College Debt To Career Cash: Go Beyond The Resume And Sell Yourself In The Interview, Negotiate Salary And Pay Off Loans Earl



Going from college debt to career cash!


  • They were shocked at the extra things I did in the final pharmaceutical sales interview! - Melissa Part 2

    23/06/2022 Duration: 25min

    Check out Melissa DeVries on LinkedIn  Are you ready for a great medical or pharmaceutical sales job? Start learning how to get interviews for FREE by going to my website: Check out my 7 Steps to Get Hired in Medical Sales coaching opportunity! Please reach out on LinkedIn to start a conversation about your situation.   

  • After 12 years as interior designer, she makes a career change into pharmaceutical sales! - Melissa part 1.

    14/06/2022 Duration: 23min

    Melissa DeVries shares how she laned a "primo" pharmaceutical sales position with no medical background. For FREE coaching tips go to: Learn her tips for becoming the top candidate in the interview process. How can you share or frame your past accomplishments for your next interview? What are the "little things" you can do to stand out?

  • How can you learn from rejection and failure? She did it and went from being stuck in inside sales to her dream job as a biotech rep! - Stephanie Part 2

    23/05/2022 Duration: 23min

    Stehanie Tudino lands her dream job in biotech sales! She joined my coaching program, "7 Steps to Get Hired in Medical Sales" Get started free at Please reach out to me if you would like to have a free coaching call.

  • I more than doubled my income! Your coaching paid off! I can't believe my life! - Stephanie Pt 1

    10/05/2022 Duration: 16min

    For some FREE coaching on how you can get hired in a high paying medical or pharmaceutical sales job go to my website: Stephanie and I worked together, and she landed a dream job more than doubling her income! Through my coaching she had a strategy and a plan, and then I was able motivate and encourage her along! For most of us, that is what we need to be successful. I have that in my boss and our weekly virtual team meetings.  In my, Seven Steps to Get Hied in Medical Sales, you will have an online program and weekly zoom calls.  Please DM me on LinkedIn or email me at

  • The first thirty seconds of the interview are the most important part! Learn the two steps to nail it! Lauren Part2

    18/04/2022 Duration: 22min

    Learn to use LinkedIn to meet people in medical and pharmaceutical sales. I suggest playing the numbers game meaning you need to plan on reaching out lots of people. My strategy is very similar to a sales approach. About 2-3 out of every 10 people you reach out will respond. Try to get those folks on the phone and build a friendship. The goal is to keep in touch with them in hopes they learn of opportunities and will share them with you.  The best case is your friendship leads to mutual trust and respect and they become your advocate and then will introduce you to the hiring manager.  Now let's be persistent, as in sales you will get a fair bit of rejection, but you only need one "yes"!

  • How does college grad with no sales experience break into medical sales? Coaching! Get the LinkedIn strategy that will lead to interviews. - Lauren part 1

    07/04/2022 Duration: 22min

    Lauren applied my LinkedIn training and went from no connections to over 1600 in medical sales.  Learn how to make custom connection requests and get tremendous results. Get your new connections on the phone to build relationships and find interviews. Practice your elevator speech so you will nail it when it counts!

  • New pharmaceutical sales rep shares how he was prepared when the opportunity came his way! - Jared part 2

    24/03/2022 Duration: 26min

    7 Steps to Get Hired in Medical sales coaching

  • Even experienced B2B sales rep has challenges getting hired! What past accomplishments will help you break into medical or pharmaceutical sales? - Jared Part one

    12/03/2022 Duration: 25min

    If you want a great job in medical or pharmaceutical sales, then learn how to sell yourself!  Learn more at: From networking to interviewing to following up you are always in the spotlight of how well you sell yourself! I wish it wasn't so but unfortunately just applying and sending out resumes just doesn't work! Ok yes you might get lucky but listening to my guests you see at some point you will have to sell yourself! That is why I have the 7 Steps to Get Hired in Medical Sales training course. Please email me at for more information!  

  • The CEO says you don't need 2-3 years sales experience to get hired! Hear his proven method on how to overcome any obstacle in a sales interview! - Jason Forrest, CEO

    03/03/2022 Duration: 30min

    Manage the conflict by asking good questions Remember "A.W.E.", after you ask good questions be patient and say And What Elese.  As you do this you are showing leadership and managing the conflict. Now that you have the ammunition use it to sell your strengths and abilities as they pertain to the job.  

  • Medical sales recruiter shares tips for your next interview! Even with little or no experience you can learn to break into medical sales. -Heidi

    23/02/2022 Duration: 47min

    For more information on how to get hired in medical sales go: To learn more about the 7 Steps to Get Hied in Medical Sales send an email Biggest tip: practice showing enthusiasm and telling your story in a mock interview situation. Get feedback or coaching and get better.  

