Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show



The Dave Bowman Show returns to podcast. The former Afternoons Live host joins you at least three times a week to give you his opinions, look at the historical angles of the the big stories and even throw in a sea story or two.


  • DDH - Phillip Dru: President of the United States

    02/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    On the evening of April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson stood before an excited Congress and Gallery, and asked that the nation declare war on Imperial Germany. In a strange way, this was the penultimate Wilson moment. He would ask – already knowing the answer – the nation to follow his leadership into a war to make the world safe for democracy. We are told that he had spent the night before in a small office of the east Wing, pouring out his soul to a friend who also happened to be a newspaper reporter. He was terrified for the nation, that he believed that he war would destroy the United States as a free nation. That the Constitution would be shredded to pieces and the very freedoms on which it had been founded and stood would be erased. Standing before Congress, and the nation, he showed no signs of such concerns or fears. To thunderous applause and joyous acclaim, he would tell the Congress that “We are the champions of the rights of mankind.” The nation would rally behind his words and go “over there

  • WTF - International (Something) Awareness Day

    31/03/2024 Duration: 01h57s

    This week on “What The Frock,” Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod dive into a vibrant discussion, touching upon a myriad of topics that span religion, politics, and culture, with a special focus on Easter Sunday, which coincidentally aligns with Ramadan and the Transgender Day of Visibility. They kick off by acknowledging the simultaneous occurrence of significant religious observances for Christians, Muslims, and Jews, setting a tone of interfaith dialogue. The conversation swiftly moves into more contentious waters, addressing the actions and religious identity of the current U.S. President, Joe Biden, with particular scrutiny on his Catholic faith and political decisions, suggesting a disconnect between public persona and personal beliefs. This segues into a broader debate on identity, practice, and perception in religious adherence, drawing parallels to the concept of ‘Jack Mormons’ and the implications of publicly declared faith versus actual practice. Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod also touch upon the declaration of

  • DDH - "Or Aid Or Comfort To The Enemies Thereof..."

    26/03/2024 Duration: 35min

    What if… we had a President who disagreed with Congress on everything? And when I say, “everything,” I mean… “everything?” What if the Congress passed a law that was so important to the national development of our society that it was deemed in many places, and a “new birth of freedom,” and the President, vetoed it? What would the reaction be? If this were to happen, how would it change the course of the nation? What would be the result of a direct conflict between the power and authority of the executive and the power of Congress to make law? And… if this were to ever happen, what could Congress do to make sure that the President couldn’t even try to do it again? This week on Dave Does History on Bill Mick Live, we’re going to take a look into one of the most controversial acts of the Reconstruction era: President Andrew Johnson’s veto of the 1866 Civil Rights Act. In the aftermath of the Civil War, the United States found itself at a crossroads, grappling with the challenges of reintegrating the Southern

  • WTF - The Trojan War

    24/03/2024 Duration: 01h50s

    The weeks episode kicks off with the dynamic duo of Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod, who immediately dive into a light-hearted banter about not being Irish, a humorous nod to a previous episode’s feedback. However, the levity soon shifts as they segue into discussing contemporary events, such as the war in Ukraine and a peculiar terrorist attack in Moscow, sparking a debate over its authenticity and implications. This discussion cleverly parallels the intricacies and deceptions often found in historical wars, setting the stage for their main topic. The core of the episode explores the Trojan War, not just as the mythologized battle over Helen of Troy but as a significant event influenced by economic and political factors. Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod unpack the war’s underlying causes, including the struggle for resources and the power of propaganda, drawing parallels to modern conflicts. Their conversation illuminates how historical narratives are shaped by more than just the dramatic episodes we often remember, such

  • DDH - Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

    19/03/2024 Duration: 35min

    Many people say that they “hate” Daylight Savings Time. Is that actually the case? Or is what they actually hate the twice a year fiddling with digital clocks in their cars? So it was that on March 19, 1918, the United States enacted the Standard Time Act, much of which remains on our law books today. But, was it just a war measure designed to held beat the Huns? Or was it a vast conspiracy by US Farmers to… to… to… well… to do something that would benefit their business at the expense of your sleep? Did it actually help anything in 1974 when the energy crises hit? Did it actually “save” anything? Did it help to win the war? And why exactly do people blame Benjamin Franklin for this? Let’s stop getting our history from Nicholas Cage flicks and see if we can figure out why Daylight Savings Time is still a thing…

  • WTF: Hot Monkey Tree SEX!!!!

