New Dimensions



New Dimensions is an original and powerful forum for inspired and inspiring voices and views on a wide range of timely and timeless topics. Activism, art, education, science, psychology, philosophy, health, spirituality, global transformation, cross-cultural traditions, the interconnectedness of all life All these and more are featured in this award-winning one-hour interview program that has been broadcast on public radio since 1973. For more information and over a thousand hours of downloadable programs visit


  • Cleaning The Psychic Debris From Our Homes - Sheldon Norberg ND3412


    It is Norberg's experience that energetic patterns are established by the primary inhabitants of a house and that the houses themselves seem to have contracts to maintain these patterns. Part of his work is to renegotiate contracts with our homesas well as to clear out negative energies. He is the author of Healing Houses: My Work as a Psychic House Cleaner (North Mountain Publishing 2010)Tags: Sheldon Norberg, Academy of Intuition, energy patterns, five elemental washes, ghosts, medicine, Feng Shui, negative, psychic energy patterns, Parapsychology, Self Help

  • The Science of Consciousness-Life After Death - Christina Rasmussen - ND3666


    Oftentimes the death of someone we love shifts reality as we’ve known it and brings forth an opening just wide enough for us to begin seeking a deeper truth, a multi-dimensional one, and this inquiry can take us closer to a more expansive understanding of our own timeless consciousness. It is said that the next frontier is that of the exploration of consciousness and that the material world may reflect only small portions of the universe. Christina Rasmussen has a way of putting us in direct contact with that multi-dimensional universe, one in which we can meet with those who have died through what she calls Temple Journeys. She has taught thousands to have an experience these journeys and says these are not guided meditations or visualizations, “[The Temple Journeys] are a framework that allows the invisible world to be seen so we can trust enough to allow our brain to let go of this reality and for consciousness to grab us and show the expansive nature of our existence.” You’ll find this deep dialogue both

  • Making Wise Decisions for Better Health - Elson Haas, M.D. - ND3650


    The medical choices we have regarding our health are multitudinous. Three main choices are Western, Eastern, Natural medicine. So how do we wade through the variety of options and how might they work together? Elson Haas, MD is dedicated to empowering each of us with the knowledge and resources we need to make the best choices for our health.Elson Haas, M.D. is an integrative medicine practitioner with more than four decades of experience. He’s the Founder and Director of Haas Health Online and the Preventative Medical Center of Marin (PMCM). He is the author of: Staying Healthy with the Seasons (Celestial Arts 2003), Staying Healthy Shopper’s Guide (Celestial Arts, 1999), The False Fat Diet: The Revolutionary 21-Day Program for Losing the Weight You Think Is Fat  (Ballantine, 2000), The Detox Diet, Third Edition: The Definitive Guide for Lifelong Vitality with Recipes, Menus and Detox Plans (Ten Speed Press 2012) and Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine (re

  • Becoming Warriors for The Human Spirit - Margaret J Wheately, Ph.D. - ND3665


    Every living system goes through a life cycle: birth, creativity, flowering, harvesting, and then death. Wheatley points out that we are at the end of a cycle and she warns us, “It’s important that we understand where we are in the pattern of collapse and not to throw up our hands in despair . . .but to understand, now that this is happening, who do I choose to be?” Her 's books include: Leadership and the New Science  (Berrett-Kohler 1998), Perseverance (Berrett-Kohler 2010),Turning To One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope in the Future (Berrett-Kohler 2009), So Far from Home: Lost and Found In Our Brave New World (Barrett-Kohler 2012) and Who Do We Choose To Be: Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity (Berrett-Kohler 2017)Tags: Margaret J. Wheatley, Meg Wheatley, Sir John Glubb, materialism, consumerism, General Gordon R. Sullivan, After action review, compassion, Joanna Macy, Shambhala warriors, activistm, Theodore Roosevelt, Order of the Sacred Earth, Chogyam Trungpa, John D

  • Why Buddhist Practice? Why Psychotherapy? - Pilar Jennings - ND3403


    Jennings is both a Buddhist practitioner and a psychologist. Here she talks about when it’s appropriate to bring our psychological struggles to our Buddhist teacher and when it is appropriate to bring them to a therapist, and the general differences between them. She also reveals the importance of the Buddhist concept of “friendly curiosity.” Her books include Mixing Minds: The Power of Relationship in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism (Wisdom Publications 2011) and To Heal a Wounded Heart: The Transformative Power of Buddhism and Psychotherapy in Action (Shambhala 2017)Tags: Pilar Jennings, psychotherapy, Tibetan Sakya practice, enlightenment, friendly curiosity, 9/11 New York, Muir woods, nature, mother, Kisa Gotami, Buddhism, Community, Meditation, Personal Transformation, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion

