Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd



Join Registered Nutritionist and Wellness Advocate Laura Thomas, PhD for conversations with game changers. Laura talks to people in wellness, foodies, bloggers, entrepreneurs from cool brands, creatives, nutritionists, doctors, body positivity people, mindfulness experts, and anyone else who is shaking up the wellness world, to find out how they stay on top of their game and to help you do you, but better. Its not all handstands and courgetti though - she and her guests arent afraid to dig deep into the darker side of wellness and WILL call BS on weird, faddy trends, that dont have any legitimacy or scientific merit. Fresh pods every Friday. #dontsaltmygame


  • EP 113 - How to Start Building Positive Body Image with Ashlee Bennett

    20/09/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    In this week’s episode, I’m talking to Ashlee Bennett, a.k.a. The Body Image Therapist, an art therapist based in Australia.  We discuss: ✨  Why changing your body to try and conform to our society's feminine ideal is not the key to flexible and healthy body image ✨  What internalised fat-phobia and sexism are and how they relate to our body image ✨  How we can start to unpack our internalised beliefs about bodies from diet culture ✨  Tools to help develop positive body image This episode is sponsored by Raising Intuitive Eaters, our online course for parents and carers who want to raise kids who have a healthy and happy relationship with food and their body. And don’t forget to use the code ‘DSMG50’ to receive £50 off all our online courses between now and 30th September 2019.  {Ashlee on Instagram | Twitter | Website} {Ashlee's USA Workshop Tour} {Get my book!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!} {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURS

  • EP 112 - How to Navigate Your Relationship with Food When the World Tells You Your Body Is Wrong w/ Vaughn Darst

    30/08/2019 Duration: 01h19min

    In this week’s episode, I’m talking to Vaughn Darst, a public health dietitian  specialising in paediatric and adolescent nutrition and eating disorders among under-served populations including trans and gender non-conforming youth, children on the autism spectrum and children with special healthcare needs.  We discuss: ✨  Growing up in a world that tells you your body is wrong ✨  Experiencing medical fat phobia ✨  How not being able to express gender identity led to an ED ✨  How common narratives around transitioning often lack nuance  ✨  Discussing the multifactorial aspects of health outside of weight  ✨  The research on disordered eating in GNC and trans people ✨  The complicated reasons that eating disorders develop in these groups  ✨  The unrealistic body image ideals placed on GNC and trans people ✨  Steps providers can take to provide gender affirming care This episode is sponsored by Raising Intuitive Eaters, our online course for parents and carers who want to raise kids who have a healthy and happy

  • Ep 111 - Makeup, Street Photographers and Why Queer Rights are Feminist Issues w/ Jamie Windurst of Fruitcake Magazine

    23/08/2019 Duration: 53min

    In this week's episode, I'm talking to the sensational editor, model and activist, Jamie Windurst about life as a visibly queer person. We discuss: ✨ Why visibly queer people are not public property (and why treating them like they are violates their safety) ✨ Their complicated and beautiful relationship with makeup ✨ How Jamie accidentally fell into an activist role and the fundamental rights they're fighting for ✨ Why feminism doesn't end with women's rights ✨ Why we need to stop demanding free education from the queer community  This episode is sponsored by Raising Intuitive Eaters, our online course for parents and carers who want to raise kids who have a healthy and happy relationship with food and their body. {Get my book!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!} {Jamie on Instagram} {Jamie's Website} {jamie on Twitter} {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {Workshop for nutrition and health professionals} {Understanding Emotional

  • EP 110 - Elyse Resch - Intuitive Eating + Eating Disorder Recovery For the Teenager in All of Us