    17/03/2024 Duration: 59min

    In an engaging episode of “What the Frock,” Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod dive into a mix of personal anecdotes, cultural observations, and light-hearted banter, reflecting on the quirks of daily life and broader societal trends. From the onset, Rabbi Dave greets the audience with a cheerful “Good morning, America,” setting the tone for a show that intertwines humor with moments of genuine reflection. As spring arrives, both hosts grapple with the annual nuisance of pollen, sharing their personal battles with allergies. Rabbi Dave humorously describes the trees in his yard engaging in “tree sex” as soon as the sun shines, leading to his own discomfort. The conversation seamlessly shifts from personal afflictions to broader topics, such as the peculiarities of local weather, the challenges of adapting to different climates, and the unexpected joys and sorrows that come with seasonal changes. The discussion takes a playful turn as Friar Rod introduces the concept of the “Pirate Bible,” sparking a debate on the nua

  • DDH - The Eugenics Wars

    12/03/2024 Duration: 36min

    One of the least discussed and acknowledged periods in US History got its start on March 11, 1880, with the birth of the man, Harry L. Laughlin, who would be among the driving figures in the eugenics movement in the United States. The ideas for which he would advocate included sterilization and would not actually end until well into the 1970s. It all sounds good on the surface – to improve humans through genetics. Today we tend to think of these ideas as the stuff of Nazi history and dystopian science fiction. The hard realization though is that these ideas – that we can eliminate undesirable genetic traits from the gene pool, like many ideas, was a European invention that was snagged onto and improved upon by American idealists. And if you thought that it would be stopped by high minded ideals found in the Constitution, you will be surprised to learn that the Supreme court not only supported and upheld these ideas, but once quipped that “three generations of imbeciles is enough…“

  • WTF: State of the Union?

    10/03/2024 Duration: 57min

    The good news is that Apple Podcasts has started creating great transcripts of the show. The bad news, nobody can figure out how to use them. Meanwhile, Rabbi Dave is getting… well… anxious abut the upcoming replacement knee replacement. He has a odd heart beat that has caused problems in the past, and still has to clear that hurdle to get on to Knee Surgery VII. The President’s state of the Union has left a lot of people rather confused. Including the New York Times, while Robert Di Niro and Bill Maher – who is NOT a conservative no matter what he says – think that a Trump Presidency would mean that they will be disappeared. Classic films are now becoming reality; a Korean Pop star is in deep trouble and Dave got distracted by an article about how to suck up to your boss without seemingly like you are sucking up to your boss… Friar Rod saw Dune 2 – in the Imax – while Dave has not. That doesn’t stop them from discussing the film and wandering through the desert to get to other films that should not have be

  • Context Is Key

    08/03/2024 Duration: 16min

    On Monday, the Supreme Court released its much anticipated but anti-climatic per curiam ruling in Trump v Anderson, the Colorado attempt to remove him from the 2024 Primary ballot. While there was nothing truly surprising in the ruling – that it is Congress that decides to enforce 14.3 – there was a bit of blowback from the fact that Justice Barrett appeared at first glance, to join the dissent in part. We had a caller to the show on Tuesday who referred to what she said as “the most naive thing” he had ever heard. One of the the things that I most dislike about the immediacy of Talk Radio is that there are too many occasions when there isn’t time to fully digest a story after it breaks, and even less time to form anything but a surface level opinion about it. Often we lose out on the opportunity for deeper consideration of an idea or what someone has said. Certainly that is the case with Justice Barrett’s comment. While I fully agree that it was unnecessary, that does not equate to being “naive.” Moreover

