Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 228:33:16
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Discussion and commentary on the CW television series The Flash and related comic books.


  • Scarlet Velocity #506: The Icicle Cometh

    24/11/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    Beware, for "The Icicle Cometh". Now that Cisco has the satellites up and running, they can finally track down Cicada. Plus, they might be able to find Caitlin's dad too. Caitlin, Barry, and Cisco take a trip to the North Pole and discover the long lost Thomas Snow, who has been trapped for years while he tried to cure himself. But when they bring him back to STAR Labs, Cisco is a little suspicious. Meanwhile the rest of the team looks for the core of the satellite. In addition, Sherloque brings Nora and Iris closer together, and Ralph helps Cecile get her mojo back. And that's good, because Thomas proves to be dangerous as his evil Icicle persona comes frozen to the surface. Jay and Josh enjoy absolute zero snow cones on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

  • Scarlet Velocity #505: All Doll'd Up

    17/11/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    Come get "All Doll'd Up" to witness the crimes of the contortionist Rag Doll. Peter Merkel has some grudges that he's going to settle with his new meta abilities. Iris decides to pursue this case with enough vigor to help her forget about the problems with Nora. She is still giving her parents the cold shoulder after their argument. And when Iris realizes that her future parenting skills have caused this tension, she begins to compare herself to her own mother. Nora tries her best to brood about it, but Cecile won't let her show that kind of disrespect to her mother. So she very wily gets her to see all the good in Iris. Sherloque, Ralph, and Cisco continue to help Caitlin find her father, but Cisco's wounds are still causing big problems with his vibe abilities and he's worried that he may no longer be able to contribute to the team. But when Rag Doll gets the drop on Barry, everyone has to show their true worth and reveal that everyone has what it takes to save the day. Jay and Josh try to reach that itch i

  • Scarlet Velocity #504: News Flash

    03/11/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    "News Flash", you can get a lot of hits on a blog if your cell phone has been imbued with dark matter. That's what Spencer Young is doing to become one of the most popular writers in Central City. She gets the jump on everyone with the big stories, because she controls people's minds to create the big stories. Nora won't hear about it though. She's enamored with Spencer's blog, and doesn't want to listen to Iris when she says they need to stop her. And when XS herself gets whammied, Iris takes the lead and knocks her out. That brings up an interesting issue the mother and daughter have had in the past...well, future. Sherloque reluctantly follows Ralph in his quest for clues about Cicada's identity and is shocked when he actually turns some up. It all could be connected when the team realizes that their latest threat turns out to be newly created Meta-Tech that anyone can take advantage of. Jay and Josh anxiously count the hits of their latest blog on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

  • Scarlet Velocity #503: The Death of Vibe

    27/10/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    "The Death of Vibe" would be a traumatic experience for Team Flash. That's Cicada's latest target and he's discovered clues that trace his victim to Joe. Even after being held and tortured by the newest mysterious villain, Joe refuses to lure Cisco into the trap. Meanwhile, another Wells is summoned to track down the identity of the hunter. Sherloque Wells is confident that he has the right bad guy, but when they find out it's not, our heroes rush in to save the West Family from Cicada's wrath. Stuck in a forest, Cisco has to let Wally know where he is, but will they get there on time. Caitlin confronts her mother about the death certificate, and is scolded for the accusation. But, with Ralph's help, she finds clues that might lead her to dear old dad. Jay and Josh post selfies of themselves with an embarrassed Elongated Man on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

  • Scarlet Velocity #502: Blocked

    20/10/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    When you get "Blocked" by strong emotions like sadness or hero-worship, it makes it hard to do your job well. As the team let's the news of Barry's future disappearance sink in, they deal with more pressing issues. A new meta named Block is stealing guns from the Morreti brothers by compressing the air around things and crushing them. Our heroes are trying to get back to normal, but they don't have the equipment they once had, and when Nora tries to help she usually ends up causing more trouble. Plus, Cisco can't seem to get over his breakup with Gypsy. Cisco and Ralph step up to help, but he is in a funk so deep that he can't even vibe his way out of it. Iris investigates the death of Gridlock and discovers some frightening details. During the final battle with Block, those details become even more frightening when they discover exactly how dangerous the mysterious Cicada can be. Jay and Josh both watch Beaches while painting each other's toes on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

