Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons





  • 414: Screw Resolutions. Create your 2020 F*ck It List Instead – Rick Clemons

    01/01/2020 Duration: 14min

    It’s about to be 2020. Or it might already be 2020 by the time you listen to this podcast. Instead of resolutions, how about creating a F*CK IT List to live by this year. It’s simple, it’s genuine, it’s honest, and it can be real if you put your mind to it. It’s also damn freeing. Your F*CK IT LIST can be your best friend this year, and here’s how to do it and succeed.

  • 413: Holiday Gifts You Should Give Yourself – Rick Clemons

    25/12/2019 Duration: 11min

    It’s Christmas Eve, or right in the middle of Hanukkah, but regardless of where you are or the holiday you celebrate, how about giving yourself some really good, non-materialistic holiday gifts this holiday season. The kind of gifts that truly improve your life and bring you peace. No more feeling the blues about these holiday gifts, because these gifts will make you one holly jolly happy person.

  • 412: Stepping Into the Race and Out Of The Closet – Martina Kwan

    18/12/2019 Duration: 41min

    What do you do when you’ve built two successful companies, received awards for those companies, then move to Southern California, and you just do feel fulfilled? You come out of the closet at age 50, to become a championship Porsche 911 race car driver – and you don’t look back. Martina Kwan, kicked open the closet doors, entering a very male dominated sport, to show that you are never to old nor that being a woman has any reason for you to hold yourself back from pursuing your passion and living life on your terms. About Martina Martina Kwan is a Race Car Driver, Driving Coach, Finance and Accounting Professional, Critical Thinker, and Award Winning Entrepreneur.  She has worked for some of the World’s best companies and successfully founded 2 award-winning companies. She won Emmy and Telly Awards for Production Management and Producing with So! Animation, the first company she founded, and numerous Furniture Design Awards with the second company she founded, Neoteric Luxury Outdoor Col

  • 411: Making it ok to break the rules – Tanis Frame

    11/12/2019 Duration: 35min

    Life is a series of rules. Or is life meant to be about breaking the rules? In reality, it’s a combination of both that require us to play with the rules and see where that takes us. As a Status Quo Disruptor, I’m all about breaking the rules…for good. I found my co-conspirator in breaking rules with Tanis Frame, creative play Ninja, who breaks the rules in order to help people thrive. To often we get caught up in follow the rules, follow the rules, follow the rules, when maybe the better route is to test, break, and re-write the rules. That’s exactly what living a Life (UN)Closeted is all about – rewriting the rules, and that is what Tanis and I explore today – the play of rewriting life’s rules so that we can thrive. About Tanis Tanis Frame is a sought after speaker, long time facilitator, leadership coach and creative play ninja who spearheads the DECIDE TO THRIVE MOVEMENT, helping passionate people create the impact they are called to make in the world while thr

  • 410: Coming out of the awkwardness closet – Vanessa VanEdwards

    04/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    Now that was awkward. Or was it just your own self-imposed closet of feeling awkward? Too often that awkwardness is what keeps us in our closets. No one else will understand. I feel so weird talking about this. Other people will think I’m weird. All of these are just excuses for not realizing, we are all awkward in our own way, and way more alike than different. Vanessa Van Edwards, a recovering awkward person, tells it like it is with candid, value loaded conversation about coming out of our closets, especially the closet of being awkward. Calling upon her expertise as the lead investigator at Science of People and from her bestselling book Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People, she goes raw and uncloseted with insights about how to come out of your own awkward closets, whatever those might be in your life. About Vanessa Vanessa is Lead Investigator at Science of People. She is the bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People. Her book has been translated into 15

  • 409: Coming out of the closet about suicide – Anne Moss Rogers

    27/11/2019 Duration: 40min

    Death is never pretty, easy, or something that we are trained to contend with in our lives. We know it is inevitable, but death by suicide is never anything that we can be fully prepared for, especially with it is a death by suicide by our child. It hurts, it brings up tons of questions, and it incites grief, anger, and blame. Yet at the core of the suicide equation is a mental health issue that needs to be addressed. Anne-Moss is a mother of a son who died by suicide, not commited suicide, and there’s a reason she prefers to use that terminology. In her journey of loss she has come out of the closet of blame, grief, and sorrow, and continues to come out of the closet on so many fronts about how you work with, process, and live through a suicide. Her book Diary of a Broken Mind, shares her journey, insights, and tips for moving through and past the loss of a loved one by suicide. Today she shares her story by coming out of the closet of a mother surviving her child’s death by suicide. https://an