  • WTF: Genuinely Unhappy

    03/03/2024 Duration: 55min

    More and more, people are NOT happy. The reasons for this are as varied as there are international conglomerates willing to fund scientific studies that prove whatever their particular scientific viewpoint may be. But it also turns out that for all of these things that are making us unhappy, there are also things that could provide solutions to all this unhappiness. Among these things could be less choices, less money, less day dreaming, less work, more sibling interactions and moving to a lower altitude. Oh… and an OnlyFans account… Meanwhile there is a lot of good coffee out there that isn’t found at the Home of the Sirens. But for all of that, a young lady in Rickmansworth suddenly realized why we are so unhappy and what (and who) can actually do something about it. All that and more this week on an unhappy episode of What The Frock!

  • DDH - Terms of Power

    27/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    On February 27, 1951, the United States ratified the 22nd Amendment, a pivotal moment in American constitutional history that imposed term limits on the presidency. This landmark amendment was the culmination of decades of debate over the concentration of power in the executive branch and reflected the nation’s evolving attitudes toward leadership and democracy.

  • WTF: The Bible Pirates

    25/02/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Ahoy, listeners! This week on “What The Frock,” we’re setting sail on a voyage through the bizarre and unexpected with our latest episode, “The Bible Pirates.” Prepare yourself for an exploration of oddities and revelations that’ll have you questioning the very fabric of reality (or at least, the sanity of its weavers). In a curious melding of faith and piracy, we delve into the mysterious case of the “Pirate Bible,” a unique edition rumored to be circulated by none other than the LDS Church. How did this swashbuckling version of the holy scriptures come to be, and what secrets does it hold? We uncover the tales of its origins, the symbolism behind its passages, and the reactions it has sparked among the faithful and the curious alike. Navigating the treacherous waters of healthcare can be as daunting as facing the kraken itself. Fear not, for Dave is here with his quintessential guide to dealing with medical stuff. From deciphering doctor speak to hacking the health insurance maze, Dave’s insights are the

  • DDH - Finegan's War

    20/02/2024 Duration: 35min

    Welcome to “Dave Does History,” on Bill Mick Live, this week we have a journey through the annals of history to the heart of the American Civil War, focusing on one of its lesser-known yet pivotal figures, General Joseph Finegan, and the defining moment of his military career: the Battle of Olustee. We will delve into the life of General Finegan, from his early days to his strategic triumph in Florida’s largest battle, exploring the intricacies of his leadership, the fierce combat of Olustee, and the lasting legacy of this historical episode. Join us as we uncover the stories of bravery, strategy, and survival that marked this critical point in American history, shedding light on the man behind the valor and the battle that shaped the fate of Florida during the Civil War.

  • WTF: How 'Bout Them Donuts?

    18/02/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    Both the Good Friar and the Rabbi are religious people, but while sarcastic goliards, neither of them could really be called “zealots.” So when they take a look at a couple of religious stories from the week, it is with an eye to have a deeper understanding of things. Not just to sing bawdy songs and drink booze. The Superb Owl was… eh… but the commercials, with a singular exception were a complete bomb. That one exception though, has had Dave giggling all week. Would you buy a $400 pair of tennis shoes? What if they were being sold by a politician? And last week we were told that the strategic situation was completely unhinged since Russia was about to launch something – nobody knows what – into space. Is this a James Bond flick? And we now know what is going on with Dave’s knee. It’s even worse than we had thought… How ’bout them donuts?

  • DDH - Abe Lincoln

    13/02/2024 Duration: 35min

    Yesterday was the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. Today on Bill Mick Live, Dave takes a very brief overview look at the life and legacy of one of the great Presidents of the United States. from his days in the Illinois Legislature to the US Congress, to the stump debating Stephen A. Douglas. His election as the first republican Party candidate for President would lead to the split of the nation and the devastation of the American Civil War. His assassination would insure that much of the anger that divided the country would continue, even to today.