  • A New Scientific Paradigm Where Consciousness is Fundamental and Matter is Derived From it - Mark Gober - ND3664


    Here Gober talks about how materialism is giving way to a new scientific paradigm where matter is derived from consciousness. He has compiled extensive research and gives numerous examples from many reputable physicists that turn the reigning scientific paradigm upside down and he indicates what this implies for our everyday lives. Mark Gober is a senior member of the Sherpa Technology Group in Silicon Valley, California, a firm that advises technology companies on mergers and acquisitions and business strategy. He previously worked as an investment banker analyst in New York. Mark graduated Magna Cum Laude from Princeton University and has collected and surveyed a large body of research of various scientific papers and books about consciousness, biological processes, psychic phenomena, near-death experiences, and quantum physics. He is the author of: An End to Upside Down Thinking: Dispelling the Myth That the Brain Produces Consciousness, and the Implications for Everyday Life (Waterside Press 2018)Tags: Ma

  • Restoring Meaning and Dignity to End-Of-Life Care - Katy Butler - ND3668


    We have the ability to live longer but ultimately death is a reality and advanced medicine is not well set up to prepare us for a peaceful death. Here is specific advice, with resources for the patient and caregivers, about dying with dignity. Butler advises us to not wait for a health crisis to consider our wishes about dying and to have conversations with friends and loved ones in advance.She is the author of Knocking on Heaven’s Door (Scribner 2014) and The Art of Dying Well: A Practical Guide to a Good End of Life (Scribner 2019)Tags: Katy Butler, dementia, conveyor belt medicine, Western medicine, pacemaker, resilience, advance directive, medical directive, active living, active dying, Dementia Directive, pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, palliative chemotherapy, hospice,,, DNR, do not resuscitate, dying in the ER, death certificates, Death & Dying, Health & Healing, spirituality

  • Rewiring Our Brains For Effectiveness and Well-being - Linda Graham, MFT - ND3663


    In this program Graham shows us that it is possible to train our brains, our bodies, and our hearts to access our intuitive wisdom which helps us get through the tough times and become more conscious in the process. This training is supported by research scientists who have found that combining mindfulness and neuroscience, including neuroplasticity, can lead us to more resilience and well-being. She describes the five intelligences of the body and mind.Linda Graham is the author of Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being (New World Library 2013) and Resilience: Powerful Practices for Bouncing Back from Disappointment, Difficulty, and Even Disaster (New World Library 2018)Tags: Linda Graham, resilience, resilient, response flexibility, neuroplasticity, prefrontal cortex, brain science, somatic intelligence, shame, Natalie Rogers, mindfulness, mindful self-compassion, compassion, Barbara Frederickson, negative emotions, imagination, trust, safety, oxytocin, Shelly E. Taylor, Di

  • Finding Happiness, Purpose and Joy - Dan Millman - ND3404


    What are the four purposes of life and what are the twelve required core courses in life’s school? These questions are highlighted in this edition of New Dimensions with Dan Millman. He is the author of many books including  Way of the Peaceful Warrior (H.J. Kramer 1994) (adapted into a major film starring Nick Nolte and Amy Smart) and The Four Purposes of Life: Finding Meaning and Direction in a Changing World (New World Library 2011)Tags: Arising moment, Career calling, Dan Millman, Four Purposes, gymnastics, life path, Personal Growth, Philosophy/Psychology, Self-Help, Work/Livelihood

  • Mysterious Sightings In The Sky - Jacques Vallee, Ph.D. - ND3384


    Dr. Vallee does not come to conclusions about UFOs or what they may be. However, what his research shows is that reports of such phenomena have been occurring since antiquity. Jacques Vallee, Ph.D. is one of today's most widely respected researchers of unexplained aerial phenomena. He earned a Masters Degree in Astrophysics while living in France and holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern University. His life experience was the model portrayed by François Truffaut in the Steven Spielberg award winning film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. He is the author of numerous books, including Passport to Magonia, his seminal work, and Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times (co-author with Chris Aubeck) (Tarcher/Penguin 2010)

