Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show



The Dave Bowman Show returns to podcast. The former Afternoons Live host joins you at least three times a week to give you his opinions, look at the historical angles of the the big stories and even throw in a sea story or two.


  • DDH - Tax Season

    23/01/2024 Duration: 34min

    In 1916, the United States Supreme Court delivered a landmark decision in the Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. case, a ruling that profoundly shaped the legal landscape of federal income taxation in America. This case, brought forth by Frank Brushaber, a shareholder in the Union Pacific Railroad Company, challenged the constitutionality of the recently enacted federal income tax imposed by the 1913 Revenue Act. The significance of the Brushaber case lies not only in its direct impact on tax law but also in its broader implications for federal authority and the scope of the 16th Amendment. Today we talk about constitutional and legal arguments, the historical context surrounding the case, and the enduring influence of the Supreme Court’s decision on the American fiscal system.

  • WTF: Distractions

    21/01/2024 Duration: 01h52s

    It’s one of “those” days again. The Good Friar is still on his deathbed with the consumption, while Rabbi Dave has had almost no time to prep the show because life keeps getting in the way. Who exactly is “The Patriot Front?” And why do so many people believe that it is a 110% phony organization designed to do the opposite of what it claims to be? Even Elon seems to believe that it is completely fake. So given the nature of what the organization claims to be, why do so many believe that it is not telling the truth? Humor used to be cutting edge and designed to make you laugh at being uncomfortable. Now, it seems that anything that is actually funny is, by definition, offensive and requires an attention whore to attention whore by complaining about it. All that and more this week on What The Frock?

  • Hats

    17/01/2024 Duration: 22min

    Yesterday the Kitsap Superior Court held a hearing regarding a petition to remove Donald J. Trump from the ballot fro both the Primary and General elections in the State of Washington. This is, of course, based in the now well understood 14th Amendment Section 3 argument, and apparently, a radio show interview that encouraged the petitioners to file as soon as they could under Washington state law which they did… in Kitsap County. For reasons, I went to the hearing. And I am here today to tell you, we have some issues in this country. One of which is that people – on both sides – have no clue how to behave in a courtroom…

  • DDH - I've Seen the The Bottle and the Damage Done

    17/01/2024 Duration: 34min

    On January 17, 1920, the United States embarked on a bold and unprecedented social experiment with the enactment of Prohibition via the Volstead Act. This act, named after Congressman Andrew Volstead, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who managed the legislation, was designed to enforce the 18th Amendment, effectively outlawing the manufacture, sale, and transportation of intoxicating liquors. Prohibition was not merely a legislative act but a national movement, born out of a growing temperance campaign that had gained considerable momentum in the early 20th century. It marked a significant shift in American social policy, reflecting deep societal divisions and sparking debates around morality, individual rights, and the role of government. The Volstead Act was a cornerstone in this transformative era, heralding a decade that would be marked by drastic changes in the American way of life, law enforcement, and the rise of illicit activities that challenged its very purpose.

  • WTF: A Cultlike Adherence to Political Dogma

    14/01/2024 Duration: 56min

    Gather ’round! I’ve got a tale to spin about our latest episode of “What The Frock?” with our ever-entertaining duo, Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod. This week’s episode, “A Cultlike Adherence to Political Dogma,” is a wild ride, I tell ya – it’s got curses, politics, moon landing conspiracies, and even a dash of personal medical drama! Let’s kick things off with a journey back in time, shall we? Picture this: the Spanish Conquistadors, decked in their armor, landing in the New World. But, get this – our hosts dive into how these conquerors might have been cursed by Native American gods. Spooky, right? The discussion weaves through history and myth, creating this tapestry that’s both eerie and fascinating. I mean, who doesn’t love a good curse story? Then, we snap back to the present with American politics. The big news? Chris Christie, big personality and even bigger opinions, bowing out of the 2024 Presidential race. Dave and Rod chew over this like it’s the last piece of brisket at a barbecue – dissecting the w

  • History Is About the Future

    12/01/2024 Duration: 12min

    I am literally five days into my “college” experience. It’s been… interesting. I always enjoy learning things. I enjoy seeing things from a different perspective. And at least one of my professors seems to agree with that idea. Others seems unsure of how to conduct a class in an online environment. An, of course, the kids in these classes are panicking over stuff that doesn’t matter. But they don’t have the life experience to know that… yet. So what have I learned in a week?

  • DDH - Hamilton!

    09/01/2024 Duration: 34min

    There is perhaps, no single American Founding Father who has as much influence on your life today as does Alexander Hamilton. Born in obscurity, risen to glory, and fallen tragically, Hamilton’s story is one of relentless ambition, immense intellect, and enduring legacy. From the Caribbean isles to the heights of American politics, his life was a whirlwind of controversy, innovation, and drama. Join us as we delve into the life of the man who laid the financial foundations of a new nation, sparred in the fierce arena of early American politics, and left an indelible mark on the fabric of our nation.