  • Scarlet Velocity #501: Nora

    13/10/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    XS is her name, but you can call her "Nora". Because, after all, she's family! Now that the daughter of Barry and Iris has revealed herself to her past friends and family, the shocked parents have to make a decision about how to handle the presence of their future child. Barry is very worried that having her here could cause problems with the timeline, but more importantly could really mess up his expectations of the quality of his parenting. Iris just wonders why Nora is so cold towards her. Meanwhile a new meta named Gridlock is tormenting the city and can ultimately only be stopped if Nora helps out. And Barry learns the disturbing truth of his possible destiny. Jay and Josh think that Season 5 is going to be so schway, so they hang out in the STAR lounge and talk about it on this week's season premiere of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

  • Scarlet Velocity #426: Summer Special 12

    18/09/2018 Duration: 55min

    The Flash Season 4 is now available on Blu Ray, DVD, and digital! Every episode from the season is included, along with all four episodes of the Crisis on Earth X crossover and some extras that examine some of the new characters and themes from the latest season. We will check out everything that's packed in, give our review, and discuss the latest news before the premiere on October 9. Jay and Josh get through half a bowl of popcorn before discovering it's Amunet's metal shards on the Scarlet Velocity Summer Special.

  • Scarlet Velocity #425: Summer Special 11

    06/08/2018 Duration: 51min

    San Diego Comic Con has left a lot of news in its wake. Confirmation of new villains, teases of things to come, and an exciting trailer that gives us just enough action to tide us over until the October premiere. We look at all of it and begin to prepare for what's to come in just two months. Jay and Josh prepare for a trip to the beach by trying to stuff their swimsuits inside a tiny ring on the Scarlet Velocity Summer Special 11.

  • Scarlet Velocity #424: Summer Special 10

    02/07/2018 Duration: 55min

    Barry was even more surprised by the arrival of Nora West-Allen than we were, but why is she here, and what kind of help does she need? We speculate on the possibilities moving forward into Season 5 and what it will mean for the team. Plus, we piece together some rumors to discuss a possible villain for the Flash and discover his comic origins. Jay and Josh use STAR Labs lotion SPF 500 to go up against Ultra Violet on the Scarlet Velocity Summer Special.

  • Scarlet Velocity #423: We Are The Flash

    26/05/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    "We Are The Flash" and we know that we must work together to stop the Enlightenment. But with only hours left before the Earth sinks into intellectual meltdown, they must rely on a very unexpected ally. Marlize DeVoe agrees to help the team but she'll need Cecile's help. Her mental abilities will allow Barry to enter Clifford's mind to find the good in him. But only until her baby is born. Then he may be trapped forever, which is exactly what the Thinker wants. As Barry tries to find what he needs in the mind of a madman, Marlize hides the team in pocket dimensions to avoid being caught by her husband. Cisco makes sure to bring Harry along, and despite having lost most of his ability to think, he still contributes important information that leads Barry to find something so important, that the villain's ultimate defeat may be at hand. Jay and Josh are the Flash on the season 4 finale of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

  • Scarlet Velocity #422: Think Fast

    19/05/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    With the Enlightenment at hand, it's time to "Think Fast"! The Thinker takes over ARGUS with ease and charges Borman's powers to launch his satellites. The team can't run into the trap if they want to succeed, but Caitlin and Cisco come up with a plan that may work if Barry can train them how to join him in Flashtime. Meanwhile, Iris searches for Marlize. Harry really wants to help, but he's barely getting by these days with his intelligence almost gone. Luckily, he still remembers the advice the Council gave him and they track her down with heart. Cecile is just days from delivery, and it seems that the impending birth has increased her mental abilities when she channels the personalities of people nearby. Flash and his team rush into ARGUS and execute their plan to stop DeVoe. But will it be enough to stop the Enlightenment? Jay and Josh crush some 'za brah on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