  • 408: How To Escape The Toxicity Closet – Rick Clemons

    20/11/2019 Duration: 13min

    If you watch the news on a daily basis, you might feel like we live in a very toxic world. Or maybe, you find yourself in a relationship that is draining you. And, let’s not forget that you might be in a work environment that daily only brings out the BEAST in you instead of the BEST of you. Regardless of the situation, it’s time to release the toxicity from your life, especially as we enter the holiday season. Today we explore five ways to release toxic people, situations, thoughts and activities from your life so that you can thrive not only through the upcoming holidays, but everyday, by just letting that toxicity go…once and for all. ()

  • 407: Out of the Closet & Back In – Alex Petrarca

    13/11/2019 Duration: 26min

    Love happens. Or maybe we should say, attraction happens, even if it isn’t deep love. For some, that means the come out of the closet, then go back in. I know, I was one of those. For others, they believe they are gay, but based on family and societal pressure, religious beliefs, a distrust of oneself, or just downright confusion, some people give the heterosexual life a shot, only to find that, “Yep, this isn’t for me, and I am truly gay!” Such is the story of today’s guest. Alex Petrarca. She came out, went back in, then came out again. It’s much more common than you think and it is multi-generational, even in today’s more accepting society! This is her coming out story. About Alex Alex Petrarca is a filmmaker, podcast booking agent, and owner of After School Productions LLC. She has a BA in Film Studies from Rhode Island College and uses her video production savvy and compulsion to document everything in order to create episodes of Alex’s Vlog, a weekly Youtube se

  • 406: They Won’t Win: Uncloseting the music within – Danny M. Cohen & Greg Lanier

    06/11/2019 Duration: 36min

    Music lifts us, binds us together, and when it’s really done right, it makes us think, even if that thinking is about dark subjects that no one really wants to talk about. But if we don’t talk about things, those things win. So what happens when you take a stand and say, “They Won’t Win!” You get a talented, gay music duo (no they aren’t a couple) who is tackling some dark parts of life, in the hopes of giving others hope so they can see that they are not alone. Danny M. Cohen and Great Lanier of (“They Won’t Win,”) met through an organic circumstance at a dinner. It all started with noticing a guitar in the room and from there the relationship blossomed into the two becoming music husbands, producing folk-rock songs that take on dark subjects like partner abuse, the LGBTQ struggle, and loss. Their debut album Lost at Sea, is out and making a splash and having immediate impact with people from all walks of life. Touching, ende

  • 405: Uncloseting The Truth of Being A Reluctant Entrepreneur – Stephen Warley

    30/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    You’re moving along in life. Doing the thing that you do. Then suddenly, that life plan is no longer going the direction that you thought it would. Happens to all of us and it’s how we respond, not react that can make all the difference to moving ahead towards the life that you truly desire. Even if that means being a reluctant entrepreneur. Stephen Warley, a reluctant entrepreneur, has seen his own share of ups and downs as he went from being employed to self-employed. As a podcaster, coach, minimalist and vagabond traveler, he’s discovered that living (un)closeted means doing work that matters using the life skills that matter to help him get there. His belief is that self-employment and becoming a reluctant entrepreneur is sneaking up on more of and more us as jobs are automated or outsourced, and that it’s time for everyone to come out of the closet and learn about self-employment and embrace it. About Stephen Stephen has been happily unemployable for 15+ years now. But it hasn’t

  • 404: Losing it all to come out and be Great – Erik Bergman

    23/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    No one with a logical head ever said, “I’m going to make a ton of money, then blow it all, just because I’m not happy to see if that brings me happiness!” Just doesn’t makes sense. Yet to be great, sometimes you have to literally make a ton of money to realize that many the…

  • 403: Stepping out of the status quo closet – Shane Mallory

    16/10/2019 Duration: 37min

    Bullied in school. At 17 left at the crossroads of pursuing a career as a DJ or becoming a police officer, he chose, the badge. Even with the badge, the bullying continued, but he survived for 26 years in the line of duty working his way up the ladder, leading the status quo life, becoming…