  • WTF: Welcome to the 2024 Sh@*show!

    07/01/2024 Duration: 50min

    Welcome to 2024! It’s not off to a great start as the Rabbi has a massive cold and a raw throat. But unlike some people we could name, he did not go to Hawaii… 2024 is shaping up to be a complete and total sh*#tshow, from politics to conflicts to… the NFL? The USPS finally gets around to delivering a letter, while one homeowner has a missing driveway. The question is… why? It’s a rough start to the year, but the boys are back and ready for whatever 2024 can throw at us.

  • FatCon

    05/01/2024 Duration: 19min

    I have a photo of myself that is… well.. let’s just say that it is something that I hate. I should have fed it to the shredder years ago, but I can’t. Why not? Because for as hideous as that photo is, it also tells the truth. As much as I would like to ignore or forget that truth, it was a fact that it was me in that picture. It’s a painful memory but one that I absolutely, for two diametrically opposed reasons, cannot let go. On the one hand, it appalls me. On the other hand, it reminds me of why I cannot ever let that happen again. So this week over in Seattle, a city which boasts that it is among the most healthy cities on the planet, is hosting something called “FatCon.” This is a celebration of the gravitationally challenged as well as having a mission to “improve the lives of fat humans through art, health, public policy, and community outreach. By improving visibility and uplifting the voices of people of size, we don’t seek acceptance, we seek fat liberation.” I have no clue what that means. I’m no

  • Dave's 3rd Law

    03/01/2024 Duration: 15min

    In case you missed it, the embattled President of Harvard, Claudine Gay, resigned over allegation of plagiarism. we are told, by no less an authority than the Associated press, that this was caused by “conservative attacks.” Meanwhile, the Chair of a State GOP has refused to resign after being outed for being involved in a ménage à trois, which, according to reports, was “more about here than about him.” So who is it that is leading the calls for him to resign? That’s right… conservatives. It’s almost like those crazy whack-a-doodle conservatives just go around attacking everybody for anything. More to the point, it’s just a manifestation of Dave’s 3rd law…

  • DDH - Georgia Ratifies

    02/01/2024 Duration: 25min

    Georgia’s decision to ratify the U.S. Constitution was influenced by several factors unique to its circumstances. As a smaller and less populous state, Georgia saw the Constitution as a means to gain equal representation in the Senate, thus balancing the power of larger states. Additionally, security was a significant concern for Georgia, which faced threats from Spanish Florida and various Indigenous nations. The promise of a stronger federal military under the Constitution was appealing as a means of protection. Economic interests also played a role, as Georgia’s economy relied on trade, and a stronger central government promised to manage trade disputes and navigation rights more effectively.

  • The Moral Equivalent of Opening Fire On Ft Sumter

    29/12/2023 Duration: 17min

    Last night as I was dropping Cami off at work, the news broke that the State of Maine had joined Colorado is removing Trump from their ballot. The stated justification for this was, of course, the infamous 14.3. In so may ways, I feel as if I have been somehow transported back to April of 1861. After Abraham Lincoln was kept off the ballot in numerous slave states and won anyway, there was some hope that rational men could reach reasonable accommodations and have avoided the calamity that so many were calling for anyway. It was the most hot-headed and unthinking of all of those men in those days that decided instead to take the course which they took. As the first shells arced through the air towards the fort sitting in Charleston Harbor, nobody knew what the next day, weeks, months or years would hold. No one understood the changes that this action would bring about. No one had the vision to see that the old structure of the republic was being blasted away like the bricks and mortar of the fort. In many w

  • The Colorado Conundrum

    21/12/2023 Duration: 31min

    The great Colorado Conundrum has set talking head tongues to wagging all around the country. Is it Judicial activism? Is it a coup attempt? Is it a well considered judicial ruling, based on procedural due process and precedent? Or… is it all just a matter of interpretation of a few lines of text written a hundred and fifty years ago at a time with the nation was the “most divided its ever been?” In the aftermath of the “most important midterm election ever,” the President found himself locked in a death struggle with his political opponents, who refused to allow the Presidents presumed allies to even take their seats in the debate. Like Sherlock Holmes let us pull at one of the threads hanging off the edges of the 14th Amendment and ask a question: What if the 14th amendment, Section 3 IS about a President. Just not the one the State of Colorado thinks it is about?

  • DDH - A Man Called Jones

    19/12/2023 Duration: 34min

    Born on December 18, 1913, David M. Jones’s journey from a young dreamer to a revered military figure is a tale of bravery, innovation, and unwavering dedication. Today, we delve into the multifaceted life of this remarkable individual, from his early years and pivotal role in the daring Doolittle Raid, through his harrowing experiences in World War II to his post-war service as a test pilot and his invaluable contributions to NASA. Join us as we unfold the chapters of the life of Major General David M. Jones’s, celebrating the legacy of a man who not only witnessed history but helped shape it.

