is a pretty remarkable experience - there are thousands of people camping across a couple hundred acres, and the farm includes four stage that welcome more than 125 acts over the course of three days.   It is a very unique village for a short period of time, filled with artists, craftspeople, and enthusiasts of all kinds. 

  • TCN10 - David Young, Capstone118 - New Orleans

    06/10/2017 Duration: 53min

    David’s story is an interesting one, as his path to being a community leader and philanthropist is unusual. He’s also redirected his path by listening and doing. His company, Capstone is a small non profit that has taken previously blighted or vacant lots in the Lower Ninth and developed them into productive gardens and orchards. Located in part of a food desert, Capstone grows and provides food at no cost to those who need it. You can follow us at or @Thiscraftnation. You can find out more about David’s work at or by emailing

  • TCN9 - The "Fredisode" - ILCBG Keynote with Fred, Kyle & Emily

    13/09/2017 Duration: 01h46min

    TCN9 includes conversation with Fred, Kyle and Emily at Red Horse Ranch, centered around Fred’s Keynote Address to the Illinois Craft Brewers Guild and his recent announcement about his future.  It’s a little longer than usual, but we hope you’ll agree it’s worth the listen.

  • TCN8 - GonzoFest 2017 | Acts III & IV | Juan F. Thompson

    21/08/2017 Duration: 42min

    TCN8 features Juan F. Thompson, Author & son of Hunter S. Thompson.  It’s our last content from GonzoFest 2017 -- the literary and music festival celebrating the work of Hunter, in Louisville, KY. While this was a significant milepost for our trip, and we’ve enjoyed sharing this content first - it’s actually a bit of a departure from the rest of our interviews.   When we heard they’d lined up an interview with Juan, we were excited, but I was also a little anxious.  I didn’t really know his story, and hadn’t read his book.  I took a deep breath and focused on a bit of an internal conversation. A little threadbare from the trip, I was also pretty into the interview groove, having just conducted just under twenty interviews in the thirteen days prior.  I thought aloud, “we’re going to count on the air of curiosity.”  Kyle and I joined up with Juan after his panel discussion in the Louisville Free Library, and headed to the basement for a chat, which included our new friend Lara from LEO Weekly.  Here’s Juan

  • TCN7 - GonzoFest 2017 | Acts I & II | Denny Humphrey, Ron Whitehead

    01/08/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    This is TCN7, which includes Acts I & II of GonzoFest in three acts.  In this episode, Kyle and I talk to the founders of GonzoFest, a music and literary festival in Louisville, celebrating the work of Hunter S. Thompson.  GonzoFest lived as a bit of a half-way point on our horizon  — It was Day fourteen for us, so we were well into the thick of acquiring “Travel patina.”  We were also fiercely curious, as we really didn’t know what we were headed into.  Emily joined us that morning, and held down the fort at a TCN booth, as we got a chance to talk with the Denny and Ron who started this festival seven years ago.  We also got to talk with Hunter’s son, Juan - who’s featured in Act III which will be in TCN8.  

  • TCN6 - Gregory Davis: Dirty Dozen Brass Band, New Orleans

    26/05/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    The is the first full interview we're sharing from the trip, and it features Gregory Davis, founding member and trumpet player for the legendary Dirty Dozen Brass Band of New Orleans. Gregory sat with Fred and Kyle on the patio of the Maple Leaf Bar on Oak Street. The band is celebrating forty remarkable years of music this year, and Gregory generously shares the history of how they came together and how their early days of rehearsal-like jam sessions blended the music of traditional brass bands,R & B, and jazz created the Dirty Dozen Brass Band as we know them.  They’re an ingenious mix, combining and enlivening traditional methods with a modern perspective and approach.  They’ve not only created an entire segment or style of music, they’ve also brought daylight to instruments and historical music that could’ve long since gone away. @dirtydozenbrass

  • TCN5 - GonzoFest Eve from the Gonzo House - Day 12

    24/04/2017 Duration: 01h20min

    Fred and Kyle talk with vidographers Jeff Hage and Seth Thompson about life, light, collaboration, and the art of it all on Day 12 in Louisville, Kentucky from the hourse recently dubbed, Gonzo House Green Frog Photo Beer Portraits

  • TCN4 - Multi-car Stomp to Gonzo

    15/04/2017 Duration: 41min

    Fred and Kyle checking in at the end of day five from Brooklyn, NY.  Sharing stories, looking back and looking forward.  

  • TCN3 - On & Off the Rails: We're not f'n saturated: Travel Stories

    07/04/2017 Duration: 48min

    This Craft Nation’s third episode, coming from Amtrak Train number 30, the Capitol Limited , between days three and four of what will be thirty five days out.  We were running the rails from Toledo to Washington DC, on our first overnight train before connecting to Baltimore.  Kyle and I sat in the closed club car a little after Midnight to share some stories and themes from the first few days out on the road discovering This Craft Nation.

  • TCN-2 Prepping, Packing and Searching for Nick Offerman

    30/03/2017 Duration: 01h11min

    Fred, Kyle and Emily talk over coffee, beer and whiskey about how the plans are coming together and how their search for Nick Offerman relates to the Kiss Army.  Were close - we’re excited and ready to share even more content from the road and rails. 

  • TCN 1 - Fred & Kyle's Big Adventure

    15/03/2017 Duration: 01h45s

    On TCN 1, we share our ideas about how This Craft Nation came to be, what we hope to accomplish and a whole bunch of other stuff.  Buy the ticket, take the ride. 

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