    16/08/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    I'm so excited to have Elyse Resch join us on this week's episode! Elyse is the co-author of Intuitive Eating and the Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens. She's a highly experienced Registered Dietitan specialising in intuitive eating, eating disorders and Health at Every Size. In this fully loaded 'sode we talk about: ✨ How to talk to teens about Intuitive Eating  ✨ Why it's important for adults to do their own work on body image and intuitive eating and connect with their rebellious inner teenager ✨How to integrate IE into eating disorder recovery ✨Why autonomy is essential for good IE counselling ✨How to explain diet culture and weight stigma to teens ✨How the fear of weight gain might mask the fear of growing up ✨How to talk to parents and teachers about intuitive eating This episode is sponsored by Raising Intuitive Eaters, our online course for parents and carers who want to raise kids who have a healthy and happy relationship with food and their body. {Get my book!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I

  • EP 109 - Returning to BoPo's Radical Roots + 'No Big Deal' w/ Bethany Rutter

    09/08/2019 Duration: 54min

    In this week's episode, I'm talking to the sensational Bethany Rutter, journalist and author of the new book 'No Big Deal'. We're  going deep on super important topics around body liberation and fat-phobia and why we need to return to BoPo's radical roots if we are actually going to make a difference. Lean in, because Bethany is this episode is gold and Bethany is dynamite

  • EP108 Navigating Common Intuitive Eating Sticking Points w/ Devinia Noel of The Diet Boycott

    02/08/2019 Duration: 57min

    Welcome back to season 5 of Don't Salt My Game - our guests today is psychotherapist and Intuitive Eating Counsellor Devinia Noel. In this episode we're exploring common road bumps that people experience when they begin rejecting diet culture and embracing intuitive eating. Devinia shares her own experience of being a fat, black woman in the IE space, as well as advice she might give to clients who are dipping their toes in IE. Topics we cover are: ✨How to talk to your partner or the people around you about IE ✨How to build trust in your body signals ✨How to move past the fear of weight gain ✨Why vulnerability is integral to healing from diet culture ✨The desperate need for diversity in the IE space ✨Not taking up space or centring yourself at the expense of more marginalised people   This episode is sponsored by Just Eat It: Your Intuitive Eating Toolkit, our online course guiding you through the principles of Intuitive Eating and helping you deepen your practice. Find out more here. {Get my book!! on Amazon

  • EP 107 - How Social Media Impacts Our Body Image w/ Dr Amy Slater of the Centre for Appearance Research

    15/03/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    This week on the pod Laura’s chatting to Dr Amy Slater, body image researcher at University of West England.  In this episode they discuss: ✨ Thin ideal internalisation + its  physical and psychological consequences  ✨ How social media holds certain body types up as the ideal + can leave us feeling dissatisfied ✨ The fact that labelling images as digitally altered is not actually helpful in reducing comparison + dissatisfaction and can actually backfire ✨ How advertising in traditional media + social media can impact body image  ✨ That even positive feedback about appearance impacts negatively on our body image  ✨ What social comparison is + how this has changed with social media ✨ The consequences of viewing fitspiration + self-objectification on Instagram  ✨ How we can curate a social media feed that's supportive of positive body image Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR JUST EAT IT ONLINE COURSE!} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!} {Amy on T

  • EP 106 - Real versus Fake Intuitive Eating w/ Jess Rann

    08/03/2019 Duration: 01h35min

    This week on the pod Laura’s teaming up with Jess, Registered Dietitian and clinician here at the London Centre for Intuitive Eating, to tackle some myths that we've seen flying around about intuitive eating.  In this episode they discuss: ✨ What Intuitive Eating is + what it isn't, including a summary of the principles of IE ✨ Whether you need to be hormonally and biochemically "restored" before working on IE   ✨ Why emotional eating isn't inherently a bad thing + what we can learn from it  ✨ Why the idea that IE = "eating what you want when you want" is trash ✨ How working through IE looks different on everyone and will take different people different amounts of time to make peace with food and their bodies ✨ Why IE is actually health-promoting  ✨ How to spot fake IE versus true IE  Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR JUST EAT IT ONLINE COURSE!} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!} {Jess on Instagram | Twitter | Facebook} {The Simple Nutrition

