New Dimensions



New Dimensions is an original and powerful forum for inspired and inspiring voices and views on a wide range of timely and timeless topics. Activism, art, education, science, psychology, philosophy, health, spirituality, global transformation, cross-cultural traditions, the interconnectedness of all life All these and more are featured in this award-winning one-hour interview program that has been broadcast on public radio since 1973. For more information and over a thousand hours of downloadable programs visit


  • Dealing With Chronic Pain - David Hanscom, M.D. - ND3468


    Having had two spinal surgeries and dealing with his own chronic pain issues, Dr. Hanscom describes three causes of pain: structural, soft tissue, and fired up neurological brain pathways. He’s developed a program that lessens the need for spinal surgery. It offers a way to cope with pain and the anxiety, depression and anger that accompany it. Hanscom is the author of Back in Control: A Spine Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain (Vertus Press 2017)Interview Date: 4/13/2013       Tags: MP3, David Hanscom, chronic pain, back pain, surgery, DOCC, Defined Organized Comprehensive Care. Mind/Body Syndrome, sleep, stress, anxiety, anger, neurological pathways, Hoffman Institute, attitude, isolation, socially isolated, book Feeling Good by David Burns, anxiety disorder, writing, spine fusions, spine surgery, degenerative disc disease, meditation, habits, Health & Healing, Writing, Self Help, Meditation, Science

  • Watering the Seeds of Mindfulness - Zachiah Murray - ND3461


    Murray inspires us to take our mindfulness practice into our garden, whether it be in pots on our patio or plots in our backyards. You’ll want to learn the language of the land, understand the wisdom of the weeds, and home in on the blessings of compost with this sweet conversation. Hear her tale of her blindfolded walkabout in the New Zealand bush. She is the author of: Mindfulness in the Garden: Zen Tools for Digging In the Dirt (Parallax Press 2012) Interview Date: 1/12/2013       Tags: Zachiah Murray, mindfulness, garden, gardening, walkabout, New Zealand Bush, walking meditation, landscape gardening, nature, gardening, Thich Nhat Hanh, weeding, gathas, anger, forgiveness, watering, pests in the garden, hand watering the garden, when seeds don’t grow, challenges, conflict, frustration, native plants, pruning, trees, compost, Personal Transformation, Philosophy, Self Help, Spirituality, Meditation, Ecology/Nature/Environment

  • Co-Creating a Dream of a Modern-Day Oz - Jean Houston - ND3459


    Here Houston takes us on a whirlwind tour of the authentic American myth of the Wizard of Oz. She answers the question of what it means to have a brain, a heart, and to act with courage. Using the characters of the scarecrow, tin man, lion, and Dorothy, Houston inspires us to follow our deep yearning in order to develop and contribute to a better world with our full human capacities. She’s the author of nearly thirty books, including A Mythic Life (HarperSanFrancisco 1996), A Passion for the Possible (HarperSanFrancisco 1997) and The Wizard of Us: Transformational Lessons From Oz (Beyond Words 2012)Interview Date: 12/10/2012     Tags: allies, archetype, brain, creativity, extended families, field of poppies, Glenda the good witch of the north, gross happiness index, human potential movement, it takes a village, Jean Houston Ph.D., Frank Baum, myth, neuroplasticity, rainbow, Renaissance, social artistry, social artists, the arts, the scarecrow, thinking heart, Wizard of Oz, yellow brick road, My

  • Integral Philosophy and Evolution - Steve McIntosh - ND3452


    Evolution builds on what came before using it as a platform to transcend to a new level of complexity. McIntosh points out that we need not be repulsed by the values of either traditionalism or modernism. He encourages us to reclaim the best of earlier values and to include them in a higher level. He is the author of Integral Consciousness: The Future of Evolution (Paragon House 2011), Evolution's Purpose: An Integral Interpretation of the Scientific Story of Our Origins (Select Books 2012) and The Presence of the Infinite: The Spiritual Experience of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness (Quest 2015)Interview Date: 9/18/2012    Tags: agency, cosmological evolution, dialectic spiral, emergence, evolution, human consciousness, modern worldview, Paul Ray, physics, polarized culture, Post-modern worldview, purpose, social structures, Steve McIntosh, the Big Bang, The third Big Bang, traditional worldview, History, Philosophy / Psychology, Science, Social Change / Politics, Spirituality