  • Precognition is Real - Julia Mossbridge, Ph.D. - ND3658


    Cognitive neuroscientist Julia Mossbridge, Ph.D. has been researching and documenting evidence that precognition is possible. She has also set up an extensive website that provides practical tools and techniques you can use to develop your own powers of precognition. Dr. Mossbridge is the author of: Unfolding: The Perpetual Science of Your Soul's Work (New World Library 2002), The Calling: A 12-Week Science-Based Program to Discover, Energize, and Engage Your Soul’s Work (Reveal Press 2019), The Garden: An Inside Experiment (CreateSpace 2017), The Premonition Code: The Science of Precognition, How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life (coauthor Theresa Cheung) (Watkins 2018)Tags: Julia Mossbridge, precognition, premonition, artificial intelligence, AI, Dean Radin, informational time travel, time, Ludwig Boltzmann, Ruth Kastner, Parapsychology, Paranormal, Intuition, Psychic, Science

  • A Wild And Crazy Time - Don Lattin - ND3361


    As the 1950s came to a close, a new era of social, spiritual, sexual, political and psychological revolution was beginning. Here, in this provocative dialogue, you will meet some of the wild characters, who made the 1960s the most memorable decade of the 20th century. Lattin says, "[The] big question at the time was: are these experiences people are having the same as a mystical experience or religious experience? People would report the same kind of things, like a sense of wonder, awe, transcendence, and empathy. . . The important question is what do you do with the experience, and how does it affect the way you live your life? Are you living your life with more awareness and compassion after the experience?" This engrossing program tells the story of how it all began. You will be entertained and perhaps even shocked. Don Lattin is a journalist covering alternative and mainstream religious movements. His work has appeared in dozens of U.S. magazine and newspapers. He's been a commentator on many T.V. news pr

  • Becoming a Mystic Outside the Monastery-ND3199-Myss


    For decades spiritual and self help literature has encouraged people to go within to heal old wounds, nourish egos and coddle one's inner child. Myss says, "I think we’ve developed an idea that approaching God could be done any way we want and that it doesn't require prayer, reflection, or contemplation. We've substituted therapy for devotion." She points out that the intellect is not a spiritual practice. In order to live a life of meaning we must go beyond a life of acquisitions and move into a life of devotion. Her own path has taken her deeply into the world of Saint Teresa of Avila, the 16th Century Spanish Carmelite nun and mystic Saint whose profound writings continue to have an impact on any serious seeker. Myss exhorts and inspires us to participate in the search for this ultimate spiritual reality as expressed by Teresa of Avila.  Caroline Myss’ books include Invisible Acts of Power: Channeling Grace in Your Everyday Life (Free Press 2004), Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential (Har

  • Poetry-The Unfolding Of What Is Hidden - Jane Hirshfield - ND3410


    Jane Hirshfield points out that many people turn to poetry at great life transitions. She says, “You know when people fall in love, or when they lose love, or lose someone they loved, that is when they want a poem. When they get married, they want a poem. These great transitions are larger than the normal, ordinary consciousness. And what poems do is give us a vocabulary for understanding things, which isn’t available through any other use of language.” Her poetry alludes to far ranging subjects such as time, nature, and even science. Here she reads some of her poems, and talks of the inspiration from which they come, and why they speak to us and move us beyond our rational minds and our busy intellect through their metaphors and images. She shares with us why poetry, and other art forms like music, speak so deeply to the heart and soul. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms) Her poetry books include The October Palace: Poems (HarperCollins 1994), The Lives of the Heart: Poems (HarperCollins 1997), Women in Praise o

  • What Really Matters - Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D - ND3392


    Masters illustrates what he means by spiritual bypassing and the addiction to being positive. He describes how our resistance to pain makes the pain worse and suggests we soften around the pain, which can begin to remove the drama around our suffering. He clarifies how we can develop the skill to create some room around pain. His books include: Divine Dynamite: Entering Awakening's Heartland (Tehmenos Press 2006), Transformation Through Intimacy: The Journey Toward Mature Monogamy (Tehmenos Press 2007), Meeting the Dragon: Ending Our Suffering by Entering Our Pain (Tehmenos Press 2008), Spiritual Bypassing: When Spirituality Disconnects Us From What Really Matters (North Atlantic Books 2010)Tags: Robert Masters, Spiritual bypassing, Spiritual by-passing, True spirituality, Authentic spirituality, Metaphysical, valium, Anger, Blind compassion, Fierce compassion, Shadow work, Boundaries, Psychotherapy, Magical thinking, Spirituality, Health & Healing, Intuition/Psychic, Meditation, Personal Transformation

  • Adulthood II - A Whole New Stage In The Life Cycle - Mary Catherine Bateson - ND3382