  • Scarlet Velocity #421: Harry and the Harrisons

    12/05/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    "Harry and the Harrisons" hope they can work as a team to help discover DeVoe's plan. Since the original Council of Wells kicked Harry out because of his dwindling intelligence, they will need to gather the Wells of different Earths. The result is...disappointing. At least to Harry. Meanwhile, Caitlin works on more solutions to reconnect to Killer Frost, and when Joe suggests looking at it from a different point of view, she thinks that teaming up with Amunet Black might do the trick. They tell our heroes it could work, but Caitlin really wants Amunet's gene splicer. However, she's not where they expect her, and her lackey Norvock has stolen much of her metal shards (and the splicer) to sell to the highest bidder. After finding Amunet, she reluctantly (ad suspiciously) agrees to help out, if they'll get her the metal shards. But this cheeky villain isn't the most honest one they've encountered and she quickly betrays them. Though she didn't kill anyone and she gave them a weapon that could potentially stop hi

  • Scarlet Velocity #420: Therefore She Is

    05/05/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Marlize DeVoe thinks, "Therefore She Is". Flashback to a time 8 years ago when Marlize met Clifford. It started as a playful little disagreement about the shortcomings of humanity and technology, but bloomed into true love. Speaking of true love, Gypsy comes to help the team double power the Thinker and puts a little pressure on Cisco to decide whether he wants Breacher's old job. It's a bit of a touchy topic it seems, so Barry tries to rush to bring them together so they can focus on stopping DeVoe. They've discovered his Enlightenment weapon will remove the intelligence of all the humans on the planet. And all this came from Clifford's past, when he and Marlize finally realized the same dark vision of the future of our race. The very single-minded husband will do just about anything to achieve his goal, and that could spell bad news for Gypsy. Jay and Josh text each other, from their phones while browsing the internet, about the evils of technology on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

  • Scarlet Velocity #419: Fury Rogue

    28/04/2018 Duration: 59min

    Watch "Fury Rogue" as Flash tries to move the radioactive meta, Fallout to a place that's safe from the Thinker. In order to keep Fallout from harming others, they will need to keep him cool. And who better to cool things down than Citizen Cold. Plus, it may keep Barry's mind off his failure to protect Ralph. They travel to Earth-X to enlist Leo Snart, but in doing so, let the Nazi villain Siren-X through the breach. She is determined to get revenge for her fallen comrades, even if she has to do it in on our Earth. When she learns about Neil Borman's radioactive power, she tries to get him before Devoe does. She succeeds too, much to the dismay of a very frustrated Devoe. Someone else that's frustrated is Marlize, who isn't getting much romantic attention from her husband these days. All he can think about is the Enlightenment. Barry's mind isn't focused either and it will take a little therapy from his friend Snart to convince him that he has to face his feelings. Jay and Josh try to deal with their feelings

  • Scarlet Velocity #418: Lose Yourself

    21/04/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    Don't "Lose Yourself" if you're one of the last bus metas that the Thinker is after. As Ralph and Barry track down the last of the bus metas, Ralph is ready to end it all by killing Devoe. Barry talks him down from this dark way of thinking and they find the elusive Edwin Gauss, who has the ability to open up pocket dimensions. Right on their tale is Devoe's Samuroid who even stabs Caitlin right through the shoulder. She manages to recover with Killer Frost's help and they protect Gauss in STAR Labs. Harry has a nice little Sonic Scepter that could give them the upper hand on Devoe. But Joe gives Harry a talking to about his obvious addiction to the Thinking Cap. And he may have even listened to him a little. Soon the team discovers that Gauss could take them to Devoe's lair, but when they arrive they soon discover that it's all a trap! And the battle that follows affects everyone. For a brief moment the team had the upper hand, but Devoe soon takes it away with disastrous consequences. Jay and Josh try to as