  • EP 105 - What to Consider if You've Ever Fancied the Freelance Life w/ Katherine Kimber

    01/03/2019 Duration: 01h57min

    This week on the pod Laura’s speaking to Katherine Kimber, of Nude Nutrition, all about the realities and considerations of freelance life as a Registered Nutritionist or Dietitian.  In this episode they discuss: ✨ Their individual education and career backgrounds before setting up their own private practices  ✨ The nuts and bolts of what it means to go freelance as a nutrition professional ✨ The day-to-day of freelance life  ✨ The importance of peer-to-peer support as well as formal supervision when working privately ✨ The practical considerations to make if you're thinking of starting a private practice Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!} {Katherine on Instagram | Twitter | Website | Facebook} {British Chambers of Commerce} {Female Founders Hatch Enterprise} {Fiverr Freelance Services} {UK Non-Diet Professionals Facebook group} {The Mindful Dietitian Facebook group} {

  • EP 104 - How Intuitive Eating Helped Me Find Peace with My Body During Pregnancy w/ Kirstin Kade

    22/02/2019 Duration: 01h32min

    This week on the pod Laura's speaking to Kirstin Kade, Registered Associate Nutritionist and author of Taste and See Blog. As a mum-to-be, she has become more interested in the area of women's health in recent months - particularly relating to the pre-pregnancy (fertility), pregnancy, and postnatal periods - and hopes to support and encourage others who are curious about or navigating their way through these things themselves.  In this episode they discuss: ✨ How Kirstin's own relationship with food  has evolved through finding Intuitive Eating to finding peace with food and her body and how pregnancy has affected this ✨ How to apply the principles of Intuitive Eating during pregnancy, particularly when navigating sickness, nausea + cravings ✨ How to manage (hopefully well-meaning) but unhelpful comments from others ✨ The effect that pregnancy and motherhood can have on body image + how to navigate this ✨  Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstone

  • EP 103 - How to Navigate Diabetes + Disordered Eating w/ Lauren Newman

    15/02/2019 Duration: 01h36min

    ⚠️ TW: discussion of eating disorders. This week on the pod Laura’s speaking to Lauren Newman, HAES US-based registered dietitian, about the intersection between diabetes and eating disorders.  In this episode they discuss: ✨ How Lauren got into working with people with diabetes and disordered eating ✨ The difference between Type 1, Type 2 + gestational diabetes ✨  The various factors which can leave a person with diabetes vulnerable to developing disordered eating  ✨ Busting some myths + misinformation about diabetes including keto, whether sugar "causes" diabetes ✨ What diabulimia is   Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!} {Lauren on Instagram | Website} {Is Your Diabetes Management Disordered? Quiz} {Type 1 Diabetes: The Basics blog post} {How Does Type 1 Diabetes Affect Our Relationship with Food? Instagram post} {Mortality in Concurrent Type 1 Diabetes + Anorexia Ner

  • EP 102 - How Powerlifting Helped Me Heal My Relationship With Food + My Body w/ Poorna Bell

    08/02/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    This week on the pod Laura's speaking to Poorna Bell - journalist, author + badass. In this episode they discuss: ✨ The impact of the messages we hear about our bodies whilst growing up ✨ How oppressive diet culture + all of it's subcultures are, in that they're designed to keep us physically + metaphorically small  ✨  The amount of time, money + energy that goes into the mental arithmetic of food + exercise preoccupation, and what amazing stuff that could be used for instead ✨ How finding powerlifting helped Poorna to start feeling grounded within her body  ✨ The power can be found in embodiment + viewing our bodies as vessels rather than ornaments Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!} {Poorna on Instagram | Website | Twitter} {Chase the Rainbow - Poorna's first book} {Preorder In Search of Silence - Poorna's new book} {Leave a review for Just Eat It on Amazon} {Sign up