    People are living longer but this new longevity is not equivalent to an extension of old age or years added on at the end of life. Bateson describes a whole new stage of aging: Adulthood II. It is a time endowed with wisdom, health, and energy. It is a time to become the needed visionaries society is calling for.  She is the author of many books and papers, including Composing a Life (Grove Press 2001), With a Daughter’s Eye: A Memoir of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson (Harper Perennial 1994), Willing to Learn: Passages of Personal Discovery (Steerforth 2010). Composing a Further Life: The Age of Active Wisdom (Knopf 2010)Tags: Mary Catherine Bateson, Aging, Adulthood II, ageism, friendship, post-reproductive women, intergenerational relationships, longevity, Social Change/Politics, Community, Family/Community, Philosophy

  • A Crisis of Truth and Meaning, Recovering Soul in Times of Change - Michael Meade - ND3652


    Thisdeep dialogue is rich with metaphors, bringing a sharp focus to imaginative healing possibilities for these threshold times. Meade regales us with many myths that illustrate how we can heal the multiple cracks in the world by finding our own gifts, our own ways to work meaningfully in the world, and how we can pour our gold into the cracks of the world. He distributes regular podcasts and his many books include The Genius Myth (GreenfirePress 2016), Why the World Doesn’t End: Tales of Renewal in Times of Loss (GreenfirePress 2012), Fate and Destiny: The Two Agreements of the Soul (GreenFire Press 2012), Awakening the Soul: A Deep Response to a Troubled World (GreenFire Press 2018)Tags: Michael Meade, soul, Hamlet, truth, backlash, dharma, war in Vietnam, fasting, Gandhi, Satyagraha, solitary confinement, eldering, the Goddess Clotho, River of Forgetfulness, Aletheia, initiation, rites of passage Mythology, Social Change, Politics, Indigenous Wisdom, Philosophy, Community

  • Creating Effective Flow and Collaboration in Your Life - Cathy & Gary Hawk - ND3660


    In this dialogue we explore the perils and pitfalls of partnering as well as how to improve our skills to help our partnerships thrive. Cathy and Gary Hawk propose that we are the directors of our own play and as directors we can choose where to point our attention and focus in order to be effective and get the results we are looking for in our life. They are the co-authors of Creating the Rest of Your Life: An Atlas for Manifesting Success and Excellence in Life and Work (Brilliance Press 2007), Get Clarity, The Lights-On Guide to Manifesting Success in Life and Work (Get Clarity Press 2011) and Get Clarity for Powerful Partnering: From Power Struggles to Co-Creative Adventures (co-author Theresa Byrne) (Amazon Digital Services 2018)Tags: Cathy Hawk, Gary Hawk, Cathy and Gary Hawk, collaboration, partnership, feedback, communication, above the line, positive thoughts, negative thoughts, vision maps, vision boards, intention, chaord, chaordic, chaotic, chaos, confusion, resistance, choice point, trust, curios

  • Wisdom For a Global Tribe - Alan Briskin - ND3342


    What are the practices that allow for wisdom to arise? Alan Briskin believes wisdom can emerge when individuals come together for a common purpose, even - or especially - when those individuals bring divergent viewpoints to the table. His powerful message offers a blueprint for how we can create working relationships that optimize our ability to act wisely and effectively. His books include The Stirring of Soul in the Workplace (Berrett-Koehler 1998), The Power of Collective Wisdom and the Trap of Collective Folly (co-authors, Sheryl Erickson, Tom Callanan, and John Ott)(Berrett-Koehler 2009), Daily Miracles: Stories and Practices of Humanity and Excellence in Health Care (co-author Jan Boller) (Sigma Theta Tau International; 1st edition 2006)Tags: Alan Briskin, soul, work, right livelihood, job, corporation, organizations, prisons, shadow, Hercules, punishment, conformity, collective, individual, business communities, Business, Personal Transformation, Self Help, Social Change/Politics, Spirituality

  • Reclaiming Our Time and Moving Away from Busy Behavior - Yvonne Tally - ND3659


    Moving away from busy behavior takes more than trying to just make a quick change. Tally explains why quick fixes aren’t sustainable. In order to truly reclaim our days from the hectic pace of busyness we need to find the value behind what we want to change. She shares some concrete processes to help us reclaim our overscheduled lives. Yvonne Tally leads meditation and de-stressing programs for corporations, individuals, and private groups in Silicon Valley. She is an NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) master practitioner. She also co-founded Poised Inc., a Pilates and wellness training studio and is the founder of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Scarves, a charity that provides headscarves to cancer patients. She is the author of Breaking Up with Busy: Real-Life Solutions for Overscheduled Women (New World Library 2018)Tags: Yvonne Tally, multitasking, busyness, anxiety, stress, cortisol, time, overscheduled, decluttering, clutter, values, friendship, pausing, NLP, Neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness,

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