  • Your coaching helped me to land my first pharmaceutical sales job! Anyone who is serious should talk to a mentor! Ask about, "7 Steps to Get Hired in Medical Sales"- Miles

    15/02/2022 Duration: 36min

    Start training on the steps to get hired for FREE! Click the first tab at The 7 Steps Coaching plan helped Miles to focus his networking efforts that got him connected with the right people.  The interview training that breaks down the interview process into four stages allowed hm to have a plan to sell himself. Along with learning how to sell himself in the interview it was our practice sessions that boosted his confidence. Try my training for Free! For more information on my training go to: 

  • New rep with J&J says, "They love stories!" How many stories should I have and how can I use them in the interview. Also learn how networking moves you to front of the line!- Luke part 2

    08/02/2022 Duration: 23min

    Absolutely FREE! Try my coaching, 7 Steps to Get Hired in Medical Sales, for FREE! Go to and click the first tab.  If you prefer let's talk and brainstorm the next steps for you! For FREE just email me at: Luke Hockran shares how he got hired at J&J. He said networking was the key to learn the day-to-day life of a rep and that was invaluable knowledge for the interview. They love stories in the interview! Share stories that show your resilience in previous jobs. Share stories that demonstrate you have the required job skills. Share stories that let your personality shine through!  Practice telling your stories either just to sell yourself or in response to questions. Use the STAR or CAR method to nail your answers to questions. Learn how you can get hired with my & Steps to Get Hired in Medical Sales training. Get started for FREE at:  

  • New J&J med device rep shares, "I didn't close and butchered the interview". But eventually he had 3 offers! - Luke part one

    03/02/2022 Duration: 25min

    Luke Hockran shares how he got hired by J&J in medical sales, just one year out of college!  The key was his focus as a young person and his ability to build relationships through LinkedIn. I discuss the famous Jim Rohn quote: "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with". I can help you get hired in medical or pharmaceutical sales through my coaching. Let's talk my email is Make your "top five people" in the medical or pharmaceutical space and you will become like them! He shares the key to get people to have a conversation with you is to genuinely show interest in their career. Next ask for their advice with specific questions but don't make it all about yourself!  Hint: Everyone in medical or pharmaceutical sales has a story and they are eager to talk if you first show genuine interest in them. check out my website for more help to get hired:

  • Just get your foot in the door! Medical sales rep- cardio, trauma, ortho and general surgery. -Steele Lightfoot Part2

    22/01/2022 Duration: 25min

    Steele Lightfoot, experienced medical rep shares his story and offers advice to help you get hired. Get your foot in the door and then you will have a lifetime of opportunities.  The source of interviews will be networking. He says you should talk to 50-100 people for every job you want.  In my 7 Step training we spend two sections on networking.  Apply now spots are limited: (start for free click first tab on the website) 

  • You might have to chase people down! Medical device, surgical disposables and capital equipment. - Part 1 Steele

    15/01/2022 Duration: 34min

    Steele Lightfoot is our guest today and he shares about his 10 plus years in medical sales.  For choosing a career path he says make sure you know yourself and what type of medical specialty would be the best fit.  Just because you see a job posted with a big-name company make sure you really want to do that particular job.  Talk to the reps doing the job and more than that ask to meet with them to understand what they do day-to-day.  I recommend Strength Finder by Gallop or the DISC communication style test, to get to know which type of sales is the best fit for you. For more information, please send me an email or visit my website. Go to my website: download my free training to develop your story!

  • Stryker rep shares how she overcame the "no sales experience" obstacle! -Part 2 Caylee

    08/01/2022 Duration: 32min

    Caylee who was recently hired at Stryker shares about the interview process and how she overcame her obstacles! She had to deal with no sales experience and no medical or science background!  She won them over through showcasing her hard work and resilience during the interview. She also continued to add skills and experiences to become more marketable and attractive!  To help you get hired check out my Seven Steps to Get Hired in Medical Sales training course. Spots are limited so to see if you qualify email Mike at Start for free go to my website and click the first box.

  • The journey to get hired at Stryker!- Part 1 Caylee

    06/01/2022 Duration: 19min

    Caylee McComb shares her journey to get hired at Stryker! If you are interested in joining my get hired coaching program, please email me at Spots are limited so take action now!  Also go to my website: and start the training for free. Click the tab on "transition from any career". Think about your path and consider an internship, inside sales or starting out with a lesser-known company!  My advice is if you can't get hired by a "top tier company"' then it is better to just get your foot in the door and start getting the experience! You can always work your way up, but you have to start! One of the best things about medical and pharmaceutical sales is that once you have any experience then you become very marketable. You will have numerous career opportunities. The best interviewing tip is to show how your past accomplishments and success stories will apply to the new job! Please practice these verbally as much as possible!

  • How do you keep them interested during the interview? - Sarah

    20/12/2021 Duration: 40min

    The interviewers have a scorecard to rank you! Your challenge is to keep them on the scorecard and interested in you during the interview! If they lose interest, you can forget about a good score. Practice out loud the words and phrases you use to answer questions. Practice your elevator speech.  Have a great answer to the question why you?  Have questions for them that relate back to the job and help you to sell yourself. Don't waste time on questions that could be answered with a little research. Your questions should help show your personality. Give them a vision for working with you! 

  • Tips from hiring managers-Mike

    04/12/2021 Duration: 23min

    Listen to results of several interviews and find out was important to the managers! What would you want to know before the interview to be successful?  Great news the most important things are not your work history and your resume, but actually the how you come across in the interview! You can actually improve that skill and be confident going into the interview. For more free help go to my website: 

  • What is your biggest interview obstacle? New pharmaceutical rep shares her tips! - Kristen

    18/11/2021 Duration: 41min

    Kristen was hired and let go a hired again in six months so she has fresh insights on the interviewing process! Think through how to communicate about your work experience and make sure it sets you up for success. It is one thing to see your resume and all your accomplishments but it is another thing to be able to handle objections that arise from it. So practice with another person before the interview and make sure you can sell yourself from the resume.  Most interviews now will be virtual so remember all the interviewer has is your resume. So be prepared to answer the question, "tell us about yourself". Bottom line make sure you can focus on your strengths and keep it simple! 

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