  • WTF: Mr. Potter

    17/12/2023 Duration: 55min

    It’s the end of the world as we know it. The proof that something “Big” is happening is found not only in the actions of the world elites, such as Zuck who is building an underwater submarine lair, but in the films that we are force fed every year at this season that remind of of the glorious socialist revolutions and how capitalism will ultimately fall to the united workers collectives. Meanwhile in Flori-duh, not even statues of the beloved Manatees are safe from crocodile throwing lunatics, and – as it turns out – you’ll want to be careful about watching the news. All that and more on the final episode of What the Frock for 2023…

  • DDH - A Cunning Plan

    12/12/2023 Duration: 34min

    In September 1787, after months of deliberation, the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia presented a new Constitution to the states for ratification. Pennsylvania, hosting the convention, was poised to play a critical role in the unfolding drama. The state was a microcosm of the broader national debate, encapsulating the tension between the desire for a strong central government and the fear of losing individual and state rights. The Federalists in Pennsylvania, led by figures like James Wilson and Gouverneur Morris, were ardent supporters of a strong central government. They believed that the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation necessitated a new constitution to provide stability and unity. Their strategy was marked by a sense of urgency; they moved quickly to call a state convention to ratify the Constitution. This rapid mobilization was partly a tactical move to outpace the Anti-Federalists, who were scrambling to articulate their opposition. The Anti-Federalists in Pennsylvania, though voc

  • WTF - Actual Rizz

    11/12/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Is there a danger of AI taking over podcasting? If it did, would most people even notice? What if AI started interfering in politics? If the dueling “Words of the Year” have anything to say about it, there is an authentic possibility that our rizz may go totally unnoticed. We start with the video making the rounds on the social media webs, where it appears that the Cadets and Midshipman were chanting “F Joe Biden!” at the game. Listen… it should already be obvious, its fake video. But for some reason, there are people who want it to be true and are spreading it as if it were real. Now… what if AI had been used instead of video software? What if it wasn’t so easy to determine it is a fake video? What if AI was getting involved in our politics? Would we be able to tell the difference? All of that and more, this week on What The Frock?!

  • The Big U

    08/12/2023 Duration: 40min

    For the anniversary of the Peal Harbor attack, Dave made an appearance on the Florida Round Table show with Bill Mick to talk about the USS Utah, a Florida Class Battleship, lost in the attack… On the morning of December 7, 1941, lying at berth F-11 on the west side of Ford Island, the USS Utah BB-31, a Florida Class battleship that had been disarmed and was now used as a training ship, awoke to the sound of the attack. In the first moments of the attack, she was somehow mistaken for either an Aircraft Carrier or a fully operational Battleship. In the opening moments of the attack, six torpedoes were fired at her, with two striking the ship. At the end of the day, sixty-four officers and men were entombed on the wreck. Unlike her other sisters in the harbor, Utah was all but forgotten. Her location on the far side of a very secure Naval Base, without access to a memorial built over her relegated her to an afterthought of the attack. Today, her wreck rests quietly on the shore of Ford Island, with a small

  • DDH - It's ALWASY The Right Time To Do The Right Thing

    05/12/2023 Duration: 34min

    Born on December 5, 1782, Martin Van Buren was the first American President who had been born a citizen of the United States. That said, his first language was NOT English! He would go on to start a major political party and was long noted for his spectacular ability to conduct politics, leading to one of his nicknames, “The Little Magician.” Long distrustful of Banks, he found a home in the Jackson Administration and was nominated as Vice President for Jackson’s second term. He would then be handpicked by Jackson to be his replacement. The problem is that much of being President depends on… well… luck and timing. And the one thing that Van Buren did not have was timing. easily elected to succeed Jackson, he was hit with the brunt of the fallout from the Jacksonian policies and his own Administrations issues. In the only occurrence in US History, Van Buren was re-nominated by his party, but without a pick for Vice President. He would not be re-elected, As the national debates unfolded, he waited quietly and

  • WTF - Do You Have a Right To Say That Chickens Are Vegan?

    03/12/2023 Duration: 59min

    The Good Reverend Rod is showing off his acting chops. If you're in the Central valley, you'll want to go and catch him on the stage. The State of Montana didn't understand some fundamental things about the US Constitution, particularly the 1st Amendment. Or the 14th Amendment. Or the concept that you either have free speech, or you don't. In California, the State has decided that public school curriculum is now required to include teaching on "media literary content" in "mathematics, science and history-social science" lessons. It raises questions, the main one being whether or not a person can go on social media and claim that chickens are vegan? Swordfish are murdering sharks. And scientists are baffled by it. In Vietnam, a man managed to do something that nobody can believe. All that and more this week on a Taylor Swift free episode of What the Frock!

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