  • Coming Out Without Coming Unglued – Part 6: Owning Your LGBTQ Truth

    11/10/2019 Duration: 09min

    Whether you’re exploring your sexuality, considering coming out, or recently out, one of the most often overlooked challenges in owning your truth. Yes, we own it to come out, but the own it I’m talking about is owning it consistently and with commitment. Doing your best to not falter. Standing in your values your way.…

  • Coming Out Without Coming Unglued – Part 5: Dating & Mating Outside The Closet

    11/10/2019 Duration: 10min

    You’ve come out, or maybe you’re only out to a few people in your life. You know the ones you can trust with your truth. Or maybe the ones you can’t trust but you don’t care because you are going to live your life. Cool. Now it’s time to start dating and mating. Maybe you’ve…

  • Coming Out Without Coming Unglued – Part 4: Having The Big Talk

    11/10/2019 Duration: 13min

    You’ve explored how you feel. You know who you are. You’ve worried, had sleepless nights, maybe even considered that it’s not worth it to come out of the closet, but in your heart and soul, you know this is who you are. Now you’re considering having that big talk – with family, a spouse, your kids, friends, co-workers. But the thought of that scares the crap out of you. Here’s some tips to help you as you prepare for the big talk, that will change everything, and make you more of who you are…the person you’ve always been. About Rick Rick’s a culture disruptor (shakes up the status quo), closet buster (shatters silly beliefs), and a bold move expert (like Superman without the muscles and cape). His superpower is guiding closet dwellers – which is every human – to break free of fear, make bold moves, and live life without apology. Everything Rick’s discovered about living life his way, he learned from coming out of the closet at 36, getting laid off from two sweet corporate jobs, and making the crazy decision

  • Coming Out Without Coming Unglued – Part 3: Let’s Talk About Sex

    11/10/2019 Duration: 10min

    It can be scary saying I’m LGBTQ. Why? For many reasons, but one of the biggest is because everyone, including yourself, might just think you’re that way because it is all about SEX. Well, we’re talking about SEX and why it’s not just about SEX, and how to handle those thoughts, and accusations to be a solid, healthy individual as you begin to explore the sex of your sexuality and gender identity. The more you know the better you will be in navigating the interesting twists and turn of discovering you and your desires in your sexuality, and don’t you let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn’t like about sex in your AWESOME self. About Rick Rick’s a culture disruptor (shakes up the status quo), closet buster (shatters silly beliefs), and a bold move expert (like Superman without the muscles and cape). His superpower is guiding closet dwellers – which is every human – to break free of fear, make bold moves, and live life without apology. Everything Rick’s discovered about living life his way, he learne

  • Coming Out Without Coming Unglued – Part 2: Religion, Faith, and God

    11/10/2019 Duration: 07min

    One of the greatest weapons against the LGBTQ community is the weapon of faith and God. Combine that with the threat of going to hell and you have a mind blowing experience that has been used for years in the realms of conversation therapy. For others it’s a conflict, of “Do I love God or…

  • Coming Out Without Coming Unglued – Part 1: Breaking through the lack of acceptance

    11/10/2019 Duration: 07min

    One of the hardest parts of coming out is the fear of being loved, accepted for who you are. Yet, when you step into who you are and accept yourself first, you can find the strength to do what you need to do. During this episode we explore four ways to overcome the fears of…

  • 402: That Conversation Therapy Just Ain’t Working – Justin Utley

    09/10/2019 Duration: 40min

    It is estimated that over 20,000 LGBTQ minors will be subjected to conversion therapy (reparative therapy) treatments in states where protections do not exist to prevent this cruel and ineffective treatment (Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law). For those who have endured these practices, an overwhelming majority of them have faced this treatment due to erratic religious beliefs and practices. Fortunately for the music world and the rest of us, Justin Utley, OUTMusic Award winning singer/songwriter, he survived and is thriving beyond the reparative therapy abuse he received. As we approach National Coming Out Day 2019, I felt it was important to focus on the power of coming out and being yourself, and the negative impact that these practices have on individuals and the world at large. Justin, candidly shares his story and how it has influenced his music and the songs that he has manifested – Survivors and Scars – that shine a bright light on the emotional trauma of conversion/reparative therapy. Ab

  • 401: Uncloseting Your Money Story – Jill Schlesinger

    02/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    Money, money, money, money. We all want it, love it, hate it when we don’t have it and we sure have our own wicked versions of our money story – good or bad. For some it can be a frightening nightmare what money does to their person. For others it is just a fun little…

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