  • Re-Creating the World - Michael Meade - ND3448


    Even though it may seem like the end of things, Meade reminds us there are always beginnings embedded in the endings. He takes us on a mythological journey that tips the world towards renewal and says, “Why not find our own thread even in the midst of uncertainty and pain, and learn how to weave and create?”Meade's many books include The Genius Myth (GreenfirePress 2016), Why the World Doesn’t End: Tales of Renewal in Times of Loss (GreenfirePress 2012), Fate and Destiny: The Two Agreements of the Soul (GreenFire Press 2012) , Awakening the Soul: A Deep Response to a Troubled World (GreenFire Press 2018)Interview Date: 8/13/2012         Tags: Michael Meade, renewal, recreation, destruction, apocalypse, cosmic cycle, myth, old woman in the cave, creation, destruction, lived time, evolution, devolution, wisdom, thread of eternity, elders, Book of Revelation, revelation of tragedy, innovation, nature, recreation stories, initiation, genius, confidence, courage, games, on-line games, virt

  • Exploring the Realm of Synchronicity - Sky Nelson-Isaacs - ND3676


    Nelson-Isaacs tells us that synchronicity is defined as a meaningful coincidence that is personal and that it is nature’s language for communicating directly with us. He writes: “As you develop your personal sense of the meaning of events in your life, you enter into a cosmic dance with the divine that is totally unique to you.” He’s the author of Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World (North Atlantic Books 2019).Tags: Sky Nelson-Isaacs, synchronicity, cognitive illusion, quantum mechanics, fear, LORAX Process, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow, control, grief, joy, disempowerment, meaningfulness, purposefulness, Science, Personal Transformation, Philosophy

  • True Heath Care-Reversing Chronic Illnesses - Roberto Tostado, M.D - ND3677


    Despite ever more sophisticated medical technology and more expensive healthcare, chronic diseases are increasing. If mainstream medicine is doing its job, why are the rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease rising instead of decreasing? This deep dialogue with Roberto Tostado explores how many of us are choosing a toxic lifestyle and what can we do to transform it into a healthy one. He is the author of WTF* (or What the Food) Is Wrong with Our Health? A Rebel Physician’s Manifesto for Reversing Disease and Increasing Smiles (Roberto Tostado, MD 2019)  Interview Date: 5/27/2019         Tags: Roberto Tostado, nutrition, pharmaceuticals, prescription drugs, genetic propensity, Aldous Huxley, opioid epidemic, obesity, metabolic diseases, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, toxins, GMOs, sugar, protein, good oils and fats, liver, Optimum Health Institute, Thyroid testing, hypoglycemia, coconut oil, Alzheimer’s, salt, inflammation, anti-oxidants, farmers markets, iBod

  • Hawaii-Diving into Its History and Culture - Kaliko Beamer-Trapp - ND3681


    Kaliko shares Hawaii’s history, culture, and the revitalization of its language. He talks of his experience of learning several languages and how doing so changed him into a different person. He shares the story of the revered cultural hero Aunty Nona who, after decades of restrictions, brought the sacred hula back from the repression of Western missionaries. Interview Date: 4/24/2019   Tags: Kaliko Beamer-Trapp, Aunty Nona Beamer, lei, Tongans, Arts & Creativity, History 

  • We Are Not Who We “Think” We Are - Kate Gustin, Ph.D - ND3675


    Gustin explores how we create our personal myths. This begins when, as toddlers, we start to use language.Our thoughts do a great job of defining us as a discrete individual with a particular narrative about who we think we are but this can contribute to a negative self-concept. She emphasizes the concept of “selfing” as an on-going process rather than as a fixed identity. She is the author of: The No-Self Help Book: 40 Reasons to Get Over You Self & Find Peace of Mind (Non-duality Press 2018) Tags: Kate Gustin, language, consciousness, no self, selfing, no-self, conscious, ground of being, Max Planck, identity, eating, PTSD, EMDR, rational mind, Philosophy, Personal Transformation, psychology

  • Using Our Whole Brain - James Olson - ND3427


    The two sides of the brain have different perspectives of the world and they lead us to make very different choices. Olson’s research shows that we need to blend these two for three-dimensional thinking. He discusses how we can tell when we are functioning from our right brain or our left brain. He’s the author of The Whole-Brain Path to Peace: The Role of Left- and Right-Brain Dominance in the Polarization and Reunification of America (Origin Press 2011)Interview Date: 1/30/2012     Tags: Personal Transformation, Science, Health & Healing, Self Help 