  • WTF: The Cloud Minders

    11/02/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    In the middle of a mid-term exam, Rabbi Dave realizes something about the past. The people who wrote for Star Trek were geniuses. The lessons they were trying to teach us were every bit as important then as they are now. If we can only listen to what they were… and are.. saying, we might find that the ideas they were reiterating have reasoned for more than a century. Which leave the rabbi and the Good Friar wondering what there is today teaching those same lessons? The Special counsel report on Joe Biden’s handling of Classified materials was released this week. There’s nothing in it that surprised anybody. And whether you see it as a ringing damnation of a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory, or as a conniving evil manipulator with the intent to destroy America, really depends less on the report and more on where you personally started the day. In any case, the report will result in no actual action, but leaves us wondering, really… is this the best we can do? Sharks and Rays living a

  • DDH - The Life of Paine

    06/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    Today, we turn back the pages to the era of revolutions and explore the life of a man whose pen ignited the flame of liberty across continents. Thomas Paine, a name synonymous with the struggle for freedom and democratic ideals, was more than just a writer; he was a visionary whose words laid the groundwork for modern democracies. From the humble beginnings in England to the battlefields of the American Revolution, and onto the radical politics of the French Revolution, Paine’s journey is a testament to the power of ideas. So, sit back as we unfold the story of this influential figure, whose legacy continues to inspire the quest for liberty and justice around the world. This is “The Life of Paine.”

  • WTF: Ask Your Doctor

    04/02/2024 Duration: 01h04min

    We are quite sure that virtually nobody in this audience has ever asked the question, “Why do they call it ‘Starbucks?'” But.. it became quite the point of contention this week for the Rabbi and the Rebbetizin. On the other hand, have you ever wondered who exactly it is that is watching TV and then going to their Doctor specifically to ask for the latest drug they saw advertised on TV? You’ve never done that. we’ve never done that…. so who exactly is doing that? The answer might surprise you. Or… it might not if you think about it. If you happen to be a Windows 3.11 expert, there may be a job for you. Is it time for a giant space beach umbrella? The Rabbi bought a new monitor. Why? You might believe his story about needing it for school…

  • The Confucian Course

    03/02/2024 Duration: 17min

    In the recent past, we have seen a couple of more statues removed. First Thomas Jefferson was hauled out of the New York Capitol. Back in 2020, in Charleston (SC), a figure of John C. Calhoun, like Jefferson, a former Vice President of the United States was taken away. Then Jackie Robinson was stolen from a ball park in Kansas – albeit probably not for the same reasons. Now, the reason that we are given for this is, of course, that they were white, patriarchal, cisgendered, slave owning racists. Which, was true. Although in fairness they would have no idea what “cisgendered” means or that anything else existed. In the bigger picture, why would any statue be removed? If you consider it clearly, the answer cannot be that it is because they were white, patriarchal, cisgendered, slave owning racists. Why not? Because is not… logical. So what are we left with? In Communist West Taiwan, Imperious Leader Xi has pushed for an educational program that venerates the traditions of Chinese history and culture. His re

  • WTF: A Failure of Mating Strategies

    28/01/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Ah, “What the Frock?” – always diving into the deep end of society’s pool, aren’t we? This time around, we’re stirring the pot with an episode that’s sure to get the tongues wagging and maybe a few brows furrowing. The title? “A Failure of Mating Strategies?” Now, that’s a headline that’s both a question and an exclamation, a real hook. We kick off with a juicy theory that’s been simmering in the social pot: the idea that our mating strategies, or rather the apparent failure of them, are at the heart of the division ripping through modern society. It’s a bold claim, one that our experts dissect with the precision of a surgeon. We’re talking about the evolution of dating, the swipe-left culture, and how the digital age has transformed our quest for companionship. It’s an analysis that’s as enlightening as it is controversial. Then, we pivot to a listener email that takes us down a different road, one that’s equally bumpy. The topic? Illegal immigration. This isn’t just any email; it’s a heartfelt narrative t

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