  • EP 101 - How Waking Up From Diet Culture Allows You To Find Food + Body Freedom w/ Tally Rye

    01/02/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    This week on the pod Laura speaks to Tally Rye - personal trainer, Girl Gains co-founder + host to multiple podcasts. They chat about Tally's relationship with food + her body and how this changed throughout drama school, training to be a PT, through to now. In this episode they discuss: ✨ Comparison + feeling like the odd one out ✨ Broadening our idea of what it means to be fit + healthy ✨ The pressure + toxic messages around bodies at drama school  ✨ Intoxicating external validation that comes from being tied up with 'the fit one' identity + how this is actually unhelpful ✨ The difference between saying the 'right' things online + actually believing it for yourself ✨ The freedom that can be found through self acceptance Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!} {Tally on YouTube | Instagram | Website | Twitter} {Health at Every Size - Linda Bacon} {Big Fit Girl - Louise Gre

  • EP 100 - How To Find Self Worth Outside of Our Appearances w/ Natalie Lee

    25/01/2019 Duration: 01h36s

    This week on the pod Laura speaks to Natalie Lee, aka Style Me Sunday. They chat about liberating ourselves from the restrictions that diet culture + body shaming impose and how this can impact on so many different areas of our lives. In this episode they discuss: ✨ The challenges to your self worth + identity after becoming a mum  ✨ Fighting against imposter syndrome ✨ Challenging the unrealistic beauty standards that our society imposes on us ✨ How the co-opting of Body Positivity by diet culture is just the same rubbish, different day ✨ Tips for shielding kids from diet culture where possible ✨ The importance of talking to kids, especially girls, about sex + self pleasure Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!} {Natalie on Twitter | Instagram | Website} {Dance Box Website} {The Beauty Myth - Naomi Wolf} {Body Positive Power - Megan Crabbe} {Book in for Discovery Call w/

  • EP 99 - How Becoming a Mother Started Me On My Intuitive Eating Adventure w/ Clemmie Telford

    18/01/2019 Duration: 58min

    This week on the pod Laura speaks to Clemmie Telford, curator of Mother of All Lists + Insta mega-Mum. This episode is super raw + a super great glimpse at what Intuitive Eating work is like for someone who's really in the thick of it. In this episode they cover: ✨ Clemmie's journey of finding Intuitive Eating + working out what that feels like for her ✨ Motherhood + the unrealistic standards for women to 'snap back' to their pre-baby body   ✨ How having her daughter was the impetus to change how she thinks about food + her body ✨ The life that we miss out on because of the 'prison' that diet culture creates in our heads ✨ The joy of uncoupling movement from weight or aesthetic goals ✨ How self care, periods and all that stuff can impact our BI Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {Clemmie on Twitter | Instagram | Website} {Book in for Discovery Call w/ Jess or Camilla at the London Centre for Intuitive Eating} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share interna

  • EP 98 - How Questioning Authority + Pushing Back Can Help You Make Peace With Your Body w/ Sofie Hagen

    10/01/2019 Duration: 01h42min

    The pod is back with a special Just Eat It takeover series! And to kick things off, Laura speaks to Sofie Hagen, comedian, author, podcast host + body liberation activist.  In this episode they cover: ✨ Sofie's relationship with food growing up + her ED history  ✨ Her inability to respect authority + how that was key to learning to love her body ✨ Acknowledging the privilege of being able to question authority + rules  ✨ How emotional + physical deprivation + food insecurity can still influence our relationship/behaviour to food ✨ Sofie's new book + mega stand-up show ✨ The need for self care measures to be in place whilst doing work on your relationship with food + body image Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {Sofie on Twitter | Instagram | Website} {Sofie's book - Happy Fat} {Danish Chocolate Slices - ScandiKitchen} {Plus Equals website} {Shooglet on Instagram} {Book in for Discovery Call w/ Jess or Camilla at the London Centre for Intuitive Eating} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon

  • EP 97 - BONUS: Become a Diet Culture Dropout this January

    01/01/2019 Duration: 06min

    In this special bonus episode Laura is inviting you to unsubscribe from diet culture this January, once and for all. Listen in to hear details of a special new social media campaign designed to arm you against dit culture and she gives you a special preview of the audiobook version of Just Eat It - out next week!  Full episodes of the pod back next week! Show Notes {Intuitive Eating event - The Rooted Project} {Follow Laura on Instagram | Twitter} {Book in for Discovery Call w/ Jess or Camila at the London Centre for Intuitive Eating} {PRE-ORDER MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!}

  • EP 96 - How to Handle Diet Chat This Holiday Season w/ Jenna Daku

    13/12/2018 Duration: 43min

    For this one-off festive special, Laura speaks to Jenna Daku, badass disordered eating therapist. They chat about how to handle diet chat at this time of year. In the episode they discuss: ✨What is diet talk/fat talk + how it can reinforce weight stigma and fat phobia ✨Why diet talk is detrimental + can lead to negative physiological + psychological outcomes ✨Why we engage in diet talk and what we're perhaps trying to communicate ✨What is concern trolling/ health trolling ✨External vs. Internal Boundaries ✨A few different options for how to handle weight/food/diet talk ✨Jenna's favourite advice for self-care this holiday season Show Notes {Jenna on Twitter | Instagram} {Festive Self Care Kit - use the code HOHONO at checkout for £5 off} {DSMG episode w/ Marci Evans} {Intuitive Eating event - The Rooted Project} {DSMG episode w/ Nadia Craddock} {Book in for Discovery Call w/ Jess at the London Centre for Intuitive Eating} {PRE-ORDER MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links wh

  • EP 95 - Radical Body Politics, Compassion + Empowerment w/ Imogen Fox of Feeding the

    09/11/2018 Duration: 01h38min

    In this killer ep, Laura is joined by Imogen Fox, aka @the_feeding_of_the_fox.   In this episode they deep dive into: ✨ Holding ourselves back because of our bodies + how to feel empowered to have more autonomy over our bodies ✨ The problems with access to sex ed. (+ healthcare as a whole) when in a disabled body  ✨ Our weird way of valuing worth + productivity in our culture ✨ The Social Model of Disability, rather than the medical model which considers things to be 'wrong' with a person  ✨ The massive head-mess that can come when recovering from an ED, whilst also receiving nutrition through a feeding tube  ✨ How people with more privilege can leverage their privilege to support disabled people As an FYI, Imogen recommended that if you guys want to donate to a charity, to make sure that you know it's run BY and FOR disabled people. Lots of charities that work 'on behalf of' seriously miss the mark in terms of what those marginalised people actually need or want because of their lack of lived experience. Dir

  • EP 94 - Trauma, Food + Body Image w/ Kimberley Wilson

    02/11/2018 Duration: 01h21min

    Maybe grab a cuppa for this super interesting episode as it's kind of a biggie! Laura is joined by Kimberley Wilson, Chartered Psychologist + previous Bake Off bad ass to discuss trauma, resilience + practical tips for helping yourself + others who are having a hard time w/ their mental health.  In this episode they cover: ✨ What we mean when we talk about trauma ✨ Emotional resilience + protective factors to increase resilience ✨ How ED's are a means of coping with various psychological difficulties ✨ How restriction is associated with perfectionism + compliance with the external pressures of the thin ideal ✨ Focussing on the resilience tools that you have at hand Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {Kimberley on Twitter | Instagram} {Kimberley’s Website} {DSMG ep. w/ Kimberley - I Got Way Too Much On My Mental} {Open Culture website} {Dietland - Amazon Prime} {Book in for Discovery Call w/ Jess at the London Centre for Intuitive Eating} {PRE-ORDER MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterst

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