  • The Power of Poetry by Young Immigrants - Patrice Vecchione - ND3673


    Patrice Vecchione is a teacher of poetry. In this interview she shares stories and poems of immigrant children and of the healing properties of poetry. One cannot help but share the sadness of a young person losing touch with their home culture. You’ll be inspired to make a difference in your community to include this large and mostly unheard population. She is the author of several books including Writing and the Spiritual Life: Finding Your Voice by Looking Within (McGraw Hill 2001), Step Into Nature: Nurturing Imagination and Spirit in Everyday Life (Beyond Words Publishing 2015), The Knot Untied: a Book of Poetry (Palaquin Press 2013) and Ink Knows No Borders: Poems of the Immigrant and Refugee Experience (coauthor Alyssa Raymond) (Seven Stories Press 2019)Tags: Patrice Vecchione, poetry, migrant children, empathy, compassion, Craig Santos Perez, Chamorro, Mohja Kahf, Javier Zamora, Safia Elhillo, Emi Mahmoud, Darfur, Writing, Social Change, Politics 

  • Through the Lens of the Feminine Wisdom Teachings - Mirabai Starr - ND3672


    The feminine mystical experience that resides in both men and women can guide us through these turbulent times. Starr says, “The primary practice is about learning to be present with things as they are and there are spiritual technologies available to us across the spiritual traditions that help us to cultivate that depth of heartful presence in everything we do.” She is the author and editor of many books including Dark Night of the Soul: St. John of the Cross (Riverhead 2003), The Interior Castle: St. Teresa of Ávila (Riverhead 2004), Devotion, Prayers & Living Wisdom (Sounds True - six-volume Christian mystics series 2008), God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity & Islam (Monkfish 2012) and Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics (Sounds True 2018)Tags: Mirabai Starr, feminine wisdom, interspiritual, women saints, nondualism, Bhakti path, Miranda Macpherson, Teresa of Avila, Neem Karoli Baba, grief, sangha, Dharma, Buddha, Three jewels of spiritual ex

  • Awakening, Prospering, and Fulfilling Our Potential - Ellen Grace O’Brian - ND3674


    Here Yogacharia O’Brian describes the four principles of Yogic philosophy: Higher purpose, true wealth, pleasure and joy, and awakening to our true nature as enlightened. In her comforting and gentle way, she shares many stories and describes several metaphors that help us to understand the true nature of spiritual enlightenment.  She is the author of many books including The Moon Reminded Me (a book of poetry)(Homebound Publications 2017), Living the Eternal Way: Spiritual Meaning and Practice in Daily Life (Center for Spiritual Enlightenment Press 2009) and The Jewel of Abundance: Finding Prosperity through the Wisdom of Yoga (New World Library 2018)Tags: Ellen Grace O’Brian, Roy Eugene Davis, the Vedas, Hinduism, Kriya Yoga, Pantanjali, Paramahansa Yogananda, Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga, abundance, prosperity, material wealth, true wealth, spiritual wealth, creativity, pleasure, follow your bliss, joy, enlightenment, an awakened life, discipline, discernment, willpower, truthfulness, contentment, happiness

  • Navigating The Post-Trust Era - Shiv Singh - ND3671


    In these days of fake news, it is more difficult to know whom to trust and what to believe. We have entered, what Singh describes as, a post-–trust era. Here we shine a light on how we can be more mindful of the role we play, sometimes unwittingly, in condoning and promoting fakery and how we can become more alert to how vulnerable we are to falling prey to fakeness. Shiv Singh's books include: Social Media Marketing for Dummies (coauthor Stephanie Diamond) (For Dummies 2014), Savvy: Navigating Fake Companies, Fake Leaders and Fake News in the Post-Trust Era (coauthor Rohini Luthra, Ph.D.)(Ideapress Publishing 2019).Tags: Shiv Singh, post-truth era, post-trust era, fact, fiction, Morton Deutsch, media silos, fake news, negative bias, Deb Roy, twitter, negative news, digital advertising, Edwin Rutsch, judgements, prejudices,,,, dog-whistling extremist points of view, artificial intelligence, AI, driverless cars, Media, Social Change, technology, personal transformati

  • The Healing Power of Journaling - Diana Raab - ND3431


    Diana Raab is an expert in journaling. She encourages each of us to make it part of our daily lives.  Journaling can clear your mind, improve your mental status, and can help you find your joy. She shares some very specific suggestions about how to write poetry. Raab is an advocate of the healing power of writing and teaches nation-wide workshops and in the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program. She’s an award-winning memoirist and poet. She is the author of many books including Healing with Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey (Loving Healing Press 2010), Regina’s Closet: Finding My Grandmother’s Secret Journal (Beaufort Books 2007), Writers and Their Notebooks (editor) (University of South Carolina Press 2010), Writers on the Edge: 22 Writers Speak About Addiction and Dependency (co-editor with James Brown) (Modern History Press 2012), Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life (Loving Healing Press 2017).Interview Date: 3/22/2012  Tags: Diana Raab, addictions, de