  • Scarlet Velocity #417: Null and Annoyed

    14/04/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Team Flash faces the week "Null and Annoyed". When Janet Petty (aka Null) begins using her anti gravity touch for high stake robberies, Barry and Ralph do their best to stop her in between training. But Ralph seems to be failing to take the situation seriously. Barry even benches him until he can stop making everything a joke. Breacher shows up and wants Cisky to help him get his powers back. They mysteriously disappeared while fighting vampires. Unfortunately, Cisco and Caitlin discover that it's really just his age that causing him problems, and Cisco doesn't want to be the one to let him know. Clifford and Marlize Devoe work on finding the remaining bus metas, but Marlize finds something else too. When she discovers that Clifford's been drugging her with the Weeper's tears, she is understandably upset. Back at STAR Labs, the team tracks down Null, and it looks like Ralph's improvisation and lack of focus may be just what they need to win this week's battle. Jay and Josh are light on their feet on this week

  • Scarlet Velocity #416: Run Iris, Run

    17/03/2018 Duration: 56min

    When Barry's speed is transferred from The Flash to his wife the only thing to do is "Run Iris, Run"! Harry is so obsessed with stopping DeVoe that he decides to replicate the accident that gave him his intelligence in the first place, and make himself a thinking cap. Cisco is the only one that thinks this is a horrible idea. And that causes a bit of tension in STAR Labs. It is especially troublesome to Ralph who is really feeling nervous about DeVoe getting closer to checking off the Elongated Man on his death list. The team gets a lucky break when they discover another bus meta, named Matthew Kim. This one transfers powers from metas into others and when confronted, gives Iris the Flash's speed. Now she is the hero and learns what it's like to have that power and responsibility. In the process she discovers where she's truly needed. Once Flash gets his speed back, they explain the situation to Kim who agrees to use their protection and help stop DeVoe. Jay and Josh find metas to say, "Come with me if you wa

  • Scarlet Velocity #415: Enter Flashtime

    10/03/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    When you "Enter Flashtime", you can do a lot in a short amount of time, but even you may not be able to stop a nuclear explosion. Flash and Jesse Quick rush to stop an eco-terrorist named Veronica Dale, but she ignites the bomb and Barry must keep running while he tries to find a way to stop it. Luckily Jesse keeps up with him. She even rushes off to get Jay Garrick on Earth 3 to see if he can help. Meanwhile, Barry unsuccessfully recruits Cisco; who can't breach it, Harry; whose idea could destroy the speed force, and Caitlin; who can't freeze it. Barry's literally running out of options. The whole event takes place in a very short time, but emotions are explored and limits are tested. Jay and Josh watch their life Flash before their eyes on a time-sensitive episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

  • Scarlet Velocity #414: Subject 9

    03/03/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    Izzy Bowin is "Subject 9". Her meta abilities of powerful sound waves are only rivaled by her fiddle-playing. Once the team discovers the latest bus meta, they have to convince her that Clifford DeVoe; now in the form of Hazard, is a serious threat to her life. So they try to train her to focus her power to use against their foe. Meanwhile, DA Cecile Horton and Harry are beginning an interesting friendship because of a new complication with her mind-reading ability: She can't sleep because of Joe's noisy dreams. As frustrated as Harry is with his inability to outthink DeVoe, he is able to build her a mental blocker. It's big and bulky at first, but it leads him to the invention of the cerebral inhibitor, which was foretold by Savitar as a tool against DeVoe. But Izzy's had enough of Barry's intense training and tries to take out DeVoe on her own. The results are tragic, and after this failure, the team will have to regroup once again. Jay and Josh discover the tragic results of leaving chewing gum in their po

  • Scarlet Velocity #413: True Colors

    10/02/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    In times of trouble, "True Colors" come shining through. Warden Wolf makes a deal to sell his collection of bus-metas to Amunet Black. This throws a temporary and metaphorical wrench in Devoe's mysterious plan, but he is more than confident that he will come up with a solution. Once Cecile reads Wolf's mind and discovers where Barry truly is, the team works with Ralph and his newly discovered power of shapeshifting into other's likeness, in order to save Barry before the final deal is made. But Barry is on top of it and manages to break out of Wolf's power-inhibiting cell with the others metas and escape in the sewers of the prison. The group consists of some pretty dastardly villains; except for maybe Becky. She decides to turn over a new, lucky leaf once they get out. But Wolf catches Barry just before they get away, leaving Becky to save him from the warden, Amunet, and the vindictive prisoners after they discover he's the Flash. None of it really matters though when Devoe himself shows up. Jay and Josh ho

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