  • Ensuring Your Well-Being - Robert J. Wicks, Ph.D. - ND3418


    In working with people in the helping professions who are most in danger of burnout or traumatic stress, Wicks has made many discoveries on how we can live our fleeting days with meaning, peace, compassion, and contentment. His reflections include many unforgettable stories that will live in your heart for years to come.  Robert J. Wicks, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and serves as a professor in the graduate programs in pastoral counseling at Loyola University, Maryland.  In 1994, he was responsible for the psychological debriefing of relief workers evacuated from Rwanda during their bloody civil war. In 2006, he delivered a presentation on self-care to health care professionals responsible for Iraqi war veterans with multiple amputations and severe head injuries at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland and Walter Reed Army Hospital. He's the author of many books including Riding the Dragon: 10 Lessons for Inner Strength in Challenging Times (Sorin Books 2012), Bounce: Living t

  • Coming Into Our Fullness - Azarm Ghareman, Ph.D. - ND3406


    Ghareman describes the dilemma of women today who are especially culturally rewarded to say yes to most every request made of them. Most of us have dozens of stories about how we self-sabotage ourselves instead of building a more balanced life.. How can we say a soft but effective no? What are some skillful ways for us to move from stress to contentment? What is true frugality?  Azarm Gharman, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist, and holds advanced degrees in chemistry and business administration, and has conducted many professional training workshops. She is the author of Longing for a Land: A Persian Woman’s Story of Individuation (Mazda Connections 2005) and Six Life Secrets of Content Women: A Guide for Emotional Self-Care (Mazda Connections 2010)Interview Date: 6/7/2011  Tags: Azarm Ghareman, frugal, frugality, Iran, Persia, Self-care, self care, time, wellness, inner critic, archetypes, witch, fairygodmother, fairy godmother, gratitude, grief, mourning, emotional, first aid, Womens' Stud

  • Living Into Our Greater Potential - Thomas Huebl - ND3435


    Huebl describes two competencies that can improve the art of living. The first one is silence so we may know ourselves more intimately. The second one is movement: voluntarily letting go of the old version of ourselves and moving with the ever changing flow of life. This leads to a highly innovative and creative life. Thomas Huebl is a spiritual teacher and workshop presenter who has dedicated his life to the task of exploring consciousness and supporting people worldwide in this exploration. He founded The Celebrate Life Festival and The Academy of Inner Science. He resides in Germany. He is the author of The Power of We: Awakening in the Relational Field (CD) (Sounds True 2014)Interview Date: 4/1/2012  Tags: Thomas Hübl, Thomas Huebl, transparent communication, competent perception, silence, movement, symptoms of separation, spiritual competency, spiritual intelligence, inner science, education, competency of stillness, competency of movement, intuition, collective patterns of consciousness, consciousn

  • Connecting With Natural Time - Lama Surya Das - ND3407


    Is time speeding up? It seems so as we fill our lives with so many “labor saving” devices. The 21st century mantra could very well be: There isn’t enough time. Here we explore how we can free ourselves from the tyranny of time, as we step out of the fast lane on to the off ramp, in order to enjoy a saner and more balanced relationship with time. Lama Surya Das, a renowned Western Buddhist meditation teacher and scholar, teaches and lectures around the world, conducting dozens of meditation retreats and workshops each year. He is the founder and spiritual director of the Dzogchen Foundation and founder of the Western Buddhist Teachers Network. He is the author of many books, including Awakening the Buddha Within (Broadway 1997), Buddha Is as Buddha Does (HarperOne 2008) and Buddha Standard Time: Awakening To the Infinite Possibilities of Now (HarperOne 2011)Interview Date: 6/20/2011Tags: Lama Surya Das, time, Dzogchen, nowness, stress busters, artificial time, natural time, linear time, awareness, letting go,

  • Empathy-Bridging the Divide of Polarizing Conversations - Edwin Rutsch - ND3670


    For over a decade, Edwin Rutsch has hitchhiked, bicycled, traveled and worked his way around our precious planet. He interacted with a wide variety of cultures and peoples from all walks of life and learned to see and feel a common humanity shared by people around the world. During his explorations he came to see the importance of empathy in human connections.He is a computer expert, a filmmaker, and the founding director of The Center for Building a Culture of Empathy. This center serves as one of the leading organizations of the global empathy movement and focuses on bridging social and political divides by designing a free online empathy training course and holding face to face and virtual empathy cafés.Tags: Edwin Rutsch, Helen Riess, empathy, Carl Rogers, eye contact, active listening, empathic listening, curiosity, Empathy Cafes, Empathy Tent, Empathy Circles, empathy boot camp, peace, nonviolence, conflict, collaboration, Barbara Fredrickson, positive emotions, Social Change/Politics, Personal Transfor

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